
Kerflop's page

Organized Play Member. 78 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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Liberty's Edge

Please cancel all of my subscriptions...


Liberty's Edge

Cosmo wrote:
Kerflop wrote:
Just curious as to why I haven't had any Paizo goodness in over a month and I see that my last order was pending. Did I make you guys mad or something? DON'T TAKE MY PATHFINDER AWAY!!!!! Dude I need a fix...

I apologize for he delay! It appears that your payment method did not re-process correctly after you updated the expy date. I have re-processed the order and we will get it shipped out to you as soon as possible.



Liberty's Edge

Just curious as to why I haven't had any Paizo goodness in over a month and I see that my last order was pending. Did I make you guys mad or something? DON'T TAKE MY PATHFINDER AWAY!!!!! Dude I need a fix...

Liberty's Edge

"WotC says the chances of survival are seven hundred seventy-five...to one."

Liberty's Edge

"When 900 pages you edit, look as awake, you will not."

Liberty's Edge

logic_poet wrote:
This reminds me of something that occured after reading the rules for building a wizard and considering playing a cleric. What does the Rune domain grant you, if scribe scroll is banned?

I am not sure if the SRD is an allowable source. All that I have seen is the PHB and limits stuff from the campaign setting...

Liberty's Edge

Michael Brock wrote:

Hey Tad. I am in the process of trying to get something worked up since the Blackmoor campaign fell through. I currently have about 14 players interested so it is just a matter of organizing.

Mike Brock


I travel to Atlanta nearly every week and work up north. Any chance of organizing any Monday evening games?

Liberty's Edge

Oratory is on the list of acceptable Perform skills from the PHB... Pretty straight forward to me.

Liberty's Edge

Okay, this may seem like a dumb question but I believe there are no dumb questions, just dumb people (joke, please do not take offense)...

When is the appropriate time to give the players the Faction Handouts in the back of the mod? I am thinking right after the opening... I would like to RP the handing out of the sheet of paper but I figure with a limited time we have to play that might be an issue... How did you GenConners do it? What worked best?


Liberty's Edge

Bring it on... I am a fan of the graphic novels...

Liberty's Edge

N'wah wrote:
I had thought of making monster art for PDF sale, but wasn't sure if there was a market for it. I may have to look into starting something up. Thanks for the interest!

If you made a AP pack for RotRLs I would soooo purchase, if it was affordable. That is come cool artwork...

Liberty's Edge

Dragnmoon wrote:
Josh is it ok if I print up a bunch of copies of the Pathfinder Society Guide to hand out to my players at Gen Con UK? Or are you guys bringing some copies to hand out?

I took my version to Kinkos for handing out to my group and they wouldn't print it out. I would suggest to Paizo, if they want people to run games, to put a disclaimer somewhere on the first few pages that the document is printable for re-use but not for resale.



Liberty's Edge

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
For now, stores can participate in the same way as everyone else. Our launch is a tiered launch and we anticipate a separate set of guidelines (and additional coding to the PFS website) to launch the store play in or around September.

So, the free mods to store is on hold? I am cool with that, cuz the price is write but I want to be sure before going to my local store...

Liberty's Edge

It has been mentioned a number of times of stores participating in PFS... After reading the guidelines nearly cover to cover I do not see how to do that... Is there a link to get that process started?


Liberty's Edge

Radavel wrote:
Same issue.


Liberty's Edge

Thanks to all of the Paizo staff... I travel for a living so a home game is out of the question, as my schedule is fluid. OP games are best for me and since 4th ED wasn't my cup o' tea this is awesome.

NOW, do not let the naysayers and whinners get you down... You can't please everybody so do not try.

Again, thanks and I can't wait for the first mod.

Liberty's Edge

For Freedom and for Adventure... ALL HAIL ANDORAN

Liberty's Edge

When attempting to print out for using as your map how do you size appropriately (1 x 1 in squares)? I have Photoshop...

Liberty's Edge

I know there is talk of games at DragonCon but this is a totaly different request...

I currently travel to Hotlanta weekly and fly home for the weekend, so attending DragonCon is out. I stay in the Roswell area and can travel within a few miles of my hotel. Anyone interested in a couple times a month (maybe just one) getting together and playing PFS mods?


Liberty's Edge

Herald wrote:
Man, I thought I would go Aldoran, but Taldor sounds very cool. I'm going to have to think about this.

Ditto Herald...

Liberty's Edge

...was a founding member of the Blue Man Group. (now thats evil)

Liberty's Edge

Kerflop wrote:
I am a member of a large gaming club that has a number of the members interested in playing/trying PS... If I purchase a mod can I report X number of tables (where X = more than 1) against that purchase? I can see, at least for the first few, that there could be anywhere from 2 to 5 tables or more. Currently we report about 3 to 6 tables a week of LG mods...

Any update on the number of tables that can be reported per purchased mod?


Liberty's Edge

College Fund... It gets here quicker than you expect :)

But the what the others suggest are great too...

Liberty's Edge

Just got home from a long week of work in Atlanta and was excited to see my Paizo package on the counter when I got home... But NO Gaz... Order #935484


Liberty's Edge

I am a member of a large gaming club that has a number of the members interested in playing/trying PS... If I purchase a mod can I report X number of tables (where X = more than 1) against that purchase? I can see, at least for the first few, that there could be anywhere from 2 to 5 tables or more. Currently we report about 3 to 6 tables a week of LG mods...

Liberty's Edge

Fuzzy Bunny...?

Liberty's Edge

Oprah, eh? Sound likes free gifts that I will have to pay taxes on which will make me very unhappy and I will go to the press and they will report on how her gifts are causing me strife and hear ratings will go down and...

whew, that takes work... JUST TELL US SO I CAN GET SOME SLEEP.

Oh, did someone say pizza?

Liberty's Edge

Okay, I am out of the loop again... What meeting and why wasn't I invited?

Liberty's Edge

Arcesilaus wrote:

I am just about to finish up Sins of the Saviors, and I am regretting ** spoiler omitted **

I would recommend increasing the visibility of this element from an earlier point in the campaign.


Suggestions on how you would do such a thing... I have a number of ways like the players from some old scripture/writings about different runelords, the fortune telling Varisian in the group begins to see visions of the past and future, etc... what/ how would you do it?

Liberty's Edge

Here is a great post where James Jacobs answers questions about the different dieites... There is a bit more info about Gorum, but not much... Interesting read all the way around though.


Liberty's Edge

For it has to be Nosferatu... I love Vamps of all kinds and this nice twist on the classic monster is great. I know many do not like the idea that they do not create spawn but I love that...

Liberty's Edge

Ditto... YOU ROCK

Liberty's Edge

Is there room for divorced men... Cuz once my wife sees what Paizo extorted from me this month I will be out on my backside... DAMN YOU TO HELL, PAIZO....

Liberty's Edge

I have the same problem but a little different...

I currently have around $80 worth of items in my account and no shipments since Feb. Is there something wrong here? I have PF #7 and #8 in my account and now it says waiting on #9... Are you kidding me? Please, someone look into this, as it has been more than 30 days since I received my last shipment.

Liberty's Edge

As great as this would be it would be a logistical nightmare. If the Paizo guys (and gals) pull it off that would be awesome, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

Liberty's Edge

Awesome... thanks guys. This will be my first trip to GC in a very long time. Looking forward to meeting you guys and gals...

Liberty's Edge

This may be too early but I was curious how to do the following...

1. How do I sign up to play at Gen Con?

2. How do I sign up to judge at Gen Con?


Liberty's Edge

Well the obvious thing would be to change it back to "Sleight of Hand". I wouldn't wrap Search with it though, only because other classes could be good at searching as well.

Liberty's Edge

60 1st level experts get to stay home and bake bread, clean the castle and take care of the horse.

As for the using the primary stat for the class I like that idea. I mean, who really cares if Conan the Barbarian is a great orator. He kicks butt and I would follow him into battle all day.

Liberty's Edge

I would love to see the fight at the festival scene with grid. I plan on taking these to Kinkos and printing them out on the plotter.


Liberty's Edge

Russell Akred wrote:


Didn't do the handwriting again since mine looked like junk after a few lines. Here it is front and back.

Burnt Offerings Handout 1

Which font did you use for the first page? I want to recreate this only because the page wrinkles are printing very well...

Liberty's Edge

Okay, I have checked out the Microlite20 rule set and LOVE it. This is perfect for my kids. Quick conversion of NPCs and quick creation also... Thanks for the heads up.

Liberty's Edge

Less than 20 separate RotRLs and Eberon. Good work guys... (and gals...)

Liberty's Edge

done and it is looking good... Looks like we are in the top 5. Eberon might be hard to beat though.

Liberty's Edge

D0 has a large spider as well as some wolfs/worg. I like you idea though... I will have to think that over. Any other suggestions?

Liberty's Edge

I went ahead and created a very simple 3.5 excel charater sheet for my kids. It only contains the most important skills, HP, AC, a weapon, shield and armor area and stats. It takes up about 1/2 page. I think this will me a low enough level of rules that my son (and possibly my daughter who is 9) will be able to understand and have fun. I will let everyone know how it turns out.

I think we may start with D0... Any other suggestions for a starting adventure? My son really isn't into the fairy stuff so I am reluctant in purchasing the above suggestion.

Liberty's Edge

My son is very much into Narnia. He is a big King Peter fan so that may be the way to go with him. A young boy fighter type.

Liberty's Edge

Same here... I have a seven year old that is a wiz at math. I have been holding off more because I was unsure on how to bring it to him. I was nine when my brother asked me to join his friends. I had a great time but it was a few years before I truly understood what I was doing.

Any suggestions would be awesome

Liberty's Edge

Thats what I meant... (hits self over head with foam mallet)

Liberty's Edge

Heck, I want to be a member of the Sable Company. Griffin riders rock...

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