Runelord of Sloth |

The last time I counted, there were EIGHT schools of magic, and all the rest of you just tell yourselves that Divination's not worth focussing on. Hah. It doesn't stop you from dabbling in the school to further your own goals. Naturally, a master of Divination knows the best way to hide oneself away until a suitable moment to return arises.
Well, maybe you should talk to Lissala about that. She did, after all, give us only seven virtues of rule, which were convenient enough to manipulate into Sin Magic. Sorry to be the one to have his slave tell you this on his behalf, but Divination is for pussies. It was left out for a reason. If it can't be associated with a sin, it just doesn't make the cut. Now get out of my way, you're blocking the tv.

First King |

The Eighth Runelord wrote:The last time I counted, there were EIGHT schools of magic, and all the rest of you just tell yourselves that Divination's not worth focussing on. Hah. It doesn't stop you from dabbling in the school to further your own goals. Naturally, a master of Divination knows the best way to hide oneself away until a suitable moment to return arises.Well, maybe you should talk to Lissala about that. She did, after all, give us only seven virtues of rule, which were convenient enough to manipulate into Sin Magic. Sorry to be the one to have his slave tell you this on his behalf, but Divination is for pussies. It was left out for a reason. If it can't be associated with a sin, it just doesn't make the cut. Now get out of my way, you're blocking the tv.
I was just glad there wasn't a Runelord of Paranoia (to my knowledge), because everyone knows Diviners only have to give up one school of magic, which isn't fair to the other sucky schools like Necromancy and Illusion. And, yes, that was an insult!
I think our first order of business should be choosing a Topic to be our Capital. None of this "everybody gets their own" business again.

roguerouge |

Hey, could someone hand me the nacho dip? And get my mail. This infomercial on exercise machines is too grueling for me to consider actually getting up and moving. I'd appreciate any help I can get. And I'll throw you some bound demons and such when the invasion happens. Deal?
Yes, master....

Runelord of Sloth |

Runelord of Sloth wrote:Yes, master....
Hey, could someone hand me the nacho dip? And get my mail. This infomercial on exercise machines is too grueling for me to consider actually getting up and moving. I'd appreciate any help I can get. And I'll throw you some bound demons and such when the invasion happens. Deal?
See, all of you other Runelords are busy running around and doing things, and I'm the first one to get a minion. I rest my case, and for that matter, I rest everything, especially myself. Going back to sleep now.
Your friend and ruler,

First King |

roguerouge wrote:Runelord of Sloth wrote:Yes, master....
Hey, could someone hand me the nacho dip? And get my mail. This infomercial on exercise machines is too grueling for me to consider actually getting up and moving. I'd appreciate any help I can get. And I'll throw you some bound demons and such when the invasion happens. Deal?
See, all of you other Runelords are busy running around and doing things, and I'm the first one to get a minion. I rest my case, and for that matter, I rest everything, especially myself. Going back to sleep now.
Your friend and ruler,
You know, technically you are all supposed to be MY minions.
Let that be a lesson to you, Sloth.

Runelord of Envy |

Aww, man! I want a minion! And if I can't have a minion of my own, I'll just have to destroy yours.
Let's see, where did I put the contact poison to go with those nachos.... "Captain Bedsores" may be able to fend off the poison, but his minions have to touch his food if they're going to feed him.
Meanwhile, any progress on wrangling that thread bug? Sounds like a job for Grumpy...I mean, Wrath. If you need some wards against annihilation magic, let me know.

Runelord of Greed |

I think our first order of business should be choosing a Topic to be our Capital. None of this "everybody gets their own" business again.
Oi vey, what have I wrought?
What? Why are there two of you?! There isn't even supposed to be one! You're dead!
That said, this thread seems the obvious capital.

Runelord of Sloth |

First King wrote:I think our first order of business should be choosing a Topic to be our Capital. None of this "everybody gets their own" business again.Emperor Xin wrote:Oi vey, what have I wrought?
What? Why are there two of you?! There isn't even supposed to be one! You're dead!
That said, this thread seems the obvious capital.
It had better be. I started this one and I ain't movin' from this spot. Can one of you be good Runelords and smite the rest of these threads that I have to scan through to find this one? That scroll wheel on my mouse takes a ton of work for my lazy fingers.
Your BFF,

First King |

First King wrote:I think our first order of business should be choosing a Topic to be our Capital. None of this "everybody gets their own" business again.Emperor Xin wrote:Oi vey, what have I wrought?
What? Why are there two of you?! There isn't even supposed to be one! You're dead!
That said, this thread seems the obvious capital.
Clearly, Emperor Xin is the past Xin, travelled forward in time to deal with you incompetent, squabbling, destructive, lazy, treacherous, promiscuous, disgusting things.
I, on the other hand, am what you might call the "disembodied head of the former Emperor Xin come back to haunt you as punishment for your sins". (Please note my Avatar...)
The question remains if I am still dead, undead, reanimated, reincarnated, or just resurrected.

Runelord of Sloth |

The question remains if I am still dead, undead, reanimated, reincarnated, or just resurrected.
I vote for you being annoying. Stop yer yappin' and let me sleep! Get the rest of these six, seven or however many there are to take over Paizo and let me know when it's done. You'll be compensated for your work.
Can you scratch my foot there? I don't want to reach for it.

First King |

First King wrote:The question remains if I am still dead, undead, reanimated, reincarnated, or just resurrected.I vote for you being annoying. Stop yer yappin' and let me sleep! Get the rest of these six, seven or however many there are to take over Paizo and let me know when it's done. You'll be compensated for your work.
Can you scratch my foot there? I don't want to reach for it.
See, this proves you are not the real Runelord of Sloth. If you were, you wouldn't be doing so much talking.
And don't tell me that you are dictating, that takes work too. Unless, of course, you have a permanent telepathic effect with your scribes.

roguerouge |

See, all of you other Runelords are busy running around and doing things, and I'm the first one to get a minion. I rest my case, and for that matter, I rest everything, especially myself. Going back to sleep now.Your friend and ruler,
Please, allow me to be your footstool while you slumber, master. These books should make me just high enough for your mightiness!

Runelord of Lust |

::telepathically::What's this!?! Didn't we spank you all and send you off to bed for a couple centuries? (And more importantly, didn't many of you enjoy that? - Sloth, Lust, I'm looking at you.)
Oh, indeed I did. Please, spank me again, but I want the Triskele of Aboen like you promised.

Runelord of Sloth |

See, this proves you are not the real Runelord of Sloth. If you were, you wouldn't be doing so much talking.
And don't tell me that you are dictating, that takes work too. Unless, of course, you have a permanent telepathic effect with your scribes.
Your underestimation of my abilities is laughable. Roguerouge, dispatch him immediately.

First King |

::telepathically::What's this!?! Didn't we spank you all and send you off to bed for a couple centuries? (And more importantly, didn't many of you enjoy that? - Sloth, Lust, I'm looking at you.)
Hey, I thought that was just speculation by scholars in the distant future!
Unless, that was a confession of guilt...where is that dang lawyer who plays with ponies?

First King |

First King wrote:Your underestimation of my abilities is laughable. Roguerouge, dispatch him immediately.See, this proves you are not the real Runelord of Sloth. If you were, you wouldn't be doing so much talking.
And don't tell me that you are dictating, that takes work too. Unless, of course, you have a permanent telepathic effect with your scribes.
Oh no, please don't kill me AGAIN. How much diamond dust is there in the world?

Runelord of Greed |

Runelord of Sloth wrote:Oh no, please don't kill me AGAIN. How much diamond dust is there in the world?First King wrote:Your underestimation of my abilities is laughable. Roguerouge, dispatch him immediately.See, this proves you are not the real Runelord of Sloth. If you were, you wouldn't be doing so much talking.
And don't tell me that you are dictating, that takes work too. Unless, of course, you have a permanent telepathic effect with your scribes.
A mouse fighting a severed head? This should be interesting.

The Eighth Runelord |
First King wrote:A mouse fighting a severed head? This should be interesting.Runelord of Sloth wrote:Oh no, please don't kill me AGAIN. How much diamond dust is there in the world?First King wrote:Your underestimation of my abilities is laughable. Roguerouge, dispatch him immediately.See, this proves you are not the real Runelord of Sloth. If you were, you wouldn't be doing so much talking.
And don't tell me that you are dictating, that takes work too. Unless, of course, you have a permanent telepathic effect with your scribes.
I foresee that I am going to have difficulty getting any bookmaker to take a bet from me on the result of this fight. This is one of the reasons why I haven't revealed myself for so long (information as to the true names of several female other-planar beings might be another). The second a bookmaker hears that you're the a specialist in divination, they don't want to take bets from you for some reason. The same seems to go for casino owners*. If I didn't know the answer already, I'd be asking how irrational anyone involved in the gambling industry could get?
* That reminds me, Runelord of Greed. Nice gambling operation you had going on that barge near Turtleback Ferry. I was passing through the area the other day and happened to drop in to see how your minion was doing. Lamia Matriarch by the name of Lucrecia, right?

Runelord of Greed |

* That reminds me, Runelord of Greed. Nice gambling operation you had going on that barge near Turtleback Ferry. I was passing through the area the other day and happened to drop in to see how your minion was doing. Lamia Matriarch by the name of Lucrecia, right?
Yeah, a way to simultaneously resurrect myself and make profit. Probably my best plan to date.

Runelord of Greed |

Joe the Aboleth wrote:::telepathically::What's this!?! Didn't we spank you all and send you off to bed for a couple centuries? (And more importantly, didn't many of you enjoy that? - Sloth, Lust, I'm looking at you.)Hey, I thought that was just speculation by scholars in the distant future!
From what I've heard, they did it, but their main goal was to destroy Azlant (that's why the Azlanti sank into the sea and not us).

Runelord of Sloth |

The Eighth Runelord wrote:* That reminds me, Runelord of Greed. Nice gambling operation you had going on that barge near Turtleback Ferry. I was passing through the area the other day and happened to drop in to see how your minion was doing. Lamia Matriarch by the name of Lucrecia, right?Yeah, a way to simultaneously resurrect myself and make profit. Probably my best plan to date.
Didn't go as planned, though, did it? Best to just lay low ... permanently and get what you can with the least possible effort. No use overextending yourself, eh?
Roguerouge, bring me my bag of Runecheetos!

Runelord of Greed |

Secretly applies the contact poison to Sloth's Runecheetos.
We have interlopers, do we? Swinging a matched pair of rods that look oddly like billy clubs...one is marked "Absorb"...the other "Cancel."
No need for those. They would undo the spells that turned the intruders into such great decorations.

Runelord of VHS |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

First King wrote:
Hey, I thought that was just speculation by scholars in the distant future!::telepathically:: No, no. That was Then, this is Now. We passed Then, just now. Now, you're looking at Now. Everything that happens now, is happening Now.
Where's the Runelord of VHS when I need him?!
Fast forwarding sir, I'll never show that part again ever SIR!

Runelord of VHS |

It would appear these . . . things are invading my, I mean, our capital. Any suggestions on how to remove them? I could make some lovely gold statues . . .
Don't worry if the Runelord of lust will just make a post saying how she loves the new towel racks she bought, I can edit out any footage of the interlopers and people won't wonder where the new statues came from suddenly when they watch "The Runelords: The Movie"

Joe the Aboleth |

*takes statue, puts in bathroom, uses as a ... towel rack*
::telepathically:: Didn't we teach you anything?!? You're supposed to be flushing them down your runewells. And if you keep your runewells in your bathroom, we don't want to know what else you've been flushing down there. See, this is the kind of thing that made us come and take our magic back.

First King |

Runelord of Lust wrote:*takes statue, puts in bathroom, uses as a ... towel rack*::telepathically:: Didn't we teach you anything?!? You're supposed to be flushing them down your runewells. And if you keep your runewells in your bathroom, we don't want to know what else you've been flushing down there. See, this is the kind of thing that made us come and take our magic back.
No wonder my empire went into the toilet.
Thank you! I'll be here all week!