Fidel Castro Resigns!!!

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Scarab Sages

"Gen Con Files for Chapter 11"


Scarab Sages

last post!

Well the link was working when I just checked, although that isn't to say that it wll be in several days... or even hours... time. The article says that PHOENIX Interactive (PI) is employing her (Christine Schneider) to write for them for their Warlords CCG.

Scarab Sages

AEG is no longer doing Warlords?

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Trey wrote:
The Jade wrote:
What does that have to do with losing an electrum plectrum up a full spectrum rectum? Stay on point, people. Jeez.

I'm kind of hoping all the different threadjackers can sort of huddle up and select a common theme. At this point, I'm burning through my stupid one-liner allotment way too fast.


*looks up*

Oh!!! Wrong thread. Sorry.

Y'all go back to talking about dying leaders and how people talking bad about the piece of land that your parents humped in makes you mad.

Just in case... ;)

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
Daigle wrote:
Castro Wants Our Brains!!!
No he doesn't; not according to that nice author, Clive Cussler, and the hero Dirk Pitt. Has anyone got a link for Clive Cussler's book Cyclops which they can post here? The escape from the Russian base in a bathtub was great.

Ahem. Found a link to answer my own request.

Scarab Sages

Charles is the new google

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

This thread is never going to get locked if you all keep it up with the levity and the funny. This thread is about serious stuff; there's no room for humor in politics!!!!

fray wrote:
AEG is no longer doing Warlords?

I don't know about the computer game; all I know is that that's the company mentioned as being associated with the CCG version.

Scarab Sages

AEG made the CCG a few years ago. and then the RPG based on that called Warlords of the Acordlands.

Sebastian wrote:

This thread is never going to get locked if you all keep it up with the levity and the funny. This thread is about serious stuff; there's no room for humor in politics!!!!

When people start calling out the facts it reads to me like this:

I think what you're all failing to understand is that when Castro was 11 he met Stuart Fidelius Michaels, later the kleptomaniac foreign secretary famed for coining the phrase, "I didn't know that was your mama!" This unlikely and illegally sexual friendship led to many games of live grenade handball that invariably led to Castro gaining a deeper understanding for the undeniable appeal of dictatorship (after all, who doesn't love to watch ships full of dick taters slide across the briny horizon?).

Scarab Sages


I'll have whatever he's having!

One Pinata Colada coming up.

::hands the drink over then smashes it out of his hands with a stick::

The Jade wrote:

One Pinata Colada coming up.

::hands the drink over then smashes it out of his hands with a stick::

I'm stealing that one for offline use. :P

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

I heard Castro was a robot and the main reason the US wanted to "get him" was to abduct him for a better version of robot than we had. See the Cubans got the Castro[l] One from the UK as a way to take back their wayward colony.

Trey wrote:
The Jade wrote:

One Pinata Colada coming up.

::hands the drink over then smashes it out of his hands with a stick::

I'm stealing that one for offline use. :P

Well, okay. But only cuz it's you.

Liberty's Edge

Samuel Weiss wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
[PS Your country was my country long before it was ever yours. My family fought the French occupation of Quebec. My family live on a farm there for several generations right up to the point when that terrorist Washington and his band of lawless, disrespectful bandits with the support of those stinking cultists in the continental congress decided they wanted to form the USA. They even fought in the Revolution. We moved to Red River which was eventually central in the little war when the USA attacked Canada (the place where that whole little rockets red glare gangster rap was inspired). So we moved to Canada and spent two hundred years building a future Commonwealth.

Your ignorance is truly astounding.

Quebec being in Canada, it is not occupied by the US. And if you were fighting the French occupation, I suggest you take it up with the French.

As for the Red River, it was not "the place where the whole little rockets red glare gangster rap was inspired". That was Chesapeake Bay and Baltimore, Maryland. Rather far from Canada.

Of course, there is a Red River in Canada, and it was involved in a war - with Canada. Apparently the people were not too thrilled with building the Commonwealth as the rest of the Canadians.

So not only are you clueless about American history, you are rather clueless about Canadian history.
Not that I expect that to stop you. Wallowing in your own ignorance of history, and indeed reality in general, is the base of your ranting nonsense.

yellowdingo wrote:
Further brances of my family moved from the USA because people with your point of view turned it into a Midden and attacked anyone who thought it could be different. If you dont know what that is, buy a dictionary.

As I noted, Quebec was never in the US. The Red River extends into the US, indeed there are several Red Rivers, but they are not Chesapeake Bay. So maybe you should buy an atlas and do some checking as to whether anyone in your family ever really lived in the US.


Michael: "We're headed to Canada, dude!"

Teal'c: "Indeed."
Michael: "I'm leaving because of the War, man." (Viet Nam)
Teal'c: "The war with Canada?"
Micheal: "No..."
O'Neill: "Well, let's go, shall we?"

Liberty's Edge

fray wrote:

I thought that movie can canceled...

but I'm never 'in the know'...

I heard Raimi signed onto the project.


Scarab Sages

OOO! I see it now... a Giant Robot Castro vs Ultraman!

No; I think you misunderstand the situation. Smaug (capitalist) vs Dwarves (communist monarchy) is a metaphor with the international arms dealers (and their lawyers) making profit from the conflict.

And this observation, alas, must be my last on the subject for the time being.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
No; I think youmisunderstand the situation. Smaug (capitalist) vs Dwarves (communist monarchy) is a metaphor with the international arms dealers (and their lawyers) making profit from the conflict.

Where do electrum plectrums up full spectrum rectums fit into this scheme? I am so confused.

Liberty's Edge

Communist monarchy?
That's crazy talk.

Heathansson wrote:

Communist monarchy?

That's crazy talk.

Raul doesn't think so.

Scarab Sages

Wolves... see! They know things!

Trey wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Communist monarchy?

That's crazy talk.
Raul doesn't think so.

Crazy is as crazy does...

Liberty's Edge

The Jade wrote:
Yep... I lost an electrum plectrum up a full spectrum rectum.

Well, that's kinda what you get for strumming your arse.

Scarab Sages

Sad Orange

The Exchange

Samuel Weiss wrote:
do some checking as to whether anyone in your family ever really lived in the US.

I didnt say they all come from the USA, I said, My family have a longer history in America than the USA breathed gunpowder.

So Sam, how long did your family live elsewhere befor it migrate to North America?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Kruelaid wrote:

Your post could not be more welcome.


Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

fray wrote:
Sad Orange

That is sad.

But not as sad as hating America!!!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a $20 bill to mail to Snorter...

Azzy wrote:
The Jade wrote:
Yep... I lost an electrum plectrum up a full spectrum rectum.
Well, that's kinda what you get for strumming your arse.

But my gee-tar was in the shop.

yellowdingo wrote:
Samuel Weiss wrote:
do some checking as to whether anyone in your family ever really lived in the US.

I didnt say they all come from the USA, I said, My family have a longer history in America than the USA breathed gunpowder.

So Sam, how long did your family live elsewhere befor it migrate to North America?

M-theory invalidates the existence of yellow dingos.

Liberty's Edge

The Jade wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
Samuel Weiss wrote:
do some checking as to whether anyone in your family ever really lived in the US.

I didnt say they all come from the USA, I said, My family have a longer history in America than the USA breathed gunpowder.

So Sam, how long did your family live elsewhere befor it migrate to North America?

M-theory invalidates the existence of yellow dingos.

Except in Dingo branes.

Physicist zombie: "SEND MORE BRANES!"

Sovereign Court

I just don't get the family legacy angle. Sure, it works for presidents and dictators, but what impact does my ancestor really have on me today? Do I base my life around a 300 year-old grudge that my relation might've had? I can't even say his opinion of George Washington reliably survived by word of mouth down the years.

If people were entitled to property of their time-lost family, my wife would be undeniably rich (by virtue of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and General Robert E. Lee). I myself, however, am decended from the slums of Europe.

Scarab Sages

The Jade wrote:
Physicist zombie: "SEND MORE BRANES!"


Paizo Employee Director of Sales

The Jade wrote:
Physicist zombie: "SEND MORE BRANES!"



Liberty's Edge

Vendle wrote:
If people were entitled to property of their time-lost family, my wife would be undeniably rich (by virtue of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and General Robert E. Lee). I myself, however, am decended from the slums of Europe.

Yeah... If I based myself on my ancestors, I'd probably be some sort of criminal or outcast. Famous relatives include Typhoid Mary, Ernest Mallin (the turn-of-the-century IRA leader that sold out to the Limey invaders), and Eoghan the Kinslayer (if you want to go WAAAY back). I'd be screwed.

But just look at the kind of normal, well-adjusted guy I am!

Liberty's Edge

yellowdingo wrote:
So Sam, how long did your family live elsewhere befor it migrate to North America?

I am not sure I can stop laughing long enough to reply properly to such a straight line.

More properly, your question should be:
"How long was my family exiled, then driven from place to place by institutionalized abuse before migrating to the United States?"

About 1,800 (one thousand eight hundred) years.
That is 180 (one hundred eighty) decades, 18 (eighteen) centuries, or 1.8 (one decimal eight) millennia, just for reference.
That would be about 4 (four) to 9 (nine) times the duration of your claimed "persecution".

Of course, that does not include the lesser, mostly non-violent, persecution they suffered here, which lasted another 8 (eight) decades or so before tapering off. Unfortunately, due to certain influences it is on the rise again. Apparently some people are asserting they can not have equality if that includes being equal to anyone like my family.

So if you want to play the victim card, "Been there, suffered that, in fact the name was created us."

Samuel Weiss wrote:

So if you want to play the victim card, "Been there, suffered that, in fact the name was created us."


Well it looks like the end of the match ladies and gentleman: a mortal blow finally wraps up the dingo vs. Weiss match. Yes, a knockout for Weiss, but it sure was fun watching dingo finger paint with his own drool for the last few days.

And now back to our regularly scheduled program: Gilligan's Asylum.

Aberzombie wrote:
The Jade wrote:
Physicist zombie: "SEND MORE BRANES!"


The Jade wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
The Jade wrote:
Physicist zombie: "SEND MORE BRANES!"

Tasty, eh?

Liberty's Edge

My ancestors persecuted my ancestors!

English, Scots-Irish, and Cherokee on my father's side, and French, Huron, and Portuguese on my mother's side.

Liberty's Edge

Azzy wrote:
My ancestors persecuted my ancestors!

Mine, too. 50% Northern Irish, 30% German, 10% Southern Irish, 2% British, 1% misc. Scandinavian, 1% French, 1%Scottish.

Ahh, yes, those old questions of ancestry, as if there's some kind of moral connection....

Me: 50% latvian, 25% welsh, 12.5% german, 12.5 irish

My wife: 25% spanish, 75% locano (a native Filipino culture)

My daughter: ... ummmm... ka scratches his head... 25% latvian, 12.5% irish, 6.25% german, same irish, 12.5% spanish, 37.5% locano. This kid is a beauty.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

I think I'm mostly Irish Setter, with a little Cornugon mixed in.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

I’m 38% grackle, 24% mantis, 13% cat, 9% cockroach and 16% monkey.

Sebastian wrote:
I think I'm mostly Irish Setter, with a little Cornugon mixed in.

I made you for a corgi. Go figure.

Daigle wrote:
I’m 38% grackle, 24% mantis, 13% cat, 9% cockroach and 16% monkey.

Does that include any pulsating tumor?

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