Legion of Super Heroes


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Well, Eddie Haskel is really an inplant clone left over from Race 453 who were at that time collecting earth cultural data; many versions of the Eddie Haskel synthozoid where established in 1950's earth and their self genisis programming has spawned a great many of these creatures; to so a proper job of eliminating this alien wettech, you will need a device that can spot them regardless of their outwardly morphic shells; I have here a device that will alert you when you are in their presence by detecting their high EM band emissions and and this other may be used to localize and pinpoint the synthozoid; here they are cleverly disguised as a Dick Tracy two way radio and a secret decoder ring; both of course, also have features that work while disguised.

Valegrim wrote:

Hey guys; stop by the lab and take a look at my new Collapsed String Theoretical Star Drive; what I have been doing is trying to recreate on a microcosmic scale; a black hole, and as well all know; the center is a quantum string of unknown mass and properties, but as all the energy from the the epicenter absorbs matter to create the string; all that energy is contained inside; but also, the effect also pushed matter away from the epicenter leaving a balance of mass and a dead region; my new star drives works by using this push pull effect between the mass of the cosmos and the mass of the Quantum Infinity String contained within the black hole. When hooked to a three dimentional mass, such as a starship, this new 2d dimentional drive should propel a starship to yet unattainable speeds with the added effect of allowing instant return to the starting position within a certain window of gravitational rebound though I am not yet sure what the effects of this drive will have on living matter and I still have some undesirable control features to enhance; the star drive is also small enough to power the new battlesuit I have been thinking about; there is, of course, still some work to be done with moving even small masses of this scale on a right plane to the galactic center; such aligned forces have a small probability of causing a destablilizing effect on localized protostars of less the 10+14 luminasity and under 100 million years in age.

Eileen said:
Well we all know this is already over my head but that's ok, because phantom girl isn't exacly a genius, just capable. Besides I'd be disapointed if it wasn't over my head, considering the source.

<whispers to Eileen> my original plan was just to make a large scale prismatic sphere of luminosisty that emenates in a wide band that was small enough to put in a purse so that Dream Girl could have one and maybe use it and think of me; and no; I did not get the idea from a disco ball and yes the star drive and power output really just a side effect that has practical application. i am still hoping to find the right wavelength to affect the dream world and plane of dreams which at this point is only theoretical.

Eileen said:

Don't you have to bring her back first in order for any of this to work?

well, perhaps it is existance none of us truely understand; perhaps she is just on another wavelength; I made such a broadband emission range that hopefully she will see it in both color and order and know that it is I who seek her. Not even the time-space continuim will stand against me as I seek her; already I am reviewing the supposed events of her passing; perhaps you will relate what you know of the event that I may organize all the data to effect the most efficient program of retrieval.

<so heeh; do you think I could pull off being Brainiac 5?>

Valegrim wrote:
Well, Eddie Haskel is really an inplant clone left over from Race 453 who were at that time collecting earth cultural data; many versions of the Eddie Haskel synthozoid where established in 1950's earth and their self genisis programming has spawned a great many of these creatures; to so a proper job of eliminating this alien wettech, you will need a device that can spot them regardless of their outwardly morphic shells; I have here a device that will alert you when you are in their presence by detecting their high EM band emissions and and this other may be used to localize and pinpoint the synthozoid; here they are cleverly disguised as a Dick Tracy two way radio and a secret decoder ring; both of course, also have features that work while disguised.

Or maybe my brother Wally could just slug him one!!!

Valegrim wrote:
well, perhaps it is existance none of us truely understand; perhaps she is just on another wavelength; I made such a broadband emission range that hopefully she will see it in both color and order and know that it is I who seek her. Not even the time-space continuim will stand against me as I seek her; already I am reviewing the supposed events of her passing; perhaps you will relate what you know of the event that I may organize all the data to effect the most efficient program of retrieval.

I admire your persistance and clearly by Bgztl brain is not up to the necessary 12th level intelligence required for such endeavors. Heck, I even take advice from Karate Kid once in a while. I'm not completly sure if you have read the scene in which Dream Girl died...but as you most certainly recall, as her life force/soul left her body you enclosed it within your force field. Thus giving yourself the opportunity to see through with the bigger picture. I to shall review the data and we can compare events.

And I think you do a good job of staying in character. You play a better Brainiac 5 than I would. That's for certain, the secret....use lots a big words that seem like they go together and then make up a few bigger ones for the heck of it.

Beaver Cleaver wrote:

Or maybe my brother Wally could just slug him one!!!

You know Beaver Cleaver for someone who grew up in quiet, average tv home in the 50's, you sure seem awefully violent. Perhaps anger management classes are in order. What do you think?

Geez lady, you're not gonna squeal on me, are ya?

Beaver Cleaver wrote:
Geez lady, you're not gonna squeal on me, are ya?

No but I may have to take you over my knee and give you a good spanking!

Aw, gee! I'm 13! Couldn't ya just pop me one in the gut?

Beaver Cleaver wrote:
Aw, gee! I'm 13! Couldn't ya just pop me one in the gut?

Well let's see....as Phanotm Girl I suppose I could dematerialize my arm and then pop you in the gut and materialize just my fist. But I think that might be a bit extreme.

We could give you a life sentance on the prison planet.

Or we could have you rake the leaves outside of Legion Headquarters next fall everyday after school....

What do you think?

Well, here is a phantasmagron hypnobeetle that I created to infiltrate the lair of subject villian 514 and his nest of insectopodes; it has a special feature in its programming that when discovered its wing appendages fan out in a hypnotic pattern while emitting continous wavelengths of the subject brains frontal lobe communications array and with a simple sample taken by using its probiscus appendage; the hynobeetle can actually recreate the pheromones needed for advanced control of the subject. I was using these to gather information of villian 514's lairs layout and question various subject creatures to develope an antidote, but in this case; we could modify the beetle to act as a parental unit for Beaver's aberrant behavior and have the beetle apply a standard list of parental behavior modifications. Not having had any parental units myself nor having any need for such parasites, I have queried relevant subject manner and <tweek, twist (whiling sounds and lights go off as adjustments are made to the phantasmogron hypnobeetle) and click snap> ok. it is done and ready for application.

Valegrim wrote:
Well, here is a phantasmagron hypnobeetle that I created to infiltrate the lair of subject villian 514 and his nest of insectopodes; it has a special feature in its programming that when discovered its wing appendages fan out in a hypnotic pattern while emitting continous wavelengths of the subject brains frontal lobe communications array and with a simple sample taken by using its probiscus appendage; the hynobeetle can actually recreate the pheromones needed for advanced control of the subject. I was using these to gather information of villian 514's lairs layout and question various subject creatures to develope an antidote, but in this case; we could modify the beetle to act as a parental unit for Beaver's aberrant behavior and have the beetle apply a standard list of parental behavior modifications. Not having had any parental units myself nor having any need for such parasites, I have queried relevant subject manner and <tweek, twist (whiling sounds and lights go off as adjustments are made to the phantasmogron hypnobeetle) and click snap> ok. it is done and ready for application.

Ok so all we have to do is find Beaver CLeaver, tie him down and "wham Bang" instant behavior change?

Well, tests show that with if we insert a natural attracter to the beetle; that it will stay with him; I have generated one that may be discharged through a pneumantic hypodermic and will bond to the individual and has a half life decay battery of five years; so, we dont really need to hold him down as I can administer it from a targetting array that can discharge hypodermic darts. The beetle will then stay near the individual and provide, ahem, instruction when necessary.

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Beaver Cleaver wrote:
Aw, gee! I'm 13! Couldn't ya just pop me one in the gut?

Well let's see....as Phanotm Girl I suppose I could dematerialize my arm and then pop you in the gut and materialize just my fist. But I think that might be a bit extreme.

We could give you a life sentance on the prison planet.

Or we could have you rake the leaves outside of Legion Headquarters next fall everyday after school....

What do you think?

You got a laser rake or somethin?

Beaver Cleaver wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Beaver Cleaver wrote:
Aw, gee! I'm 13! Couldn't ya just pop me one in the gut?

Well let's see....as Phanotm Girl I suppose I could dematerialize my arm and then pop you in the gut and materialize just my fist. But I think that might be a bit extreme.

We could give you a life sentance on the prison planet.

Or we could have you rake the leaves outside of Legion Headquarters next fall everyday after school....

What do you think?

You got a laser rake or somethin?

Always looking for the easy way out of work....Kids these days! It isn't so much of an actual rake. Essentially you point it, turn to power on and it simply causes the leave to vanish, leaving the surrounding terrain untouched. It really isn't much work at all.

Oh, and that statue of Ferro Lad in the Nolan Plaza needs polishing. That we still be by hand, not because we have to (we have machines that do that as well, as well as some metals which don't require polishing), we do it out of respect for our lost and fallen but incredibly brave fellow Legionnaire (see issue #212 of Superboy starring the Legion of Super-Heroes).

Valegrim wrote:
Well, tests show that with if we insert a natural attracter to the beetle; that it will stay with him; I have generated one that may be discharged through a pneumantic hypodermic and will bond to the individual and has a half life decay battery of five years; so, we dont really need to hold him down as I can administer it from a targetting array that can discharge hypodermic darts. The beetle will then stay near the individual and provide, ahem, instruction when necessary.

And this has been tested and is safe right? He is a kid and we wouldn't want to tarnish our good Legionnaire name by stepping into grounds of abuse. Oh wait, I wanted to spank the little bugger first. My bad!

Liberty's Edge

So what's this thread about, anyway?

Heathansson wrote:
So what's this thread about, anyway?

1001 ways to screw with Heaths mind or the Legion of Super-Heroes. So far I'm not sure myself. Do you read or have read Legion before Heath? If you would like to carry on a serious discussion about it, I'll try and keep up with you.

Liberty's Edge

I was just kidding. I have a few issues back when Keith Giffen was drawing them. I have one where they were playing Dungeons and Dragons on computer....eerily prophetic.

Heathansson wrote:
I was just kidding. I have a few issues back when Keith Giffen was drawing them. I have one where they were playing Dungeons and Dragons on computer....eerily prophetic.

I know you were kidding. The comic you recall....from the early 80's. The characters were sitting around some kind of round computer and it showed something like a holographic image of their character's fighting a monster of some sorts....is that the one?

Never heard of it!

Liberty's Edge

Well, now I have evidence I didn't imagine the whole thing.

Heathansson wrote:
Well, now I have evidence I didn't imagine the whole thing.

Apparently you did, like I said never heard of it. I remember it well. I was age....never mind.

Safe; there is no safety anywhere if Death is allowed to gather unto her cold embrace those whose time is ripe to live and love....uh, I mean sure it is safe within legal parameters. Under normal circumstances there is only a 2.8745937% possibility of error and even under heavy duress of say a collapsing high intensity carrier wave concentrated on the individual that only increases to 16.3954823654% with a 86.3454349038% chance of reboot and regenerative resequencing.

Valegrim wrote:
Safe; there is no safety anywhere if Death is allowed to gather unto her cold embrace those whose time is ripe to live and love....uh, I mean sure it is safe within legal parameters. Under normal circumstances there is only a 2.8745937% possibility of error and even under heavy duress of say a collapsing high intensity carrier wave concentrated on the individual that only increases to 16.3954823654% with a 86.3454349038% chance of reboot and regenerative resequencing.

So do we have authorization to proceed? Anything I can do to help? It isn't going to be gory is it? We are covered by the law then? None of this retreating to interstellar space where the laws don't apply? By the way, what are you going to do if she decides she doesn't want to come back? Maybe she's happy in her current state. If you succeed, can we bring back Ferro Lad, Invisible Kid, and Karate Kid (original series) as well? Would you still be willing to? I mean I know there not exactly Dream Girl and all to you but they are fellow Legionnaires.

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
I was just kidding. I have a few issues back when Keith Giffen was drawing them. I have one where they were playing Dungeons and Dragons on computer....eerily prophetic.

I know you were kidding. The comic you recall....from the early 80's. The characters were sitting around some kind of round computer and it showed something like a holographic image of their character's fighting a monster of some sorts....is that the one?

Never heard of it!

Holy crap- I have that issue! I'll start looking for it post haste! I think it was an issue of Who's Who in the Legion of Superheroes...

Freehold DM wrote:

Holy crap- I have that issue! I'll start looking for it post haste! I think it was an issue of Who's Who in the Legion of Superheroes...

I hope you find it. My evil brother sold my Legion comics when I was in college so I don't have it anymore. Hopefully someday I'll replace it. Do me a favor Freehold, when you find it.....

Give me the title, issue #, and a run down of the storyline for nostalgic's sake. I need to know......I miss my comic!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

One of the odd aspects of the Legion, in whatever iteration you like, is that most of these are normal people (usually teenagers) with one ridiculously powerful super power.

Element Lad is a normal kid who can transmute just about any matter, at range, into just about any other matter, including very complex molecules, with no practical exhaustion point. In game stats, he's all just a little bit above normal human in everything, and then gets gobs of points in a single effect.

Sun Boy is a normal guy with crazy ridiculous levels of light and heat generation. Science Police are able to take him out with a single right hook, but he can keep the Emerald Eye of Ekron at bay.

Matter-Eater Lad is a normal (if, in many iterations, just wacky) guy who can casually eat stuff that Superboy and Mon-El can't punch through, and can contain things like the Miracle Machine's energies.

When Keith Giffen got ahold of the Legion of Substitute Heroes, and made them ridiculous --they weren't, beforehand-- he just nudged the equation slightly. Now Chlorophyll Kid and Stone Boy ("Stop, or I'll stand very, very still for a surprisingly long time") were people with stats right *at* human normal, with a single power way off the charts.

Chris Mortika wrote:
One of the odd aspects of the Legion, in whatever iteration you like, is that most of these are normal people (usually teenagers) with one ridiculously powerful super power.

I like the fact that for the most part, everyone has one power. It creates reliance on fellow team members. I think if they make that one power so awesome to make them worthy of being a Legionnaire. They are suppose to the best in the universe (for the most part). I like the physical limitations you pointed out that many of them have. It's good to see them get knocked silly once in awhile. The one's that bug me are the nearly unbeatable villains like Darksied or Mordru. It isn't that I don't like the villain, its more how much power they have. I know they beat them, but because they are so powerful, it is tough to get a grasp on what their power really is. I like Emerald Empress....but I find it difficult to define her power for a game.

As I read comics now, I find myself critiquing the writing and action of the characters. For example, a villain runs down the hallway, and the Legionnaires don't use their flight rings to catch up with him. Hello...what's up with that. Instead they chase the villain on foot only to lose him around a corner.

I think the bottom line is that some writers put more care into their work than others. In addition, as we age, our thinking process is expanded to notice these little things.

Take Little House on the Prairie for example....as a kid I never noticed the mountains in the background, the lack of snow in winter except in certain areas (some episodes were better than others however), and all the trees were still green with leaves in the harshest of winters.

Chris Mortika wrote:

One of the odd aspects of the Legion, in whatever iteration you like, is that most of these are normal people (usually teenagers) with one ridiculously powerful super power.

Element Lad is a normal kid who can transmute just about any matter, at range, into just about any other matter, including very complex molecules, with no practical exhaustion point. In game stats, he's all just a little bit above normal human in everything, and then gets gobs of points in a single effect.

Sun Boy is a normal guy with crazy ridiculous levels of light and heat generation. Science Police are able to take him out with a single right hook, but he can keep the Emerald Eye of Ekron at bay.

Matter-Eater Lad is a normal (if, in many iterations, just wacky) guy who can casually eat stuff that Superboy and Mon-El can't punch through, and can contain things like the Miracle Machine's energies.

When Keith Giffen got ahold of the Legion of Substitute Heroes, and made them ridiculous --they weren't, beforehand-- he just nudged the equation slightly. Now Chlorophyll Kid and Stone Boy ("Stop, or I'll stand very, very still for a surprisingly long time") were people with stats right *at* human normal, with a single power way off the charts.

How ridiculous were the Subs again? Give me rundown.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Freehold DM wrote:

How ridiculous were the Subs again? Give me rundown.

It depends on which books you pick up. Their first appearance was in 1963, and they served as a kind of back-up to the LSH for twenty years of here-and-there guest appearances.

Is a guy who can turn to stone inheirently more ridiculous than a guy who can turn into a large rubber ball? Is affecting the growth of plants any more outre than affecting the speed of chemical reactions? Is a girl who gains Superman-like strength, but only at night, any more limited than a girl who can see the future, but only when she's asleep?

(shrug) They were the Legion's B-team.

Which Keith Giffen thought was the silliest thing he'd ever heard. So he threw in a few more wacky characters (Double Header, Porcupine Pete), made some of them a little stupider than they'd been before, and wrote all the other characters as looking down their noses at these poor saps.

And when Bouncing Boy treats you with disdain, brother, that's low.

Scarab Sages

Don't forget... the guy who could turn into stone was a statue and couldn't move. Basically a pet rock. :)

Infectious Lass was awesome... she made people get the flu and vomit.

fray wrote:

Don't forget... the guy who could turn into stone was a statue and couldn't move. Basically a pet rock. :)

Infectious Lass was awesome... she made people get the flu and vomit.

That explains the cold I have been battling with for a month and half.

Liberty's Edge

Ooh--I think I had that cold. It was the most copious production my nasal cavities have ever proven capable of since the tear gas chamber in Basic Training.

Scarab Sages

/off topic
I did the tear gas chamber too. (ROTC though)
That sucked for the people that didn't listen and rubbed their eyes... nasty stuff that was. It was funny seeing everyone with snot everywhere and crying. (Funny afterwards anyways...)
/end off topic

Liberty's Edge

Man, after the initial ordeal, when it all mostly went away, I forgot and rubbed my eyes on my sleeve.
I think you can get used to it. My DS was walking around in the chamber, no gas mask, yelling at us the whole time.

Dark Archive

Chris Mortika wrote:
One of the odd aspects of the Legion, in whatever iteration you like, is that most of these are normal people (usually teenagers) with one ridiculously powerful super power.

It's actually pretty surprising how 'off-the-charts' some of them got. Element Lad once changed the atmosphere *of the earth.* Shadow Lass once hovered in space and *blacked out a star,* with her 'weak' darkness control powers. Bouncing Boy went from 'can bounce' to 'indestructible and can stop a falling spaceship with his inflatable body.'

As much as many of them had goofy powers or powers that didn't seem terribly impressive, several of them represented the strongest example of that super-power *from an entire planet of people with that power.* Whether they came from Braal, Titan, Durla or Naltor, the Legionnaires tended to be the best of the best.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Freehold DM wrote:

How ridiculous were the Subs again? Give me rundown.

The meme seems to be that Giffen made them silly, but I've read some of the original sub stories, and they were always pretty goofy - people who had powers that just couldn't cut the mustard in the legion try-outs. The early appearances more or less let the powers be the joke, Giffen went for all-out slapstick.

Giffen didn't invent Porcupine Pete, for example - he was a real legion try-out back in the day. Looks like Double-Header was an applicant for the real legion too, but I don't recall his try-out.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Set wrote:
As much as many of [the Legionaires] had goofy powers or powers that didn't seem terribly impressive, several of them represented the strongest example of that super-power *from an entire planet of people with that power.* Whether they came from Braal, Titan, Durla or Naltor, the Legionnaires tended to be the best of the best.

(grin) Not Braal. At least one iteration of the Legion suggested that Cosmic Boy --who got into the Legion by the accident of starting it-- is really not that great at Magno-ball or other magnetic manipulation skills.

Did anyone ever establish that Saturn Girl is really a top-notch Titanian telepath? (If so, that's just one more mark in my "How is Saturn Girl like Hermione" chart.)

Russ Taylor wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Giffen didn't invent Porcupine Pete, for example - he was a real legion try-out back in the day. Looks like Double-Header was an applicant for the real legion too, but I don't recall his try-out.

The first reference I could find of Porcupine Pete and Infectious Lass was in Superboy starring the Legion of Super-Heroes issue #201. They, along with Molecular Master tried out. The first two were rejected because they couln't control their powers, the other impressed the Legion. It later was discovered by ERG 1 (later renamed Wildfire) that Molecular Master was actually an android. By the end of the story, Wildfire (ERG 1) destroyed MM and shocked the Legion by his return. He joined shortly afterwards.

Dark Archive

Chris Mortika wrote:
(grin) Not Braal. At least one iteration of the Legion suggested that Cosmic Boy --who got into the Legion by the accident of starting it-- is really not that great at Magno-ball or other magnetic manipulation skills.

That may be one iteration, but the one I'm familiar with was a magno-ball world champion. Definitely 'best on the planet' status, at least in that iteration.

His brother, on the other hand, was nepotism-in-action. :)

I know Cosmic Boy personally, and he really is the best. Beat me 10 out of 10. And I cheated!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Set wrote:

That may be one iteration, but the one I'm familiar with was a magno-ball world champion. Definitely 'best on the planet' status, at least in that iteration.

Look up "Legion of Super-rejects". All of the "inheirited power" Legionnaires are challenged by members of their race with better versions of their powers. for example, Matter-Eater Lad confronts Calorie Queen, who not only eats stuff, but has a metabolism that turns all those calories into super-strength.

And, yes, Cosmic Boy meets a Braalian who's actually practiced with his powers.

I think it was shortly after that when Mike Grell gave Cosmic Boy a uniform that he had to hold up magnetically. (I kid you not.) Which made a couple of people in Interlac wonder about Cosmic Boy using his powers to...lift...more...than...he's...(grunt)ever...lifted...before, and suddenly providing a distraction to everybody else in the room.

But, y'know, it got him practicin'.

Dark Archive

Chris Mortika wrote:
And, yes, Cosmic Boy meets a Braalian who's actually practiced with his powers.

Whom he's handily schooled in every subsequent meeting. As I said, it comes and goes. In one version he's a sports-star with enough magnetic proficiency to rip a spaceship out of the sky and start killing the people in it by pulling the iron out of their blood (the ones who blew up his parents), in the latest threeboot, when they talk of the Legion disbanding, he's all like, "I dunno, I guess I'll work in the mines or something..." like he's some total schmoe.

Chris Mortika wrote:
I think it was shortly after that when Mike Grell gave Cosmic Boy a uniform that he had to hold up magnetically.

Ah yes, the man-kini. Some hose and he would have had a definite Frank N Furter vibe going on. Grell, of course, being the guy who brought us the underdressed Warlord of Skartaris and Imra's pink bikini 'uniform' and Farrah Fawcett hair.

And twenty years later, Tim Burton decides to re-open the scars by giving us a Batman movie with bat-nipples and gratuitous crotch and @$$ shots. Ugh. More costume please!

Chris Mortika wrote:

Look up "Legion of Super-rejects". All of the "inheirited power" Legionnaires are challenged by members of their race with better versions of their powers. for example, Matter-Eater Lad confronts Calorie Queen, who not only eats stuff, but has a metabolism that turns all those calories into super-strength.

And, yes, Cosmic Boy meets a Braalian who's actually practiced with his powers.

Eileen said:
I'm guessing were talking about issue #212 of Superboy starring the Legion of Super-Heroes here "Last Fight for a Legionnaire". This was the first Legion comic I ever got and it sold me isntantly. I loved it. When I got back into Legion, it was also the first comic I bought (for the second time around). Saw it, paid .50 for it and kept on going.

Set wrote:
Whom he's handily schooled in every subsequent meeting. As I said, it comes and goes. In one version he's a sports-star with enough magnetic proficiency to rip a spaceship out of the sky and start killing the people in it by pulling the iron out of their blood (the ones who blew up his parents), in the latest threeboot, when they talk of the Legion disbanding, he's all like, "I dunno, I guess I'll work in the mines or something..." like he's some total schmoe.

Eileen wrote:
The portrayal of the characters is only as good as the writers. Each set of Legion stories kinda had its own direction and flavor which accounts for differences in how capable the characters are with their powers. Some writers tried harder than others. Some had the bar raised higher than others. The stories of the 60's were a lot different than today, and I notice a huge difference between the 60's and 70's. So I just take all of it in stride. Some writers and artists were assigned to the Legion and didn't even care for the comic all that much. The Archive Edition hardcovers give pretty good summaries of the artists and writers of the 60's-70's.

Chris wrote:
I think it was shortly after that when Mike Grell gave Cosmic Boy a uniform that he had to hold up magnetically. (I kid you not.) Which made a couple of people in Interlac wonder about Cosmic Boy using his powers to...lift...more...than...he's...(grunt)ever...lifted...before, and suddenly providing a distraction to everybody else in the room.

But, y'know, it got him practicin'.

Eileen said:

This had to be in my opinion, the worst costume ever. Mike Grell is my favorite artist by far, but he really miss the boat on this particular design. Given the reaction he received I think he realized it as well.

With the game I am working on, I'm not getting hung up on costumes (uniforms) in their wardrobe and that they wear what they are feeling like that day. Thus saturn girl might wear the 70's outfit, the latest, really, whatever the player prefers. On the character sheets I'll put the one I liked the best (assuming I find a good picture in the first place) but if the player request a different one, I'll be willing to switch it out. I guess all in all I prefer the 70's outfits (Cosmic Boys change not withstanding). I actually liked the primary one he went with towards the beginning. Not the "very original" mind you that he wore when the core members recruited superboy....well you get the idea. I also like several of the new ones as well.

Liberty's Edge

I'm torn between a stars'n'stripes wrestling leotard and an Adidas warmup suit.

Heathansson wrote:
I'm torn between a stars'n'stripes wrestling leotard and an Adidas warmup suit.

What's wrong with the outfit you got on?

Scarab Sages

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
What's wrong with the outfit you got on?

It's SO 2007.

Liberty's Edge

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
I'm torn between a stars'n'stripes wrestling leotard and an Adidas warmup suit.
What's wrong with the outfit you got on?

Not heroicly enough.

Well occasionally Legion fans would redesign costumes for the Legionnaires. I guess there is no reason why we can't follow suit and get a costume for Heath. Something a bit more modern Fray? 2008? or trend setter of 2012?

Perhaps we should approach this scientifically?

Heath, pick 4 letters of the alphabet and don't repeat yourself? Two of these letters will indicate your colors, the other two we can identify with a style of clothing....we'll see what we come up with.

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