Malikor |

I am looking over the barbarian class, and I see a few things that I think need to be addressed.
The first suggestion I would like to make is about Renewed Vigor. My first assumption on this rage ability is to give the barbarian a boost in the middle of combat, allowing him to keep fighting. But with it being a standard action, he is giving up any attack that round, to get a rather piddling amount of hit points, points that will likly be lost when his foes attack him the next round. As most, though not all, the rage abilities are swift or immidiate actions, may I suggest making Renewed Vigor a swift action. In addition, reduce the cost to 6 rage points, 9 seems rather excessive for 1d8 + Con mod. healing. I woudl also suggest making the cost variable, allowing a higher rage cost for a greater return. I would suggest the following rewrite for the ability:
Renewed Vigor (Su): The barbarian heals 1d8 + her Contition modifer points of damage at the cost of 6 rage points. For each 3 additional rage points spent on this ability, she heals an additional 1d8 points of damage, to a maximum of 12 rage spent. This power is used as a swift action. A barbarian must be at least 6th level before selecting this power. (6, 9, 12 points)
Rolling Dodge does not meantion what kind of action it is.

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Let me preface this by saying that I have not playtested these rules yet, due to lack of a gaming group currently.
However, I disagree with the idea that this power is too weak. Large healing should remain the purview of the cleric. This seems designed to simply give the Barbarian an extra boost, perhaps just enough to keep him or her from going below 0. It is an excellent flavor ability that adds to the character without sounding too powerful, and insures that the Barbarian will be able to last a little longer, especially at low levels.
Please, keep it the way that it is. Or, if you must increase the damage gained, simply do something small like +.5 hp for every Barbarian level rounded down but never lower than 1.

Malikor |

Probbaly, if it could get moved over there to the Classes, I would be much obliged, and I appologize.
Anyway, while mass healing should be the perview of the cleric, this ability doesn't make much sense the way it is written. GIving up a round of attacks, to keep yourself alive for the round that you used the ability seems rather useless. Sure, it keeps you alive so that the cleric can get to you, but thats about all. At 6th level, 1d8 plus a little is not that much, and if the barbarian is resorting to using this ability, it means he has been walloped on, and if the cleric isnt already there, then he is doomed.