Ghetto's Nentir Vale Campaign


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Male Human Ranger 2

"...and even if it didn't block the entire doorway, it could at least provide some cover for the front rank. Heck, if Kava can only cover half, let's get these bodies up here to provide cover for the other half. Those drake bodies with some kobolds on top should make a hasty fortification."

male human warlord 2

To Anmuspi: Sorry to s**# in your rootbeer, big sarge. If doors and dead bodies made good shields, I'd have alot more drinking buddies back in town. The guard spends good money on shields for a reason.
2 healing surges used

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4

Without turning from her task Kava responds "Shields do not seem to be bringing anyone back to life either, but in attacking these trap mongering kobolds in their own lair I think that improving the battlefield to our liking might be wiser than running in face first to gods know what." Hefting the modified door in her massive arms "But if you want to charge them in their inner sanctum, then lay on McDuff.
We should assume that they will open fire on the entrance. If we light up the chamber we can see where they might be positioned and fire upon them from cover. If anything goes to melee us then I shall intercept. Sound reasonable?"

Male Human Ranger 2

"Block - you try to make a point in an odd manner. The guard pays good money for shields, but your comrades are dead for using doors and bodies as shields (instead of their actual shields)? I expect it is more an inability to think and improvise on their feet.

Kava, I agree. We have plenty of slings and stones lying around. Let's have the wizard put light on them, toss them to various points in the room, and then establish cover. If the kobolds make a move, then excellent. Otherwise we give them a few minutes and see if we can draw them out. If Block wants to force a direct fight, he can always be the first one in to be a target and get them to show themselves."

male human warlord 2

"You're right, my point is not well made. You guys are the experts here. I'll defer to your wisdom."

Block puts his good shield away, and picks up a door. Then he sheathes his sword and takes a few practice swings with a severed kobold head

"Seems awkward, but I guess your right. This is much better then my old worn gear...The door is surprisingly easy to wield. Not at all like my clumsy useless shield. And I don't know why I ever thought a sword would be better then this!"

He suddenly tosses the stuff to the ground and draws his good equipment.

"Are we going to proceed with your plan, or should we begin drawing up plans for a kobold-torso siege engine?"

Male Eladrin Wizard 3

"slight problem with part of the plan. I can only enchant one item with light. Once I cast it again the previous one ends. Would be usefull in scouting the next room but somewhat limited. I do like the idea of bringing some cover for us ranged attackers. Then if any close with us for melee block and kava can finish them off. Should help us extend ourselves to possible clean out this whole lair since we're not sure how big this place is.

Aloran picks up the sack of heads.

"I'm ready to continue."

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4

"HELL AND BLOOD! Can we please cease this useless bickering. This is like child's pen more than a military engagement!" Kava's stops what she is doing and glares white scales gleeming in the light of glow sticks "We either work as a unit or turn around and go home. What is it to be?"

She continues "We are deep in Kobold territory and they are dug in against a melee force. As we have just found out three times already, assailing them at a distance is more effective than running in and being pinned by thier traps while they rain hell on us. To that end we need protective fortifications to match thier own. Unless someone has a secret stash of tower sheilds somewhere I can not see, then this will have to do. At least until we get an idea what we are up against. *bahamut* troth ve"

Kava hefts the door sideways with her makeshift hand holds and moves to block a section of corridor ready for advancement
turning the door on it's side (it's 10'x5'?) I block AR 28+29 with my 5' high barrier. Plan is to advance it to AS with crouching/hidden strikers behind

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Who's picking up the old sunrod that Demon left, and what will A'loran iiluminate with his magic?

male human warlord 2

like a good soldier, Block picks up the sunrod, tucks it into his belt and falls in next to his new commander, Kava.

Female Halfling Rogue 1

Brianna has stayed out of the debate, making sure her weapons are ready while she sits down and has a little snack.

Male Eladrin Wizard 3

A'loran picks up some sling stones and Anmuspi's enchanted arrow. He then hands the arrow to Anmuspi.

"I think we'll be ok with the Sunrod but if there are any dark area's lets light them up with the arrow."

Actions for next sight of trouble. Drop Sack o' heads.

Male Human Ranger 2

Anmuspi tosses whatever kobold bodies he can find into the hallway and then drags one (or both if he can) drake bodies down the hallway behind Kava. Once Kava takes up a position, he begins to build cover in the spot next to it using the bodies. Once complete, he will fire a light arrow into the best spot in the room to illuminate as much of it as he can.

Should the kobolds attack prior to the cover being built, he will take a few steps back and ready return fire.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

You arrive at a chamber with a 20-foot-tall ceiling. Before
you is a 10-foot tall wall that leaves passages open to both
the right and left. A 10-foot high ledge is visible on the south wall.

I changed the map to how I understand things to be set up. Let me know if it needs adjusting. And then what do you want to do?

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4
ghettowedge wrote:
I changed the map to how I understand things to be set up

Looks AOK from here. Crouching behind the makeshift wall Kava actively percieves towards the ledge right and the tower in front

Female Halfling Rogue 1

Brianna finishes her snack and then stand, stretches a little, and slips into the shadows of the wall to do a little scouting.

Using Stealth to move to AT26 and see if I can see anything.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Brianna hops the make-shift barricade and pokes her head around the squat stone building. She sees a dark corridor in the north wall, and past the building she what appear to be stairs leading up in the shadowy illumination.

Kava and Anmuspi, atop the ledge to the south you can make out a large round object, about 8 feet in diameter.

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4

Kava indicates the southern ledge "Ranger. What do you make that out to be. Another trap? It does not seem to be an idol (though I can't make it out) altars to Tiamat are usually gaudy affairs.

Hmmm ...A flaming flask of oil over the wall in front of us might help flush them out."

Female Halfling Rogue 1

'Jabber jabber, you talk more than a fishwife, Kava, telling any of them right where you are, and your plans if they speak common.' Brianna thinks, even as she keeps moving, hugging the wall, her dagger in her hand.

While the others talk, I hug the wall and move to AX24, keeping an eye out for kobolds or anything else.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Brianna -

You get to AV24 when you spot a kobold on the east ledge at BB29. It seems oblivious of you. The kobold wears scale armor and holds a short sword and heavy shield. It continually shifts its attention north to south, but its gaze never fixes on you.

Block draws his sword and moves to AU30. Anything else in that room to the south?

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Block can clearly make out a large boulder poised on the southern ledge.

male human warlord 2

Block reports to Kava as he moves past the others to au27: "Looks like a large boulder proped up in that room. May be a trap. I'll check the other path."
Block peeks down the northern hall. See any enemies?

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
Sgt. Westman Block wrote:
Block peeks down the northern hall. See any enemies?

Just the angry form of the brightly lit Brianna.

Don't worry Brianna...
...You still have cover from the ledge.

male human warlord 2

Move to ax26

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Brianna -

You see the kobold point at Westman's position. You get an action right now as part of the surprise round.

Female Halfling Rogue 1

The halfling smacks Block on the back of the head - or whereever else she can reach. "Idiot! You gave away my position and didn't even spot them." She then points to the kobolds and yells to the group. "They're over there!!!"

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4

"Then fall back before they hit you with glue or traps" Kava turns to the rest of the group. "At least they know where the rest of us are"

Male Human Ranger 2

Now just to draw them out - any suggestions? Anyone have any oil? A'loran and I should be able to keep them pinned with arrows and acid if we decide to press forward.

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4

"I think that our Baker is drawing them out now. She just introduced us the enemy." She says with a wry smile

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Suddenly, the sound of cracking timbers echoes through the hall. The floor shakes, dust cascades down from the ceiling, and something big and heavy hurtles to the floor.

Those who can see it, notice the boulder to the south roll off the ledge and bound towards the structure. Brianna it's your turn again.

Female Halfling Rogue 1

Brianna isn't much for falling back, and so, she moves forward, starting to close the distance to the ledge where she pointed out kobolds while trying to keep some cover from any sling shots.

Move to BB24, and if that takes me out of the LoS of the kobolds I saw, then use the standard action to go back into stealth.

Male Eladrin Wizard 3
ghettowedge wrote:

Suddenly, the sound of cracking timbers echoes through the hall. The floor shakes, dust cascades down from the ceiling, and something big and heavy hurtles to the floor.

Those who can see it, notice the boulder to the south roll off the ledge and bound towards the structure. Brianna it's your turn again.

"I get the feeling that something big and nasty is about to be released"

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Brianna dashes across the open ground and presses herself up against the wall. As she goes she reports the presence of 2 heavily armored kobolds (K1 + K2) on the eastern ledge as well as another kobold wearing a bone mask. And as she huddles in the corner she peers her head down the dead-end passage to the north and adds "Plus one winged lizard."

The boulder smashes against the central structure and continues rolling east.

Then two kobolds appear atop the 10-foot high walls of the central stucture with slings in hand. One sends a stone ricocheting into the northeast corner. The other pretty much drops a glue pot right onto Westman's head.

Westman is immobilized. A'loran's turn.

Brianna, you may want to amend the second part of your action, as you are only hidden from K2 and the drake. You don't have cover or concealmeant from the others.

Female Halfling Rogue 1

My action stays as is. Even if the 2 kobolds can see her, she should be able to gain stealth from the drake should it move up.

Male Eladrin Wizard 3

"guys I...eeeerrr this seems like a bad plan since we're so spread apart. Bri sounds like she's on one side of the room and you know someone or something pushed that boulder of the ledge. We need to regroup. Block, Bri lets regroup."

Move to AQ29 Target S2 w/ magic missle

Whispers to kava and Anmuspi "Does anyone speak elven?"

GM: does the structure in the middle look like it has a roof or are they behind some kind of fortified wall.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
A'loran Longstride wrote:
GM: does the structure in the middle look like it has a roof or are they behind some kind of fortified wall.

It's impossible to tell from this angle.

A'loran's magic darts go sailing into the cieling.

Apparently, Brianna wasn't hidden well enough, because the drake flies straight towards her. In mid-flight it uses it's mouth to pull out and leave with one of her daggers, and then continues flying up to the ledge.

Brianna, take 1 point of damage. Block and Anmuspi are next.

Female Halfling Rogue 1

Can I OA it as it passes?

male human warlord 2

Attack S1with a javelin.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
Brianna wrote:
Can I OA it as it passes?

Sorry, but its movement doesn't provoke!

Block's javelin goes straight up... and straight down. He does however, manage to free himself from the glue.

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4
A'loran Longstride wrote:
Whispers to kava and Anmuspi "Does anyone speak elven?"

"Not I, though I think Briana knows a little I think."

Kava shakes her head. "Let us take their artillery down first." Hefting her axe in one hand holding the "wall" in the other

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Anmuspi delays.

The kobold wearing the skull mask speaks a strange word and hurls a quickly forming ball of ice from his previously empty hand. Brianna manages a quick jump and the ice ball shatters against the floor.

Kava is next, and then Brianna.

Female Halfling Rogue 1

Posting ahead of Kava, since I plan on being out most of the day and don't wanna hold things up!

Brianna isn't about to fall back. Not when so many kobolds are right where she can get at them. So, she races to attack!

I'm assuming the little arrows are a ramp or stairs. So, I move BA 25- BB 26-28, BC 29. I draw on OA from K1, but my AO ACs awesome, so, I risk it. I then do a Sly Florish on KP.

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4

hey gang ... sorry for the hold up - loads of auditions working 9am till midnight and my 20yr high school reunion (yikes)
I'm assuming I can't see Bri or Block, I CAN see S2 and that the bolder has crashed into the tower and not about to roll over my face Raider's of the Lost Arc style

Kava hurls her hand axe at the miscreant (S2) who is throwing things at (she presumes) her friends below. "*faessi*" she yells at it, (divine challenge). Seeing Anmuspi hesitate and the sounds of battle beyond the wall she leaps the wooden barricade and races around the south end of the tower towards the now grounded boulder and cover, hopeing to draw fire away from her friends (AU31 if barricade is messy terrain).

Male Human Ranger 2

Anmuspi determines the closest target and begins firing arrows from his fortified position.

Minor: Hunter's Quarry on nearest enemy.
Standard: Twin shot (+6/+6 for damage of 1d10+1+1d8/1d10+1)

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

With a yell Kava lands a hand in S2's shoulder, and then she leaps over the barricade and into the room.
Kava hits S2 for 9 points.

Brianna dashes up the stairs to the east ledge. She dodges an attack as one of the heavily armored kobolds side-steps to flank her. Ignoring them she strikes the kobold wearing the skull mask.
Brianna hit KP for 7 points.

Anmuspi fires twice, and one arrow finds a target.
Anmuspi hit S2 for 11 and S2 is bloodied.

The pair of armored kobolds attack Brianna with their short swords. One finds its mark.
K2 hits Brianna for 8 points and she is marked (you have a -2 on attacks that don't include K2).

The boulder continues to bounce around the room.

S1 drops a glue pot on Westman, giving him a second coat.
Westman is immobilized.

S2 moves around the roof to throw a glue pot at Kava and she finds herself stuck in place.
Kava is immobilized.

A'loran's turn.

Male Eladrin Wizard 3

A'loran grumbles to himself "someone is gonna die. This is bad bad bad."

teleport to AV29

Slamming the end of his staff down "I'd like to introduce you to Kava she'll greet you with her dragonhead flail" thunderwave at S2

Liberty's Edge

Female Dragonborn Paladin 4

"WATCHOUT ALL. BOULDER IS ROLLING WIDDERSHINS AROUND THE TOWER." Bellows Kava in warning, seeing the boulder bounceout of view.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

The kobold looks at A'loran quizzically as the blast fails to do anything, but kick up the dust on top of the wall. From here A'loran can see into the small central room which serves as a cramped sleeping area with two ladders against the north wall.

The drake drops Brianna's knife in BB30 and wheels around towards Kava. The drake lashes out with a claw, drawing blood as it continues away.
Kava is hit for 7 points.

Westman's turn.

male human warlord 2

Javelin on S1
+6 vs AC; 1d6+4

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Westman picks up his javelin and throws it again, this time connecting.
Westman hit S1 for 6 points, and Westman is free of the glue.

The masked kobold barks out some orders and pulls out a spear, which he pokes quickly into Brianna's hip.
Brianna is hit for 2 points, and Brianna is bloodied.

Kava, Brianna, and Anmuspi and next.

For those who speak draconic:

"Get out of the way so I can freeze this whelp."

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