Confused - D&D 3.75???

Alpha Playtest Feedback General Discussion

Hi, hope someone out there can help. I've been playing RPG's for years (Warhammer FRPG, Rune/hero quest, Lord of the Rings etc) but have never played (A)D&D (weird, I know!). I managed to stumble across the pathfinder site/system and it looks pretty cool, but I am a bit confused. Is it designed to be a standalone game or, effectively, a rules update for D&D 3.5, a D&D 3.75 if you will. The reason I ask is that the pathfinder rule book appears to be full of gaps - gaps that I assume are filled by the core D&D 3.5 system. For example the rulebook refers to multi class and prestige class charaters but does not explain what these are or how to generate them. There are no monsters! Anywhere! The rules say that each character starts with a number of GP's to buy kit - but no-where does it say how you generate these GP's and there is no price list for anything. Also acronyms such as CR and APL are banded about without any explanation as to what these are. The system looks and feels very good but, unless I am being dim, it appears that you need this new rules system plus all of the D&D 3.5 rules to actually be able to play it properly. Is this right. Aplogies if I am being dim but hey I am new to this system!

The actual rules are not out yet and won't be for another year. You have probably seen the Alpha rules which heavily use the SRD (3.5 rule set). Later this month the Beta version will be out that (I believe) lightly uses the SRD (to cover a few spells that didn't get printed). Next year the new game systems official rule set will be out, which I am sure will cover all of those issues you are confused about.

Take a look and see if the cover of the rules says if its the Alpha.

The rules arent done yet and the Alpha rules are a prototype...and yes they do still rely on the 3.5 books.

Very soon the Beta will be released. It will be able to stand on its own (except there will be no monsters).
The Beta is still a prototype however.

The final Pahfinder RPG will be a hardcover book at wont be releasd until August next year. That will truly be the finished product that can be used without the 3.5 PHB and DMG.

Oh the final rules still wont have monsters..Thats a different book for another time.

Sovereign Court

The game is still being developed, but we (the public) are all getting to watch it's development and make suggestions.

In a few weeks (mid-August) the Pathfinder Beta will be released.

The Beta will be in use for a year; with plenty of opportunity to test it and suggest amendments.

You should be able to use the Beta (free pdf) alone for rules, but you'll need another source for monsters.

Happily, it should be compatible enough with SRD DND that you can use the monsters from that. link


Then, In August 2009 we will get the final Pathfinder RPG.

After the rules are released a monster book should follow quite quickly.


If you're interested in Paizo you should check out the other free pdfs too - just to whet your appetite.

Players' guides for Adventure Paths:
Rise of the Runelords Players' Guide
Curse of the Crimson Throne PLayers' Guide

Free Adventures:
Hollow's Last Hope
Revenge of the Kobold King

For now you'll need the 3.5 or SRD, not really sure about the Bata version coming out soon. Next year the final version comes out and it will be a game into itself. The moniker of 3.75 is a fan based thing ignore it and call it Pathfinder. Its keeping OGL and 3rd ed. alive but Pathfinder really shouldn't remain in the shadow of D'n'D.


Andre Caceres wrote:

For now you'll need the 3.5 or SRD, not really sure about the Bata version coming out soon. Next year the final version comes out and it will be a game into itself. The moniker of 3.75 is a fan based thing ignore it and call it Pathfinder. Its keeping OGL and 3rd ed. alive but Pathfinder really shouldn't remain in the shadow of D'n'D.


I agree that it shouldn't be called 3.75 or anything like that, but It does provide a quick and dirty (although not accurate) explanation of what Pathfinder is. I try not use it myself, but it does help explain it to some of my players, who have been RPGing for only a year or so.

Andre Caceres wrote:

For now you'll need the 3.5 or SRD, not really sure about the Bata version coming out soon. Next year the final version comes out and it will be a game into itself. The moniker of 3.75 is a fan based thing ignore it and call it Pathfinder. Its keeping OGL and 3rd ed. alive but Pathfinder really shouldn't remain in the shadow of D'n'D.


Yeah, 3.75 makes a convenient shorthand, but over the long term, Paizo needs to get the Pathfinder, version 1.0, brand into people's heads...

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I think of it as 3P. :)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

My nomenclature for Pathfinder has been D&D 3.5 + i.

It's a development orthogonal to the pathway to 4th Edition. It's a little more complex, but incites the imagination.

Grand Lodge

To repeat what everyone just said, but in a different way:

Pathfinder Alpha is a taste of how the Pathfinder rules are going to be different from Wizards of the Coasts Dungeons and Dragons v3.5

While it is using the SRD as a base, it will ultimately be its own game. The final edition comes out in August of next year.

In the meantime, you can playtest for free, see what you like and don't like, and then hop on the boards. That's the great thing, is that the guys here actually listen to our opinions. I've seen three threads/suggestions of mine make it into print. Ultimately, this is going to be a game where the fans voices carry a LOT of weight.

If you are interested in playtesting, but don't want to wait for the beta version, GeraintElberion has already given you a link to all the SRD rules you need to play (for free), which I've reprinted below. Just go to this webpage and it should have all rules that are missing from the Alpha set. Anywhere the rules contradict, use the Alpha Pathfinder set.

So check it out. If you like it, support these guys by buying the final ruleset when it comes out. If you don't like it, well then it hasn't cost you thing and everyone still wins.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

3.75 was the shorthand way of talking about it back when it was a mere concept. Since that time, it went from a mere concept of someone doing something to keep the 3.5 rules alive to Paizo using the SRD to keep the rules alive.

The current winning shorthands are 3P and PfRPG. I support PfRPG since, IMO, it is a game that happens to be highly compatable with 3.5. It is not Third Edition, Paizoified; it is its own game. 3P is clinging to 3rd edition.

Kenzer once said, "In another time, in another universe, Hackmaster would be called Third Edition." I like to think of the same for Pathfinder, that it is 4E in an alternate universe.

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