My 3,000th Post!!!

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

David Wickham wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
In a few months people you don't even know will be popping up randomly behind something you posted and saying, "you got 14,000 posts? What's wrong with you?!?"

You got 17,767 posts (21,424 including aliases)? What's wrong with you?!?


Dude, it's Heathy... that list is much too long to enumerate here.


Heathansson wrote:
You dang Brits! You'll bet on anything!!! ;)

might do...

I don't know I think the cleaver looked better blue.

Mr Pett, please kill all the werewooves in your Dark Vista!

S. Leprechaun, PhD


logue dies first:)



Liberty's Edge

I'd have to take a week off from work...IDK

Liberty's Edge

If I could get a urinary catheter, and an i.v. for total parenteral nutrition,....
or maybe a laptop....
it'd be a suckerbet on my part.

Why? It is not that much more than you post on the untitled thread already! What is a few more 'ayups' going to do to you?

Liberty's Edge

It'd be 40 posts an hour for a week. IDK I might strain my fingers. Get that arthritis in my wrists and whatnot.

Dark Archive

if you never slept that week it only be about 18 posts per hour...

Could we please shelve the idea of Heathansson posting every waking minute for a week? I have enough of a problem logging in at some times of day at present, without a crazy posting project by Heathansson gumming things up further.

Maybe Heathansson could gather a group of devoted PbP'ers, and try to set a speed record for PbP'ing a Richard Pett Module on the Paizo boards, whilst maintaining DM quality, appropriate party size and numbers for the module, and no cheating/shortcuts by the players?

Further Edit:
Either 3.5 or Pathfinder core rules only? Run As Written?

Richard Pett wrote:

Hey! If ya wanna bet, do it on the Lemming thread!

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Could we please shelve the idea of Heathansson posting every waking minute for a week? I have enough of a problem logging in at some times of day at present, without a crazy posting project by Heathansson gumming things up further.


Maybe Heathansson could gather a group of devoted PbP'ers, and try to set a speed record for PbP'ing a Richard Pett Module on the Paizo boards, whilst maintaining DM quality, appropriate party size and numbers for the module, and no cheating/shortcuts by the players?

Further Edit:
Either 3.5 or Pathfinder core rules only? Run As Written?

Here's a very strange idea: Someone create a PbP, inviting all of the Lords.

Boards go boom.

MY 1,500TH POST!!!

Heathansson wrote:
It'd be 40 posts an hour for a week. IDK I might strain my fingers. Get that arthritis in my wrists and whatnot.


Heathansson wrote:
It'd be 40 posts an hour for a week. IDK I might strain my fingers. Get that arthritis in my wrists and whatnot.


Heathansson wrote:
It'd be 40 posts an hour for a week. IDK I might strain my fingers. Get that arthritis in my wrists and whatnot.



I may get a new job. A real one.

Which means I actually have to work.

Liberty's Edge

Kruelaid wrote:


I may get a new job. A real one.

Which means I actually have to work.


Dark Archive

Heathansson do you ever sleep?

Liberty's Edge


Sovereign Court

Sleep is for sissies...and commies...

Callous Jack wrote:
Sleep is for sissies...and commies...

Ooh, comrade, you are so butch when you're sleeping. Makes me want to just tell you my five year plans, my little party cupcake. You can show me your tractor anyday. Just hearing you snore makes me feel like a cosmonaut.

You're catching up, KC! A few more trips to the desert for me, and you might just pass me up.

Callous Jack wrote:
Sleep is for sissies...and commies...

...and non-Paizonians...

Liberty's Edge

I got the most. Who's got the second most?

Heathansson wrote:
I got the most. Who's got the second most?

You have 18,183 posts (22,278 including aliases)? What kind of Posting Monster are you?


Liberty's Edge

I hear you have 3,000 posts at Gleemax.

Heathansson wrote:
I hear you have 3,000 posts at Gleemax.

You know, Spring Cleaning is over.

Kobold Cleaver's page
Pathfinder Society Member. 3,523 posts (4,398 including aliases). 2 reviews. Pathfinder Society Character: Agyhsdynn Staljikla. Aliases: Drint, Skiddifig Hahdrik, Jay Frogskin, DM Snake, Hattyn the Cat, Possessing Demon, Lord of the Rings Expert Guy, Candle Lighter, The Dire Pigeons of Doom, Grael, Cindertwig, The Witchbrand, Haelyn, The Now Flying Dire Lemmings, Baby Mind Flayer, Diswiker.

No, not this thread again!


Dark Archive

Hey KC, how you doin?

The Exchange

Hey KC look over here!
quietly steals cleaver and walks calmly away

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