Anyone else have issues getting a group together?

Alpha Playtest Feedback General Discussion

Sovereign Court

So I had a group get together, we had one playtest and haven't been able to get together since. Lives and scheduling making at it dang near impossible, right now I have a new group that MIGHT be ready to start playing come the end of June (forget that I had wanted today to be an all day gaming session since it's my B-day) So anyone else have these issues? Anyone here from around Deltona FL?

harumph, I just wanted a cool all day gameathon and I can't even get a weekly/bi-weekly game going.

Liberty's Edge

Happy B-day!

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

I've had this problem too many times. In fact, one of my current gaming groups had quite a bit of difficulty getting a game going steadily because we couldn't quite find a location to game that didn't inconvience someone else...

So, we've gone to playing online using Maptools. Other programs, such as Fantasy Grounds, would work, but Maptools is free. One of my other gaming groups consists of people scattered across the continent, and we manage to get a regular game in every other Tuesday evening.

Somehow I think it's easier for some to fit something in regularly if they simply have to walk over to their computer and sit down, rather than plan on going over to someone's house, with all their stuff under arm. Plus, it's easier to just type AFK - BRB, and run upstairs to help the spouse with the kids for a minute or three, and then return to the game.

Shadow Lodge

Doesn't everyone?? Right now I have plenty but I cheat. I would lend you one of my 6 players but you will have to flip the bill for the CA-FL flights.

I just started a PfRPG duo campaign with my wife which is an interesting difference. With a big group I find it's harder to manage and there is less actual roleplaying. With just 2 people there is a lot more roleplay, it's fun.

Of course it's a little weird if it's 2 dudes, our society is a little wrong headed.

-- Dennis

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I know that feeling. Still Happy B-day.

Sovereign Court

Thanks for all the B-day wishes, is it sad when you get to the age that the gift you really love is your new lawn mower and string trimmer and not any of your cd's and gaming stuff?

Anywho, I'm not a big fan of play by post, I might try to get in on a webchat game weekly, but I don't know, not the same I like going over and actually being in person.

I've always had problems keeping a constant group. Lucky for me, my wife is also my best player, so having someone to run a game for isn't a problem (or when she DMs, I play.) Where this has created problems for me is when I give into one of my players to build a game around one of their characters and then as the game gets going, their atendance becomes hit and miss. This has happened so many times that the only characters I will tie storyline to are the characters of my wife.

Another problem that I find with some of my player (and this has happened ALOT over the years) is that when they get into relationships that they submerge themselves. They stop playing D&D, they stop calling their friends, and then when they finally break up, they pop back into the game like nothing happened. Frustrating.

Belated Congratulations!

Anyway, player scarcety is like the Sword of Damocles. Right now, we'll play with as few as two players +GM so we can play at least most weekends.

In a couple of months, I'll contact people from the roleplayers' database to try and get an extra player or two.

Do I have a hard time getting my group together?

In a word, "Oof!"

Ignoring the whole elven lifespan, part of the problem is that I'm quite a bit "older" than all of my players. Meaning I have a career where my job has a regular schedule and my free time is largely my own.

My players, on the other hand, are transitioning from high school to college and working part-time jobs while living with their parents. As such, their schedules are highly chaotic and it's rare when everyone synchs up. A bad break-up between two of the players has also resulted in us no longer having a place to play... While I have a nice home of my own where we could play, all my players have grown up in the same town. It's not as practical for them to drive an hour to where I live as it is for me to drive there.

So yeah, getting my group together is now rather difficult. In the last six months we've only managed to play 2 or 3 times. This is down from 1-3 times a month for the preceeding year. The real kicker is that we're in the final dungeon of the campaign so we only need another session or two to wrap things up! After that, I'm going to reconsider who I allow in my group for the next campaign so that I don't run into this problem again.

/me passes out

Laithoron wrote:
In the last six months we've only managed to play 2 or 3 times.

That still amounts to over 1000 sessions for your average elf :P

We also have one group that still has to do the final session. It's like that since, oh I don't know exactly, I guess 2002. Not that I think it will ever be played.

KaeYoss wrote:
Laithoron wrote:
In the last six months we've only managed to play 2 or 3 times.
That still amounts to over 1000 sessions for your average elf :P/QUOTE]

True enough, but besides the pixie and I, the rest of the group are all... *shudder*... mortals. :-o

At any rate, plans are currently in the works to take time off from work if need be to "git 'er dun" as the local human commoners say.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Not for playtest, but I only 1 person in my group is interested in buy Pathfinder RPG. So I don't think I'll be using it much after alpha/beta ends.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Deltona? I used to date a girl who lived in Deltona. ahhh the memories. She hates me. Too bad you don't live a little closer....I'm out in Tampa.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

dude, belated congratulations and my sympathies.

I used to play with a group that met every weekend for all of three years, and now not one of them will committ to even a single session. They're all too busy playing Magic (go figure)...

Like others here, my best and most constant player is my wife. with her help, we have put a relatively stable group together. You're cordially invited, but you'd have to fly down to Mexico City every other week :P

Good groups are hard to find, and even harder to maintain. In my experience, it is usually a small "core" of players (two or three) who are really committed and enthusiastic, who make a group last. It takes time to find enough people on the same "level"... I guess like many other things, it is a matter of patience.

I've taught myself to play by post so I can keep my hobby alive, and am currently getting ready to take the plunge into Fantasy Grounds. I am excited about the prospect of playing with people who live far away... I find it is really enriching. Have you considered that option?

Cheers and good luck with your games!

Sovereign Court

I have but until I have non-work access to the web I can't really.

Grand Archive

I know that I've had friends recently who just don't have the time to come over and game anymore, one has decided to spend all his time with his significant other, while the rest just never want to get together on the one weekend a month I'm off.

I've taken to PbP for now, but I'm lookin to make my way into using msn or IRC just to keep my hobby breathing while I work out a plan to keep a group together.

problem with Western PA is that there arent a lotta gamers around.

Sovereign Court

See I can find gamers, problem is they are swept up in 4e newness right now.

I got unbelievably lucky. I spent about a year attempting to build a group without much success. Then I finally got one player who is super gung-ho. He brought in his brother, his girlfriend and another friend of his and now I've got 4 steady, committed players that I've been able to count on showing up when they say they will. My wife makes a 5th player. It's a solid and enthusiastic group and I've had more fun with the hobby than I have in years.

Sorry I came on here to brag, but I encourage you to keep looking in your area and eventually, it will come together.

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