Reciprocity – Dark Sun PbP sign up area.

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Game discussion thread.

Original Thread.

Looking for lots! 10ish preferably.

The Exchange

I'm busy with the ones I am in, but good luck with this. And I'm sure you will not lack for volunteers!

Dark Archive

Me, me, me, me, please :D

Liberty's Edge

Hi there. Am I still in?

Cool dealio.

The Exchange

You had me at hello! Actually you had me at Dark Sun.
I'm in.

Never done a pbp or Dark Sun before, but I would like to give it a try.

Ah I threw my hat in the other thread but I shall throw it in again. Or perhaps throw in a different hat.


I'll be truthful and admit I was sort of saving a spot for James, as it was his idea in the first place to have a Dark Sun PbP. It also makes me happy that two people from the other PbP are on board; I must not be sucking up a total storm!

The Exchange

I wonder if Heathansson is wanting in.... He expressed a keen interest prior to your prior thread.

Liberty's Edge

F$!% it, I'm in.
I'm at work, so I'll look at books tonite or tomorrow maybe; I'm on call I'll either be doing a lung scan or searching through Dragon Magazines.

The "no eqpt-you start buck naked" aced it for me.

Heathansson wrote:
f@&~ it, I'm in.

Helz yeah, I've already started lubing up!

Spent the morning ferrying around pelvic x-rays myself (not of myself, that is).

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

*jumps in*

Oooooooooh! Dark Sun!!!

Wow. Filling up mega fast. 2 open slots with probably 2 alts remaining.

I'd be willing to push the envelope if Kruelaid/Valegrim/Dreamweaver hopped in though, as they were also early interests on the original thread.

Aight, going to make my son a bottle, then head in to bed. Will see you all again around 2300 Eastern (GMT -5).

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

In! In! In!

* wait, wait..don't sound desperate...*

Respectfully requesting admittance.

Dark Archive

Quick...get inside, ManPig! Holds out hand to ManPig

BTW, CH is back. Check it out here.

Welcome aboard (back watching again). Wake time...

I found it!
Signing up now! (If you still have room, I hope?!?!)

Thank you!

EDIT-Did I just slide into the last spot?!? (I hope!) Cool!

Ragadolf wrote:

Signing up now! (If you still have room, I hope?!?!)

Thank you!

Indeed. Have at!

Thank you!
I actually have a request, I'm a bit brain dead form work at the moment, (That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!)
I'm seeing all of the other characters, and I'm looking for SUGGESTIONS for race/character/Dark Sun combos. As I am not a power-gamer, nor really get to play enough to know what races/classes (for multi class) really click well together.

I'm just looking for some DS flavor options to check out so I can build something out of the 'ordinary' and fun!

(Example- the 'Thri-Kreen Ranger" caught my eye. stuff like that.)

Thanks all!

EDIT- will move this request to the discussion thread! Thanks again!

Got ten even now, would love to line up a couple of alternates if anyone is interested, as life throws crazy crap at you.

I just saw this now, had visiting family for the last week.

As you know I was all in earlier, but it seems I'm too late now.

So... alternate.

I was hoping you’d get around to heaving your vacant socket, maggot-riddled shell into this thread afore long, and yet, now I have a quandary.

For reasons I’m not predisposed to disclose, I require an even number of participants.

Seriously though, rock on. Consider yourself a quasi-alternate…because if I can get another person, we’ll just bump the party up to 12 (muahahahaha, I’m already doing the evil bastard hand rub of glee).

Cool. No worries. I reckon I'm a permanent resident of the Paizo boards. There will many games.

I've got the game on a live feed bookmark now.

Dark Archive

mwbeeler wrote:

I was hoping you’d get around to heaving your vacant socket, maggot-riddled shell into this thread afore long, and yet, now I have a quandary.

For reasons I’m not predisposed to disclose, I require an even number of participants.

Seriously though, rock on. Consider yourself a quasi-alternate…because if I can get another person, we’ll just bump the party up to 12 (muahahahaha, I’m already doing the evil bastard hand rub of glee).

I do hope you're not planning on pairing us up and having us fight gladitorial matches... as that would be so cool :D

*SIGH* You drylanders have such horrific sports. Not to fear; I shall honour the fallen with a feast. Dibs on your hearts!

Liberty's Edge

Look, you sawed off Ed Gein joke....what was I saying?
Hey, when I went to sleep I had 10 toes.

I hope Valegrim beats the snot (har) out of his head cold soon. It would be awesome to get both he and Kruelaid in on this.

Eek. I had to look up Ed Gein - that's nasty stuff!

FabesMinis wrote:
Eek. I had to look up Ed Gein - that's nasty stuff!

The band or the serial killer?

Then again, there isn't a huge difference.

MMMmmmmm. Long pork.

Do I understand that Valegrim would make it an even 12 and I would be able to play?

Cool. Go Valegrim, go Valegrim! Praise Jesus, feel the healin' child!


I'm not up on my psionics, (don't even own the handbook, although I have read the SRD) so IF I can play how does the following character concept sound?

I know halflings are wild in Athas and I've always loved that little kid in The Road Warrior so I'd like to play a Halfling barbarian somewhat modeled on the Road Warrior feral kid. Meaning, that although he can talk, unlike said feral child, he tends to communicate with animal noises, occasionally runs like a chimp, and likes to dig holes like a dog.

If this is okay, I've gotta know, are there boomerangs in Athas?

His background? In brief, he would be an escapee from an Arena sideshow: he was a geek. He fought animals in a pit, chewed their throats out and drank their blood to the cheers and jeers of crowds waiting outside the arenas.

Sure, he's gonna die fast, but life is cheap in Athas, isn't it?

Kruelaid wrote:
Do I understand that Valegrim would make it an even 12 and I would be able to play?

Val or whomever beats him to it (though I'm hoping Val because he already expressed interest).

Kruelaid wrote:
I've gotta know, are there boomerangs in Athas?

I think the Kreen use them...I'm sure of it.

Sounds like your typical Halfling. ;)

Grand Lodge

Hey, if there's still room, even as an alternate, I'll bite. Of course, if you prefer to wait for Valegrim, I'm cool with that.

If I get to play, I'd like to play another thri-kreen, if possible. I'd make him a monk, though, or possibly just a straight fighter - a grab-and-eat type of beatdown artist.

Vattnisse wrote:
Hey, if there's still room.

Welcome aboard. If Kruelaid sees up your dice. ;)

We'll call it an even 12 then, and if anyone else is interested, we'll start a list of alternates.

Grand Lodge

Sweet! As a thri-kreen monk, how do we handle unarmed attacks?

Edit: Hmmm... Just realised I don't have that issue of Dragon. I'll look around for something else on stats and abilities.

mwbeeler wrote:
Vattnisse wrote:
Hey, if there's still room.

Welcome aboard. If Kruelaid sees up your dice. ;)

We'll call it an even 12 then, and if anyone else is interested, we'll start a list of alternates.

cool. got it. I'm prepping for tonight's game and I'll whip out my feral halfling when I get back...

CN alignment is ok?

Kruelaid wrote:
CN alignment is ok?

Not a problem. :)

Liberty's Edge

Oh, no. Another sawed off Ed Gein joke.

"what's Ed Gein's favorite cookie? Ladyfingers."

Do Darksun halflings do that second breakfast crap too? Hey, what happened to my thumbs?

Vattnisse wrote:

Sweet! As a thri-kreen monk, how do we handle unarmed attacks?

Edit: Hmmm... Just realised I don't have that issue of Dragon. I'll look around for something else on stats and abilities.

My character alias has the racial abilities on him. Other things are factored in and can be found under the spoiler.

+2 Str +4 Dex +2 Wis -2 Int -4 Chr

2 Monstrous Humanoid racial levels/HD- 2d8, max hit die first racial level, not class level. +2 base attack, base saves Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3. Skill points equal (2 + Int modifier, min 1) x 5. Class skills Balance, Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot.

Level adjustment +2 plus 2 monstrous HD= 4th level PC without any class levels.

Kruelaid wrote:
...I'll whip out my feral halfling...

My new favorite euphemism.

Grand Lodge

Thanks, James. I'll be, um, borrowing a lot off your character sheet.

James Keegan wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
...I'll whip out my feral halfling...
My new favorite euphemism.

The gamer chicks love that one, don't they.

Hey Fabesmini or Beeler,

The halfling build is as per Dragon 319?

Ok, that's too funny. Flew right by me too, I must be slipping. ;)

Kruelaid wrote:
The halfling build is as per Dragon 319?

That's the one. By the way, loving the backgrounds so far.

wow lot of action on this thread :)

It's going to be very "West Side Story." There'll be singing and dancing, unrequited love, and at least a shiving or two! Ok, I made that up; there won't be any love.

Dark Archive

Im interested in playing so add me to the list of alternates please. The only source i dont have is the dragon issue, but i think i can work with out it

Radec2000 wrote:
Im interested in playing so add me to the list of alternates please. The only source i dont have is the dragon issue, but i think i can work with out it

Done and done. :)

At the moment we are standing at 12 players with 2 alternates.

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