Paizo vs WotC

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Mike McArtor wrote:
I think I was aided by my willingness to pick up one and use him as a weapon against the others. I think I need to change my alignment now... AWESOME!!!

Mike McArtor wrote:
I think I was aided by my willingness to pick up one and use him as a weapon against the others. I think I need to change my alignment now...

Mike, please don't start going all Sinatra on us! Not when this nation turns it's lonely eyes to you!

Mike McArtor wrote:
Vendle wrote:

Here ya go Mike, this might help you analyze some of your weak areas for the next time those Girl Scouts ambush you.


According to that, I could take 23. ;D

I think I was aided by my willingness to pick up one and use him as a weapon against the others. I think I need to change my alignment now...

Ha! 25 kids.

Dark Archive Contributor

yoda8myhead wrote: AWESOME!!!

Awesome it is. ;D (check my profile...)

Watcher wrote:
Mike, please don't start going all Sinatra on us! Not when this nation turns it's lonely eyes to you!

I could never fill the shoes of Ol' Blue Eyes.

The Exchange

William Pall wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
Vendle wrote:

Here ya go Mike, this might help you analyze some of your weak areas for the next time those Girl Scouts ambush you.


According to that, I could take 23. ;D

I think I was aided by my willingness to pick up one and use him as a weapon against the others. I think I need to change my alignment now...
Ha! 25 kids.

31 here. I have no qualms with using one to beat the others with and I wouldn't hold back, coupled with extensive Martial background= whooped kids galore!

Sovereign Court Contributor

I could take 30.

Funny thing, I rated my five-year-old son. He can take 13 five-year-olds. What does that mean?

The Exchange

Rambling Scribe wrote:

I could take 30.

Funny thing, I rated my five-year-old son. He can take 13 five-year-olds. What does that mean?

He is the chosen one!

Dark Archive Contributor

Fake Healer wrote:
Rambling Scribe wrote:

I could take 30.

Funny thing, I rated my five-year-old son. He can take 13 five-year-olds. What does that mean?

He is the chosen one!

Uh oh... I hope his name isn't Anakin...

Sovereign Court Contributor

I petitioned really hard for "Boba" but my wife wouldn't go for it.

She preferred "Han."

"Anakin" wasn't on the list. We didn't want our kid to be a big whiner.

EDIT: I wonder if Anakin took that test "just to be sure" before completing his mission for the Emperor...

SirUrza wrote:
KnightErrantJR wrote:
SirUrza wrote:

It's sad though because I absolutely love the old Realms.

Well, its pretty much a matter of public record how much of my time I've burned on that particular obsession . . .
I know the feeling. :(

I will echo that. I have nearly every 2e spplement for the realms and more than a few 3e.

Scarab Sages

30 five year olds even for me.

I didn't think I was that ruthless...

Dark Archive Contributor

Rambling Scribe wrote:

I petitioned really hard for "Boba" but my wife wouldn't go for it.

She preferred "Han."

"Anakin" wasn't on the list. We didn't want our kid to be a big whiner.

EDIT: I wonder if Anakin took that test "just to be sure" before completing his mission for the Emperor...

You could have compromised and named him Han Boba Scribe. ;)

Also, I'm sure Anakin's result for that test was like a 2 or 3, which is why he went into the nursery wielding a lightsaber. What a wimp. And while we're Anakin bashing, let's not forget his son. Looks to me like the Skywalker line can only produce strong women, because its men are the biggest chumps in the galaxy. ;D

Well, I'm not too sure about that. Shmi is the poster child for "Victims" everywhere. I mean come on . . . I've never bought the whole thing about Anakin being a result of immaculate conception.

My guess is that after she found out she was pregnant, she just conveniently blocked out whatever traumatic event there was that lead to the condition.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Talk about going off topic. :P

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

This is the result of the anticipation for AR2. If it'd just come out already we'd have something else to do. (Though in theory Mike already has it...)

William Pall wrote:
My guess is that after she found out she was pregnant, she just conveniently blocked out whatever traumatic event there was that lead to the condition.

Who's powerful enough to be DV's dad? The only one that comes to mind is Yoda. "Not only is it the Force that is strong with me!" And that's a pretty traumatic thought indeed.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Kirth Gersen wrote:
William Pall wrote:
My guess is that after she found out she was pregnant, she just conveniently blocked out whatever traumatic event there was that lead to the condition.
Who's powerful enough to be DV's dad? The only one that comes to mind is Yoda. "Not only is it the Force that is strong with me!" And that's a pretty traumatic thought indeed.

You saw how he flipped around while fighting Count Dookoo? Yeah...

Zynete wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:

This thread has become surreal.

No. Wait. It was always surreal.

Does that mean it's now surrealier? Surreally? Sir, really?

+2 Surreal?

Surreal bonuses don't stack.

William Pall wrote:

Well, I'm not too sure about that. Shmi is the poster child for "Victims" everywhere. I mean come on . . . I've never bought the whole thing about Anakin being a result of immaculate conception.

My guess is that after she found out she was pregnant, she just conveniently blocked out whatever traumatic event there was that lead to the condition.

This is totally off-topic, but in the SW Expanded Universe, we learn Anakin was the result of an experiment to create the ultimate Sith by impregnating a woman with midichlorians alone. This is why there was "no father," and why Anakin's midichlorian count was so high. Palpatine alludes to this in RotS when he talks about his former master being able to "create life." He supposedly already knew who Anakin was when he first met him on Naboo and said he would be following his career with great interest. It was all part of his plan to recruit him to help destroy the Jedi. Convoluted, I know.


I'm like a girlscout killer-combine!

I need to OP now to jack my skills...

Will there be girlscout-slaughtering feats in the next release?

Dark Archive Contributor

William Pall wrote:

Well, I'm not too sure about that. Shmi is the poster child for "Victims" everywhere. I mean come on . . . I've never bought the whole thing about Anakin being a result of immaculate conception.

My guess is that after she found out she was pregnant, she just conveniently blocked out whatever traumatic event there was that lead to the condition.

Ugh. You're right. I forgot about her.

Okay, the Skywalker line COMPLETELY sucks, and thus Leia is totally the black sheep since she's pretty much awesome at all times.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Mike McArtor wrote:
William Pall wrote:

Well, I'm not too sure about that. Shmi is the poster child for "Victims" everywhere. I mean come on . . . I've never bought the whole thing about Anakin being a result of immaculate conception.

My guess is that after she found out she was pregnant, she just conveniently blocked out whatever traumatic event there was that lead to the condition.

Ugh. You're right. I forgot about her.

Okay, the Skywalker line COMPLETELY sucks, and thus Leia is totally the black sheep since she's pretty much awesome at all times.

She got that from her mother. Awesomeness is a married-in trait.

For the record:

That's *my* princess Leia outfit. No one kidnapped me, I wear that thing at geek get-togethers all the time.

Those werent girl scouts. they were women in their early 20s stuffed into girl scout outfits that didnt quite fit. They "rescued" me days ago, but I just now got loose from *them*, and boy am *I* exhausted.

Mike wasn't in the Leia outfit because he was leading the rescue Girl Scouts. And he even managed to get a merit badge out of the deal!

(Smooches, Mikey!)

Dungeon Grrrl wrote:

For the record:

That's *my* princess Leia outfit. No one kidnapped me, I wear that thing at geek get-togethers all the time.

Those werent girl scouts. they were women in their early 20s stuffed into girl scout outfits that didnt quite fit. They "rescued" me days ago, but I just now got loose from *them*, and boy am *I* exhausted.

Mike wasn't in the Leia outfit because he was leading the rescue Girl Scouts. And he even managed to get a merit badge out of the deal!

(Smooches, Mikey!)

Since it was Erik's birthday a few days ago are you going to sing "Happy Birthday Mr. President?"

(I couldn't resist, since nobody was joining in with my late 60's flash back. Of course, part of me wonders if anybody actually got it. ;) )

Mike McArtor wrote:

Watcher wrote:
Mike, please don't start going all Sinatra on us! Not when this nation turns it's lonely eyes to you!
I could never fill the shoes of Ol' Blue Eyes.

Cause that's a buried song lyric from 'Mrs. Robinson' by Simon & Garfunkel, which connects to the whole Marilyn Monroe, Kennedy, Arthur Miller, Dimaggio, and that damned Sinatra and his mafiaso connections.. along with Peter Lawford. The whole damn era crystallized.

And what gets the lemmings posting? Star Wars.

I had an entire Mike McArtor Six Degrees of Seperation Set in the Sixties thing going and all you kids can bite on is Star Wars?

I feel so old

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Watcher.. quit while you're ahead. ;)

SirUrza wrote:
Watcher.. quit while you're ahead. ;)

"I fold," he said, tossing his cards aside.

WoW, this whole deal was more complicated than I thought.

Watcher wrote:
Mike, please don't start going all Sinatra on us! Not when this nation turns it's lonely eyes to you!

Watcher, if it helps, when I read this post from you, I immediately added the "Woo Woo Woo" in my head. ;-)

Dark Archive Contributor

Watcher wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:

Watcher wrote:
Mike, please don't start going all Sinatra on us! Not when this nation turns it's lonely eyes to you!
I could never fill the shoes of Ol' Blue Eyes.

Cause that's a buried song lyric from 'Mrs. Robinson' by Simon & Garfunkel, which connects to the whole Marilyn Monroe, Kennedy, Arthur Miller, Dimaggio, and that damned Sinatra and his mafiaso connections.. along with Peter Lawford. The whole damn era crystallized.

And what gets the lemmings posting? Star Wars.

I had an entire Mike McArtor Six Degrees of Seperation Set in the Sixties thing going and all you kids can bite on is Star Wars?

I feel so old

I see now what you were going for. It's all the clearer once explained, but unfortunately my 60s pop-culture knowledge is only slightly better than my 00s pop-culture knowledge, which is pretty weak. ;)

Mike McArtor wrote:

I see now what you were going for. It's all the clearer once explained, but unfortunately my 60s pop-culture knowledge is only slightly better than my 00s pop-culture knowledge, which is pretty weak. ;)

Your skills are weak... but they can be trained.

Not be me though, I'm just a fat guy with a bowl of pudding.

Like the ninja I take no sides. I will try out both games.
"We take what we want and leave the rest, just like your saladbar." -Egg Shen, Big Trouble in Little China.

Wow, I can take 33 five year olds.

Hell, I think I could take more, I actually have experience with swarm fighting pre-pubes from back when I ran a karate school.

Liberty's Edge

All I take away from this "Paizo vs. WotC thread is Paizo still has more fun and friendlier messageboards.

And I'll go along with e Skywalker thing but really, didn't Luke stand up at the plate and hold his own in RotJ without the whining or whatnot?

And as for Shmi, aren't we agreed either Darth Plaguis or Sidious was the "father" of manipulating Anakin's birth so technically one of them is the father? It might be their fault. Maybe they were reading Archie comics or something while doing the manipulating.

-DM Jeff

Who can be bothered with 4e? WotC have made it incompatible with everything and they've changed the OGL. I feel an ABBA song coming on ... and it's not Fernando.

As for adventure/campaign support, Paizo (Dungeon/Dragon) and a myriad of other independents leave WotC for dead. Or is that undead.

I can only take 20 five year olds. I am so lame. But I'm 74% effective as a human shield.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

22 five year olds here.

Dark Archive Contributor

DM Jeff wrote:
And I'll go along with e Skywalker thing but really, didn't Luke stand up at the plate and hold his own in RotJ without the whining or whatnot?

You mean the part where he's writhing on the ground is all, "Father, please?" I think in that instance it was Anakin/Vader who stepped up to the plate. "Jeezy peezy," he was probably thinking, "at least I didn't beg when Obi Wan kicked my ass on the fire planet. My son is a pansy-ass."

Mike McArtor wrote:

You mean the part where he's writhing on the ground is all, "Father, please?" I think in that instance it was Anakin/Vader who stepped up to the plate. "Jeezy peezy," he was probably thinking, "at least I didn't beg when Obi Wan kicked my ass on the fire planet. My son is a pansy-ass."

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?

Anakin Skywalker: Don't say that, master. You're the closest thing I have to a father.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Oh yeah, remind me again nancy-boy. I forgot this whole co-dependency issue of yours in the past 15 minutes.

See kids, I can do the Star Wars thing too

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Tamburlaine wrote:
Who can be bothered with 4e? WotC have made it incompatible with everything and they've changed the OGL. I feel an ABBA song coming on ... and it's not Fernando.

Who can be bothered with 3e? WotC have made it incompatible with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.

See my point?

Tamburlaine wrote:

Who can be bothered with 4e? WotC have made it incompatible with everything and they've changed the OGL. I feel an ABBA song coming on ... and it's not Fernando.

Oh oh oh . . . . is it Dancing Queen? Waterloo? ::strains as he attempts to remember more of the soundtrack to Murial's Wedding::

Mike McArtor wrote:

According to that, I could take 23. ;D

28. Not bad, I think.

But it's all very theoretical. And since I only found around a dozen little brats, I couldn't check if I could do the 28. Those 12 kids never had a chance, though.

Liberty's Edge

Mike McArtor wrote:
DM Jeff wrote:
And I'll go along with e Skywalker thing but really, didn't Luke stand up at the plate and hold his own in RotJ without the whining or whatnot?
You mean the part where he's writhing on the ground is all, "Father, please?" I think in that instance it was Anakin/Vader who stepped up to the plate. "Jeezy peezy," he was probably thinking, "at least I didn't beg when Obi Wan kicked my ass on the fire planet. My son is a pansy-ass."

OK, fine, I'll concede that. Up to that he was doing pretty nifty I thought. Of course, you could also say that Luke foresaw good in Vader, and begged just to get him off his ass to redeem himself. OK, maybe not.

-DM Jeff

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