The Journal of Tyr (A STAP log)

Campaign Journals

Hello all! My group just started playing the Savage Tide AP last Friday with the intent to go all the way to the end, and so I decided to post our exploits up here. Our Sasserine is located in Greyhawk (by default) and though Im not DM I'll be instructing the group on aspects of the setting as we go. I'll begin with my characters stats.

Tyr (Age 25)
Dragonspawn Wizard 1
NG Medium Dragon
Init +8; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2 (darkvision 30ft, lowlight vision)
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Suel
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AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+7 natural)
HP 9 (1 HD)
Immune Sleep, Paralysis, Cold
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4
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Speed 30ft, Fly 60ft (Average)
Melee Claw +2 (1d4+2/x2)
Base Atk +0; Grp +2
Special Actions Breath Weapon, Death Throes
Combat Gear Healing Belt (2d8/3d8/4d8),
Spells Known (CL 1st; Ranged Touch +4)
1st (4/day) - sleep (DC 15), magic missle
0 (5/day) - detect magic, read magic, ray of frost, disrupt undead
Spells Per Day (CL 1st, Barred: Evoc, Enchant)
0 - prestidigitation, ghost sound, mage hand,acid splash
1st - benign transposition, color spray, grease
Spell-like Abilities (CL 1st) 4/day - Abrupt Jaunt
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Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 18
Feats Academy Graduate, Scribe Scroll, Imp Initiative, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Skill Focus (spellcraft)
Skills Concentration +9, Diplomacy +8, Gather Infofmation +8, Heal +4, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (History) +6, Knowledge (Nobility) +6, Spellcraft +10, Use Magic Device +8.
Possessions combat gear plus ring of feather falling, spell component pouch, bullseye lantern w/continual flame, mithril chain shirt (not worn), silk rope (50ft), grappling hoook, 761gp
Spellbook All zero-level, plus benign transposition, color spray, magic weapon, grease, ebon eyes, ray of enfeeblement, ray of clumsiness.
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Breath Weapon - 30ft Cone of Cold that deals 2d6 dmg (DC 15 Reflex half), usuable every 2d4 rounds.
Death Throes - When Tyr dies everyone within 10ft take 1d6 cold damage (DC Reflex half).
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Important House rules: Double feats at 1st level. Template allowed with LA Buyoff. Free random Minor magic item at 1st (or equivalent gold).

A prologue,
My name is Tyr and once upon a time I was a human wizard. I made my life as a conjurist in the Noble District in the city of Sasserine as part of it's wizarding guild, the Witchwarden tower. I was perhaps too successful in my studies and conjuration always makes the user seem more powerful than he truly is (or is it makes them more powerful than they have right to be? I always get the two confused). Which was why I had been sought out by a paladin. He invited me to accompany his group on an adventure deep into the mountains. We were to encounter a group of dragons there and stop the nefarious scheme they were plotting. He had a large company including several mages of considerably more skill than myself so I thought it no trouble to go, do little to help, take credit, and reap the rewards. It would be a foolish error.

We stood outside the lair, and inside the draconic hisses bellowed. I understood what the humongous beasts were saying and it chilled me to the bone. "The humans approach. They cannot stop our plans," one screeched. "Destroy them," another answered. Several of our arcanists had caught the words, but I found myself yelling out first, "They know were here!!" The paladin who had brought us calmly drew his sword, "We cannot stop now. We have come too far. Lets do it guys..." he charged forward, with more resolve than I had ever seen in a man as he screamed out his name in his final breath, "Leeeeeeeeeeroy Jeeeeeeeeeenkins!!!" Many followed the charge, but I knew my limits. I got as far away from the ensuing battle as I could and hid.

Many moments passed and things grew quieter and quieter as one by one the adventuring company was sent to it's deaths. My breathing stopped. I dared not draw attention to myself, but the titanic beasts knew better. "That one hides. Afraid for his life."
"We must move on from here. Other will come, and some will be powerful enough to destroy us."
"Before we do, I propose an experiment. A test of our arcane technique which these mortals died to stop."
"The coward? He is fortunate this day to receive such a boon."
"A reward for not interfering like the others. He was cold blooded enough to watch them die, and his reward will be to remain cold blooded eternal." One of the gigantic lizards cast a spell at me before I could run, and things grew dark.

Days later in the city of Sasserine, a towering figure of white scales would pass through the noble district toward Witchwarden's tower. It would wear the tattered remains of a wizard's robes of a style unique to a single man thought dead. In a way I was dead, but in another I had been reborn. Tyr the man had left Sasserine, and Tyr the dragonspawn had returned more powerful than ever. I had been magically compelled to never again mention the plots of the dragons that had transformed me, but that was thier folly. The plans of dragons take years to complete as a side effect of thier long lives and patient natures. I too would be patient, untill at last I had the power and allies to confront them again... If I survive my current quest.

Liberty's Edge

Excellent back story! Are you also planning to flesh out your fellow players? Or just as interestingly telling the tale entirely from your character's perspective?

Tikon2000 wrote:
Excellent back story! Are you also planning to flesh out your fellow players? Or just as interestingly telling the tale entirely from your character's perspective?

This will mostly be Tyr's recounting of the campaign, however Ive invited a few other players to post here as they see fit (all will be new to these messageboards).

Were currently in the middle of TinH on Parrot Island, so I have plenty of material to write on (at least 4days IC) I just have to solve two problems before I do.

1) We have a player that comes and goes during the game session. I have to figure out how to write him in (and/or not write him in... it'll be weird).

2) I need to get with the DM and figure out the time of year/exact day. Which means that during next session my DM gets a lesson on the Greyhawk calender and holidays. Can anyone give me a good link for all the info on this?

As promised (though a bit delayed) here is the first entry into my character's chronicle. We have had our second session now, and when I post it I will include the updated stats for Tyr.

Waterday, Planting 12, 597CY

I write this many days after the fact, but I now see the need for such a record in this prolonged venture. I require a reckoning of where this adventure started, and a chronicle of what has been done so that I continue to have perspective on our goals.

It had been months since my return to Sasserine, and while I had done my best to sequester myself in the Witchwarden tower I knew it was inevitable that word of my condition would spread. I must admit that I enjoyed the rumors, but a curious thing occurred with them. They were mixed up with rumors of another man who had come to sasserine. Apparently this fellow, of obvious Baklunish descent and a member of a desert tribe, had traveled to the city for some unknown purpose. The stories of the dragon man and the desert warrior became popular simultaneously and rumors of battles and alliances between us were popular.

I dont know what rumor attracted the attention of Ms. Vanderboren, but when her halfling servant arrived the day before with an RSVP for dinner and a job offer I remembered an old axiom. Never deny a noble what they wish, or pay for it in the end. I arrived at her manor house, and to my surprise among her other dinner guests was the Bakluni man who's stories mingled with mine quaintly named Osiris. After a short encounter with an adventuring band under miss Vanderboren's employ dinner began. Lavinia informed us of the trouble she was having with the harbor workers, and her need of a ring stored on board her parent's ship. We decided to set out the next day.

Earthday, Planting 13, 597CY

Today the group gathered at the docks looking for pier seven where mistress Lavinia's boat should have been moored. Before I recount our adventure there, a few notes about my companions are in order...

First there is the desert dweller I mentioned previously. Osiris (Baklunish Ranger 1 (Wastes variant)) seems to have a level head, but during dinner the night previous he mentioned visions he had followed to the city of Sasserine. As a man, or rather beast, of magic I find such an account usually holds water and requires attention, but he was very scarce on details. His temper needs to be kept in check.

Next is the wench Andrea (unknown), I know not much about her except she has offered me free room in a nearby inn which is much better than making the hours long trek between districts. Then there is Rikka, the elven lass (Scout 1). I have no clues from whence Lavinia dug her up, but she seems a tad partial to the nearby jungle. She also mentioned something about fighting lizardfolk. Our group's other female is Marea. She seems a bit deft of the hands, but I'll reserve my judgement for any who read this tome untill a more appropriate point. Our group was rounded out by Danteal (Human? Crusader 1) who seems to fancy himself worthy of the dwarven mountain plate he wears. I dare not question him on why, but perhaps another day I will talk to him about it.

When we arrived at pier seven the boat was absent, though it did not take us long to divine where it had gone. Instead of it's proper mooring someone had roped the ship several hundred feet away from the docks. I took to my wings while the others secured a nearby rowboat to go and investigate. When we arrived the men on deck summoned others from down below and began attacking us. The battle went quickly and I dispatched most of the men with a few simple sleep spells. Not even thier leader was a problem. What was more surprising was when they began to burn thier illicit cargo they accidently released some monstrous bug. If I had more information I would write it down, but I don't. We dispatched the bug and then commenced a search of the ship. We eventually found Lavinia's ring as well as the money she had paid to the men to get her ship back. We returned both to her estate and she asked us to set out with her the next day for castle teraknian to claim our payment. I again spent the night at a nearby inn on Andrea's coin.

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