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Light notes. Our party is on it's 3rd Sorcerer..
The first was a human elemental bloodline wearing armor with the arcane armor feat. He believed he could be in medimum/close range (like a rogue or ranger) and survive. He was wrong and died before landing a single touch attack (spells weren't a problem.)
Second, same player, went with draconic bloodline wearing armor with the arcane armor feat again. Still believed he could survive. Same problem. Should note he did land attacks, but still wasn't a melee fighter.
Third, same player went with arcane bloodline. Hiding in the far back with the wizard. Surviving. However, unlike his wizard counterpart, he tears through spells a lot quick and is requiring our group to rest more then when we didn't have a sorcerer.
Conclusion... so many touch attacks = bad.

F33b |

Light notes. Our party is on it's 3rd Sorcerer..
The first was a human elemental bloodline wearing armor with the arcane armor feat. He believed he could be in medimum/close range (like a rogue or ranger) and survive. He was wrong and died before landing a single touch attack (spells weren't a problem.)
Second, same player, went with draconic bloodline wearing armor with the arcane armor feat again. Still believed he could survive. Same problem. Should note he did land attacks, but still wasn't a melee fighter.
Third, same player went with arcane bloodline. Hiding in the far back with the wizard. Surviving. However, unlike his wizard counterpart, he tears through spells a lot quick and is requiring our group to rest more then when we didn't have a sorcerer.
Conclusion... so many touch attacks = bad.
Seems like too much feat investment, imo, since the arcane armor feat requires medium armor proficiency. If you aren't using the battle sorcerer variant from the SRD/UA, then the sorcerer also needs light armor proficiency.
I'd imagine a better route would be to with the battle sorc variant, and high dex. Use a chain shirt, high dex, plus the dodge feat and/or a Shield spell. High dex also helps the attack rolls as melee touch attacks qualify for weapon finesse.
Bloodlines that give melee touch attacks (particularly the dragonic and elemental bloodlines) probably should also grant a natural armor bonus that increases as the sorcerer advances.

Fox_Reeveheart |

Light notes. Our party is on it's 3rd Sorcerer..
The first was a human elemental bloodline wearing armor with the arcane armor feat. He believed he could be in medimum/close range (like a rogue or ranger) and survive. He was wrong and died before landing a single touch attack (spells weren't a problem.)
Second, same player, went with draconic bloodline wearing armor with the arcane armor feat again. Still believed he could survive. Same problem. Should note he did land attacks, but still wasn't a melee fighter.
Third, same player went with arcane bloodline. Hiding in the far back with the wizard. Surviving. However, unlike his wizard counterpart, he tears through spells a lot quick and is requiring our group to rest more then when we didn't have a sorcerer.
Conclusion... so many touch attacks = bad.
Touch attacks DO = bad.
He's not supposed to be so up close all the time. Maybe on occasion jumping in to unleash some sickening touch attack spell then retreating.
Thus why I like prc's or abilities or something that let you use touch attacks at a range.

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Which hp rules are you using? Standard 3.5, racial bonus points, flat bonus, etc...
d6 + con per level. Received 6 + con HP at first level.

Weylin Stormcrowe 798 |

I personally interpreted the sorcerer's touch attack abilities as a derringer...it is not your first weapon, it is your last weapon. And as a hold-out weapon it works juts fine. It seems your player let the extra 2hp/level and average armor capability go to his head and think he could handle melee. That is a problem with the player not the class in my view. Any sorcerer or wizard who rushes into melee while he has alternatives is going to die usually and deserves it.
-Weylin Stormcrowe

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Ok.. so I don't feel like making a playtest 3 thread since I'd have to repeat the above info.
The Arcane Bloodline sorcerer saved the day! Wizard was down, sorcerer was out of spells and being surrounded by minions, cleric and fighter couldn't reach them (they were cut off by a pit trap and were fighting the BBEG.)
Then the most amazing thing happened.
The sorcerer remembered he had a spellslot in his bonded ring and casted levitate on himself. Floated up out of the way of the melee guys.. acid orb'd his way to victory. The fighter went down in the fight but the cleric was able to save everyone using the cures he didn't waste helping the fighter with the BBEG. :)
Still have the problem of having to rest more for the Sorcerer because of his spell limitation, compared to when we didn't have a sorcerer at all.

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I don't have a problem with the touch attacks in theory (haven't played with them yet.) However, I think the problem is that lots of people are thinking that touch attacks = build a melee character. I envision them as more of the sorcerer's option when he's engaged in melee, and can't easily get away - it's a lot better than the old quarterstaff, and will hopefully let him take down the attack that's bugging him and get to a better position out of the way.
They also can be used once a fight is in round 3 or more, after the true fighters have charged in, and gotten the attention of the enemy. Hopefully the sorcerer has used the first two rounds with some spells to help out, and then on round 3 can move in to flank someone attacking the fighter and zap them with their touch attack instead of burning spells as the fight winds down.
The touch attacks also are a good option if grappled, since the sorcerer is less likely to escape the grapple.

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However, I think the problem is that lots of people are thinking that touch attacks = build a melee character. I envision them as more of the sorcerer's option when he's engaged in melee, and can't easily get away
Then to have so many melee touch options is VERY subpar when the Wizard a complete advantage over the Sorcerer. He can cast his spells as he could in 3.5, but has options to SAVE those spells and use his new school features to not cast spells.
Sorcerers by your theory can't use their new bloodline feature to benefit the same way, thus negating us to resting often again so he can replenish his spells.