I've been reading a lot of the threads about 4.0, and am interested what people have experienced before drawing their conclusions. So I'd like to do a simple poll. Checked out some online ones, didn't see any good ones, so I thought I'd do an unofficial one here. We can count up the results as we go.
For the sake of reading these quickly, please attempt to leave out the 'whys' and whatnots. Just include the number, or the line, that best fits your experience. Also, assume that the higher choices can include the lower ones. So if you've read the core books and some previews, you can pick from 4-6. If you've played the preview, regardless of whether you've read the books or not, go with 1-3.
Thanks! To start things off, I'm #2.
1. Played the Keep of Shadowfell preview, I like it.
2. Played the Keep of Shadowfell preview, I'm not sure.
3. Played the Keep of Shadowfell preview, I dislike it.
4. Read the core books, I like it.
5. Read the core books, I'm not sure.
6. Read the core books, I dislike it.
7. Read the online previews, I like it.
8. Read the online previews, I'm not sure.
9. Read the online previews, I dislike it.
#9 here; though we're playing the preview adventure in a couple of weeks so I'll let you know.
#6 for me. Though I have played a non-Shadowfell preview that also didn't help the opinion much.
#6 Sorry but classes feel like different magic decks that characters to play... There are some nice things they have introduced that would probably work very well in my new Prgp campaign I'm starting when I get the Beta. My current game should run its course by then.
#2, heading towards #3 as we continue playing
#9 and #6
I dislike the new 4.0 rules so much I BORROWED the books rather then buy them. This is from someone who enjoyed Complete Champion mind you... ::sighs:: WotC thou haft forsaken thine fan-base...
Still happy with 3.5, though, and the fun games I'm playing are all 3.5, so I'm in no hurry.
I am trying to stay open minded and i want to give a chance to D&D4, but i am not very enthusiastic, and i am actually at the border of #6.
#5 going so very close to #6 its not funny.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
#4. Read the core books, I like it.
Having a hard time getting my friends interested in even a playtest, but fact is I flatly refuse to actually stat anything up for 3.5 anymore, so in the end they'll have to.
We'll see which way it goes.
#6. Having read the books, I think the system's mechanically sound, but it just doesn't have the feel I'm wanting out of D&D. Not cancelling my pre-order, though, if for no other reason to support my FLGS.
#9, but only marginally - totally and completely uninterested.
#9 For me.All I needed to see was the previews.
#1 and #4. Hope to see Paizo 4E contributions soon.
1. Played the Keep of Shadowfell preview, I like it.
The rules looked interesting, but I knew I wouldn't have an informed opinion until I did some playtesting. So far, at least with 3rd level PCs, combat action feels homogeneous.
#1 & #4 - It's definitely not 3.5, and changes the gameplay quite a bit. Taking it as a new game system, I admit that I do like it. Not that I would forsake my precious PFRPG game, but I like the way both systems deal with some of the problems of 3.5. I really think 4E will be better once they come out with more material for it. This is just the core rulebook after all.
Hovering between #4 and #5. I like what I see, but waiting for a session of actual play before I make my final verdict.
Karui Kage wrote:
6. Read the core books, I dislike it.
The easiest way I can sum up how I feel about 4e is this: OMG! R U SRS? i hav 1337 pwrz?!? my wzrd can shot lazerz 4, like, evar?!?!1?11? Pew pew pew!"
I liked it. Our group of players enjoyed it as well. I havent received the core books yet so cant give an opinion, and i care not for reviews so i just ignore them. Why? Because my review is the only review that counts, that's why.
From the Mind of Thoth-Amon
Carl Cramér wrote: #4. Read the core books, I like it.
Having a hard time getting my friends interested in even a playtest, but fact is I flatly refuse to actually stat anything up for 3.5 anymore, so in the end they'll have to.
We'll see which way it goes.
Looks like for your players, it's time to find a new GM.
I'm a #9.
4. Read the core books, I like it.
Where does "I played nine games, from demos to delves to unofficial eight hour+ games based on the collected ENworld rules" fall under?
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
#9 (number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine... .... ....)
God bless the white album ;-)
Karui Kage wrote:
9. Read the online previews, I dislike it.
That's it.