The Hook Mountain Massacre (GM Reference)

Rise of the Runelords

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Hopefully others can use this thread to clarify questions arising in this adventure. If you happen to see another thread, please link post a link in this one to try and keep things tied together.

Chapter 1: Burnt Offerings
Chapter 2: The Skinsaw Murders
Chapter 3: The Hook Mountain Massacre
Chapter 4: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Chapter 5: Sins of the Saviors
Chapter 6: Spires of Xin-Shalast

Looks like this one will be shipping soon.

Feel free to link back any other posts you find are relevant!

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tdewitt274 wrote:

Looks like this one will be shipping soon.

Feel free to link back any other posts you find are relevant!

I just wanted to relay my appreciation for all of your hard work on compiling and organizing DM questions of all AP's into one comprehensive thread. These easy reference guides have helped my games tremendously.

DarkArt wrote:
tdewitt274 wrote:

Looks like this one will be shipping soon.

Feel free to link back any other posts you find are relevant!

I just wanted to relay my appreciation for all of your hard work on compiling and organizing DM questions of all AP's into one comprehensive thread. These easy reference guides have helped my games tremendously.

Thanks! It's appreciated! I know it bugs me when I can't find errata or other things. Unless they revamp the boards for a "sub forum" for each book, I think this is the best way to go.


Q & A: Link: Sihedron Rune Confusion Discussion

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As i begin to read Hook Mountain all i can hear are the banjos of Deliverence.

The Concordance RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I don't think Rukus Graal's stats are quite right. Seems like some math is off...


medium ogrekin human Ftr6, according to the ogrekin bestiary, that changes his type to giant. So that would be 3 feats for level (1st, 3rd, and 6th), 4 feats for fighter (1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th), for a total 6. But he has 8 feats. ?? What did i miss?

As a Ftr6, he has a BAB of +6. Strength of 24 is another +7, weapon focus adds +1, +1 spear grants another +1: total attack bonus of +15. Assuming its a normal spear, not a long spear, that would be a Melee +1 spear +15/+10 (1d6+9) ['cause of weapon specialization].

Of course it it is a longspear I think the stats work out. Let's see: +15, -2 for using a two-handed weapon with one hand and a half. Melee +13/+8. so that is right. Damage would be 1d8+13. So it must be a longspear.

catdragon wrote:

I don't think Rukus Graal's stats are quite right. Seems like some math is off...

medium ogrekin human Ftr6, according to the ogrekin bestiary, that changes his type to giant. So that would be 3 feats for level (1st, 3rd, and 6th), 4 feats for fighter (1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th), for a total 6. But he has 8 feats. ?? What did i miss?

To start, 3 + 4 = 7, not 6. (Sorry.) Also, the type-change is part of the application of the template to the base creature, but special qualities of base creatures tend to persist regardless. For instance, an ogrekin dwarf would still have stonecunning, and an ogrekin elf would still be able to detect secret doors. Since the extra feat is the equivalent bit for a human it sticks around.

catdragon wrote:
As a Ftr6, he has a BAB of +6. Strength of 24 is another +7, weapon focus adds +1, +1 spear grants another +1: total attack bonus of +15. Assuming its a normal spear, not a long spear, that would be a Melee +1 spear +15/+10 (1d6+9) ['cause of weapon specialization].

I think the size of the weapon should be clarified in the stat block.

However, I believe that the +8 to damage should be +10 due to specialization (STR +7, +1 Enhance, +2 Specialized). Since he can't use the weapon two-handed, I don't believe he should get the STR 1.5.

Edit, revised due to not comprehending original post.

Liberty's Edge

tbug wrote:
catdragon wrote:

I don't think Rukus Graal's stats are quite right. Seems like some math is off...

medium ogrekin human Ftr6, according to the ogrekin bestiary, that changes his type to giant. So that would be 3 feats for level (1st, 3rd, and 6th), 4 feats for fighter (1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th), for a total 6. But he has 8 feats. ?? What did i miss?

To start, 3 + 4 = 7, not 6. (Sorry.) Also, the type-change is part of the application of the template to the base creature, but special qualities of base creatures tend to persist regardless. For instance, an ogrekin dwarf would still have stonecunning, and an ogrekin elf would still be able to detect secret doors. Since the extra feat is the equivalent bit for a human it sticks around.

Also, the general rule for templates is not to recalculate feats or skills unless the template tells you to.

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I have a question about A14.

Hucker tries to flee when reduced in HP. As I'm sure that the PCs will block the only door, what kind of material is used for the walls. I was thinking he could break through the wall in a "desperate attempt to flee".


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tdewitt274 wrote:

I have a question about A14.

Hucker tries to flee when reduced in HP. As I'm sure that the PCs will block the only door, what kind of material is used for the walls. I was thinking he could break through the wall in a "desperate attempt to flee".

I think the smashing through the walls is an EXCELLENT way to go. I imagine the walls are made of termite eaten wood, except the hefty support pillars that keep Mammy's disgusting girth aloft.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Yup. The walls in the Graul house are all wooden walls. If you want, reduce their hardness by one or two points. Hardness reduction is a pretty good way to simulate termites.

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James Jacobs wrote:
Yup. The walls in the Graul house are all wooden walls. If you want, reduce their hardness by one or two points. Hardness reduction is a pretty good way to simulate termites.

Don't forget to reduce the Break DC as well - a great example of weak wooden barriers is beneath Parrot Island in the STAP - the doors there had a mere break DC of 13, sufficiently low for even a ravenous zombie to plow through let's say...

I noticed at least two locations in Hook Mountain where the CR & Hit Points of the Ogres listed didn't match the Class levels indicated.

Location C6 (Dam Demolition Crew):
Exhausted Ogres (4) CR 3
Male ogre barbarian 4
hp 29 each (MM 199)

Location D6 (The Clannold):
Exhausted Ogres (8) CR 3
Male ogre barbarian 4
hp 29 each (MM 199)

I find it suspicious that the number of hit points and CR exactly matches the stats for a standard 4 HD Ogre with no class levels. Being Exhausted gives the -6 to Str and Dex, but doesn't impact hit points. So I'm guessing that the "barbarian 4" part of the stat block is a typo.

catdragon mentioned in another post that there is no mention of whether or not the floodgates close on their own if they are opened to save the dam and Turtleback Ferry.

Do they close on their own, or is it necessary to power them with energy drains with the magic circles again?

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question about the zombies in Mammy's room... are they realy supposed to have 55 HP each (seems kind of steep of a creature listed as CR 1/2).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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cwslyclgh wrote:
question about the zombies in Mammy's room... are they realy supposed to have 55 HP each (seems kind of steep of a creature listed as CR 1/2).

HA! Originally, these were ogre zombies. We changed them to ogrekin, but forgot to fix their hit points. They should have 16 hit points.

Dark Archive

Kaven Windstrike is the one that betrayed the black arrows, does he also have a Sihedron tattoo? It might aid in the party finding out he had a part to play in the whole assault.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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PandaGaki wrote:
Kaven Windstrike is the one that betrayed the black arrows, does he also have a Sihedron tattoo? It might aid in the party finding out he had a part to play in the whole assault.

He does indeed have a Sihedron tattoo. It's on his shoulder, and he does try to keep it hidden, but it could certainly slip and be noticed with a DC 20 Spot check at the right time.

On the subject of Kaven, I'm curious about any specific details as to how the survivors begin to speculate betrayal. On another thread, Mr. Logue mentions how stretched thin the Black Arrows were, and I understand that Kaven divulged detailed details about the layout, patrols, etc., but was there anything specific that helped the Ogres take the fort so easily? My sense was that the Black Arrows were essentially taken with their pants down (perhaps during guard shift changes when most are asleep, maybe leaving the key (not necessarily a literal key) to bypass the gates?).

Particularly because the Black Arrows were stretched thin, I'd assume they'd be careful to maintain constant vigilence.

It mentions that Lucrecia organized "several points of treachery," and I am aware that Kaven helped by delaying a patrol's return. What were the other points of treachery, and/or was the delay of the patrol the lynchpin to the whole raid?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

That's left pretty much up to the GM to fill in if needed, to be honest; it doesn't really matter to the flow of the adventure. Kaven's treachery was certainly the key element though; having the fort's second in command and about a quarter or more of their soldiers gone when the attack struck was pretty key to the assasult.

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Unless I missed it, Lord Mayor Grobaras of Magnimar implies a "healthy" reward to PC's to retake Fort Rannick, but I can't find any specifics. What is the specifics (unless it's up to the DM)?

DarkArt wrote:
Unless I missed it, Lord Mayor Grobaras of Magnimar implies a "healthy" reward to PC's to retake Fort Rannick, but I can't find any specifics. What is the specifics (unless it's up to the DM)?

smurf, er, I mean, bump

Also, I wanted to confirm B4 (the old guard tower) as the same as where it's indicated on the map, which looks like a wooden and roofed house-shaped structure. (Which would mean that the tower is not circular but rectangular)

Am I right to assume that the BAB of Jakardros should include a secondary attack at +3, since his primary bonus is currently +8?

Is Hucker Graul's damage correct? It looks like the damage is based on wielding one handed, but the weapon is a 2-handed weapon.

Linking in a question: Haunt Question

Question & Answer:

Draco Bahamut: "Why the Smoke Haunt Touch AC is 20? Shouldn't is be 16 ? Anything i didn't catch?"
James Jacobs: "It should be a touch AC of 15. Typo."

pres man wrote:
Is Hucker Graul's damage correct? It looks like the damage is based on wielding one handed, but the weapon is a 2-handed weapon.

I think you must be looking at his statistics "When not raging".

1d12 + 8 would be the damage when his strength is 20 (-4 not raging: +5 * 1.5 = +7, +1 OH = +8).
Funny enough though, it looks like the "While raging" damage is 1 point too high.

Just a recap of the above. There are a few unanswered questions and one that looks like it needs a follow up.


Q & A: Link: Sihedron Rune Confusion Discussion

Q: A14: Hucker tries to flee when reduced in HP. As I'm sure that the PCs will block the only door, what kind of material is used for the walls. I was thinking he could break through the wall in a "desperate attempt to flee".
A: NL: I think the smashing through the walls is an EXCELLENT way to go. I imagine the walls are made of termite eaten wood, except the hefty support pillars that keep Mammy's disgusting girth aloft.
A: JJ: Yup. The walls in the Graul house are all wooden walls. If you want, reduce their hardness by one or two points. Hardness reduction is a pretty good way to simulate termites.
A: Turin the Mad: Don't forget to reduce the Break DC as well - a great example of weak wooden barriers is beneath Parrot Island in the STAP - the doors there had a mere break DC of 13, sufficiently low for even a ravenous zombie to plow through let's say...

Q: question about the zombies in Mammy's room... are they realy supposed to have 55 HP each (seems kind of steep of a creature listed as CR 1/2).
A: JJ: HA! Originally, these were ogre zombies. We changed them to ogrekin, but forgot to fix their hit points. They should have 16 hit points.

Q: Kaven Windstrike is the one that betrayed the black arrows, does he also have a Sihedron tattoo? It might aid in the party finding out he had a part to play in the whole assault.
A: JJ: He does indeed have a Sihedron tattoo. It's on his shoulder, and he does try to keep it hidden, but it could certainly slip and be noticed with a DC 20 Spot check at the right time.

Q: On the subject of Kaven, I'm curious about any specific details as to how the survivors begin to speculate betrayal. On another thread, Mr. Logue mentions how stretched thin the Black Arrows were, and I understand that Kaven divulged detailed details about the layout, patrols, etc., but was there anything specific that helped the Ogres take the fort so easily? My sense was that the Black Arrows were essentially taken with their pants down (perhaps during guard shift changes when most are asleep, maybe leaving the key (not necessarily a literal key) to bypass the gates?).
Particularly because the Black Arrows were stretched thin, I'd assume they'd be careful to maintain constant vigilence.
It mentions that Lucrecia organized "several points of treachery," and I am aware that Kaven helped by delaying a patrol's return. What were the other points of treachery, and/or was the delay of the patrol the lynchpin to the whole raid?
A: JJ: That's left pretty much up to the GM to fill in if needed, to be honest; it doesn't really matter to the flow of the adventure. Kaven's treachery was certainly the key element though; having the fort's second in command and about a quarter or more of their soldiers gone when the attack struck was pretty key to the assasult.

Q: (Link). Draco Bahamut: "Why the Smoke Haunt Touch AC is 20? Shouldn't is be 16 ? Anything i didn't catch?"
A: JJ: "It should be a touch AC of 15. Typo."


Q: I noticed at least two locations in Hook Mountain where the CR & Hit Points of the Ogres listed didn't match the Class levels indicated.
Location C6 (Dam Demolition Crew): Exhausted Ogres (4) CR 3, Male ogre barbarian 4, hp 29 each (MM 199). Location D6 (The Clannold): Exhausted Ogres (8) CR 3, Male ogre barbarian 4, hp 29 each (MM 199)
I find it suspicious that the number of hit points and CR exactly matches the stats for a standard 4 HD Ogre with no class levels. Being Exhausted gives the -6 to Str and Dex, but doesn't impact hit points. So I'm guessing that the "barbarian 4" part of the stat block is a typo.

Q: catdragon mentioned in another post that there is no mention of whether or not the floodgates close on their own if they are opened to save the dam and Turtleback Ferry. Do they close on their own, or is it necessary to power them with energy drains with the magic circles again?

Q: Unless I missed it, Lord Mayor Grobaras of Magnimar implies a "healthy" reward to PC's to retake Fort Rannick, but I can't find any specifics. What is the specifics (unless it's up to the DM)?

Q: Also, I wanted to confirm B4 (the old guard tower) as the same as where it's indicated on the map, which looks like a wooden and roofed house-shaped structure. (Which would mean that the tower is not circular but rectangular)
Am I right to assume that the BAB of Jakardros should include a secondary attack at +3, since his primary bonus is currently +8?

Follow up:

Q: Is Hucker Graul's damage correct? It looks like the damage is based on wielding one handed, but the weapon is a 2-handed weapon.
A: Majuba: I think you must be looking at his statistics "When not raging". 1d12 + 8 would be the damage when his strength is 20 (-4 not raging: +5 * 1.5 = +7, +1 OH = +8).
Funny enough though, it looks like the "While raging" damage is 1 point too high.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Mammy Graul has no spellbook I could find. Since the other wizard has a book with only his prepped spells in it, I'm hoping she has some spells of interest to different specialists.

Liberty's Edge

logic_poet wrote:
Mammy Graul has no spellbook I could find. Since the other wizard has a book with only his prepped spells in it, I'm hoping she has some spells of interest to different specialists.

The 18 1st+ level spells she has prepared are precisely the minimum number she should have, given her stats and level. She's got the skills to have done research for more, but not really the resources, and it's not like she gets out much to talk shop with other people in the field. I'm thinking what she has prepped is what she has, period.

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logic_poet wrote:
Mammy Graul has no spellbook I could find. Since the other wizard has a book with only his prepped spells in it, I'm hoping she has some spells of interest to different specialists.

[Bad humor]I figured she was sitting on it, or perhaps it was hidden beneath her flaps, and that the adventure assumes no sane PC would care to search her that intimately.[/Bad humor] Seriously, I asked my player if she wanted to search the room filled with buckets of offal, blood,and other filth, with indescribable items smeared along the floor, walls, and dripped from the bed, and her immediate responce was "NO."

Also, regarding Kavin, I figured all of the survivors were absolutely naked, and that spotting the rune would be child's play to find, even by Valeros. The other two survivors obviously noticed the tattoo but had dismissed it. Only the PC's with their recent experience would have a chance at recognizing it.

When my party came upon them, they just put two and two together immediately. Since Kaven was at 0 hit points, he was in no position to be modest.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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I'll see if I can't throw out some answers here for the unanswered ones...

Q: I noticed at least two locations in Hook Mountain where the CR & Hit Points of the Ogres listed didn't match the Class levels indicated.
Location C6 (Dam Demolition Crew): Exhausted Ogres (4) CR 3, Male ogre barbarian 4, hp 29 each (MM 199). Location D6 (The Clannold): Exhausted Ogres (8) CR 3, Male ogre barbarian 4, hp 29 each (MM 199)
A:These exhausted ogres are indeed just normal ogres.

Q: catdragon mentioned in another post that there is no mention of whether or not the floodgates close on their own if they are opened to save the dam and Turtleback Ferry. Do they close on their own, or is it necessary to power them with energy drains with the magic circles again?
A:The flood gates do indeed close on their own once the magical, mystical water sensors inside of Skull's Crossing determine that enough water has been dispersed. No energy drains are needed to cause the gates to close.

Q: Unless I missed it, Lord Mayor Grobaras of Magnimar implies a "healthy" reward to PC's to retake Fort Rannick, but I can't find any specifics. What is the specifics (unless it's up to the DM)?
A:Grobaras would initially try to tell the PCs that their "reward" is Fort Rannick itself, that being landowners and owning a castle is a hefty award in and of itself. He's mostly right, in fact, a castle the size of Fort Rannick is worth a LOT. If the PCs make a stink and ask for money, though, he agrees to hand over a reward of 4,000 gp per character.

Q: Also, I wanted to confirm B4 (the old guard tower) as the same as where it's indicated on the map, which looks like a wooden and roofed house-shaped structure. (Which would mean that the tower is not circular but rectangular)
A: That is indeed the correct spot for the tower. The map doesn't quite match the text perfectly there, alas; we should have changed the description of area B4 to match the map, but didn't have time, alas.

Q: Am I right to assume that the BAB of Jakardros should include a secondary attack at +3, since his primary bonus is currently +8?
A:If he gets a weapon, yes. His stats as listed are for his unarmed state when the PCs find him; same goes for Vale too. When they're unarmed, they don't get that secondary attack.

The Concordance RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I was going over my notes today and found that in area D6. The Clanhold, there might be a problem.


There are two Kreeg taskmasters (Ftr5) and 8 exhausted ogre slaves who are toiling endlessly at these forges to craft giant blades and other weapons from the obstinate iron they’ve carved from the mountain’s innards. Their two Kreeg ogre taskmasters snarl, belch, guffaw, and roar incessantly. The Kreegs order the exhausted ogres to attack any intruders, laughing as the weary ogres stumble to their deaths. The Kreegs then snatch up red-hot half-forged blades and go to work as well (inflicting an additional 1d6 fire damage with each hit).

Now if the Kreeg ogres are Ftr5 like Minktuck Kreeg on page 28, then their feats are optimized for using ogre hooks.

Now I have no problem with there being ogre hooks in the forge but the text does say that the ogres are crafting blades for the giants. And I have a hard time seeing a stone giant using an ogre hook.

Of course All that needs to be done is say that the taskmasters brought their ogre hooks down and placed them in the forge so they would heat, but I thought I would bring it up, just to get official confirmation.

The Concordance RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I found a definite WTF point....


In the last encounter with Barl and a stone giant, the stone giant is stated as having 45 hp. Yet the average hp for a stone giant is 119.

Could the giant be
option 1: an annis hag (which a) has 45 hp, like the stats and b) is on page 143 of the MM, as noted in the stats? Or is it
option 2: a normal stone giant with some errors?

My first idea is that it is a giant with some invalid stats, and that would make the encounter a EL 12 encounter (as the text says). But if it is a hag, then the EL is 11.

So which is right?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

catdragon wrote:

I found a definite WTF point....

** spoiler omitted **

So which is right?

It's a normal stone giant with some errors.

The Concordance RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

James Jacobs wrote:
catdragon wrote:

I found a definite WTF point....

** spoiler omitted **

So which is right?

It's a normal stone giant with some errors.


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Near the beginning of the adventure there's a bit of text about Barl's backstory. In the Developments section for Barl there's another. They contradict each other: one says Jorgenfist, one says Jorgenhearth (the former is right); one says Barl has never been there, the other says he studied there (it's not clear to me which is correct). This drove me mildly crazy, since any given session I would only see one or the other, and I assumed it was me who was confused.

My player had trouble with the fact that Myriana uses reincarnate to bring back her lover, but the spell specifically will not work on something that has been undead. One can say "Well, it's special fay magic" but a note on this for the GM would help. One of the PCs might, by that point, have needed bringing back from undead-hood which gives this point a lot of emotional weight.


Liberty's Edge

Mary Yamato wrote:

My player had trouble with the fact that Myriana uses reincarnate to bring back her lover, but the spell specifically will not work on something that has been undead. One can say "Well, it's special fay magic" but a note on this for the GM would help. One of the PCs might, by that point, have needed bringing back from undead-hood which gives this point a lot of emotional weight.

It is my understanding that reincarnate's restriction (and similar ones for other back-from-the-dead spells, like raise dead) only applies if the subject is currently undead - destroying the undead frees them to be raised, reincarnated or what-have-you as normal.

YMMV, I suppose, unless there's a FAQ or Sage article about it, but that's how I've always handled it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mary Yamato wrote:

Near the beginning of the adventure there's a bit of text about Barl's backstory. In the Developments section for Barl there's another. They contradict each other: one says Jorgenfist, one says Jorgenhearth (the former is right); one says Barl has never been there, the other says he studied there (it's not clear to me which is correct). This drove me mildly crazy, since any given session I would only see one or the other, and I assumed it was me who was confused.

My player had trouble with the fact that Myriana uses reincarnate to bring back her lover, but the spell specifically will not work on something that has been undead. One can say "Well, it's special fay magic" but a note on this for the GM would help. One of the PCs might, by that point, have needed bringing back from undead-hood which gives this point a lot of emotional weight.


Taking the second point first... yeah. My interpretation is that reincarnate won't fix an undead creature, but it CAN fix a creature that WAS undead but is now destroyed. That's certainly in the spirit of the adventure and the story, so I suggest that if there IS some sort of hidden Sage Advice type ruling that reincarnate can't affect a dead body that was once undead, that ruling be summarily ignored and erased. Cause it'd be a stupid ruling.

Back to the first part... yeah, that's an unfortunate error that crept in there. In the original draft, Jorgenfist and Jorgenharth were two names for similar things; I believe one was for the fortress and one for the tribe that lived there, and that was confusing me too much so I cut out the tribe. Obviously, one crept in, since I was working on Barl before I'd finished up the work on Jorgenfist in the next adventure. In any case, Barl's been to the fortress, but not down underground in the Library level.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

Taking the second point first... yeah. My interpretation is that reincarnate won't fix an undead creature, but it CAN fix a creature that WAS undead but is now destroyed. That's certainly in the spirit of the adventure and the story, so I suggest that if there IS some sort of hidden Sage Advice type ruling that reincarnate can't affect a dead body that was once undead, that ruling be summarily ignored and erased. Cause it'd be a stupid ruling.

Unfortunately it's not a Sage Advice ruling; it's pretty darned clear if you compare the wording of *reincarnate* with that of *resurrection*.

Reincarnate (also identical wording in Raise Dead):
A creature that has been turned into an undead creature or killed by a death effect can’t be returned to life by this spell.

You can resurrect someone killed by a death effect or someone who has been turned into an undead creature and then destroyed.

I don't really see much way around that, though I'm going to house-rule it the way you suggest.


Dark Archive

Can someone explain to me how Barl Breakbones has a CR of 11 and not higher, since he has 7 levels of wizard??

Did Nick subtract the LA listed in the Monster Manual to come up with this? If so, why didnt he do it for the ogres....


DmRrostarr wrote:

Can someone explain to me how Barl Breakbones has a CR of 11 and not higher, since he has 7 levels of wizard??

Did Nick subtract the LA listed in the Monster Manual to come up with this? If so, why didnt he do it for the ogres....


There is the idea of "associated classes", classes that play to a creature's natural abilities. When giving a creature those, the CR increases 1-for-1, for a stone giant, that would probably be something like fighter or barbarian or such. With "non-associated classes", you increase the CR by 1 for each two levels, until you have as many levels as the racial HD of the creature. So a stone giant with 7 levels of wizard only increases its CR by 3 (3.5 actually, but you round down). So CR 8+3 = CR 11.

See the Monster Manual for more on (non)associated classes.

2 problems that I found answers for on other threads.

"Hookmaw"'s stats given as Gragavan in encounter B30. JJ said "Hookmaw" is another standard ogre.

Lucrecia's Wisdom drain is given as 1d6, while Bestiary in PF2 says 2d4. Same problem as in PF2. JJ said in that case it should be 2d4.

The Curse of the Crimsom Throne links have changed, so I'm updating these as well.

Chapter 1: Burnt Offerings
Chapter 2: The Skinsaw Murders
Chapter 3: The Hook Mountain Massacre
Chapter 4: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Chapter 5: Sins of the Saviors
Chapter 6: Spires of Xin-Shalast

I am looking for a post from Mary Yamato (i think) about making Fort Rannick more dynamic less static, with adjustements for patrols, with some sort of schedule etc. We will end Skinsaw murder soon and i can't find this post anymore, did someone saved that content somewhere?

Liberty's Edge

How did you folks run this module? I'm having a heck of time making it flow properly and make any sense. It feels like a bunch of disconnected encounters, rather than a module with a single plot. Any suggestions? What did you do with the surviving rangers? How is the group supposed to know, when they are at the fort, that the town is flooding? How are they supposed to know where Lamatar's body is, and what happened to it?

One other question - has anyone allowed any of the dead rangers in the fort to be raised? Seems like it would be possible.

FrBen wrote:
I am looking for a post from Mary Yamato (i think) about making Fort Rannick more dynamic less static, with adjustements for patrols, with some sort of schedule etc. We will end Skinsaw murder soon and i can't find this post anymore, did someone saved that content somewhere?

Go to the search function and put in Mary Yamato+Fort Rannick then select message board only.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
FrBen wrote:
I am looking for a post from Mary Yamato (i think) about making Fort Rannick more dynamic less static, with adjustements for patrols, with some sort of schedule etc. We will end Skinsaw murder soon and i can't find this post anymore, did someone saved that content somewhere?

I didn't do this for #3; I wish I had. I did one for #4 which helped me a lot, and maybe that's what you're remembering.

If I were doing it now, I'd use the ogres in the outer area to set up loose patrols close to the Fort--three ogres per patrol. They are looking for game and entertainment as much as anything else. If encountered, they will tend to fight until two are down; then the third will try to fall back to the Keep. If he succeeds, a significant force will be sent looking for the interloper: one of the ogre leaders (I'd use Minktuck--he's cool) plus, let's say, two leveled ogres and four ordinary ones.

The interior of the Keep, while static, actually makes some sense with some ogres awake and others asleep. However, it could use one or two ogres prowling around the halls, just to make it feel less like a collection of rooms.

Specific times of day: At sunset the ogres all gather for a feast in the courtyard. They are all up at that time and for two hours afterwards. The named non-leaders (Minktuck, Jolly and so forth) then sleep for 8 hours, after which the named leaders sleep for 8 hours (they drink all evening, then get to sleep in late in the morning). The other ogres take turns in such a way that at any given time, they are asleep or awake pretty much as shown in the module.

The other thing I'd want would be a reaction plan. I think the ogres will assume initially that danger comes from outside the Fort, so they will react to an alert of almost any kind by pouring out into the courtyard. Only after that will they regroup to deal with a threat inside the Fort. They are feeling confident and eager to fight, so will be easy to distract into sorties outwards. Individually encountered ogres will want to save the fight for themselves--they will not run for help--but will be noisy and may alert others accidentally.

The senior ogre in the courtyard--likely Minktuck or the big boss--can exert a bit of control. They are, for ogres, disciplined. In the absence of a named leader, individual ogres will look for loot and glory, and not cooperate well. If half of them are killed the rest will start looking for a way back to Hook Mountain, as a group or individually.

Hope this helps!


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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Laubacker wrote:

How did you folks run this module? I'm having a heck of time making it flow properly and make any sense. It feels like a bunch of disconnected encounters, rather than a module with a single plot. Any suggestions? What did you do with the surviving rangers? How is the group supposed to know, when they are at the fort, that the town is flooding? How are they supposed to know where Lamatar's body is, and what happened to it?

One other question - has anyone allowed any of the dead rangers in the fort to be raised? Seems like it would be possible.

In retrospect I wish I'd worried about it earlier; drawing up a timeline would have helped me a lot. The timing of the attack on the Fort and the raid on the dam were particularly troublesome.

My advice:

(1) Have the townsfolk warn the PCs to stay on the road, because there are ogrekin in the woods: "They stay away from the road because they're afraid of the rangers, but don't you go off into their territory." The PCs won't do this, of course, but the warning helps make a bit more sense of the Graul's location.

(2) I had the surviving rangers join the PCs for the duration of this adventure, and it worked fine for me. If your group hates having NPCs along, I'd send them to Ilsurian for help, or have them help defend Turtleback Ferry. (Actually my player sent the traitor back to Ilsurian, apparently sensing that he was unreliable.)

(3) The ogres must have been sent to Skull Crossing only a short while ago, no matter what the module says. The PCs might track them there, or learn from captive ogres that a large force is still on the loose. I personally wish I had left out the pit fiends, as my player found them unbelievable. I would put in a glimpse of Black Magga here if you plan to use her at all.

(4) Personally, I would kill the flood. If you want to use it, I'd have it hit when the PCs are already at Turtleback Ferry if at all possible, or else when they are at Skull Crossing itself. Having someone come upriver to tell the PCs about the flood can't work in terms of timing and logic. As a last resort, they could see and hear the flood go by Fort Rannick. I would also leave out Black Magga as she can easily derail the whole adventure. (My PCs would not quietly leave her in the lake, dooming all of the lakeshore villages; they would figure it was their job to dispose of her, and there's no good support for that.)

(5) I developed the arc with Myriana a lot more, adding more faeries, having the PCs interact with Yap extensively, and adding a ranger from Sanos Forest who was deeply concerned about the corruption of Whitewillow. So by the time my PCs actually met Myriana they were determined to find out what her problem was, and this flowed smoothly. I'd also play her as more creepy and less aggressive--as written she is likely to turn into a fight, which is not the most interesting use for her. She should clearly tell the PCs where her lover's body is.

(6) My player felt strongly that Hook Mountain itself was an anticlimax. I added a lot of ogre servants and entertainers, but it still felt prefunctory and empty after Fort Rannick. Making Lammatar a stronger undead would help a little. Alternatively, you could cut this whole arc and use Barl and his allies as a strike force to try to retake Fort Rannick, if the PCs are holding it. This is a hard fight but would be a lot more connected, and having to defend the Fort might help the PCs feel attached to it. (Most groups abandon it as soon as they can. I've heard of only two who actually chose to hold it.) If I had to run this again, I think I'd go with the counterattack plan.

The PCs could certainly raise the dead rangers, if they have the capability (mine didn't, and had to beg a Raise Dead from the Sanos Forest allies for the NPC they lost). I don't think this is a problem. Having more rangers might actually make holding the Fort sound plausible.

It can be made more coherent, with work. Be careful at the end: if Barl or his bodyguards spills the beans, the PCs may head for Jorgenfist right away. It's a pity to miss the giant attack on Sandpoint; I personally thought that was the best fight in the entire series. It is hard to get the PCs to go back to Sandpoint for it, though. A giant attack on Turtleback Ferry could be tried, but would be much less colorful.


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