hanexs |

I am running a quick self made adventure for a group at Level 4, and I am looking for some help. Here is the story,
They have been asked by an NPC (Helvec) to climb a mountain and kill a dragon. Helvec has also loaned them an NPC Warrior (Dart) to help them in their quest. They know that Helvec hates dragons and wants them wiped off the face of the earth, but they do not know how mad he really is. This adventure is going to be used to make them question whether to continue following Helvec or resist him and possibly defeat him.
Below is the Dragons dungeon.
Room 1 - There is an interesting pool, what should I put in it?
Room 2 - I think this is a good spot for a trap? how about you?
Room 3 - Treasure and a dead dragon. If the players do not notice the secret door, Dart will. See Dart knows that they were not sent to kill a Dragon, they have been sent to kill the Dragons offspring.
Room 4 - I think the entrance to this room should have another trap....
In this room is where the intrigue starts. Dart will immediately want to kill the hatchling dragons. I expect the cleric of Bahamut or the Dragonborn PC to have a problem with this. This adventure can end two ways, either the PC's allow Dart to kill the hatchlings or they decide that this is an evil plot and resist.
Any ideas how I can make this more interesting? What should I put in room 1 and 2?
The dungeon map is here -> http://sportnet.ca/temp/A3draglair.jpg
Notes on the map, The tile was taken from a battlemap product that I own I make no copyright claims whatsoever on this product. To purchase the tile, go here http://www.yourgamesnow.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&manufactur ers_id=6&products_id=561. I intentionally lowered the resolution because I realize that these people are trying to sell their product..

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Below is the Dragons dungeon.
Room 1 - There is an interesting pool, what should I put in it?
Room 2 - I think this is a good spot for a trap? how about you?
Room 3 - Treasure and a dead dragon. If the players do not notice the secret door, Dart will. See Dart knows that they were not sent to kill a Dragon, they have been sent to kill the Dragons offspring.
Room 4 - I think the entrance to this room should have another trap....
In this room is where the intrigue starts. Dart will immediately want to kill the hatchling dragons. I expect the cleric of Bahamut or the Dragonborn PC to have a problem with this. This adventure can end two ways, either the PC's allow Dart to kill the hatchlings or they decide that this is an evil plot and resist.
I feel (at least for myself) it would be easier to help you if we knew what kind of dragon they are hunting. Red? White? etc?

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It's a White dragon, I guess that fits the frozen dungeon theme. Thanks for the help so far!
In that case:
Room1) the water is icy cold - near freezing. Out of the water springs Ice Mephits. They can float/hover over the cold pool out of reach of the PCs - using breath weapon and their spell abilities. Anyone attempting to get close or swim to get to them is in for hypothermia taking 1d6 non-lethal dmg each round of exposure.
Room2) trap - pit; PC fall into a pit that is connected to some netting down inside; the netting is woven into the stalagmites all the way up to the ceiling; the weight on the netting causes the ropes in the ceiling to whip across the hanging stalagmites of ice knocking them loose and raining the sharp shards down on top of them. Ref DC 14 for half 3d6 damage. Now they have to climb out - with DC25 climb walls due to the icy nature of the walls.
Room3 Dead dragon is actually a monster zombie.
Room4 Beyond Secret door corridor is actually "ice" to walk on. A pool of frigid water lies below. Trap must be found - which if sprung - half way to the cavern of the eggs, bursts of fire shoot the floor warming it instantly turning the area into steam and vapor, and cracking the ice - PCs fall into icy water below. 1d6 non-lethal damage every round as they succumb to hypothermia - or drown. How will they get out - the icy slippery walls DC 25 to climb won't make it easy....
Try these suggestions - play with them to your preferences, and change them as needed.

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Room 1- A waterborne creature that can be negotiated with...one who had entered into an agreement with the Dragon for a mutual protection pact...maybe a selkie?
Room 2- Trap CR2 make your own. a trap that sucks body heat (similar to brown mold)
Room 3- The Dead Dragon, a Treasure and some carrion eaters...maybe a severe cold version of a Carrion Crawler
Room 4- The 1-2 Hatchlings...and a slide trap...that drops the characters down into the room from a ledge, atop some hardened Sharp Ice Crystals.
as a possible...maybe give you some ideas.

blope |

room1) The pool, when looked into reflects an image of the slain dragon that is interactive with the onlooker. It could give a clue in draconic with proper skill checks.
2) trap sounds good. Is this 4th? I'm not familiar with the new traps yet, but I suggest something that resets on its' own. Otherwise how did someone else get in here to kill the dragon without setting it off?
4) I say increase the complication of the story. What if Dart was sent here to retrieve the hatchling dragons for his master to raise and he was too lazy to carry food. That's what the PC's are for. :)
I think if you want to add combat encounters, add them on the way to or from the dungeon. It's not complex enough for too many other creatures to be co-habitating with a dragon.

Zmar |

I am running a quick self made adventure for a group at Level 4, and I am looking for some help. Here is the story,
They have been asked by an NPC (Helvec) to climb a mountain and kill a dragon. Helvec has also loaned them an NPC Warrior (Dart) to help them in their quest. They know that Helvec hates dragons and wants them wiped off the face of the earth, but they do not know how mad he really is. This adventure is going to be used to make them question whether to continue following Helvec or resist him and possibly defeat him.
Below is the Dragons dungeon.
Room 1 - There is an interesting pool, what should I put in it?
Perhaps an ooze (black puding) that looks like some mud under the water.
Room 2 - I think this is a good spot for a trap? how about you?
Falling ceiling if the PCs make noise? Or maybe a glyph of warding with something attached (not cold damage, PCs would expect that... a fireball that will melt part of the ceiling to fall on PCs MUHUEHAHAHAHA)
Room 3 - Treasure and a dead dragon. If the players do not notice the secret door, Dart will. See Dart knows that they were not sent to kill a Dragon, they have been sent to kill the Dragons offspring.
The corpse may be covered with some nasty poisonous rot, perhaps a violet fungus can grow there as well. The trick is that the PCs have to disturb it to move through or to get the treasure and they can't use fire if they want to prevent the ceiling from falling again.
Room 4 - I think the entrance to this room should have another trap....
In this room is where the intrigue starts. Dart will immediately want to kill the hatchling dragons. I expect the cleric of Bahamut or the Dragonborn PC to have a problem with this. This adventure can end two ways, either the PC's allow Dart to kill the hatchlings or they decide that this is an evil plot and resist.
Well, technically the cleric of Bahamut may find it okay to kill evil dragon brood (White dragons are the eeevil savage ones associated with Tiamat, you know...). If they were silver Dragons inststead it would be a different matter.
Maybe the hatchlings could be protected by an earth or water elemental. The guardian would be present in form of ice or rock on the walls and if the PCs threaten the hatchlings it moves to intercept them while on the wall there suddenly appears an escape route for the dragons. Too narrow for the PCs to follow. Tadaah a group of returning adversaries (whole dragon brood ploting to kill the PCs, or perhaps a quest giver to make the PCs kill Helvec later?)
It seems you are using 4th edition rules. In that case you may need to find alternative creatures. (I'm not too familiar with the new MM)

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There's nothing in the pool.
A white pudding (Tome of Horrors Revised) is lounging near the cave entrance, doing its best to look like a snow drift that was blown into the cave. Once the players move towards the pool to investigate, hopefully with their guard up, the white pudding attacks.
From behind them.
It pushes them into the pool, and then follows them in, causing the water to freeze solid (treat as an entangle spell), and making it that much easier for the pudding to use it's Engulf ability.

Breacher |
Room 1- A waterborne creature that can be negotiated with...one who had entered into an agreement with the Dragon for a mutual protection pact...maybe a selkie?
This could also be the actual location of either a special item or the actual nest/eggs/younglings.Room 2- Trap CR2 make your own. a trap that sucks body heat (similar to brown mold)
If the party makes any noise/table talk icesciccles fall from the ceiling. Which could also block either doorway, split the party, or cause the floor to collapse sending the party into the icy water of the first pool/stream or another slick icy chute for more adventer as they try to get out of that yeti/frost giant den.Room 3- The Dead Dragon, a Treasure and some carrion eaters...maybe a severe cold version of a Carrion Crawler
Or it could have brown mold here growing on the dead corpse or some other type of dead feeding creature that springs out.Room 4- The 1-2 Hatchlings...and a slide trap...that drops the characters down into the room from a ledge, atop some hardened Sharp Ice Crystals.
Here you could also put the hatchlings actually behind a clear icy wall for their protection...look out for the hatchling that gets away with a strong memory of the party's scent for later revenge!as a possible...maybe give you some ideas.
take your time and think each room through visually as a comic/movie ...think of reactions, sounds, slick floor making fighting harder/falling and losing items that fall out of the pack, torches melting something free... that cursed amulet frozen in the corner.