Wellards Wilderlands / Goodman Games Campaign

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Hey guys I am a little confused about Avinar's flurry of blows. What is his attack bonus?

1) Dex 18=+4
2) Weapon Focus=+1
3) Monk 2nd level BAB +1 (flurry bonus +0/0)
4) Swash BAB +3

what would be the attack for a flurry?

Also can I somehow make Mother's Kiss a Masterwork weapon, maybe Gashelle can use her silversmithing? Mithril is a silver....:)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Larcifer wrote:
Hey guys I am a little confused about Avinar's flurry of blows. What is his attack bonus?

Swashbuckler BAB (+3) + Monk Level (+2) + Weapon Focus (+1) + Dex modifier (+4) = +10. So, as a full-round action, Avinar could strike twice at +8.

Larcifer wrote:
Also can I somehow make Mother's Kiss a Masterwork weapon, maybe Gashelle can use her silversmithing? Mithril is a silver.)

Gashelle's been looking at Mother's Kiss ever since we met, curious as to why Avinar's been carrying that, that ... non-masterwork sword around.

Gashelle, introducing herself on the Discussion Thread, page 2 wrote:

She has had dealings with both Avinar and Eltariel, crossing blades with the Swashbuckler (ah, he wields an Elven blade, although not so well made as the ones she's known; perhaps it is a koirepudo, a training sword...) and corresponding with the Druid about the magical properties of metals such as silver, cold iron, and adamantine.

It shouldn't be difficult to refine it into a silver +1 elven courtblade, if she can find a weaponsmith to help her.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Here's the loot list, with prices (full price, rather than sale/manufacture price) and notations as to which of us is currently using what. Please note any errors.


Platinum: 140 pp, worth 1400 gp
Gold: 854 gp (including the gold breastplate)
Silver: 185 sp, worth 18.5 gp (not including silver fixtures)
Copper: 312 cp, worth 3.12 gp

We've been talking like we want to keep the tower's living room as is, held jointly and in common:
Wardrobe of Cleansing
Desk of Concentration
4 Magic Lamps
Bed of Health
Easy Chair of Penmanship
Dewey’s Bookshelf and library of books

4 statuettes (200 gp each; carved ivory images of fey)
20 lbs. of silver fixtures worth 20 gp


Sword of the Meek: wooden +2 longsword, impervious to fire. (at least 8315 gp) -Etariel
+2 dagger (8302 gp)
+2 dagger (8302 gp)
+2 dagger (8302 gp)
+1 short sword (2310 gp)
+1 light crossbow (2335 gp)
large steel shield +1 (1175 gp) -Aude

Spell book: all arcane evocation spells through 3rd level (600 gp)

potion of jump (brewed at CL10; 500 gp)
potion of mage armor (brewed at CL10; 500 gp)
potion of invisibility (brewed at CL10; 1000 gp)
potion of levitate (brewed at CL10; 1000 gp)
potion of cure light wounds (brewed at CL10; 500 gp)
potion of cure light wounds (brewed at CL10; 500 gp)
potion of cure light wounds (brewed at CL10; 500 gp)

scroll book with:
magic missile (caster level 10; 250 gp)
magic missile (caster level 10; 250 gp)
continual flame (caster level 10; 750 gp)
darkness (caster level 10; 500 gp)
daylight (caster level 10; 750 gp)
daylight (caster level 10; 750 gp)
flaming sphere (caster level 10; 500 gp)
flaming sphere (caster level 10; 500 gp)

scrolls of
burning hands (caster level 3; 75 gp)
burning hands (caster level 3; 75 gp)
burning hands (caster level 3; 75 gp)

a ring of force shield (8500 gp) -Layjiani
a bag of holding,type II (5000 gp)

a ring (magic)
a chain shirt (magic)
a heavy mace (magic)

suit of plate armor
a rusty though useable longsword
a lantern
some hatchet heads

Cause its the only thing that he has that was owned by his lost father......Also wanna have it have latent powers that awaken through feats ect...Its about time it gets made into masterwork

Depending on what that ring is I may be interested in that....

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7
Chris Mortika wrote:
It shouldn't be difficult to refine it into a silver +1 elven courtblade, if she can find a weaponsmith to help her.

Looks at Eltariel's recently increased craft (weaponsmith) skill, her Unseen Crafter and Magecraft spells and her Craft Magic Arms & Armour feat and wonders just why you are asking ... :D

Wellard and I have already discussed this, the blade was masterwork but requires repair. Once Eltariel has repaired it she will also enchant it.

Gashelle might notice ...

There is definitely something between Eltariel and Avinar, quite apart from their close friendship. As elven courtships go, this one is proceeding quite rapidly ... which is to say, at a snail's pace by human standards!

I wouldn't worry about making it silver yet, alchemical silver applies a -1 damage penalty. Let's wait until we get our hands on some Mithral ...

Regarding the loot list, the spell-book of Evocation spells will not be prised out of Eltariel's hands until she has copied them all, and she used one of the Burning Hands scrolls on the mushrooms.

Edit: Regarding the BAB for flurrying, it's Monk level -2.

So it should be: +3 (swashbuckler) +4 (dexterity) +1 (weapon focus) +0 (monk flurry) = +8. Without the flurry the monk BAB is only +1, so it's +9 when not flurrying.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

With regards to the furniture Eltariel surmises that such heavy pieces might be bound to the tower and lose their magic if removed from it.

I was considering making Mothers Kiss a legacy weapon..but having reread that book for the first time in two years I decided they are more trouble than they are worth.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Oh, I think Layjiani had the +1 short sword also.
If Eltariel keeps the Sword of the Meek she will place her +1 scimitar into the party loot.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Dabbler wrote:
There is definitely something between Eltariel and Avinar, quite apart from their close friendship. As elven courtships go, this one is proceeding quite rapidly ... which is to say, at a snail's pace by human standards!

Oh, it seems to be proceeding at a fast pace by human standards as well. When Avinar rushed into the cavern, saw Gashelle steeped in wounds and steaming, acidic bug juice, and then he turned to the cleric and demanded that she heal Etariel, I think even the mushrooms figured out ho devoted he was to her. Quite a change from the flirtations shown in the dripping temple.

And thanks for the corrections to the loot list.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7
Chris Mortika wrote:
When Avinar rushed into the cavern, saw Gashelle steeped in wounds and steaming, acidic bug juice, and then he turned to the cleric and demanded that she heal Etariel, I think even the mushrooms figured out how devoted he was to her.

... yes, and that!

OK, while we are on the subject of loot, would anyone like any magical arms or armour made for them?

I am guessing everyone would like some +1 armour of their preferred type, except Avinar who doesn't wear any (perhaps he can persuade Gashelle to make him some bracers?). That will cost a total of 2500gp for five of us, plus the cost of masterworked armour if you don't have it already.

Magic Weapons:
Avinar - repair and enchant Mother's Kiss to +1 - cost 1075gp
Layjiani - +1 composite longbow of arrow mind - cost 4000gp

Would anyone else like items creating? I am guessing:
Holgur - +1 Great Axe as a wild stab in the dark? - cost 1000gp
Gashelle - I am guessing she will stick with her glaive
Aude - is there any weapon she would prefer made or from the loot so far?

Sounds good to me. ALso I was wondering if there was a type of feat where 2 people could tak reand it makes them better in combat when working together.....I read it in an RA Salvatore novel.... And yes Avinar fancy's Eltariel.... they both are smart:)

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

There are several I think, but I'd need time to dig them out. There's also a ring that can give you your flanking bonus to hit as a damage bonus, and a couple of others. Generally, though, I've found the best is just straight up teamwork - like the way we took out the owlbears.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

The 3.5 Players Handbook 2 has a section on Teamwork Benefits, beginning on page 157.

For example, "Circle of Blades": If one member of the party were to have weapon specialization and a BAB of +6, every other member with sneak attack, who would ready an action to attack along with the task leader, would do +2 bonus on damage rolls against the same target.

Female Human Cleric of Pharasma 6

Just some questions and responses
* Aude will eventually take a dagger + 2 and a crossbow + 1 if we don't need money now. Given her tendency to move into combat , she will give them back whenever they are asked for .

* Mother's kiss : would "make whole" work on it ?

* New feat to take : is anyone among us a specialist in use magic device ? If so , I think I might take scribe scrolls otherwise I was thinking of the classical Spell Penetration

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

-Layjiani would also take a +2 Dagger if it was available and give back the +1 Sword (and her regular dagger ;-)

-She also has a +6 on Use magic Device

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

We can now add a large amount of chitin armour to our loot list, Eltariel should be able to masterwork it over a few weeks into a set of plate or breastplate armour, and then enchant it to +1. Any takers?

Let's wait until Eltariel succeeds on her roll... I don't know the price for a chitin armor but making any masterwork metallic armor was really really time consuming in 3.5 (weeks at least doing only this).

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

OK, revised loot list:


Platinum: 140 pp, worth 1400 gp
Gold: 854 gp (including the gold breastplate)
Silver: 185 sp, worth 18.5 gp (not including silver fixtures)
Copper: 312 cp, worth 3.12 gp

We've been talking like we want to keep the tower's living room as is, held jointly and in common:
Wardrobe of Cleansing
Desk of Concentration
4 Magic Lamps
Bed of Health
Easy Chair of Penmanship
Dewey’s Bookshelf and library of books

4 statuettes (200 gp each; carved ivory images of fey)
20 lbs. of silver fixtures worth 20 gp


Sword of the Meek: wooden +2 longsword, impervious to fire. (at least 8315 gp) -Etariel (will place in +1 Scimitar if she keeps it)
+2 dagger (8302 gp) - Aude
+2 dagger (8302 gp) - Layjiani
+2 dagger (8302 gp)
+1 short sword (2310 gp)
+1 light crossbow (2335 gp) - Aude
large steel shield +1 (1175 gp) -Aude

Spell book: all arcane evocation spells through 3rd level (600 gp)

potion of jump (brewed at CL10; 500 gp)
potion of mage armor (brewed at CL10; 500 gp)
potion of invisibility (brewed at CL10; 1000 gp)
potion of levitate (brewed at CL10; 1000 gp)
potion of cure light wounds (brewed at CL10; 500 gp)
potion of cure light wounds (brewed at CL10; 500 gp)
potion of cure light wounds (brewed at CL10; 500 gp)

scroll book with:
magic missile (caster level 10; 250 gp)
magic missile (caster level 10; 250 gp)
continual flame (caster level 10; 750 gp)
darkness (caster level 10; 500 gp)
daylight (caster level 10; 750 gp)
daylight (caster level 10; 750 gp)
flaming sphere (caster level 10; 500 gp)
flaming sphere (caster level 10; 500 gp)

scrolls of
burning hands (caster level 3; 75 gp)
burning hands (caster level 3; 75 gp)
burning hands (caster level 3; 75 gp)

a ring of force shield (8500 gp) -Layjiani
a bag of holding,type II (5000 gp)

a ring of protection +1
a chain shirt +1
a heavy mace +1

suit of plate armor
a rusty though useable longsword
a lantern
some hatchet heads

A lot of chittin.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Regarding Cloaks of Resistance. The Pathfinder version:

page 507 wrote:

Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th
Slot shoulders; Price 1,000 gp (+1), 4,000 gp (+2), 9,000 gp (+3),
16,000 gp (+4), 25,000 gp (+5); Weight 1 lb.
These garments offer magic protection in the form of a +1 to +5
resistance bonus on all saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will).
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, creator’s caster
level must be at least three times the cloak’s bonus; Cost 500 gp
(+1), 2,000 gp (+2), 4,500 gp (+3), 8,000 gp (+4), 12,500 gp (+5)

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

I've added a bit of map for the 'sub-basement' under the north-east tower where we found the anhkegs.

Asking for Permission on Feats and such:

I was wondering If I could enchant Mother's Kiss with the Aptitude Weapon quality:
Tome of Battle pg 148

then can I take the feat
Lightning Mace Complete Warrior pg 113

It can be pretty interesting because if I have aptitude rapiers, I can gain additional attacks, when I roll a critical (not confirm, just roll) I am asking here 1st. The feat has quite the prerequisites...)

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Well, I can't enchant it with that as Elatariel doesn't have Weapon Focus in that weapon, and Avinar doesn't have Craft Magic Arms & Armour. Even if we could put that on it between us, I don't see how that would allow you to use Lightning Mace which requires you to be using two maces, not one thinblade <scratches head> Two thinblades maybe, but I don't think you have the two-weapon fighting feats pre-requisite for that anyway. You would get the attack and damage bonuses though.

Question : Rather than releasing the owlbears into nature ; could someone train them ?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

DM Wellard wrote:
Robin..you make an interesting point..I guess it's down to a GMs individual interpretation of the rules...what do the rest of you think? I'll go with a majority vote on this one.

Under most circumstances, Wellard, I'd let you make the rulings as you please. But since you asked for our input...

I don't want to harsh Dabbler's mellow, but I think that the crafting processes are a good place to be a stickler for the rules. That usually resolves most issues without requiring new rules.

  • Magecraft's +5 bonus adds to a day's work with crafting, not to to the crafter's roll. It isn't as powerful or versatile as that.
  • If Etariel wants a set of masterwork tools for both herself and an unseen crafter, she'll need to provide two sets of tools.
  • An unseen crafter is supposed to be given a task to accomplish. "Rebuild a wall" is a good task. "Help me make this magic item" stretches the definition for me. The unseen crafter can't make a magical item by itself; it doesn't have the feat, it doesn't have a Caster Level, etc. So if I were a GM, I'd be reluctant to let it "aid another" on that task.
  • An assistant accomplishing its aid another roll provides a circumstance bonus. Masterwork tools provide a circumstance bonus, as well. It's up to Wellard whether they stack.
  • In general, this isn't as great an issue under the D&D 3.5 ruleset, because the crafting rules requires experience and places other limitations on the process. In Pathfinder, when crafting powerful magic items is a great deal easier, I'd be conservative in my rulings regarding importing D&D spells that increase crafting possibilities.


Robin, cool idea regarding trained owlbears.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Owlbears are supposed to be insane and untrainable. I did think about penning them in the tomb part of the underground complex that lies outside the walls but it would cost a fortune to keep them fed.

As regards Eltariel's crafting skills, spells etc I know they rack up insanely, but they need to in order to accomplish anything in a worthwhile period of time (it would take something like three months at least to do all that crafting otherwise). As to the question of what else can I do with it ... well not a whole lot. As it still takes weeks to masterwork an item, I'm not going to take time out to do that often, basically only when we get some fun materials to make something special. I wouldn't have bothered at all save that it makes for good role-playing with Avinar and Eltariel, and if I'm going to enhance that aspect of the character I may as well do Holgur some armour as well. I'm certainly not planning on increasing my craft skills much past their current levels, although I may take a few new skills at some point. I'm not planning on breaking the local economy, or making superweapons of doom (to do that I use my Crafting feats, with spells and a Spellcraft check). If Eltariel didn't have the skills, we'd just pay somebody else to do the work. It would cost more, and take just as long if not longer, and those are the only real advantages.

My plan was to use the unseen crafters largely to renovate the keep while we adventure (current duration for the spell is five days, as I can cast three spells a day, at the end of five days and for as long as I can keep casting three spells a day I have a workforce of fifteen. Once the keep is completed, I can have them make weapons to defend it should the need arise, and stock the armoury etc. Really all it does is save us the hastle of hiring workmen and bring the costs down, plus it looks cool to have the keep being rebuilt by this invisible workforce ... although we have to provide the tools (15gp per set) and raw materials.

Once I get Craft Wondrous Item I'll set up an armoury with a permanent crafter in it (like you can use unseen servant to place a valet in a state room [Stronghold Builder's Guide]) to sharpen, repair and polish any weapons or armour left there. It's the kind of magic any self-respecting magical castle should have ...

As regard the Desk of Concentration, I can't see how I could use that on my crafting checks. It's a desk, and I'm working at a forge. Go figure. So Gashelle is free to use it as she wishes - the only use Eltariel would have is to use it when copying spells (which won't take long).

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7
Chris Mortika wrote:

I don't want to harsh Dabbler's mellow, but I think that the crafting processes are a good place to be a stickler for the rules. That usually resolves most issues without requiring new rules.

  • Magecraft's +5 bonus adds to a day's work with crafting, not to to the crafter's roll. It isn't as powerful or versatile as that.
  • If Etariel wants a set of masterwork tools for both herself and an unseen crafter, she'll need to provide two sets of tools.
  • An unseen crafter is supposed to be given a task to accomplish. "Rebuild a wall" is a good task. "Help me make this magic item" stretches the definition for me. The unseen crafter can't make a magical item by itself; it doesn't have the feat, it doesn't have a Caster Level, etc. So if I were a GM, I'd be reluctant to let it "aid another" on that task.
  • An assistant accomplishing its aid another roll provides a circumstance bonus. Masterwork tools provide a circumstance bonus, as well. It's up to Wellard whether they stack.
  • In general, this isn't as great an issue under the D&D 3.5 ruleset, because the crafting rules requires experience and places other limitations on the process. In Pathfinder, when crafting powerful magic items is a great deal easier, I'd be conservative in my rulings regarding importing D&D spells that increase crafting possibilities.

OK, Magecraft:

You get a +5 competence bonus on one Craft check representing a day of work crafting an item. If you cast this spell every day for a week, you can make a Craft check representing the week’s work and still gain the +5 competence bonus.

... a weekly check is what I need to do to Masterwork items. I assume that covers it, otherwise I would not have blown the cash on getting a scroll of the spell and copying it into my spellbook. In fact the spell isn't worth a whole lot unless you can use it for crafting masterwork items.

Unseen Crafter can do anything that can normally done with the Craft (whatever) skill - I assumed this included Aid Another (with the command "Help me do this" as unseen crafters can be given multiple successive commands), but that is up to the DM. I am not using the unseen crafters or the magecraft spell in any way to aid in magic item creation, only in making masterwork items to enchant. I think this point needed clarifying. My Spellcraft check is high enough on it's own to enable me to make +1 or even +2 equivalent items without rolling the dice, unless there is an auto-failure on a natural 1. If there is, I'll gladly roll.

Regarding tools, point taken, I can provide an extra set of tools if need be, or drop the bonus. Remember this is just in the planning stage, we have yet to part with the cash. Good point about Aid Another also, as I hadn't checked on the kind of bonus it provides and you are correct, like bonuses don't normally stack:

Pathfinder Core Rulebook wrote:
You can help someone achieve success on a skill check by making the same kind of skill check in a cooperative effort. If you roll a 10 or higher on your check, the character you’re helping gets a +2 bonus on his or her check. (You can’t take 10 on a skill check to aid another.)

... so Aid Another provides an unnamed bonus, which can stack with a circumstance bonus.

Like I said above, I designed Eltariel around crafting, just like Gashelle is about dishing out seriously bad hits and Avinar about multiple hits. They have the feats and spells to be good at what they do ... I've taken the feats and spells to be good at crafting.

Edit: Regarding your final point, Chris, I must reiterate - I am not using these spells to help make magic items but to make masterwork items. To make a +1 weapon or suit of armour, I need to be able to cast Magic Weapon, Mage Armour and have the feat Craft Magic Arms & Armour. I also need to make a Spellcraft check against a DC of 5 + [creator level], take 1 day per 1000gp value of the final item and provide half of the final cost in materials. That's it.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Don't have anything really to add to the item creation debate as it seems every detail has already been gone over. Except to say that all tool and other related expenses should come from party loot, not Eltariel's own pocket.

For her part during downtime, Layjiani will set up shop making MW bows and specialty arrows and sell them in town. (including replacing all her spent ones and making a set of sliver arrows as well. Since she now has a base of operations, she will make a back-up supply of 100 of every kind of arrows she uses.)

For the rest of her time she will hire herself out as a guide or scout of the surrounding area and will spend the time to get to know the environs of the the keep as well as possible. If she can't find enough work like this to keep her busy she may join the guard with Gashelle.

She will also speak to the others and see about hiring craftsmen to make living furniture for the rest of the keep. Any requests anyone?

Finally, Wellard, about how long game time do you imagine it will be until our 'next adventure'?

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Thanks, Khaladon!

I think we've covered the use of Crafting skills and crafting feats pretty thoroughly now. We just need Wellard to rule on whether an Unseen Crafter can use the Aid Another action when assisting in making a masterwork item, although it doesn't make a huge difference.

I'm not sure if the caster level restriction is a restriction or merely adds to the difficulty - Wellard, could you look it up and give us a ruling? If it is a restriction, then I can't make your bow until next next level. Mind you, I think you would have had to sell the +2 dagger to afford it anyway, so maybe that's best. I can always make it +1 now and upgrade it later!

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

That works for me.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Hi Guys, I spoke to Wellard earlier, and we have some three months of down-time to go, if you want to plan around it. He'll also be posting up how much gold there was in the treasure chamber with Rasheem soon. Obviously Eltariel will be working through a lot of it ... but does anyone have anything else that they want to be doing?

OK heres the 0-3rd level spells still intact in the spellbooks.


Touch of Fatigue

1st level
True Strike
Disguise self

2nd Level

Hideous Laughter (Part of me still wants to put Tashas and Uncontrollable into that name)


3rd Level

Hold Person

Illusory Script

Secret Page

I'm going to allow the bonus for the crafters to stack..it's not going to break the game and I'm sure dabbler won't abuse it

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

OK .. that gives me Disguise Self and Hideous Laughter that I didn't already have that I can try and learn.

Skill Checks to Learn:

Disguise Self DC 16 1d20+12 -> [1,12] = (13) Failed
Hideous Laughter DC 17 1d20+12 -> [10,12] = (22) Success!

OK, I now have copies of Disguise Self and Flaming Sphere for learning next level ...

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

OK so the final loot division is:

Party loot:
+1 shield (Aude)
+2 dagger (Aude)
+2 dagger (Layjiani)
Ring or Protection +1 (Eltariel)
Chain Shirt +1 (Gashelle)
Sword of the Meek (+2 wooden sword)(Eltariel)
A ring of force shield (Layjiani)

A bag of holding, type II (party item)

Eight potions, all with their names neatly inscribed on paper labels glued to the metal vials: jump, mage armor, invisibility, levitate, and cure light wounds x3 (all at CL10) (For whoever wants to carry them)

Two scrolls with burning hands (caster level 3), all contained in fine hollow rods (nonmagical)made of steel. (Eltariel)

To sell:
140pp, 327gp, 185sp, 312cp
Gold breastplate worth 500gp
+1 Scimitar (from Eltariel) (~1150gp value)
One +2 daggers (~4150gp value)
+1 sword (from Layjiani) (~1150gp value)
Heavy Mace +1 (~1150gp value)
approx 9,850gp total

+5000gp in gold and jewellery.

This gives us 2,000gp each with 2,850gp held back for party items and things like tools and materials for our new stronghold. By the end of down-time we should have the keep foundations solidly underpinned, the 'officers quarters' repaired and outfitted as a forge (if no-one has objections to me buying masterwork tools from the party pool), and Eltariel will have time to enchant the weapons and armour for everyone (for weapons, 1000gp and a masterwork weapon, for armour 500gp and masterwork armour), but this will have to come out of their shares.

So Holgur: +1 great axe (it's already masterwork) 1000gp, +1 Chitin breastplate 575gp
Layjiani: +1 composite longbow (again, it's already masterwork) 1000gp, +1 armour of your choice 500gp + masterwork armour
Aude: +1 armour-of-choice, 500gp + masterwork armour
Eltariel: +1 leather armour, 575gp

Is this acceptable to everyone?

Can I suggest a Wand of Lesser Vigor or CLW for the party from the general fund as well?

DM Wellard wrote:

Hideous Laughter (Part of me still wants to put Tashas and Uncontrollable into that name)

I know how you feel.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Great idea for a healing wand from the party loot.

Layjiani will hold onto the potion of invisibility if no one objects, mind come in handy for a scout.

Layjiani will submit her MW Studded Leather to Eltariel for magiking.

So her total cost for all will be 1,500gp. Woot! Magiked up!

Thanks Dabs!

Also, Layjiani would like to store her extra quiver of arrows in the Bag of Holding if none of the party mind.

Finally, Wellard, can we add what money we've made from crafting, and also whatever we've made from our side jobs, those of us who have them? (ie Guards or Layjiani's scouting/hunting/guide work if she managed to get any offers in that)

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

You're welcome! I would actually suggest that we get both types of wand, it allows us to conserve spells: use CLW in combat for an immediate boost to hit points, use lesser vigor when resting to get a better return of hp-cured/spell.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant
Khaladon wrote:

Finally, Wellard, can we add what money we've made from crafting, and also whatever we've made from our side jobs, those of us who have them? (ie Guards or Layjiani's scouting/hunting/guide work if she managed to get any offers in that)

No problems there let me know how many bows you can manufacture in the time available...but remember if you take the scouting jobs that eats into the time you have available for crafting and probably won't make you as much.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

I think I can safely say that Eltariel is going to be very busy with crafting, enchanting, planning the castle reconstruction and directing the unseen crafters and studying the various works in the tower, such that she isn't going to be earning anything.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

OK here we go. Wish me Luck.

Longbow 75gp= 750
Arrows (20) 1 gp= 10
Longbow, composite 100gp=1000
Arrows (20) 1 gp= 10
Shortbow 30gp= 300
Arrows (20) 1 gp= 10
Shortbow, composite 75gp= 750

Normal DC12
Comp DC15

Craft Checks 1-4 (1d20+7=22, 1d20+7=27, 1d20+7=10, 1d20+7=17)
Craft Checks 5-8 (1d20+7=21, 1d20+7=19, 1d20+7=8, 1d20+7=20)
Craft Checks 9-12 (1d20+7=9, 1d20+7=18, 1d20+7=20, 1d20+7=11)
(+2 to all rolls for MW Artisans Tools forgot to add)

1: 24x 15=360 For Comp Longbow, 1,000sp
2: 29x 15=435 ""
3: 12x 15=180 ""
4: 19x 15=285 Bow Completed, '260' towards next
5: 23x 15=345+260=605 For Comp Short Bow 750sp
6: 21x 15=315 Bow Completed, '170' towards next
7: 10 No Progress, materials ruined, 125sp added to cost
8: 22x 15=330 For Comp Short Bow, 750sp
9: 11 No Progress
10: 20x 150=300
11: 22x 15=330 Bow Completed, '240' for next
12: 13x 12=156 for Arrows 10sp each, 40 arrows made.

Total Crafted in 12 weeks:
1 Comp Longbow
2 Comp Shotbows
40 Arrows
Cost: 333.33+250+250+133.33(+125)=1,091sp 66cp
Value: 2,900sp
Profit: 180gp 5sp 3cp
(/12 =15gp a week! Hardly seems worth it!)

This is my first time attempting any kind of long term crafting check and I'd very much appreciate anyone who is so inclined to go over it to check for errors. I'm sure there must be at least some as it didn't seem to work out to be a very profitable endeavor and in 3 Months she didn't even have time to make a MW bow!
(Man, adventuring is WAY more profitable! Of course, on the other hand I guess you usually aren't risking your life that much with an awl or length of yew.)

PS Everything Layjiani crafts has her distinctive signature mark on it.

And Wellard, as to the time Layjiani might have spent scouting or in other pursuits, I was basing her crafting on a 'normal' 8hr work day (but maybe that's just our modern idea of a work day). But as she has no family (spouse & kids) to go home to and no real social life to speak of I was assuming she'd have time to indulge in other labours as well. But I'll leave all that up to your discretion.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

WEllard, I think both Etariel and Gashelle are going to need a ruling or two regarding the minimum caster level required to make certain things.

Question 1) The Pathfinder rules demonstrate how to calculate the Difficulty Class of a caster check for making magical equipment

page 548 wrote:

To create magic items, spellcasters use special feats which allow them to invest time and money in an item’s creation. At the end of this process, the spellcaster must make a single skill check (usually Spellcraft, but sometimes another skill) to finish the item. If an item type has multiple possible skills, you choose which skill to make the check with. The DC to create a magic item is 5 + the caster level for the item. Failing this Note that all items have prerequisites in their descriptions. These prerequisites must be met for the item to be created. Most of the time, they take the form of spells that must be known by the item’s creator (although access through another magic item or spellcaster is allowed). The DC to create a magic item increases by +5 for each prerequisite the caster does not meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation feat, which is mandatory. In addition, you cannot create spell- trigger and spell-completion magic items without meeting their spell prerequisites.

Does that apply to caster level as well? In our case, magic weapons and armor have a caster level requirement:

page 550, 551 wrote:

Creating magic armor has a special prerequisite: The creator’s caster level must be at least three times the enhancement bonus of the armor. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.

Creating a magic weapon has a special prerequisite: The creator’s caster level must be at least three times the enhancement bonus of the weapon. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met.

So, the question is, can Etariel, with her current Caster Level 3, create a +5 ranseur before she's 15th Level? If so, how much of a penalty to the DC does she incur? (I could see either a +5, or a +20, given that crafting a +5 ranseur might be more difficult than a +3 ranseur.

Question 2) Does the required caster level apply to only the enhancement bonus, or to all properties that are praced as enhancement bonuses? For example, Gashelle wants to create a +1 ghost-touch shield. The ghost touch property is priced as a +3 enhancement. Does she need a caster level of 3, or 12?

Question 3) Gashelle in particular is using her craft (silversmith) talents.

page 551 wrote:
Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft, Craft (for magic armor) for armor, Craft (bows) (for magic bows and arrows), or Craft (weapons) (for all other weapons).

Can she do anything with a craft skill that's not on the list?


OK i need to give the full crafting rules a good read before i go any further with this but for now Eltariel is only creating 1 items with no special properties so as far as I can see she has the relevant caster level..I need to work out if the practised caster feat counts in terms of item manufacture.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Good point, that one. I assumed it did, or that it made no difference as Eltariel's classes are all casting classes. There will be times when she is using druid spells to make items rather than wizard spells, for example.

So far as I can tell from a cursory glance Khaladon has it right with the crafting checks for Layjiani ... and now you now why I used spells and such to cram my skill check as high as possible! Once we have the stronghold fully constructed I'll turn those unseen crafters onto cranking out basic armour and weapons - not for resale, though, these are for the armouries in the castle so that we can equip a defensive force (I am assuming that should an invasion occur, we will have to take in refugees from the surrounding area to protect them, and that these will form the bulk of our defensive manpower).

Well cant see anything in the feat to prevent it...off course you'll be behind the curve on spells a bit but that's going to slow down the uber weapons so I'm all for it.

As for Gashelles sliversmith skill...I would allow her and Eltariel to work together on projects for specific arms and armour...if you think that would work..for instance as mentioned a couple of times Mithril is classed as a form of silver and probably requires a knowledge of silversmithing..in addition off course she can always use it to bring in extra cash with mundane crafting

and that previous post should have said Eltariel is only crafting +1 weapons...i hate this damn server.

And Khaladon 15 Gp a week..that's a comfortable living in a world where a common labourer earns 7Sp a week

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Wellard, if you have the patience, another question about magic items and crafting.

What's your policy on the Magic Item Compendium?

Continual flames item anyone ?
As Aude did take Scribe scroll , if any of you want a specific scroll please ask ...

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

I suggest making scrolls of every spell you have that might prove useful, then you don't have to worry about covering every eventuality in your spell-list.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

well if you buy the wands as suggested then Aude doesnt need to do scrolls of CLW..but scrolls of cure moderate are always useful.

Magic item compendium..I will consider items on a case by case basis much as I do anything from outside the core book..mind you the book of Exalted Cheese and the book of Vile Dorkiness are closed to you forever.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7
Wellard wrote:
...the book of Exalted Cheese and the book of Vile Dorkiness are closed to you forever.

You have my undying gratitude.

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