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![]() Seeing the dilemma before the group, Glimwick unleashes a Glitterdust burst north of Padraig as well, trying not to overlap the burst from Celegon.
If that fails to show the assailant, then Glimwick throws a Quickened Glitterdust south of Padraig.
![]() Here is my entire character submission. I updated the story a bit to make him a little more pirate friendly and updated his alignment to LN.
Orslaw character sheet:
Male Fighter (Corsair) 2
LN Medium Human Init: +2 Senses: Normal Perception: +1 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 17 TC 13 FF: 14 HP 22 Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +1 Special Defenses: +1 Will saves vs Fear (Bravery +1) -------------------- Offense -------------------- Melee Falchion +6 (1d4+9/18-20,x2) (P.A., W.F) Short Sword +6 (1d6+4/19-20,x2) Ranged Light Crossbow +4 (1d8/19-20,x2) Speed 30 ft. -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 18 (+4) Dex 14 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Int 13 (+1) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 10 (+0) Base Atk +2 CMB +4 CMD 16 Feats SF: Power Attack (-1 Att, +2(3) damage), Dodge (+1 AC), Weapon Focus (Falchion) (+1 att), Cleave (extra attack, NO -2 to AC) Skills Profession: Sailor +6 (2), Swim +5(armor)/+9(no armor) (2), Know: Engineering +6 (2), Climb +7 (armor) (2) Languages: Common, Giant Traits: Anatomist (+1 Crit confirm), Touched By The Sea (+1 Swim, -1 penalty to attack underwater) Favored Class: Fighter - +2 hp Combat Gear: Chain Shirt (+4 AC, +4 Max Dex, -2 ACP), Falchion, Short Sword, Light Crossbow, 20 bolts Mundane Gear: 100' Hemp rope, Bedroll, Blanket, Fishing Kit +4 fishing hooks, Signal Whistle, Lamp, 1xLamp Oil, Eye Patch, Backpack, Waterproof bag, 5x trail rations, Waterskin, Masterwork Woodworking Tools, 13 gp Background:
Orslaw grew up in a long line of naval guardsmen from Egorian in Cheliax. While most of his time was spent on the Adivian River, he loved the weeks his ship Devil's Delight spent on the Inner Sea patrolling their borders. Still young in his service, he volunteered for a longer expedition down to the Shackles. Orslaw begrudgingly took the position of ship's surgeon, but found he didn't take to it well and had no real talent at healing. He did great at the 2 amputations he had to perform, but he was unfortunately unable to stop the bleeding afterwards on either sailor. Unfortunately, one was the second cousin (twice removed) of Captain Renfield. This led to an unfortunate dismissal from the Chelaxian ship leaving him stranded at Port Peril.
Thankfully, he was able to get some basic work doing repairs on some of the smaller vessels that regularly came through. Orslaw was at the docks and managed to get a position on a "merchant" vessel, Diver's Joy, doing repairs and gathered what little he had been able to accumulate in the Shackles and decided to stop by the Formidably Maid for a celebratory drink, and hopefully, a roll in the hay with one of the locals. However, his normal ale wasn't as kind to him as normal... Roleplaying: Here's a link to the beginning of one of my favorite Exalted stories as Nadak: http://www.deepwyld.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1319
![]() Orslaw character:
Male Fighter (Corsair) 2
CG Medium Human Init: +2 Senses: Normal Perception: +1 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 17 TC 13 FF: 14 HP 22 Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +1 Special Defenses: +1 Will saves vs Fear (Bravery +1) -------------------- Offense -------------------- Melee Falchion +6 (1d4+9/18-20,x2) (P.A., W.F) Short Sword +6 (1d6+4/19-20,x2) Ranged Light Crossbow +4 (1d8/19-20,x2) Speed 30 ft. -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 18 (+4) Dex 14 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Int 13 (+1) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 10 (+0) Base Atk +2 CMB +4 CMD 16 Feats SF: Power Attack (-1 Att, +2(3) damage), Dodge (+1 AC), Weapon Focus (Falchion) (+1 att), Cleave (extra attack, NO -2 to AC) Skills Profession: Sailor +6 (2), Swim +5(armor)/+9(no armor) (2), Know: Engineering +6 (2), Climb +7 (armor) (2) Languages: Common, Giant Traits: Anatomist (+1 Crit confirm), Touched By The Sea (+1 Swim, -1 penalty to attack underwater) Favored Class: Fighter - +2 hp Combat Gear: Chain Shirt (+4 AC, +4 Max Dex, -2 ACP), Falchion, Short Sword, Light Crossbow, 20 bolts Mundane Gear: 78gp left for mundane gear and other I'll get my full background typed out later. Orslaw is a damage dealer who should get a good number of crits and still maintain a decent AC. ![]()
![]() Urslaw Human Fighter:
Urslaw grew up in a long line of naval guardsmen from Egorian in Cheliax. While most of his time was spent on the Adivian River, he loved the weeks his ship Devil's Delight spent on the Inner Sea patrolling their borders. Still young in his service, he volunteered for a longer expedition down to the Shackles. Urslaw begrudgingly accepted the position of ship's doctor and had to spend a good deal of time learning how to treat basic wounds, but found he took to it even without formal training. However, his service in the Cheliax navy was about to come to an abrupt halt. Read some previous RPG posts here. This was an Exalted 2nd Edition game, but one of my favorite scenes with my character, Nadak. ![]()
![]() Community Haversack
Here's my item, I appreciate the feedback! ![]()
![]() Iziak wrote: I know that the spells & magic item enhancement is already available, but does anybody have any idea of when we'll get the prestige classes/cursed and intelligent items/Game Master rules mentioned on page 403 of the Beta? I was just looking around for that myself. Has anyone seen anything? Not to rush Jason and the gang, I know y'all have killed yourselves getting Beta up and going as quickly as you did, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with the prestige classes. ![]()
![]() I've actually been working on creating my own campaign where the ultimate story involved an elemental void (picture large abyss with black tentacles) is trying to break free from the creation that is encasing it. When the primordials and gods created the world (along with the Shadowfell and Feywild) the order that was created actually locked away a hidden evil that they were not even aware of. Even though it is locked away, the concentration of shadow in the Shadowfell has given it a portal to exert its influence outside of its shackles out in the Far Realm. It is here where it's corrupting power has spawned aberrations that so hate living things and the world at large. While putting a more secure lock on this creature's prison is the large scale adventure, I'm working on how that plays out into smaller adventures, but it should travel through the Feywild, Underdark, Shadowfell and draw in all kinds of demons, aberrations, and other things that go bump in the night. Of course, that'll be starting once we finally finish our PFRPG version of Shackled City hopefully later this year. ![]()
![]() #1 & #4 - It's definitely not 3.5, and changes the gameplay quite a bit. Taking it as a new game system, I admit that I do like it. Not that I would forsake my precious PFRPG game, but I like the way both systems deal with some of the problems of 3.5. I really think 4E will be better once they come out with more material for it. This is just the core rulebook after all. ![]()
![]() What do y'all think about my idea at the end of this post:
Perhaps change casting defensively to a Will save vs. opponents Ref save? Thanks for the feedback!
![]() What do y'all think about my idea at the end of this post:
Thanks for the feedback!
![]() I think Knowledge skills definitely make sense as to the identifying of the different spells. As to using a caster level check in order to cast in combat, I'm not sure exactly how the mechanics of that would work out. With concentration having been a skill since at least 3.0 (sorry, that's as far back as my experience goes), it makes sense to keep it as a skill that receives training rather than just giving it to anyone, even though it is a staple of EVERY spellcaster. I mean, who actually creates a caster without putting max ranks in Concentration... er... I mean Spellcraft. I think I understand what Jason was trying to do by combining the two skills, with spellcraft being how to craft a spell defensively, it does just kind of make sense. And if Knowledge skills did take over the identifying of spells would all characters be able to begin identifying spells rather than just the casters? Would the Barbarian with ranks in Knowledge(Religion) be able to understand the cleric casting Inflict Critical Wounds on him? There, I'm done playing the devil's advocate for now. So if, and this is a big if, Knowledges were to absorb portions of Spellcraft, what attribute should modify the Spellcraft that allows you to cast defensively and do other "concentration" based things? Assuming that identifying, learning, and preparing (from the top of p. 47) let me know what you think about the following idea. While typing this post it seems to me that everyone has been hinting at the same thing regarding concentration. It is not specifically tied to one attribute but seems to be outside of that sphere of skills. It struck me that the word Willpower seems to best describe most people's description of concentration as well as the description in the text. Why couldn't the rest of the list on p. 47 be tied to some sort of Will saves rather than a skill? Combat Casting could be absorbed into Iron Will, or something like that. The definition for Will save in the back of the PHB is "A type of saving throw, related to a character's ability to withstand damage thanks to his mental toughness." Now read the list of things that Spellcraft does and let me know what you think. If y'all think this can work, let's try to come up with a mechanic basing it as a Will save to do that type of thing rather than a skill check. I could be off here, but let's hear the opinions. ![]()
![]() I am currently playtesting a half-orc cleric on my Monday morning game and have run into a big problem with Spellcraft. I am trying to pull off a melee based cleric who boosts himself and wades into enemies, healing himself as needed. One slight problem, now that Concentration and Spellcraft have been condensed, the ability to cast spells defensively is now based on Int. So currently at 4th level I have a +7 in Spellcraft (and that's only because I put a 12 in Int to balance out the -2 for half-orc). The odds of me actually being able to cast a spell in melee combat are not near good enough to risk. I have a few 2nd level spells which would be DC 17 Spellcraft check to cast defensively. That means I only have a 55% chance of getting the spell cast. (On a side note, I was unable to find defensive casting listed, so I'm assuming its still the same as 3.5.) Even combat casting would still leave about 25% chance of completely botching a spell. The Wizard (on the other hand) would be great at casting defensively while the sorcerer would be in the same boat as the cleric. A good wizard will have an 18 Int and end up with a +11 Spellcraft even without combat casting. My complaint/question therefore, is why did defensive casting get changed into something that a Wizard is best at? Before, it was based on Con and those who were going to spend time in melee would normally have the higher Con bonuses which made sense. While there are always the rare melee focused wizard, it just does not seem to fit why the ability to cast defensively is based on Int. I would love to see it be pushed towards either Con or Dex even since that just makes more sense to me. Let's not make it so only Int based casters are able to make good use of that ability. I've seen other people suggest splitting Spellcraft and Concentration in other threads, but couldn't find one just dealing with the issue in its own thread so I wanted to get other people's ideas, and maybe even get Jason's thoughts on the upcoming AR 3. (Yeah, I know he can't give too much stuff away, but it'd be nice to know if something were coming down the line on this issue.) This has been my frustration with this character, so I'd love to hear what other people who are currently playing casters think about Spellcraft.
![]() Maybe I'm not understanding some nuance of what idea your proposing, but it sounds a great deal like what Jason put on page 115 where putting additional abilities on other items costs 50% more. Also, if you want to put it on a part of your body that does not match its current affinity, it would be an additional 50% cost. ![]()
![]() TabulaRasa wrote:
I think that there is a problem with the fixed 15 as well. The problem is that it becomes almost impossible to trip people. I'm currently playing a Factotum (Dungeonscape) since our party needed a primary fighter and rogue in one character. Under 3.5, I have a pretty good chance of tripping people with an opposed Str check do to the factotum's intelligence factoring into the equation. But I've got about a 60-70% chance of tripping a melee combatant. I also like the immediate attack after a successful trip as well. When you are trying to play a character whose job is to keep others away from your casters and ranged combatants it helps to be able to keep people at bay. Now, I've got a 25% chance of tripping someone and only get a +2 for taking a feat (plus my Combat Expertise is useless). I understand the over-poweredness of tripping when abused, but now tripping is almost pointless except in very few situations. Who is going to take a 25% chance of tripping, disarming, etc... your equal in melee when they have about a 50% chance of hitting you in melee and doing more damage. Trip is supposed to be powerful because you are sacrificing damage to do something interesting. My recommendation would be to fix the DC at 10+CMB. That still makes it difficult to perform combat maneuvers, but there are actually benefits to it rather than having to lose everything for a 25% chance at having an effect on combat. What do y'all think? Does that make sense? Maybe having Weapon Focus, enhancement bonuses, and other things affecting the attack roll would help out as well. |