What should I buy!

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to get peoples opinion on what is a really good Pathfinder product to order. I already have a sub to the AP's but we are expecting my son to be born within the next two or three weeks. We have enough money to handle everything but it puts a dent in what I can buy.

So say I have $40 to spend what does everyone think would be the best things to buy. Korvosa, some minis, the gazetter... whatever. I have read a lot of different posts on the products and I can't narrow it down. So give me a hand you guys. Thanks in advance.

Dark Archive

damnitall22 wrote:

So say I have $40 to spend what does everyone think would be the best things to buy. Korvosa, some minis, the gazetter... whatever. I have read a lot of different posts on the products and I can't narrow it down. So give me a hand you guys. Thanks in advance.

Well I would strongly suggest Classic Monsters revisited and GM Gems by the werecabbages. While not *necessary* to run the AP i believe they great buys. I would also invest in diapers and some sleep whilst you can get it sir.

Good luck with your son, may he never roll a 1

The Gazetteer and Green Eggs and Ham.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The Gazetteer or the Guide to Korvosa would be my picks. Classic Monsters Revisited was great, but not something you could use as a player OR dm.

The Gazetteer and Entombed with the Phaeroahs.

Liberty's Edge

College Fund... It gets here quicker than you expect :)

But the what the others suggest are great too...

Grand Lodge

The Gaz is way up there. Korvosa is good.
You could also get adventures: Entombed with the Pharoahs, Kobold King are highly reccomended. Into the Haunted Forest is a lotta fun for 5 bucks.
pdf's are even cheaper, and you can get some free ones, like Hollow's Last Hope.

"Goodnight, Gorilla" is highly recommended for the little one.

Have fun!

Dark Archive Contributor

damnitall22 wrote:

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to get peoples opinion on what is a really good Pathfinder product to order. I already have a sub to the AP's but we are expecting my son to be born within the next two or three weeks. We have enough money to handle everything but it puts a dent in what I can buy.

So say I have $40 to spend what does everyone think would be the best things to buy. Korvosa, some minis, the gazetter... whatever. I have read a lot of different posts on the products and I can't narrow it down. So give me a hand you guys. Thanks in advance.

*cough*Guide to Korvosa*cough*

Sovereign Court

First, determine whether you're going to run the APs or something of more a homebrew variety? If you're planning more original items, then I highly recommend the modules subscription. Both products are very high quality - I'm lucky to be able to have them both, but my point is, if I had to choose then I would decide based on what I would "use" the most.

Dark Archive

Mike McArtor wrote:
*cough*Guide to Korvosa*cough*

You should see someone about that cough Mike.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Mike McArtor wrote:

*cough*Guide to Korvosa*cough*

SELF PROMOTOR (Oops - was that outloud???)

Gazetteer. Guide to Korvosa, especially if you're planning on running a CotCT game.

Oh, and I hear that GM Gems book is pretty keen. :P

Dark Archive Contributor

Justin Sluder wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
*cough*Guide to Korvosa*cough*
You should see someone about that cough Mike.

I did. The doctor said the only cure was for the book to go into reprint. *cough* Which means more people must purchase it! *cough*

Shem wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:

*cough*Guide to Korvosa*cough*
SELF PROMOTOR (Oops - was that outloud???)

It's the only way to get ahead in life. ;)

Wait for the hard bound book that comes out in August

Congrats on the new kid we just had our 2nd like 2 weeks ago

Dark Archive

I have purchased a few adventures, and really dig "Crown of the Kobold King."

In anticipation of DMing "Curse of the Crimson Throne" I picked up the Mike-recommended "Guide to Korvosa." It's excellent, if you plan on doing that AP.

My Gaz is in the way... hopefully waiting for me at home!

For kid books, I love reading "No No Yes Yes", "Piggies", "I Love You, Stinky Face" and "B is for Bear" (awesome textured pictures) to my 2-month old.

Yes, sleep is a good thing. Luckily, our li'l one has settled into a 10-hour sleep pattern already. Wish you the same luck in the 'good baby lottery'!

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Depends on what you want:

City based: Korvosa
Rural based: Guide to the Darkmoon Veil (when it comes out)
Awesome monsters: Classic Monsters Revisited
Large brush strokes of the world: Gazetteer

I'd recommend against adventures since they 1) are pretty much one use products and 2) that individual one may not be the one you want.

*following Mike's example* or you could get five awesome NPCs.

Sovereign Court

Mike McArtor wrote:
*cough*Guide to Korvosa*cough*

Shameless pluggery!

Dark Archive Contributor

Callous Jack wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
*cough*Guide to Korvosa*cough*
Shameless pluggery!

Guilty as charged!

Sovereign Court

That was so not necessary...(lol)

Former VP of Finance

Mike McArtor wrote:

Guilty as charged!

...I see an awful lot of YouTubing for someone who complains about how much work he has to do on that hardcover. (:

Sovereign Court

Chris Self wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:

Guilty as charged!
...I see an awful lot of YouTubing for someone who complains about how much work he has to do on that hardcover. (:


Dark Archive Contributor

Chris Self wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:

Guilty as charged!
...I see an awful lot of YouTubing for someone who complains about how much work he has to do on that hardcover. (:

I have a whole page of those links lined up to drop in to any post I make. ;) Takes me 10 seconds.

Former VP of Finance

Mike McArtor wrote:
Chris Self wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:

Guilty as charged!
...I see an awful lot of YouTubing for someone who complains about how much work he has to do on that hardcover. (:
I have a whole page of those links lined up to drop in to any post I make. ;) Takes me 10 seconds.

No ruining my vision of you sitting back there watching videos!

Dark Archive Contributor

Chris Self wrote:
No ruining my vision of you sitting back there watching videos!

I don't have time for that!

I like Classic Monsters Revisited. From all the Pathfinder Chronicles stuff, I like that the most so far.

You have to ask yourself: Did you like what they did with Goblins and Ogres in Burnt Offerings and The Hook Mountain Massacre? Do you want to hear more, about those two and 8 other classics?

If yes, go and get that book. They managed to cleave to the traditional creatures while still giving them a fresh image.

The Guide to Korvosa isn't bad, either - interesting city!
And of course the Gazetteer - though if you have limited budget, you might want to wait for the Campaign setting for more complete information about Golarion.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Mike McArtor wrote:
I have a whole page of those links lined up to drop in to any post I make. ;) Takes me 10 seconds.

He's got a whole page because he's been Rickroll'd a lot. ;)

Dark Archive Contributor

SirUrza wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
I have a whole page of those links lined up to drop in to any post I make. ;) Takes me 10 seconds.
He's got a whole page because he's been Rickroll'd a lot. ;)

It's true.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Wow I didn't really expect to get that many responses. Thank you guys for taking the time.

I did like the paizo goblins, the ogres not so much. I do have some of the modules and I think they are great. I believe I will go for Guide to Korvosa I want something because I want something useable while still be a good read.

On the numerous books for the young one I must thank you guys there too. Some of them we have already for the 4 year old. Dr. Seuss is one of her favorites. Some of the others sound really good and we will probably be buying some of them soon.

Oh and Mike could you please watch where you coughing I almost caught something.

Gudie to Korvosa must be a horrible affliction.

Dark Archive Contributor

damnitall22 wrote:
I believe I will go for Guide to Korvosa


You just made my day! ^_^

damnitall22 wrote:
Oh and Mike could you please watch where you coughing I almost caught something.

Well I'm feeling much better now, thanks.





Though it may be too late to change your mind, I loved Classic Monsters Revisited and the Critical Hit / Critical Miss Decks.

Scarab Sages

Mike McArtor wrote:
It's true.

Oh no you di'nt!!!

(It's a great map link I found...)

Dark Archive

fray wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
It's true.

Oh no you di'nt!!!

(It's a great map link I found...)

Please good people, make the pain stop.

I cant get his voice out of my head.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
fray wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
It's true.

Oh no you di'nt!!!

(It's a great map link I found...)

Oh yes he did.

Rick Astley.

Man, that guy can really dance.


That was ironic in case you didn't notice it.

He dances like a white junior high kid in 1986.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Kruelaid wrote:
He dances like a white junior high kid in 1986.

Really? Because I was 5 in 86 and that's how I danced at 5. :P

Dark Archive

SirUrza wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
He dances like a white junior high kid in 1986.
Really? Because I was 5 in 86 and that's how I danced at 5. :P

I keep forgetting how many younglings populate this board ; )

Back in about 87 in the days of West End Games Star Wars rpg, i had a Rick Astley esque singer in one of the bars on Cloud City. He was the rebels contact but took to the cover role he was playing with gusto and decided to leave the rebellion.

Lando Carlrissian had to bride the rebel pcs to *escort* of Cloud City the covert agent before their departure.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I keep forgetting how many younglings populate this board ; )

Young... I'll give you YOUNG!

Anyway, my birthday is the 25th and I feel old!

Dark Archive

SirUrza wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I keep forgetting how many younglings populate this board ; )

Young... I'll give you YOUNG!

Anyway, my birthday is the 25th and I feel old!

The PAIN, make it stop !!

that was a great site SirU i'll leave it for my girlfriend to open up so she can share in the suffering.

Hmm so happy advance birthday sir gemini, that make me 11 yrs less a month your senior : P

Funny enough your birthday coincides with the Original Star Wars release and i just posted a Star Wars rpg reference above.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Funny enough your birthday coincides with the Original Star Wars release and i just posted a Star Wars rpg reference above.

Indeed it does and my love for D&D is surpassed by Star Wars. :)

2007/2008 has been a rough year for me indeed...

Spell Plague.
Brand New Day.

If you can figure out what those 3 things refer to then you'll be able to figure out how they've single handedly ruined hobbies for me.

Dark Archive

SirUrza wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Funny enough your birthday coincides with the Original Star Wars release and i just posted a Star Wars rpg reference above.

Indeed it does and my love for D&D is surpassed by Star Wars. :)

Wait a minute ... are you my long lost son ? [see my profile page, baron arem heshvaun is actually a Star Wars villain circa 1980]

SirUrza wrote:

2007/2008 has been a rough year for me indeed...

Spell Plague.
Brand New Day.

If you can figure out what those 3 things refer to then you'll be able to figure out how they've single handedly ruined hobbies for me.

Legacy of the Force book 5.

The End of the Realms as we know it.
Store Wars on YouTube.

Whilst i have the books i can't bare to read them because of the mental anguish it may cause me; here's hoping that The Force Unleashed video games and its tie ins give us a Star Wars mediocraty reprieve !

But alas for dealing the aftermath of the Spellplague Realms; welcome to Golarion my son .. er, SirU !

Dark Archive Contributor

fray wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
It's true.

Oh no you di'nt!!!

(It's a great map link I found...)

Oh yes, I did. Because fray, I'm never gonna let you down. ;P

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII just want to tell you how I'm feeling, got to make you understand...

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
SirUrza wrote:

2007/2008 has been a rough year for me indeed...
Spell Plague.
Brand New Day.

Legacy of the Force book 5.

The End of the Realms as we know it.
Store Wars on YouTube.

Close, you got 2 out of 3, I'll give you that. Brand New Day refers to Spider-Man's new story arc. Marvel retcon'd the entire universe by having Aunt May dying and Peter and Mary Jane making a deal with "the devil." They gave up their marriage and love (making it that they never got married) to save Aunt May... Peter's been retconed into a 30 year old leaving at home without a job who has no memory of making a deal with the devil.. great role model there. Oh.. and MJ has some how become an invunerable superhero called Jackpot ("Tiger, you just won the Jackpot." - MJ to Peter after they got married, after they made the deal to give up their love.)

If I ever meet J. Michael Straczynski... well it won't be pretty.

Scarab Sages

Mike McArtor wrote:
fray wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
It's true.

Oh no you di'nt!!!

(It's a great map link I found...)

Oh yes, I did. Because fray, I'm never gonna let you down. ;P

What are you guys talking about?

Dark Archive

SirUrza wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Legacy of the Force book 5.
The End of the Realms as we know it.
Store Wars on YouTube.

Close, you got 2 out of 3, I'll give you that. Brand New Day refers to Spider-Man's new story arc.

If I ever meet J. Michael Straczynski... well it won't be pretty.

I'm just close ??!

Well i was wondering about that, but i just checked and if you google Brand New Day Star Wars you get the Brand New Day Star Wars article that will lead you to the Store Wars on YouTube. Interesting coincidence.

That was painfully written dialog by the way, score a crit on Mr Straczynski when you meet him.

Count my vote as one for Guide to Korvosa. I started reading it and couldn't put it down until I finished it!

Dark Archive Contributor

Evil Genius wrote:
Count my vote as one for Guide to Korvosa. I started reading it and couldn't put it down until I finished it!

Yay!!! ^_^

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

I'm just close ??! That was painfully written dialog by the way, score a crit on Mr Straczynski when you meet him.

Painfully written dialog? It wasn't the dialog that bothered me, it's what he did that I don't like.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Well everyone I am a dad now. My son was born Sunday at 9:55am and was 8lbs 5oz, 20 in. long. Right now he is sleeping after lunch. I am relieved to be home with him. Well just figured I would yell it on the forums. Now if they only made Goblin onesies.

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