Tom Qadim RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 |

Just curious to know what everyone else is running. We just started Keep on the Shadowfell the other day and everyone is having a blast. I've placed the module in my own homebrew setting.
Here's the party:
- Female Human Rogue
- Female Tiefling Warlock
- Male Tiefling Warlord
- Male Human Fighter
- "Male" Warforged Fighter

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I have one group of old timers (all 1E -> 3.5) who wanted a "reboot". So we decided to go completely generic just to give 4E a chance. As an experiment, we're using the town out of the DMG (FallCrest) and I'm running KotS for them. (with some of Sebastians suggested changes).
The party consists of:
Dragonborn Fighter
Tiefling Warlock
Eladrin Wizard
Halfling Rogue
Human Warlord
So far it's going ok. They're getting used to the powers and starting to figure out how to compliment each other. I'm in a bit of trouble here I think. The five of them are old-school board game tactic guys and once they get going I'm finding my minions don't stand a chance. I'm finding the Warlock bouncing around the room particularly troublesome. But he's enjoying it.
My other group is at home with my family. That group plays every summer when my son comes back from college. We're going through a condensed version of SCAP. Last year we got through Flood Season and this summer is Zenith Trajectory. I've converted their characters to 4E (from Microlite20) and we're giving it a shot.
That party consists of:
Dwarf Fighter
Eladrin Warlock
Human Rogue
Elven Cleric (NPC) (the girl they rescued from the Lucky Monkey)
My wife plays the dwarf and my son the Eladrin, so they banter back and forth. Best so far is the dwarf complaining about the teleporting. "Would you hold still you bloody Elf?"

Antioch |

We're touring Keep on the Shadowfell so that the gang can get a handle on low-level play before continuing Age of Worms (where they are 12th-level).
Female dwarf fighter
Male dwarf fighter
Male human wizard
Male dragonborn paladin
Male half-elf cleric
Male halfling rogue
In Age of Worms, we got:
Male dragonmarked human fighter
Male kalashtar cleric/psion
Female changling warlord/wizard
Male human artificer
Female half-elf wizard
We might be adding a couple more people to the roster here.
After that I'll be running a Primordials campaign that starts out in Fallcrest.

Pat o' the Ninth Power |

Running Keep on the Shadowfell as a PBP:
Human Paladin
Halfling Rogue
Eladrin Wizard
Eladrin Warlock
Eladrin Warlord
Running my home game, "Refugees":
Half-Elf Paladin
Human Wizard
Eladrin Warlock
Dragonborn Ranger
Elf Cleric
Running Refugees as a PBP:
Human Warlock
Half-Elf Paladin
Elf Ranger
Half-Elf Wizard
Dragonborn Warlord
Elardrin TBD, either Fighter or Rogue

Derek Poppink |

Running Rise of the Runelords with eight coworkers once a week at work:
Kaddok, Human (Shoanti) Cleric of Torag
Gladimdad, Dragonborn Paladin
Leugren Grymauk, Dwarf Fighter
Ambrose Darkmantle, Human (Chelaxian) Wizard
Rasael, Elf Rogue
Brecla, Elf Ranger
Genvissa, Eladrin Wizard
Priven Dimwald IV, Human (Chelaxian) Warlord
Just ran the Initial Assault. Gotta love crazy Paizo goblins.

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I'm running Keep on the Shadowfell as we all get used to the rules. After that I'm switching off DMing with another player, and I think he's gonna set his campaign in the Realms. I'm also working on converting CotCT to 4th and working on my own homebrew until next year when the Eberron books come out, then I'll convert the campaign-I-never-got-to-run to 4th edition.
Currently we have:
Elf Ranger
Halfling Rogue
Tiefling Warlock
Human Cleric (who is gonna switch to Dragonborne Paladin)
Human Wizard
Human Fighter

Jeremy Mac Donald |

I'm going to try and do a neophyte mill.
Essentially for the last few years I keep getting pestered by potential players to teach them D&D or to let them back into the game as they have not played in 20 years or whatever.
I suspect I get this for a couple of reasons, I live in a liberal metropolis (Toronto) so there are a lot of potential players kicking about and I am a big player handout type DM. I make large colourful maps of my world for my players to mark up and have colourful handouts almost every week for my players. I'm not at all shy about showing them off to anyone who is the least bit interested and explaining that they are for my Dungeons and Dragons game. The result has been that I'm getting a surprising amount of attention from potential players who either have not played in a stones age or are interested in trying out this D&D thing they have heard of.
Now I run a full time 3.5 game so up until this point I've just been turning potential players away. There is no way in hell I'm trying to run two campaigns at once. Too much work,
3.5 is a great system but its very mechanical. An example I used to describe it to a friend was 'mathematical' - to make my 13th level Cleric, former Orc, Mummy Lord I am essentially creating a mathematical proof that says I'm allowed to make this Orc a 13th level Cleric and a Mummy Lord. I then go through the necessary steps and eventually I have what amounts to a proof that this Mummy Lord is legal and here is how it works. Takes many hours - my players will kill it in not so many hours.
But with 4E I've changed my mind. The DMs job, while still substantial, has far less overhead. I'm going to sit down and convert Erik Mona's Whispering Cairn into a 4E adventure, as I feel that this adventure is a phenomenal introduction to what RPGs can be, with all the iconic fights as well as a great town, an interesting mix of combat and non combat encounters - oh and a cool dungeon, mustn't forget the dungeon. As an intro to D&D I'm not sure it can be beat. I've never seen anything I thought would work better in any case.
I'll use this to run neophytes through in groups every time I get enough interested players together, probably about once every three or four months or so. Some of these players will have tried the game again (or for the first time) and won't be interested - thats the nature of the beast. Not every player that tries the game wants to, or is in a position to, keep playing.
However I figure eventually I'll get enough players from these groups all interested in continuing and I'll put them through a few more Age of Worms adventures. If I only have one extra group I might just play them through the whole AP but if I get more then just the one extra group (on top of my regulars) then that will be too much and I'll look to pick one of the more interested players to co-DM with for a couple of adventures and then I'll exit the scene and let the group sink or swim hoping that I've provided just enough to keep them together and keep them gaming.

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I just started Curse of the Crimson Throne using some of the conversions done here on the Paizo forums. Its working out very well.
I diced the Harrow reading and it threw up some shocking insights into the campaign. Not only did The Rakshasa and The Hidden Voice get drawn in the past Neutral and past Negative but The Plague was drawn in Future Negative. Read into that as you will.
My players are
Korvosan Human Warlord
Korvosa Human Rogue
Varisian Human Fighter
Shoanti Human Cleric
Dwarven Paladin
Half-elf Fighter
Eladrin Wizard

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I'm doing a conversion of CotCT, with a whopping six players (my new record), though one is changing characters and may drop out. Erm, it's not my fault, I swear.
They are:
- Female dwarf warlock
- Female tiefling warlord
- Male elf ranger
- Male halfling rogue
- Male tiefling wizard (soon to be male tiefling fighter)
- Male-personality warforged fighter
We've just gotten started--in fact, session number 2 should be starting in about 14-16 hours.
Jeez, that soon? I really should try this "sleep" stuff. Hear it's great. :P
Oh, and the Harrow reading was a blastie. I hope it stays fun for the next adventures, too.

drjones |

So far I have been running KotS mixed with my own encounters but having read AoW but never having a 3.5 group I would love to convert it. I am a little wary though since the encounter design seems to start from a different place in 4e so just swapping in the new monster blocks does not seem like it would result in the most interesting combats.
Maybe we should have a thread on AoW conversions hmm?
My players are intermittent so we have had:
All KotS pregens
Halfling throwing dagger rogue
Dragonborn healing pally
Human star pact warlock
Eladrin Wizzy

PsychoticWarrior |

Just curious to know what everyone else is running. We just started Keep on the Shadowfell the other day and everyone is having a blast. I've placed the module in my own homebrew setting.
Here's the party:
- Female Human Rogue
- Female Tiefling Warlock
- Male Tiefling Warlord
- Male Human Fighter
- "Male" Warforged Fighter
Haven't actually started yet but I plan on running my group in a 'Known World'/Mystara campaign setting. The more I read 4E the more 'old school' it feels to me so I'm going back to my roots - old modules like Horror on the Hill (B5) Isle of Dread (X1) etc all taking place in the ruins of the once might Duchy of Kamaekios (or however you spell it). I'm hoping everyone will take advantage of the expanded race selection I'm giving (basically anything that has a race write up in the MM + the Warforged from a recent Dragon article) and we get a nice selection of classes.
In the test game I am playing in there is an Elf Ranger, Half Elf Wizard, Eladrin Warlord and a Dragonborn Paladin (me). we are in a modified Keep on the Shadowfell game (has elements from several different settings). One player described it a 'D&D meets Fallout' and it is pretty accurate.

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I'm having a go at RotRL. We played one session in 3.5, but as the players are not hardcore in any sense (only one actually has a rulebook, the 3.5 PHB, while the others just go with the flow) I decided to have a go at 4E since they won't really know the difference and couldn't care less about the politics. So I'm converting the characters as follows:
Elven Fighter (bow specialist, looking to multiclass as a Wizard) to Eladrin Ranger (probably multiclassing as Wizard)
Human Cleric of Gorum to Human Paladin of Asmodeus (which is much more up the line of his character concept, and looking to multiclass as a Warlock)
Human Rogue to Human Rogue
Human Wizard to Human Wizard
Dwarf Fighter to Dwarf Fighter
? Cleric to ? Cleric

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Playing in an Eberron based campaign starting around a theatre. This is our 1 4th edition game, whilst we're still playing or going to start 3 3.5 ones.
The party is
- Human Rogue/ Investigator
- Human Warlord / Play Director
- Eladrin Wizard / Special effects at the theatre
- Human Fighter / Odd jobs man
- Tiefling Warlock / 'actor'

Immaculate Brutal Hammer |

Starting RotRL this weekend (converted with help from the 4e conversion thread somewhere on here. I might mash up the Paizo goblins with the Bile Spider tribe goblins from "Roll vs. Role", mostly because they're both amazing.
I think we're getting a:
Elf Ranger
Human Rogue
Tiefling Warlock
Eladrin Wizard
and one more TBD (Dragonborn Fighter is a likely candidate, though).
I'll repost after chargen with a final tally.

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Running a converted version of COTCT (See Crimson Throne - 4e Thread for conversions)we are curretly on a break till the other DM finishes running KOTS in a few weeks (giving me amble time to get the rest of the first three modules converted) my party is as follows:
Cheliaxian Human Monk (using the coversions off of WOTC website)
Cheliaxian Human Bard (also using the Coversions on WOTC website)
Cheliaxian Human Paladin of Iomedea
Orision Human Wizard (with some of the Illusionist abilities from the recent dragon article)
One more person will be joining the party when he comes back from his haitus this weekend.
The KOTS game I am playing in has the following
Human Warlock/multiclassed Paladin of Raven Queen lvl 2 (me)
Human Cleric of Pelor/multiclassed Ranger lvl 2
Dragonborn Paladin of Bahamut lvl 2
Tiefling fighter lvl 2
we will prolly have a Wizard of some sort this week when our returning player jumps in.

Jeremy Mac Donald |

I'm having a go at RotRL. We played one session in 3.5, but as the players are not hardcore in any sense (only one actually has a rulebook, the 3.5 PHB, while the others just go with the flow) I decided to have a go at 4E since they won't really know the difference and couldn't care less about the politics.
What happened to your old group? As I recall you used to DM a group of power gamers, or that was the impression I got anyway.

Ratchet |

We have
Dragonborn Paladin (me) (Elf Cleric in last 3.5 campaign)
Tiefling Rogue (Halfling Wizard in last 3.5 campaign)
Tiefling Wizard (DM in last 3.5 campaign)
Elf Fighter (Human Paladin in last 3.5 campaign)
Eladrin Warlord (Dwarf Rogue in last 3.5 campaign)
Half-Elf Warlock (Litorian Fighter in last 3.5 campaign)

TommyJ |

We tried the games-day scenario to test the rules and see how everyone liked (or not).
We created a party of:
-Dwarven cleric
-Dragonborn Fighter
-Tiefling Warlock
-Human Wizard
As it turned out, it seems like we were really missing a rogue or ranger for combat mobility. Both fighter and cleric were tough in a fight, but once in-a-fight they were stuck there! Having two spellcasters in a 4-person party, were propably too much. At the very least we would have to carefully map out our strategy with that composition.