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Ok, I'm a fan of the little lizard guys. No, I'm not one of those dragon-crazed maniacs, but there's something to be said for rooting for the underdog. Now, I'm wondering how best to make the kobold fit into Pathfinder. In my homebrew campaign, the oldest group of races are anthropomorphic animal-men including Gnolls, Aarakocra, Dekians (weaselfolk), Karbu (reindeerfolk), Ratlings (speaks for themselves), Lupin (wolf/dogfolk), Dragonborn (lizardfolk), and a dragonborn offshoot, the kobolds. In my campaign all of these races are considered "core". Now, the other races I'm building from scratch, but I just want to update kobolds to Pathfinder standards. You know, +2 overall stats, etc., etc. Any tips on how to do this and still retain their koboldness?
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It's not an easy question, but here's my (rough) stab at it:
Kobold Racial Traits
-4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma: Kobolds are physically frail, but quick and extremely clever.
Small: Kobolds are Small creatures, and gain a +1 size bonus to AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 bonus on Stealth checks.
Normal Speed: Kobolds have a base land speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision 60 feet: Kobolds can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Keen Senses: Kobolds have a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Crafty and Cunning: Kobolds gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking) and Profession (miner) checks. They can make a Perception check to find a hidden trap if they pass within 10 feet of it, regardless of whether they are actively looking. The kobold cannot locate a trap with a Perception DC higher than 20 without the trapfinding class feature, however.
+1 natural armor: Kobolds have scaly skin that protects them from harm.
Light Sensitivity: Kobolds are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
Languages: Kobolds begin play speaking Draconic and Common. Kobolds with high Intelligence scores can choose any of the following: Abyssal, Dwarven, Elemental, Giant, Goblin, and Undercommon.
Favored Class: The favored class of kobolds is sorcerer or rogue. This choice must be made at 1st level and cannot be changed.
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![Son of Perdition](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/11SonofPerdition_V2.jpg)
It's not an easy question, but here's my (rough) stab at it:
Kobold Racial Traits
-4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma: Kobolds are physically frail, but quick and extremely clever.Small: Kobolds are Small creatures, and gain a +1 size bonus to AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 bonus on Stealth checks.
Normal Speed: Kobolds have a base land speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision 60 feet: Kobolds can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Keen Senses: Kobolds have a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Crafty and Cunning: Kobolds gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking) and Profession (miner) checks. They can make a Perception check to find a hidden trap if they pass within 10 feet of it, regardless of whether they are actively looking. The kobold cannot locate a trap with a Perception DC higher than 20 without the trapfinding class feature, however.
+1 natural armor: Kobolds have scaly skin that protects them from harm.
Light Sensitivity: Kobolds are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
Languages: Kobolds begin play speaking Draconic and Common. Kobolds with high Intelligence scores can choose any of the following: Abyssal, Dwarven, Elemental, Giant, Goblin, and Undercommon.
Favored Class: The favored class of kobolds is sorcerer or rogue. This choice must be made at 1st level and cannot be changed.
About the only thing missing is the Weapon Familiarity. Otherwise I think it is spot on.
Weapon Familiarity: Kobolds are proficient with slings, spears and picks and treat any weapon with the word "kobold" in its name as a martial weapon.
They are associated with slings and spears in the monster text and pick is natural for profession (miner) (dwarves get it).
I wonder if suggested Sorcerer Bloodlines for races would be in order. Kobolds would likely gravitate to Abyssal, Infernal Elemantal (element based on color) or Draconic (especially draconic) due to their history and general association with these powers. Since in most histories kobolds believe they are kin to dragons it would seem they would favor that bloodline above the others. It would be nice to see Bloodline and School suggestions should be made standard to Racial write ups to seed things for new players.
Note that I am pulling flavor information from Classic Monsters Revisited.
Hydro RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |
Kobolds are proficient with slings, spears and picks and treat any weapon with the word "kobold" in its name as a martial weapon.
Only if you introduce a "Kobold somethingorother" in your game so that they actually get that benefit.
Also, I'm not sure that trait is strictly required. Kobolds don't strike me as very weapon-oriented.
One thing I do in my games is give them crossbow proficiency. This arguably warrents a CR boost up to 1/3 for mooks, though, but it's something PC kobolds really need to cope with that strength penalty. With -4 strength, they're made to be either crossbow specialists or spellcasters; that's really all there is to it.
Hydro RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |
mindgamez wrote:Kobolds are proficient with slings, spears and picks and treat any weapon with the word "kobold" in its name as a martial weapon.Only if you introduce a "Kobold somethingorother" in your game so that they actually get that benefit.
Also, I'm not sure that trait is strictly required. Kobolds don't strike me as very weapon-oriented.
One thing I do in my games is give them crossbow proficiency. This arguably warrents a CR boost up to 1/3 for mooks, though, but it's something PC kobolds really need to cope with that strength penalty. With -4 strength, they're made to be either crossbow specialists or spellcasters; that's really all there is to it.
I'm just going to critique my own post by noting that every class in the game (except monk, I believe) is proficient with most crossbows. So, saying the PCs need it isn't strictly accurate.
But I like making kobold mooks more deadly. And if they have reasonable intelligence coupled with lawful societies and an aptitude for traps (and the mechanisms that operate them), well, it makes sense.One change I saw and liked was a "Scrawny" class feature: They gain size bonuses as if they were tiny, and may be treated as either small or tiny, depending on which is more advantagious at the time (much like goliaths are treated as large).
A specificly magic-oriented class feature would be nice too, but don't overdo it. You don't want then to be great sorcerers and terrible at everything else; it's alright if one class is optimal for a race but it shouldn't be a necessity.
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The +2 Charisma works mechanically, but I don't think it's particularly flavorful. Kobolds aren't the most outgoing or open of folk. An Intelligence bonus works better as flavor, but then they make better wizards than sorcerers, which is obviously wrong.
Lord Tataraus |
Personally, I'd drop the Con penalty and change +2 Cha to +2 Int or even +2 Con (works mechanically with the bloodline abilities).
As for a kobold racial weapon: Kobold Gnomeskewer - two-handed 1d6(Small) 19-20/x2 piercing - Trip, Reach 10ft, may be used with weapon finesse. Basically a finesse-able guisarme except you skewer instead of slash with it.
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![Volnagur the End-Singer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF24-08.jpg)
For weapons, might I suggest the OGC found in Bards and Sages' Koboldnomicon?(I would use a Paizo store link to this if there was one)
Scorpion-on-a-stick or perhaps the Weasel Bola? Then there's always the classic 4-kobold siege weapon, the angry-wolverine-strapped-to-a-battering-ram.
Hydro RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |
The +2 Charisma works mechanically, but I don't think it's particularly flavorful. Kobolds aren't the most outgoing or open of folk. An Intelligence bonus works better as flavor, but then they make better wizards than sorcerers, which is obviously wrong.
That's what's been going through my head too.
I would give them +2 int or +2 wis, and then an ability that grants either +1 save DC (and possibly +1 caster level) for sorcerer spells or grants another bloodline (i.e, dragon bloodline for free and you get to pick another one), again only for sorcerers.
I believe dragon shamans use WIS, plus it's a good stat to develop as a race if you have 2 hit points each. The "sorcerer bonus" should be about as useful for sorcerers as +2 cha would have been, and should basically be balanced as such.
Fischkopp |
![Ser Jormal](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/7SerJormal.jpg)
thefishcometh wrote:The +2 Charisma works mechanically, but I don't think it's particularly flavorful. Kobolds aren't the most outgoing or open of folk. An Intelligence bonus works better as flavor, but then they make better wizards than sorcerers, which is obviously wrong.That's what's been going through my head too.
No, no, no (IMO ;P). Ever since 3.0 Kobolds gained Sorceror as a favoured class I have them imagined as little "Wannabe"-dragons. More ego than size, in fact. This is one aspect of Charisma. So I would give them -2 Strength, +2 Dex, +2 Cha. Nets +2. Or is it written in stone Kobolds have to get -4 to strength?
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I would give them +2 int or +2 wis, and then an ability that grants either +1 save DC (and possibly +1 caster level) for sorcerer spells or grants another bloodline (i.e, dragon bloodline for free and you get to pick another one), again only for sorcerers.
No other race has a racial bonus that's limited solely to a specific class, and I think that changing that rule here would be bad game design. The idea is to encourage, rather than to force; one of the things I so very much appreciate about Pathfinder is that it manages to effectively "lure" races into their favored classes rather than demanding that they take them arbitrarily (see: Elf, 3.5 version).
Ever since 3.0 Kobolds gained Sorceror as a favoured class I have them imagined as little "Wannabe"-dragons. More ego than size, in fact. This is one aspect of Charisma. So I would give them -2 Strength, +2 Dex, +2 Cha. Nets +2. Or is it written in stone Kobolds have to get -4 to strength?
This is a good way to look at them, and I completely agree with it. In my head, no kobold ever really realizes that they aren't significantly more important than any other race except for the true dragons; the fact that they have to "cheat" to win fight is, for the kobolds, just more evidence of their superior intellect and cunning. That isn't necessarily the truth, but it's how they see the world, and it affects their attitudes and self-perceptions...
On the other hand, -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha is the exact statline of halflings at the moment, so until they fix that and put it back to an Int boost as it should be, I'm not thrilled about another race with the same set of bonuses and penalties. Also, one of the key "underdog" elements of kobolds is that they really are useless in a straight up melee, and I think the -4 Str and -2 Con really play into that. Finally, kobolds have some pretty good racial bonuses happening - natural armor is pretty potent, and they get all the bonuses of being Small without one of the major drawbacks, the slower speed. Light Sensitivity is all well and good, but does not, in my experience, actually come up much outside roleplaying concerns.
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None of the other small races are as penalized in Str or Con, so I'd consider making them -2 Str, +2 Dex and +2 Something Else. (Wisdom for sharp little senses? Intelligence for cunning little trapsmiths? Charisma for Napoleonic headcases convinced they are tiny little Dragonspawn and better than everyone else? Your choice, really.)
I do also like the 'Slight Build' racial feature suggested over at the WotC site. Treat Kobolds as Tiny for squeezing and occupying space, but Small for other mechanical effects. (If I wasn't allowing that, I'd allow Kobold Adepts to create an alchemical salve that let them do that anyway, so that their 'skirmishers' could squeeze into and out of Tiny tunnels to attack and retreat from bigguns.)
Also, they should have a bite attack, even if it's a dinky one. (For that matter, Orcs, Goblins Gnolls and Half-Orcs, are all presented in the artwork as having fearsome teeth and jaws, so I'd give all of them Bite attacks... Possibly Hobgoblins as well, although the numbers would vary, with Gnolls having the best Bite damage and Hobgoblins and Half-Orcs the least.)
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Ok, I'm a fan of the little lizard guys. No, I'm not one of those dragon-crazed maniacs, but there's something to be said for rooting for the underdog. Now, I'm wondering how best to make the kobold fit into Pathfinder.
If you chop off their arms and legs they fit just about perfect into the book.
Hydro RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |
I don't think a sorcerer-specific bonus would force kobolds to be sorcerers any more than a +2 bonus to INT forces a character to be clerics. What we have here is a race with no lure to pick their favored class; in fact, there's an active disincentive for it (-2 con. Pain.). I'm just trying to counterbalance that. It may break unwritten rules but it doesn't hurt actual play in the slightest.
Just make sure it isn't much better than +2 CHA would have been, and don't do this if you're also actually giving +2 CHA.
I wouldn't agree with that change, because I don't think ego and charisma are the same thing. One makes you better at making friends, the other makes you worse (this is why the cocky dragon-men in Arcana Evolved actually get a penalty to CHA for their trouble). I can see the rational though, I guess. But it would make more sense to me if their self-reverent ego made them good sorcerers without improving their social graces any.
+4 dex would be a godsend to kobold archers and finesse-monkeys, as long as it were counterbalanced by class features that more directly favor spellcasting over combat. For example, I wouldn't give them this and the counts-as-tiny power, that would be to much incentive for rogues, and would push both sneak and AC through the roof.
I agree that the -4 str -2 con are a big part of the kobolds charm and that a perfect power-up would keep these while still making the race playable. If you're reinventing them, though, you're prettymuch free to do whatever you like.
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![Paracount Julistar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/06-majestrixs-2.jpg)
Im not in agreement with the set up a few have proposed for the Kobold.
-4 Str and -2 Con seems a bit drastic.
especially when mmatched gainst the other races.
All races have +2/+2/-2
Giving the Kobolds a natural AC bonus should only elicit another -2 penalty.
so what I would propose is -2 St (Frail little guys), +2 Dex (wiry...say it wiry...in best welsh accent*), +2 Cha (forceful Dragonlike blighters...a cult of personality ;) ), -2 Con (didnt I say frail?)
That should meet the requirments of enough minus' to make the +1 Natuyral AC Bonus work and balance them out making them a poor HTH combatant and guiding the class choice to Rogue or Sorcerer
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What about an ability that let Kobold sorcerers use Int or Wis instead of Charisma as their base stat? It may be overpowered, but what do you think? In the fluff, kobold sorcerers are taught rather than learning it all themselves, so it could make sense that way.
Hydro RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |
What about an ability that let Kobold sorcerers use Int or Wis instead of Charisma as their base stat? It may be overpowered, but what do you think? In the fluff, kobold sorcerers are taught rather than learning it all themselves, so it could make sense that way.
It wouldn't be broken but I think it would really muss up the flavor of a sorcerer.
It basically makes it so that a kobold sorcerer is something completely different from all other sorcerers (including dragons).
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Hm. Well, I think I'm going to go with -4 Str, -2 Con, +2 Dex, +2 Cha. The Charisma bonus is going to be justified by the fact that kobolds are very shrewd negotiators and have willful personalities, even if they are a bit unnerving and have anti-individual instincts. I really like the "slight build" ability; kobolds are pretty much the weediest things ever.
poodle |
Hmmm...I really don't like the bonus to charisma. Being an egomaniac should make you more unlikable not less. I am all for giving them a bonus to wisdom as they would need to be observant survivors. I like the scrawny ability although making small tunnels is as effective generally speaking. I also like the scaly skin giving them a natural armour bonus. I think they have a few skills already like a natural bite or claw attack.
This is just an idea but what about a feat called "scuttle" or something. Kobolds can run on all fours like a baboon or chimp meaning they can go through tiny tunnels at full speed (not needing to stand upright) and are considered one size smaller when charging or running as they are bent over. If you want to put limits on then say that they need at least three limbs to be able to do this. If they have to run using only their legs drop their speed down to 20or less.
Another idea I had was an ability called "safety in nuumbers". Kobolds (or any small intelligent monsterous humanoid) get +1 to will saves for every four kobolds present. This seems powerful but remember they are only kobolds. It means that an entire kobold tribe can't be wiped out instantly by a sleep spell or colour spray. They would be brave until you whittled their numbers down (not entirely unrealistic).
If you really like them how about a bonus to their mass combat. "dogpile" with this ability/feat kobolds are used to fighting co-operatively in large numbers. Double the number of kobolds allowed per opponent or double the bonus that they get for outnumbering their opposition.
In a book I was writing my goblins had long gangly arms which meant that theycould use medium sized crossbows and bows (not longbows) but couldn't use medium sized melee-weapons due to leverage problems. No matter how long your arms you can't swing a two handed sword because you only weigh 40lbs and are 3ft tall.
It would make them pretty nasty. Give them some heavy crossbows to soften the opposition up with and then try to overpower the opponents using sheer numbers after the PC's have clawed their way through the traps.
If you want more ideas just ask.
As for sorcerers I would limit Kobolds to only being allowed draconic bloodlines. I would make their favoured classes rogue or ranger.
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Way I see it the best way to do Kobold stats in pathfinder as it stands now would be to give them a -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2con and a +2 to a mental stat. This would lead to a culmitive +0 overall to stats. which means that although they are not as good stat wise as the current races in pathfinder it is offset by the +1 natural armour and even though they are a small race they get the 30ft land speed. As for favored classes I would say rogue and sorceror.
poodle |
Why sorceror? Give them a wisdom bonus and make cleric one of their favoured classes. I can see that being more useful to a small tribe in the wilderness than a sorceror. Purifying water, healing wounds encouraging the troops. I suspect they are too nasty to have a druid. If it helps don't think of it as a cleric think of it as a witchdoctor or a shaman or whatever title you care to think of.
As for kobold weapons a jar full of rotgrubs...heh heh heh.
iamtheDMgetovait |
On your post about kobolds
If you look at all the races in pathfinder they all get +2 to one of the three physical stats Str Dex Con. +2 to one of the mental stats and then a -2 to one stat
There for kobolds I feel get +2 to dex small and agile. +2 to cha because though they are not very personable they have strong personalities and sense of who they are and where they come from.
They get -2 to str because they are not very strong.
A +1 nat ac is good and is offset by lightblindness
I also like the idea of treating them as tiny and small depending on which suits them best.
Kobolds move at 30 as they are fast for there size
+2 to disable device and trapmaking they show aptitude to the task of pulling apart others creation but not in creating new equipment. and making traps cause traps are about the only thing they really spend time creating.
Not sure on weapon familiarity but some of the otherposts have great ideas.
Fav class rogue and sorc.
There are other race features which I can't think of them off the top of my head but just insert in the post
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![Abyssal Raptor](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/08-rapter-goblin_Final1.jpg)
I firmly maintain that kobolds should maintain their massive ability score penalties. Despite being playable as PCs, they are nonetheless the unvercerse's chew toys. Kobolds should suck. Its funnier that way. I also say keep the CHA penalty; their massive egos warrant it.
Also, another vote for the tiny build ability; to balance against their sh1tty ability scores.
kickedoffagain |
I've changed my mind slightly, after seeing the effects of +1 Natural Armor and Small size (with full 30' movement) at low levels.
I'd go with -2 Str, +2 Dex and that's it for stat adjustments. The -4 Str is just over the top mean, IMO, and the -2 Con isn't needed to balance anything at this point. There's been good arguments for and against bonuses to Int, Wis and / or Cha, and I'm just gonna average them out and say that Kobolds have +0 to all mental stats, just like humans. Some will be smart, perceptive or commanding, others will be flaky, absent-minded or annoying.
The standard PC races have a net +2 in Pathfinder, and I'm gonna house-rule that the +1 Natural Armor compensates them adequately for only having a net +0 to their stats.
I'll also give them the perks mentioned in the
WotC website article, feeble claw/bite attacks and a 'Slight Build' feature useful mainly for 'squeezing' through tight spaces and Hide bonuses.
Dennis da Ogre |
Kobolds are not meant to be a PC race and are thus not balanced against PC races. Look at their CR, they are designed to be the weak sauce. Let them have the niche they deserve. Kobolds are the only CR 1/4 race in core and they should remain so. If someone wants to play a kobold then they should deal with the kobold the way it is.
One of the appeals of playing the kobold is in making a weakling race into a decent character. By making the race into yet another generic race it loses that appeal. As it stands they are not a bad race for a rogue, sorcerer, or wizard. Their Natural Armor, 30' move rate, and darkvision make them great rogues in particular.
If you want to put together a new kobold variant then it should be exactly that, an optional variant.