Guessing the next Iconics

Curse of the Crimson Throne

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He could have Favored Enemy: Gamers, and really is planning to kill you.

Liberty's Edge

Yasha0006 wrote:
He could have Favored Enemy: Gamers, and really is planning to kill you.

That seems like poor sales strategy. ;)

Joking of course Shisumo.

My gut tells me ranger though. Then again we have no way of knowing what level this character shall appear at so...

Barbarian/Ranger perhaps. Its a viable option.

Liberty's Edge

Yasha0006 wrote:

Barbarian/Ranger perhaps. Its a viable option.

I can't find a link, but I could swear that James has said all the iconics are single-classed.

Hmm...interesting to note. Either way.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

All of the first 12 iconics are single-classed.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
All of the first 12 iconics are single-classed.

...and I'd just found the link, too. (sigh)

Thanks James. Thanks Shisumo. Didn't mean to have you going off looking for it. Its still a tough one...I mean there isn't anything that says a barbarian can't use a crossbow...I'm still leaning Ranger though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Shisumo wrote:
Hmm... the hefty axe says "barbarian," the prominent crossbow hints at "ranger." Something about his unsmiling countenance says "I can flip out and kill you in less than .734 seconds," so I'm saying barbarian.

In fact, the hefty axe says "Used in case of emergency" and the crossbow hints at "Most things don't get close enough for the crossbow to lose its value."

In other words, the dwarf is a ranger. Judging from his expression, a ranger who just spotted a favored enemy.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
Hmm... the hefty axe says "barbarian," the prominent crossbow hints at "ranger." Something about his unsmiling countenance says "I can flip out and kill you in less than .734 seconds," so I'm saying barbarian.

In fact, the hefty axe says "Used in case of emergency" and the crossbow hints at "Most things don't get close enough for the crossbow to lose its value."

In other words, the dwarf is a ranger. Judging from his expression, a ranger who just spotted a favored enemy.

But... but... core-only rangers can't use their combat style feats with crossbows!

(Does this mean he does have favored enemy: gamers?)

Edit: I'm assuming that's a heavy crossbow - if it's light, then never mind. (Though, yikes - how big does it have to be to be heavy...?)

Do bear in mind Shisumo that they have mentioned that future issues of Pathfinder may include more Prestige Classes and things of that sort.

Maybe there will also be some kind of Alternate progression for a ranger with Crossbows instead of other bows? Its not a far cry from Urban Ranger or something of that sort.

Thats a damn good point though.
Edit: It looks like a Heavy Crossbow to me too. I mean its not an Arbalest, so perhaps it is a light x-bow.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Shisumo wrote:

But... but... core-only rangers can't use their combat style feats with crossbows!

Edit: I'm assuming that's a heavy crossbow - if it's light, then never mind. (Though, yikes - how big does it have to be to be heavy...?)

I'm not sure yet if it's a light crossbow, heavy crossbow, or something new, to be honest. At this point, I'd probably say it's a heavy crossbow.

As for the core ranger's archery combat style not working with crossbows... that's not quite true as far as I read the rules. It's tougher and less efficient to be a core crossbow archer ranger, sure, but not impossible. You basically need to take Rapid Reload at 1st level and wield a hand or light crossbow in order to enjoy the fruits of the bonus Rapid Shot feat, and Manyshot doesn't really work at all, but everything else is fine.

Anyway, that all said, we've got a lot more elbow room in Pathfinder to tweak these rules than we did in Dungeon. The concept of a crossbow-wielding ranger is interesting enough that it deserves support (and a dwarf with a bow just looks a little too weird to me). You can expect to see HOW the dwarf iconic pulls of being a ranger with a crossbow (and a 2-handed axe, for that matter!) in the Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide.

Awesome. Finally some Crossbow love.

I've been toying with House rules for Crossbows for years, since well before 3rd edition. The have always gotten the short shaft (pun intended) compared to bows.

nice to see something being done.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
As for the core ranger's archery combat style not working with crossbows... that's not quite true as far as I read the rules. It's tougher and less efficient to be a core crossbow archer ranger, sure, but not impossible. You basically need to take Rapid Reload at 1st level and wield a hand or light crossbow in order to enjoy the fruits of the bonus Rapid Shot feat, and Manyshot doesn't really work at all, but everything else is fine.

"Can't use" isn't really what I meant. "Isn't particularly effective" is closer. Rapid Reload lets Rapid Shot work with light crossbows, as we both mentioned, but Manyshot is out - so you're burning a feat in order to use one of the bonus feats, and other goes right out the window. Improved Precise Shot is just fine, though, as long as you're willing to wait until 11th level for it. :)

James Jacobs wrote:
Anyway, that all said, we've got a lot more elbow room in Pathfinder to tweak these rules than we did in Dungeon. The concept of a crossbow-wielding ranger is interesting enough that it deserves support (and a dwarf with a bow just looks a little too weird to me). You can expect to see HOW the dwarf iconic pulls of being a ranger with a crossbow (and a 2-handed axe, for that matter!) in the Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide.

If he chose the archery style, then I was just assuming it's a dwarven waraxe and he uses it one-handed (being a dwarf does have a few advantages, after all!).

As for the rest, all I can say is, sounds good to me!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

James Jacobs wrote:
...You can expect to see HOW the dwarf iconic pulls of being a ranger with a crossbow (and a 2-handed axe, for that matter!) in the Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide.

Speaking of the Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide, is it too early to ask for recommendations on the types of characters that might best make up a party to run through the AP? I'm asking out of personal interest this time, because I get to play in CotCT after I wrap up running RotR for our group.

With it being an urban adventure, I've got a couple of character concepts rumbling in my head right now, but I have no idea if cool, interesting things might lay ahead for any particular PC. Could you give feedback on the following:

1) Human Cleric of Abadar - Basically, I find the priesthood interesting, but some of Ezren's background and how Abadar's followers have been portrayed recently have me rethinking this idea. If I go with it anyway, I imagined taking Exotic Weapon Proficiency (repeating light crossbow) down the road...since crossbows are Abadar's preferred weapon...and a cleric of the god of wealth ought to be able to afford a repeating crossbow eventually. Will Abadar get a bigger write-up in CotCT by any chance?

2) Human or Half-Elven Rogue - I'm thinking of a street-savvy rogue who works his way up from "filthy streetrat" to "well-connected information broker" by the time the adventure finishes. So he would probably specialize in social skills, pickpocketing, etc. more than lockpicking, trapfinding, and combat stealth. I figured I'd also invest in several ranks of Knowledge (local) to aid the party through certain sections of the city.

3) Human Aristocrat/Fighter - Basically, I'd like a more diplomatic-minded warrior, so I'm seriously considering taking levels in the Aristocrat NPC class before turning to Fighter. By the AP's end, I'd like to see him attain a position of authority within Korvosa or the surrounding area. And, from a combat feat perspective, I wanted to make the character charismatic and intelligent enough to fight with Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, and the like rather than just pounding away with Power Attacks and what-not.

4) Human Sorceress/Cleric of Pharasma - I envisioned this character being half-Shoanti and half-Varisian, a former member of the Skoan-Quah tribe, but also marked with the Varisian tattooes of her mother's people. In time, she developed an affinity for necromancy via her sorcery skills (i.e., Spell Focus in that school, and the Varisian Tattoo feat as well). Later, she left the Skoan-Quah and only recently came to Korvosa, unsure of her magical skills until she found faith and comfort in the church of Pharasma.

Any spoiler-free thoughts, suggestions, ideas...?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

NSpicer wrote:
With it being an urban adventure, I've got a couple of character concepts rumbling in my head right now, but I have no idea if cool, interesting things might lay ahead for any particular PC. Could you give feedback on the following...

That actually sounds like a really good set of characters for Crimson Throne. Pharasma and Abadar both have big presences in the city (we'll even be doing an Abadar article during this adventure path), an aristocrat makes for a cool "in" with the city's elite, and the rogue will certainly have a LOT to do with several of the main characters. Good mix!

NSpicer wrote:
3) Human Aristocrat/Fighter - Basically, I'd like a more diplomatic-minded warrior, so I'm seriously considering taking levels in the Aristocrat NPC class before turning to Fighter. By the AP's end, I'd like to see him attain a position of authority within Korvosa or the surrounding area. And,...

You might want to take a look at The Noble's Handbook by Rodney Thompson. It's a bit more PC-class in power level, and helps a character tie in with the setting a bit.

There was also an excellent article in Kobold Quarterly #2 (by Jeff Grubb I believe) on nobles & nobility.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Mike McArtor wrote:

The 12th iconic will not be psionic.


Reviewing this thread while looking at the cover to the first Crimson Thron issue, you're raising my hopes for lucky #13.

Mike McArtor wrote:

The 12th iconic will not be psionic.


The 12th Iconic should be evil.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Watcher! wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:

The 12th iconic will not be psionic.


The 12th Iconic should be evil.

Or at least prestigious. Perhaps a Chelish thaumaturge? Or some kind of heirophant, since archmages seem to get all the love.

Dark Archive

12th iconic = Warlock?

Psion has already been ruled out, and after that, Warlock seems to be the 'auxiliarly core' class with the most traction.

Well, other than Gninja, obviously, but if we *saw* the Gninja, it wouldn't be an accurate representation of a Gninja, would it?

I suggested the 12 Iconic be evil because I vaguely have this idea that in a special Dr. Who episode, allegedly the Doctor's 12 regeneration is evil..

I didn't post that because I don't know if it's actually true or not, and I didn't want to embarrass myself if I was wrong. (Never got to see that episode) But the whole "12th guy is a baddie" struck me as kinda neat.

Set wrote:
12th iconic = Warlock?

Warlock is not OGL, therefore cannot be used by anybody but WotC.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Lilith wrote:
Set wrote:
12th iconic = Warlock?
Warlock is not OGL, therefore cannot be used by anybody but WotC.

Thank the dreaming heavens!!!

Sovereign Court

I prefer to have a bowler at 12th man, rather than a specialist batsman.

(that Joke may be Uk-only...)

But I'm looking forward to the multiclass 4e Gnome with levels in Warlord, Swordmage and Warlock.

Dragonborn and Tiefling Iconics for Second Darkness too?

Dark Archive Contributor

GeraintElberion wrote:

I prefer to have a bowler at 12th man, rather than a specialist batsman.

(that Joke may be Uk-only...)

Cricket humor?

Sovereign Court

Mike McArtor wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:

I prefer to have a bowler at 12th man, rather than a specialist batsman.

(that Joke may be Uk-only...)

Cricket humour?

fixed, for truth :D

Dark Archive Contributor

GeraintElberion wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:

I prefer to have a bowler at 12th man, rather than a specialist batsman.

(that Joke may be Uk-only...)

Cricket humour?
fixed, for truth :D

Jolly good. :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

How about a Migrus iconic?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Vic Wertz wrote:
How about a Migrus iconic?

Oh. My. God. Yes.

Well played Mr. Wertz. Well played.

It would be awesome if one of the future iconics had a Migrus with him. (Maybe in lieu of a familiar?)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Eyebite wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
How about a Migrus iconic?

Oh. My. God. Yes.

Well played Mr. Wertz. Well played.

It would be awesome if one of the future iconics had a Migrus with him. (Maybe in lieu of a familiar?)

Future? The only thing sorceress more iconic^H^H^H^H^H covergenic than Seoni would be Seoni with mini-Seoni catgirl companion!

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Pally iconic...coming in PF7...very cool.


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So far we have:

First four-
Human Cleric
Human Fighter
Elf Rogue
Human Sorcerer

Second four-
Human Paladin
Dwarf Ranger
Human Wizard

Maybe the next iconic will be a human bard? Considering that CotCT will have a lot of urban adventuring and NPC interaction, that would make a lot of sense. Also, with three characters who can use wands of cure light wounds, there isn't as much need for a dedicated healer.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Maybe the next iconic will be a human bard?

Already been revealed that the eighth iconic is a HALFLING bard. Close, though: halflings are just little humans.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Sect wrote:
Dragonchess Player wrote:
Maybe the next iconic will be a human bard?
Already been revealed that the eighth iconic is a HALFLING bard. Close, though: halflings are just little humans.

That's what I get for not reading every post/thread.

Second four-
Halfling Bard
Human Paladin
Dwarf Ranger
Human Wizard

Third four-
Human Barbarian? (likely, with the Shoanti)
Gnome Druid? (possible; maybe Half-Elf instead, even though the half-elf nature-boy/girl is semi-cliche)
Half-Orc Monk? (please?)
??? (Gninja?)

Since the 12th iconic is by necessity a "repeater" (with regard to class, at any rate), and a party consisting of barbarian, druid, and monk is pretty spiffy on combat prowess but short on magical and social oomph, I'm betting this is where a gnome bard will slide in perfectly. Killing two birds as it were....

So my guesses:

Half-orc Barbarian
Half-elf Druid
Human Monk
Gnome Bard

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

darkbard wrote:

Since the 12th iconic is by necessity a "repeater" (with regard to class, at any rate), and a party consisting of barbarian, druid, and monk is pretty spiffy on combat prowess but short on magical and social oomph, I'm betting this is where a gnome bard will slide in perfectly. Killing two birds as it were....

So my guesses:

Half-orc Barbarian
Half-elf Druid
Human Monk
Gnome Bard

First, I'd like to see less humans; they're over represented, anyways. Second, the twelfth person might be the much rumored "Pathfinder" prestige class, which bard would fit fine for.

So, my proposal is:

Gnome Druid
Half-orc Monk (I can see this happening)
Shoanti Human Barbarian (I know I said they were over represented, but I really don't see anything else fitting barbarian)
Half-elf "Pathfinder" (ranger or bard)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Well, if the third Pathfinder goes 4th Edition, the twelfth iconic could easily be a dragonborn warlord.

Silver Crusade

I would like to see a feral halfling raised as a Shoanti in the Cinderlands with paired Battle shileds(same stats as klars) and spiked armor :) I think it would be alittle out of the box. I'm alittle tired of the rogue halfling.
Let's make him brutal and give him a short guy complex. Make him a fighter/barbarian that escaped from the fighting pits in the Hold of Belkzen. Have him be CN, that talks to two straw dolls he keeps on his belt. These are the only things he has left of his family. Tell me what you think?

brent norton wrote:

paired Battle shileds

I'd rather have a CG drow ranger with two scimitars with silly names and a big black cat as animal companion. :-P

Chris Mortika wrote:
Well, if the third Pathfinder goes 4th Edition, the twelfth iconic could easily be a dragonborn warlord.

The 12th is due in pathfinder 12, which will be 3e.

Chris Mortika wrote:
Well, if the third Pathfinder goes 4th Edition, the twelfth iconic could easily be a dragonborn warlord.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Golarion is humanocentric. The majority of our iconics will thus be human. Of all 12 of them (does math), 7 will be human. there will be one or two 3.5 core races who aren't represented by our 12 iconics.

We'll probably be introducing more iconic heroes beyond Pathfinder 12 as well, although it's more likely that starting with PF13 we'll be illustrating iconic NPCs from that volume's adventure.

There won't be any repeats in classes, either. Our 12th iconic, therefore, is not of a class from the PHB. Keep in mind that there are other base classes available in other OGL products for us to choose from... and we might even go crazy and do an iconic commoner!


James Jacobs wrote:

There won't be any repeats in classes, either. Our 12th iconic, therefore, is not of a class from the PHB. Keep in mind that there are other base classes available in other OGL products for us to choose from... and we might even go crazy and do an iconic commoner!

I would love to see an iconic commoner! would he be throwing veggies at the bad guys or running away though?

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:

There won't be any repeats in classes, either. Our 12th iconic, therefore, is not of a class from the PHB. Keep in mind that there are other base classes available in other OGL products for us to choose from... and we might even go crazy and do an iconic commoner!

Kundala! (Nah don't, it's a great fluff concept but the crunch was terrible)

Please please do a psionic iconic. It even rhymes! I'd love to see an Elf Wilder or Halfling Soulknife

When I last brought up Psi, they said that it wouldn't be one of those.

I'll be interested in what we get for #dozen

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

While on my morning commute, I realized what I'd make Merisiel's battle cry/tag line: None Slimmer! None Sharper! None Swifter! Whether she's talking about herself, or her knives, always manages to come out ambiguous.

As for the 12th iconic, I stand by my earlier suggestions. Although an aristocrat with some oomph could be worthwhile.

KaeYoss wrote:

When I last brought up Psi, they said that it wouldn't be one of those.

I'll be interested in what we get for #dozen

Come oooooooooooon NINJA!

Daddy needs a new pair of stars!

Ninja isn't open content - Wizards doesn't let anyone else play with it (unless the Dragon version is usable).

Maybe Rokugan d20's ninja would be usable?

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