Digital Dungeon sucks so far

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Okay is it just me or does the digital dungeon mag suck thus far? It is the nearly the end of the month and what have they put up- some lame editorials and columns, and part of one adventure- chapters 1&2 of the Lost Caverns (and I'm not overly impressed by that adventure). Where is Chimes at Midnight? Where is the rest of the Caverns adventure?

I realize that they aren't charging for this issue, but isn't the idea to impress your potential subscribers with your product? If this is an indication of the kind of product we will get with the DI then who will want to sign up for it? There seems to be some bad marketing going on over there.

I can't see myself paying for a subscription. I'll stick with my Pathfinder.

Well, the Dragon digital thing has Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Graz'zt up by Dr. James Jacobs. I can only hope that this will herald 1.third portion of the Lost Caverns 2. Hell's Heart from Senator Nick Logue and 3. a further leap in quality. They are just now getting it up, but the decision was made before April.

Dark Archive

P.H. Dungeon wrote:

Okay is it just me or does the digital dungeon mag suck thus far? It is the nearly the end of the month and what have they put up- some lame editorials and columns, and part of one adventure- chapters 1&2 of the Lost Caverns (and I'm not overly impressed by that adventure). Where is Chimes at Midnight? Where is the rest of the Caverns adventure?

I realize that they aren't charging for this issue, but isn't the idea to impress your potential subscribers with your product? If this is an indication of the kind of product we will get with the DI then who will want to sign up for it? There seems to be some bad marketing going on over there.

I can't see myself paying for a subscription. I'll stick with my Pathfinder.

I really don't understand why it can't all be available at the same time.

Why wait the entire month for the whole "issue" ?
I have no intention of buying any of the digital volumes. The only thing I'd want is the Maps of Mystery. If I could just purchase them, I would.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Digital Dragon I'm actually fairly happy with thusfar (although look at the authors: either current WotC or Paizo writers), but yeah, Dungeon is lacking... it's going to be hard for me to justify a Dungeon subscription, especially in 4e.

Kvantum wrote:
Digital Dragon I'm actually fairly happy with thusfar (although look at the authors: either current WotC or Paizo writers), but yeah, Dungeon is lacking... it's going to be hard for me to justify a Dungeon subscription, especially in 4e.

I get the impression that their is no Dungeon subscription - you pay for an 'insider' subscription which happens to include both Dungeon and Dragon.


Chris Thomasson mentioned that "Hell's Heart" will be posted up on Halloween. That is fitting since the adventure takes place during Long Shadows.

Liberty's Edge

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Chris Thomasson mentioned that "Hell's Heart" will be posted up on Halloween. That is fitting since the adventure takes place during Long Shadows.

It might have been nice to get it beforehand so DM's could prepare a bit. We'll see. That is, unless it isn't meant to be a Halloween romp.


Pygon wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:
Chris Thomasson mentioned that "Hell's Heart" will be posted up on Halloween. That is fitting since the adventure takes place during Long Shadows.
It might have been nice to get it beforehand so DM's could prepare a bit. We'll see. That is, unless it isn't meant to be a Halloween romp.

This be true actually, though I don't know if it a Super-Halloween flavored adventure. It's scary sure, but not so much as others. It definitely needs a little prep time (the plot is a little complex) so yeah, a few days before Halloween would have been better for those who wanted to play it Halloween night.

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Chris Thomasson mentioned that "Hell's Heart" will be posted up on Halloween. That is fitting since the adventure takes place during Long Shadows.

Of course, they had to have it up by Halloween. Unless they planned on blowing deadlines already ;-)

But I can't wait to read it, I loved the first two Victor adventures. (Although in my campaign, I followed Chimes with Blackmaw Prison, and Victor was running a gang on the inside. And that won't be fitting continuity now that the sequels are out)

OK Im very confused so please help me out.

At first the WotC website said in October Dungeon 151 and Dragon #Whatever will be available in October.

October is almost over and we have one preview advneture in the Dungeon section of the website and a bunch of articles in the Dragon part.

Is this really the magazine? We have been getting only previews thus far right?

Arent they going to release PDFs of the complete magazine? Arent these just previews?

I thought the mags arent even available yet.

The new versions of the magazines arent just web articles that are spit out erratically over the cours eof th emonth are they? If so whats the point and having a "cover" and an issue #?

This piecemeal approach leaves me cold. I know the plan is to release a compiled edition at the end of the month, but frankly, its just anoying.

Its like ordering a sandwich, but you get the bread on Monday, the lettuce on Tuesday, the meat on Wednesday, and the condiments Thursday. Then you get the whole thing assembled for you Friday.

Just give me my sandwich/e-zine!

Liberty's Edge

Koriatsar wrote:

I really don't understand why it can't all be available at the same time.

Why wait the entire month for the whole "issue" ?
I have no intention of buying any of the digital volumes. The only thing I'd want is the Maps of Mystery. If I could just purchase them, I would.

Honestly, I appreciate this now. The last thing I want to do is sit in front of my computer for hours reading an e-mag. The way it's being released, I get to read bits and pieces as they come out - not feeling overwhelmed - and when the end product comes out, it hopefully will serve as an EASILY SEARCHABLE collection of those articles, i.e., make GOOD USE of the bookmarks!

the WotC site sucks bigtime as does their adventure modules. I like the part in the adventure books they published so far where it sais: At this point roll for initiative... WTF???

I totally boycott this crap... WotC should learn hard from it's mistakes. Totally sticking to Paizo for my dose of adventuring goodness!

Hell's Heart is pretty darn good, by my estimation. I'm not a fan of the delve format, but I think the pdf file aspect may make the delve format more palatable, since I can look at the combat lay out and the adventure at the same time rather than flipping back and forth. Can't vouch for future installments, still not sure if I'm willing to pay for it. But at least I managed to get one quality adventure for free.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

James Keegan wrote:
Hell's Heart is pretty darn good, by my estimation. I'm not a fan of the delve format, but I think the pdf file aspect may make the delve format more palatable, since I can look at the combat lay out and the adventure at the same time rather than flipping back and forth. Can't vouch for future installments, still not sure if I'm willing to pay for it. But at least I managed to get one quality adventure for free.

Hell's Heart

by Nicolas Logue

So I'm not surprised that it's good. I tend to like Nick's work.

The Exchange Kobold Press

Locke1520 wrote:
So I'm not surprised that it's good. I tend to like Nick's work.

Nick rocks all night, and parties ev-er-y day.

Seriously, I've been liking his stuff for a while now. Almost as good as Richard Pett, really. ;)

Liberty's Edge

I have realized that I really don't like the WoTC adventure format. This "let's put half the adventure over on these pages, but put the actual encounters over on those pages" is just annoying.

At least as a pdf I can put it back together.

rugbyman wrote:

This piecemeal approach leaves me cold. I know the plan is to release a compiled edition at the end of the month, but frankly, its just anoying.

Its like ordering a sandwich, but you get the bread on Monday, the lettuce on Tuesday, the meat on Wednesday, and the condiments Thursday. Then you get the whole thing assembled for you Friday.

Just give me my sandwich/e-zine!

Couldn't say it better meself- been looking at the whole package, and it's leaving me feeling decidedly underwhelmed by it's drip drip release and the format that it comes in.


Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Locke1520 wrote:
So I'm not surprised that it's good. I tend to like Nick's work.

Nick rocks all night, and parties ev-er-y day.

Seriously, I've been liking his stuff for a while now. Almost as good as Richard Pett, really. ;)


Thanks for the votes o' confidence!

No Rich Pett in Kobold Quarterly Wolfgang!!! MUUUHAHAHAHHAA! ;-)

::Reminds Nick he hasn't sent Wolfgang a query in far too long, and he gets his nose back to the grindstone!!!::


Nicolas Logue wrote:
Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Locke1520 wrote:
So I'm not surprised that it's good. I tend to like Nick's work.

Nick rocks all night, and parties ev-er-y day.

Seriously, I've been liking his stuff for a while now. Almost as good as Richard Pett, really. ;)


Thanks for the votes o' confidence!

No Rich Pett in Kobold Quarterly Wolfgang!!! MUUUHAHAHAHHAA! ;-)

::Reminds Nick he hasn't sent Wolfgang a query in far too long, and he gets his nose back to the grindstone!!!::

that should read 'No Rich Pett in Kobold Quarterly



Hi Nicolas,
Love the new adventure, but I have a quick question regarding Hell's Heart. Ulysses Maldrake has the following SQ:
Additional Action Points (Ex) Maldrake’s maximum action points per level increases by 1.
However, the guy does not have a feat that actually gives him any Action Points, so does he have any and if so, how many?

If I have any more queries I'll be back shortly ;-)
(and even better, now that I finally have the adventure that I've been waiting for I don't have to worry about using D&DInsider ever again)
PS. Long-live Logue & Pett.


why did you put Logue first?



Shall I eat him boss?


Let him answer the charge first, my chosen.

Scarab Sages

I thought about donwloading Logue's new "Dungeon" adventure, but I'm of the "F@#k Eberron" variety of gamer. Sorry Nick.

I was glad to see that Chris West did a new Map of Mystery for them. Unfortunately, the WotC people have yet to enable it for download.

Overall, however, I have to agree - Digital "Dungeon" does indeed suck.

Liberty's Edge

Richard Pett wrote:
why did you put Logue first?

So he can be on point and spring ambushes/traps for ya.

Oh, and it's hell boss,...I bought Skinsaw Murders, but I can't read it because I'm playing in a ROTRL game. It's hard making all those will saves every day.

Heathansson wrote:
So he can be on point and spring ambushes/traps for ya.

Funnily enough, the people that I game with actually accuse me of this as I do have a tendancy to enter last, holding doors open for them and the like.

Firstly, it was put in alphabetical order (and yes, before you ask, I do order my DVDs and CDs by numerical and alphabetical order), secondly it was due to my questioning the low-one's adventure, and thirdly because I was toying with adding "& long live England" at the end, but thought it a bit needlessly patriotic at that time of day.

Now in the noon sun I'm off to sit on the lawn with the printed out adventure in hand and a nice cup of tea (two sugars and then the milk) by my side. ;-)

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
Oh, and it's hell boss,...I bought Skinsaw Murders, but I can't read it because I'm playing in a ROTRL game. It's hard making all those will saves every day.

Yeah, me too! I so wanna crack the spine of that and Burnt Offerings and just get lost in the story.


Liberty's Edge

llaletin wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
So he can be on point and spring ambushes/traps for ya.

Funnily enough, the people that I game with actually accuse me of this as I do have a tendancy to enter last, holding doors open for them and the like.

Firstly, it was put in alphabetical order (and yes, before you ask, I do order my DVDs and CDs by numerical and alphabetical order), secondly it was due to my questioning the low-one's adventure, and thirdly because I was toying with adding "& long live England" at the end, but thought it a bit needlessly patriotic at that time of day.

Now in the noon sun I'm off to sit on the lawn with the printed out adventure in hand and a nice cup of tea (two sugars and then the milk) by my side. ;-)

(lol)milk in tea...I heard of that. I tried it on a lark. Like Ice better, y'all.


I've just put the kettle on and written something appalingly, terribly, horribly, monstrously vile in your honour heathy.

There will be no escape from old korvosa, even for naughty people who hang around at the back - in fact especially for those naughty people who hang around at the back...


don't forget cup to pot, hot water in pot before you make tea old boy

Liberty's Edge

Coolness...rear echelon pogues with boots still shiny at noon deserve it. ;)

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
Oh, and it's hell boss,...I bought Skinsaw Murders, but I can't read it because I'm playing in a ROTRL game. It's hard making all those will saves every day.
Fake Healer wrote:

Yeah, me too! I so wanna crack the spine of that and Burnt Offerings and just get lost in the story.


If it'll help you guys out, I'll just waste your characters and free you up. Deal?

Actually, in book 2, you can probably read everything apart from the adeventure.


now that's kindness


you could also have them killed by NPCs for putting the milk in first

Liberty's Edge

Richard Pett wrote:
don't forget cup to pot, hot water in pot before you make tea old boy

I usually nuke the water with the teabag in there, unless I'm not in a hurry, then you can stick the whole glass jar outside and make sun tea.


for which they would have to be eaten alive by tainted facebees

The Exchange

Richard Pett wrote:
now that's kindness

I know, I'm a great guy.


Heathansson wrote:
Richard Pett wrote:
don't forget cup to pot, hot water in pot before you make tea old boy
I usually nuke the water with the teabag in there, unless I'm not in a hurry, then you can stick the whole glass jar outside and make sun tea.


Liberty's Edge

My great grandaddy Fenrir says somebody gotta put their hand in my mouth first.

Richard Pett wrote:
you could also have them killed by NPCs for putting the milk in first

Agreed. The milk should be the last ingredient to be applied.

Vote for Pett or be eaten wrote:
Shall I eat him boss?

Does that make you Pett's pet? And I thought I was the only one!

Still, now we can get flanking bonuses on Logue.

Liberty's Edge

You might have to leave the door to open and shut of it's own accord to do that. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
I was glad to see that Chris West did a new Map of Mystery for them. Unfortunately, the WotC people have yet to enable it for download.

It's available now, they just forgot to add it to one of the index pages, I think.

To see the new Maps of Mystery, just click the "Dungeon" title on the left sidebar of the site, then click "columns", and "Maps of Mystery". Should have a "new" tag by it. :)

Let me know what you think!

Christopher West wrote:

Let me know what you think!

I considered telling you but I think having your ego expand that much is probably a health hazard.


llaletin wrote:

Hi Nicolas,

Love the new adventure, but I have a quick question regarding Hell's Heart. Ulysses Maldrake has the following SQ:
Additional Action Points (Ex) Maldrake’s maximum action points per level increases by 1.
However, the guy does not have a feat that actually gives him any Action Points, so does he have any and if so, how many?

If I have any more queries I'll be back shortly ;-)
(and even better, now that I finally have the adventure that I've been waiting for I don't have to worry about using D&DInsider ever again)
PS. Long-live Logue & Pett.

Good question...I didn't write that SQ. It got added. I'm as confused as you my man.

Oh and about all that Rich Pett nonsense that went on...


Nicolas Logue wrote:

Oh and about all that Rich Pett nonsense that went on...

Don't make things unpleasant, little man.

llaletin wrote:

Ulysses Maldrake has the following SQ:

Additional Action Points (Ex) Maldrake’s maximum action points per level increases by 1.
However, the guy does not have a feat that actually gives him any Action Points, so does he have any and if so, how many?
Nicolas Logue wrote:
Good question...I didn't write that SQ. It got added. I'm as confused as you my man.

In that case I think I'll rule that Maldrake hasn't got any, but may consider giving Victor a healthy number (my PCs have yet to encounter anyone else with Action Points). The PCs are halfway through the Chimes of Midnight and so are not too far away from the last confrontation of the adventure, which means I have enough time to add them to Victor, to give the PCs a surprise, and start the grand NPC as I mean to go along. Mwahah ha ha ha...

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