Sandpoint is amazing

Rise of the Runelords

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CourtFool wrote:
jester47 wrote:
In the real world no sin is worse than any other, so this presents lots of space for RP.
I might as well go out and commit the others then.

Others? Are you sure you haven't checked them all off already? No extra credit for do-overs!

Just kidding, I'm sure you're a very nice person. When you're being watched. Sorry, I kid. Again.

Woot, 5th Page!

Coridan wrote:

Mike McArtor wrote:

So no, but Paizo does have bi and gay employees. :)

Here's hoping it's Wes, from the Gencon pics he wins most attractive ;)

Just wanted to second this ;)

And also chime in with my congratulations to the Paizo staff on a superb first issue. I too am exceedingly happy to see the inclusion of a gay couple in the background of Sandpoint -- not because I think it's controversial and edgy, but because as a gay man myself, it makes me feel more included in the hobby, and less like the outsider much of society makes us out to be. That feeling is something I think many straight people have difficulty understanding, and I heartily applaud those who make the effort.

Keep up the great work, Paizo! And just make sure the gay iconic is a totally hawt dude ;) We've endured enough scantily clad females to deserve one!

On the subject of "no sin is worse than any other..."

In the real world, maybe. I would argue that nothing you can do in a finite lifetime is worth an infinity of punishment in the afterlife.

In a fantasy world, there's one thing I can think of that qualifies: the destruction of souls.

A soul is meant to be an infinite, eternal thing. Destroying one -- even an evil soul -- is an infinite sin, the only one possible.

I wonder if there has ever been a module where someone was cheating on their spouse.. and what alignment they were... not to spark an alignment debate again, but that would have been _very_ interesting.

(S)he's definetely not lawful.. but can (s)he be good and still cheat? I would say yes, but that person would definetely feel remorse, unlike an evil or a neutral character.

well, for one, congrats on Sandpoint, it is awesome. Detail, inspiring NPCs, Plot hooks, the works..... Now I only have to add an eighth day to the week so I have time to run that camapign as well.....

And a heartfelt "WTF ?" to the post about specific sexual orientations conflicting with being "good"-aligned

I don't know about everyone else, but I tend to view and judge a person as "good" or "evil" by their actions and motives for those, not their sexual orientation, if any....
In all honesty, would you have found it alright and "fitting" if said NPCs had been "evil" , would that have satisfied any deep-seated feelings and fears on the subject ? I sincerely hope you actually don't.

So,please either invest in some tolerance if you feel insulted by the adventure's NPCs yourself or some spine if you don't, but honestly fear what anybody else might be insulted about.

It's not only about 'Freedom of Speech', I think the term we are actually looking for is "Zivilcourage", but like "Angst " that is very hard to translate from German. It means "courage in the face of oppressive action"....

sorry for openly speaking my mind but it keeps me from smashing the keyboard, in a violent dstructive way... which I frown upon.

/back to the original sheduled program and the OP

I recant my suggestion that this thread should have been locked. It was just an ugly duckling.

Michael F wrote:

Wow, a magic item solution. Now that's thinking "outside the box." You don't even need a willing participant. Just geas a healthy gal with sturdy hips. (oops, sorry, that wouldn't be nice) Better to build a magic portable womb.

It depends on the DM. Your suggestion would be awesome for a comedy (or horror) campaign.

"" wrote:

I don't really agree when you say "no sin is worse than any other." I'm guessing you mean that from a "theological" point of view, which is fine. But I think most people internally order trasgressions from bad to worse, and everyone is probably a little bit different in how they look at it.

I am coming from a theological/biblical perspective on that one.

For Evil Midnight Lurker:
To rephrase the statement I believe that any sin is as bad as any other. Still I must state that as a human I find it hard to see how stealing a lolipop is equivalent to murder, but that is when I do not heed my belief that any wrong is a wrong against an infinite being and thus infinately bad. The Psalms state that when one sins it is against only God, an infintite being. Thus the punishment is eternal unless forgivness is sought out of real feeling of sorrow for the action.

Back to Michael F:
Most people determine the magnitude of a sin based on the temporal consequences (because those are the most imediate to human beings)not the eternal consequences. This creates the concept of venial and mortal i.e. deadly sins, which is great for stuff like adventure paths and modules with content that makes people think about this stuff (and thus bringing it back on topic). So now I have to repent and stop stealing from my boss by posting at work.

trellian wrote:

I wonder if there has ever been a module where someone was cheating on their spouse.. and what alignment they were... not to spark an alignment debate again, but that would have been _very_ interesting.

(S)he's definetely not lawful.. but can (s)he be good and still cheat? I would say yes, but that person would definetely feel remorse, unlike an evil or a neutral character.

That's an interesting proposition. It's kind of a good example of where mapping D&D alignments to real modern world morality and behaviour breaks down.

Is it possible for someone who is LG to fall in love with, or be seduced by someone other than their spouse, and then not have the willpower to resist? Probably. I know someone who has cheated on several of his girlfriends over the years, but I don't think he feels any remorse. He's a decent enough person for all that, so I don't think he's prevented from being considered good. He's probably chaotic, but he wouldn't have to be if he was lawful in most of his other beliefs.

I think the key is the difference between what you believe and what you have the self control and discipline to actually do. People tend to have a lot of internal incosistancies. Rationalization and all that.

We tend to forget the distinctions in D&D terms. We tend to figure that alignment represents some kind of absolute final word on behaviour. It's pretty easy for a Good Aligned PC to resist most temptations that real people find hard to resist in the heat of the momment, because the player doesn't get the actual payoff for being naughty. Not unless you're doing some freaky LARP s+&~. So usually, only really super-hardcore roleplayer types are going to go there.

Anyway, there are a lot of potential NPC cheaters in Sandpoint, if you wanted to try to write that in. For example, the jewler's wife is mean to him, and he has some money. So even though he's LG, I think he could be vulnerable to some young hottie trying to seduce him. They might or might not be after his money. So there's one idea.

. . . and now the punchline!

I'm glad I didn't mention the dirty knife.


I'm also enjoying the twists from cliche heroing. There's the incident with Shayless (unless the PC is exceedingly diplomatic) and with Amele's sister that inform the PC's that even when they do their best, that they won't be able to please everyone 100% of the time, which is somehow also eerily fitting to this thread currently.

I have a problem with the 'no sin is worse than any other'. And it would seem quite a few Christians do too since they want to stone homosexuals but have no problem cutting the hair at the sides of their heads and clipping off the edges of their beards. There are greater and lesser evils.

Coincidentally, the best stylist are gay.

I need to say that I am extremely offended at the title of this thread. Furthermore, all people that are not offended by it are not true Paizo fans and obviously don't belong on the boards. Sandpoint is an excellent setting, most assuredly--one of the best I've ever seen. The adjective "awesome" would not be out of line, insofar as the ability of Mr. Jacobs to create a setting that virutally pulses with life and a reality of its own is nothing short of awe-inspiring. But "amazing" implies that it makes us amazed. I for one am not. If anyone could produce such a setting, it was James. If any company could produce such an excellent game resource as Pathfinder, it was Paizo. So I demand that everyone stop insulting Paizo by calling Sandpoint "amazing," or I'll be forced to post some more telling them what to do. Their poor use of terminology is an affront to the dictionary, and therefore they are not "good." Obviously their teachers were too busy lecturing them on new-age hippy liberal morality to be bothered with things like definitions.

(Removes tongue from cheek)

Liberty's Edge

My post was eaten!!

Oh, well... I'm too busy LOLing at the above post. :)

Paolo wrote:
I too am exceedingly happy to see the inclusion of a gay couple in the background of Sandpoint -- not because I think it's controversial and edgy, but because as a gay man myself, it makes me feel more included in the hobby, and less like the outsider much of society makes us out to be. That feeling is something I think many straight people have difficulty understanding, and I heartily applaud those who make the effort.

Well, you are probably very right about most "straight" people not understanding. I for one, don't. The reason I don't is because sexuality is almost never discussed in most game settings. For the most part you really don't know what "preferences" most characters have, nor do most people care. I mean do you really care if the necromancer lich prefered men or women when they were alive? I don't, I just want to destroy them.

Usually the most you get is that so-and-so likes so-and-so or this couple is involved or this couple is married. But we all know that doesn't prove anything. I mean, take Tsuto, he is passionate about Nualia, but does that mean he can't like guys also? There is no clear indication either way. Heck it is possible to have a fantasy world where being bi-sexual is the default, why should we assume if it doesn't say anything about someone, they must hetero? Do they have to talk like Big Gay Al to really be gay?

Frankly, I don't see the "lack" of homosexual characters in games, merely the lack of making a big deal about saying "Hey, he's gay, by the way, incase you cared!" I think racial minorities have a much bigger place to complain. I mean if you describe someone as being pale skinned, blue eyed, and blonde hair, it is hard to say, "Well maybe they are of 'asian' descent." With the increase of Anime, we see more asian type characters, but what about the pacific islanders? Where are they? Latinos? Any character can be gay, heck they could just be lying to themselves and everyone else (it isn't like we haven't see that happen), but for racial minorities either you are clearly or you aren't at all.

Paolo wrote:
Keep up the great work, Paizo! And just make sure the gay iconic is a totally hawt dude ;) We've endured enough scantily clad females to deserve one!

Sure blame the homosexual women out there. :P

pres man wrote:
Well, you are probably very right about most "straight" people not understanding. I for one, don't. The reason I don't is because sexuality is almost never discussed in most game settings. For the most part you really don't know what "preferences" most characters have, nor do most people care.

Interestingly, I'm straight (not in a Larry Craig way, either; in more of a "I just don't find guys at all attractive" way), but I have no problem with the inclusion in Pathfinder. Judging from the majority feeback here, I don't think that puts me in a minority, though. Game materials consistently include traditional (you would probably say "correct") married couples: one man and one woman. Until now, I can't think of a single example of some other type of couple being presented in a "they're normal townsfolk" way. For that one inclusion to bother you so much, and for it to make you forget all the "normal" couples in gaming history (shoot, even Iggwilv and Graz'zt are hetero)... well, I'd say there's maybe something going on that you might want to be more honest with yourself about.

Liberty's Edge

pres man wrote:
[Well, you are probably very right about most "straight" people not understanding. I for one, don't. The reason I don't is because sexuality is almost never discussed in most game settings. For the most part you really don't know what "preferences" most characters have, nor do most people care. I mean do you really care if the necromancer lich prefered men or women when they were alive? I don't, I just want to destroy them.

So, with all the hetero married couples, hetero “star-crossed lovers,” creepy nobles (and/or vampires) seducing or abducting young maidens, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, what’s the problem with a handful of characters that are homosexual (and not even in an “in your face” sort of way)?

pres man wrote:
Usually the most you get is that so-and-so likes so-and-so or this couple is involved or this couple is married. But we all know that doesn't prove anything. I mean, take Tsuto, he is passionate about Nualia, but does that mean he can't like guys also? There is no clear indication either way.

By that logic, we can’t prove anything about Jasper and Cyrdak, either. Sure, they have a not-so-secret-secret romance going on, but that could just be a cover for Jasper actually being celibate and sick of all the women that try to get into his pants.

pres man wrote:
Heck it is possible to have a fantasy world where being bi-sexual is the default, why should we assume if it doesn't say anything about someone, they must hetero?

The thing is, people take their baggage from the real world into their fantasy. Thus, most people assume heterosexuality is default because the majority of people in the real world are straight, unless there’s something denoting that it’s different in that particular fantasy world.

pres man wrote:
Do they have to talk like Big Gay Al to really be gay?

So, whose talking like Big Gay Al (whoever that is)? Not seeing it in my Pathfinder. Anyone else?

pres man wrote:
Frankly, I don't see the "lack" of homosexual characters in games, merely the lack of making a big deal about saying "Hey, he's gay, by the way, incase you cared!"

So far, you’re among the few that are making a big deal about these characters being homosexual.


Paolo wrote:

Here's hoping it's Wes, from the Gencon pics he wins most attractive ;)
Coridan wrote:

Just wanted to second this ;)

Yay! Thanks! Sweet of you guys to see past the sweat, doofy shirt, and convention funk!

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Interestingly, I'm straight (not in a Larry Craig way, either; in more of a "I just don't find guys at all attractive" way), but I have no problem with the inclusion in Pathfinder. Judging from the majority feeback here, I don't think that puts me in a minority, though.

Nor do I, I have stated it that before in this thread. Though I wouldn't pat myself too much on the back for being in the majority. There is the saying, "That which is popular is not always right, and that which is right is not always popular." Not that I am suggesting in this case it is not "right" merely that majority agreement is not evidence of anything but a majority of the people speaking.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Game materials consistently include traditional (you would probably say "correct") married couples: one man and one woman.

You are so right, those traditionalist Mormons and Muslims should be offended, where is the polygamy and polyandry, let alone the "conservative" same sex couples. (by conservative I mean only 2 people involved) By the way, I would kindly like you to refrain from trying to speak for me, state what you believe, let me state what I believe. Thank you.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Until now, I can't think of a single example of some other type of couple being presented in a "they're normal townsfolk" way. For that one inclusion to bother you so much, and for it to make you forget all the "normal" couples in gaming history (shoot, even Iggwilv and Graz'zt are hetero)... well, I'd say there's maybe something going on that you might want to be more honest with yourself about.

Prove those people are hetero and not for example bi, or for married couples, not merely married because they are expected to continue the bloodline and make alliances through families and pass on inheritance (you know much like the "vaulted" greek people did). Again, I said it didn't bother me, you can keep saying it does, but you will continue to be wrong. What bothers me is when someone who doesn't know me assumes they can speak for me. Please refrain from doing so. Thank you.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kirth Gersen wrote:
(shoot, even Iggwilv and Graz'zt are hetero)

Not necessarilly...

pres man wrote:

Well, you are probably very right about most "straight" people not understanding. I for one, don't. The reason I don't is because sexuality is almost never discussed in most game settings.

I just want to clarify that I was referring to the feeling of being an outsider in society at large, not just in a game.

pres man wrote:

Usually the most you get is that so-and-so likes so-and-so or this couple is involved or this couple is married.

Yes, that is exactly what we got here. And that is what I'm saying is good. The point isn't that the text says someone is gay, straight, bi or whatever. You are right that people can "actually be" something other than what they are portraying themselves as, or they can be bi when they are only described in one type of relationship. That is not the point. The point is the relationship that is presented. It is heartening to see a relationship similar to one I would be in included in the backdrop to a town in the game setting. I don't care what a person's orientation is, it's the relationship that I am happy to see represented.

That is all I wanted to comment on, as I think Kirth and Azzy responded quite adequately to the other things I would have responded to.

Azzy wrote:
So, with all the hetero married couples, hetero “star-crossed lovers,” creepy nobles (and/or vampires) seducing or abducting young maidens, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, what’s the problem with a handful of characters that are homosexual (and not even in an “in your face” sort of way)?

Hetero? Did they say they were hetero, specifically, or are you merely assuming this from a discussion of their relationship to others, maybe they are bi? Nothing is wrong with homosexual characters, is it necessary to state they are homosexual though? Does that somehow make them a better character, because you know which "side they are playing for"? Does it make the paladin a better paladin to be gay? Does it make the wizard a better wizard to be bi? What does sexuality really matter most of the time? Judge people their deeds not their sexual desires.

Azzy wrote:
By that logic, we can’t prove anything about Jasper and Cyrdak, either. Sure, they have a not-so-secret-secret romance going on, but that could just be a cover for Jasper actually being celibate and sick of all the women that try to get into his pants.

That could be, would you be offended if that turned out to be the case?

Azzy wrote:
The thing is, people take their baggage from the real world into their fantasy. Thus, most people assume heterosexuality is default because the majority of people in the real world are straight, unless there’s something denoting that it’s different in that particular fantasy world.

Wait. What? Most people bring their own baggage? But I thought everyone was saying that you shouldn't bring your own baggage, what is in a game does apply to what is the real world, which is it? Either it is appropriate to bring baggage in or it is not.

Azzy wrote:
So far, you’re among the few that are making a big deal about these characters being homosexual.

So there aren't many people saying, "Hey we are glad there are these characters." Because they are making a big deal as well. Let's see, wow, very first post, making a big deal. Or does it only count as making a big deal when it is not something you agree with?

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Paolo wrote:

Here's hoping it's Wes, from the Gencon pics he wins most attractive ;)
Coridan wrote:

Just wanted to second this ;)
Yay! Thanks! Sweet of you guys to see past the sweat, doofy shirt, and convention funk!

No problem, Wes! But you got our quotes backwards. Coridan was your first admirer, I just hopped on the bandwagon ;)

pres man wrote:
By the way, I would kindly like you to refrain from trying to speak for me, state what you believe, let me state what I believe. Thank you... What bothers me is when someone who doesn't know me assumes they can speak for me. Please refrain from doing so. Thank you.

What I believe is that when people repeat a thing ("Why do they have to say there are gays?" "Kindly refrain from speaking for me!") ad nauseum, there's generally a reason for it. I'll stop speculating as to what that reason may be. You might want to think about it yourself, though.

Liberty's Edge

pres man wrote:
Hetero? Did they say they were hetero, specifically, or are you merely assuming this from a discussion of their relationship to others, maybe they are bi?

Well, to paraphrase William of Ockham, "we should not assert that for which we do not have some proof." If a couple are in a heterosexual relationship, we shouldn’t assume that either individual is anything other than heterosexual without proof to the contrary.


“If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I would call it a duck.” — James Whitcomb Riley

pres man wrote:
Nothing is wrong with homosexual characters, is it necessary to state they are homosexual though? Does that somehow make them a better character, because you know which "side they are playing for"? Does it make the paladin a better paladin to be gay? Does it make the wizard a better wizard to be bi? What does sexuality really matter most of the time? Judge people their deeds not their sexual desires.

Right, back to you. Why does their sexuality matter to you. If it changes nothing, then why are you going on about it? There is nothing more stated about these characters in a homosexual relationship than has been stated about characters in a heterosexual relationship. Nothing. Mountains out of molehills.

pres man wrote:
Azzy wrote:
By that logic, we can’t prove anything about Jasper and Cyrdak, either. Sure, they have a not-so-secret-secret romance going on, but that could just be a cover for Jasper actually being celibate and sick of all the women that try to get into his pants.
That could be, would you be offended if that turned out to be the case?

Why would I be?

Azzy wrote:
Wait. What? Most people bring their own baggage? But I thought everyone was saying that you shouldn't bring your own baggage, what is in a game does apply to what is the real world, which is it? Either it is appropriate to bring baggage in or it is not.

Fine, how about I rephrase that to something with a little less baggage: “Without information to the contrary, people make the assumption that the fundaments of reality in a fantasy world mirrors that of their own. That is, the sun rises in the East, heterosexuality is the norm, and cookies taste good with milk.”

pres man wrote:
So there aren't many people saying, "Hey we are glad there are these characters." Because they are making a big deal as well. Let's see, wow, very first post, making a big deal. Or does it only count as making a big deal when it is not something you agree with?

Acknowledging and approving doesn’t constitute a “big deal.” Your constant harping on the subject, OTOH, does.

James Jacobs wrote:
Kirth Gersen wrote:
(shoot, even Iggwilv and Graz'zt are hetero)
Not necessarilly...

Ah, the glories of self-transmutation.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kirth Gersen wrote:
Interestingly, I'm straight (not in a Larry Craig way, either; in more of a "I just don't find guys at all attractive" way), but I have no problem with the inclusion in Pathfinder. Judging from the majority feeback here, I don't think that puts me in a minority, though. Game materials consistently include traditional (you would probably say "correct") married couples: one man and one woman. Until now, I can't think of a single example of some other type of couple being presented in a "they're normal townsfolk" way. For that one inclusion to bother you so much, and for it to make you forget all the "normal" couples in gaming history (shoot, even Iggwilv and Graz'zt are hetero)... well, I'd say there's maybe something going on that you might want to be more honest with yourself about.

Well said. I also have no problem with it--to the contrary, I think it makes the town seem more real, in some ways. And I think your observation regarding why some people "protest too much" has a certain ring of truth...

Scarab Sages

pres man wrote:
Prove those people are hetero and not for example bi, or for married couples, not merely married because they are expected to continue the bloodline and make alliances through families and pass on inheritance (you know much like the "vaulted" greek people did). Again, I said it didn't bother me, you can keep saying it does, but you will continue to be wrong. What bothers me is when someone who doesn't know me assumes they can speak for me. Please refrain from doing so. Thank you.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck,its a... beholder? Because that is how you're presenting your position.

The burden of proof doesn't lie with the people claiming these traditional relationships are hetero - it lies with you to prove that they deviate from the traditional norm. Its SILLY to assume otherwise.

I could type my fingers raw listing the number of logic errors, slippery slope arguments, and shady tactics you've resorted to over the course of this discussion. why don't you try being honest and admit to what your beliefs actually are. Once you've done that, try supporting them.

I think you may have exhausted your 'devils advocate' minutes for your plan. You may need to refill them.


Paolo wrote:

No problem, Wes! But you got our quotes backwards. Coridan was your first admirer, I just hopped on the bandwagon ;)

Sorry about that. You know how it is, all the boys start to blur together at some point.

<Rogue looks around. He is truly astounded by the length of this thread and its digression.>
<Rogue drops to knees>
<Rogue opens his hands, palms up, supplicating>
<A tiny tear, slips from Rogue's eyes leaving a liquid stain that disappears behind Rogue's b$%!@in' mustache>
<Rogue's now wet eyes, grow large and soft>
<Rogue's head cocks ever so slightly to the side>

The Last Rogue wrote:

<Rogue looks around. He is truly astounded by the length of this thread and its digression.>

<Rogue drops to knees>
<Rogue opens his hands, palms up, supplicating>
<A tiny tear, slips from Rogue's eyes leaving a liquid stain that disappears behind Rogue's b@%@@in' mustache>
<Rogue's now wet eyes, grow large and soft>
<Rogue's head c*##~ ever so slightly to the side>

Many ninja appear from the shadows and dance for Rogue.

Good Ninja Minion

The Last Rogue wrote:


Let's have a hearty cheer for the OP, and yes, "Sandpoint" is amazing/awesome or just incredibly useful (for stealing ideas from for one's own settings ).

Can we expect supplementary material in this vein and quality with each issue ? If yes, KEEP IT COMING

/keeping my pseudopods crossed

I am so proud of myself for not mentioning the "other" subject of this thread

ok, the temptation proved too much

just a quick 2 cents worth - someone who honestly feels abashed about a queer couple (Is that an acceptable term - if not, sorry folks, I claim social incompetence as my defence ) as part of a fictional setting makes me wonder.

Do you honestly intend to limit depiction of RL social phenomena to only those which could not possibly offend anyone ? Well, my mother is pretty much upset by violence, even as shown on TV, so lets keep that out of roleplaying adventures too, shall we ? But then, shebeing a wise a elderly lady knows that and cleverly avoids it. One will never see her trying to buy the latest installment of "Saw", she just knows better.

Feel free to do the same - avoid buying a product so "morally offensive in its stance" as Pathfinder, which *gasp* dares to depict a homosexual couple as an accepted part of a fictional community.
But don't ask for the creators of a product to chastise themselves in exercising their creative liberty, a basic human right, because _you_ don't like part of that creation. There is an easier way then trying to censor them - just don't buy it (and don't copy etc. it either ), instead of asking for self-censorship.

If you like censorship so much, perhaps try living in a society with one first, preferably one where you experience it as affecting your liberties to drive the point home.

IMO, the entire debate is superfluous in the first place. The NPCs concerned are in no way central to the entire plot or take central stage in any way, so if you feel offended, it is, with all due respect, because you _want_ to be offended. Which makes me consider you more interested in creating a controversy for its own sake than an honest critique.
Obviously someone like to be the center of attention.....

vikingson wrote:

...because you _want_ to be offended....

The truest words on this thread, dude.

Yay for controversy!

Liberty's Edge

Paolo wrote:
Coridan wrote:

Mike McArtor wrote:

So no, but Paizo does have bi and gay employees. :)

Here's hoping it's Wes, from the Gencon pics he wins most attractive ;)

Just wanted to second this ;)

I am hoping for Sutter. Though Wes is quite cute.

Yes, I know Sutter has a girlfriend but that does not exclude the bi angle.

I can hope. Not that it would really mean anything in the end but I can still hope. :)


alleynbard wrote:

I am hoping for Sutter. Though Wes is quite cute.

Oh... it's ON now.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
alleynbard wrote:

I am hoping for Sutter. Though Wes is quite cute.
Oh... it's ON now.

All you have to do, Wes, is hit Sutter in the face with some acid. He'll grab a mask and a cape and move down into the crawlspace below the building and brood. You'll have MONTHS of no competition. After which Sutter's long and compelx plan for vengeance will, of course, see you to a horrific and ironic end, but it's worth it, isn't it?

James Jacobs wrote:
All you have to do, Wes, is hit Sutter in the face with some acid.

I call foul. There's no OGL mechanic for called shots to the face with acid and associated Cha penalties, and therefore you can't do it in Pathfinder (or in the Pathfinder offices in Seattle) until Paizo invents said mechanic. Even Sebastian will back me up on this one.


F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

Oh... it's ON now.


alleynbard wrote:

I am hoping for Sutter. Though Wes is quite cute.

Yes, I know Sutter has a girlfriend but that does not exclude the bi angle.

I can hope. Not that it would really mean anything in the end but I can still hope. :)

HAHA! Take that, F. Wesley!

And now, a prepaid campagin message:

Friends, Wes is 26. I'm only 23. Everyone knows that in homosexual beauty pageants, as with gymnastics and other professional sports, once you hit a certain age, it's all over. Please vote responsibly.

I'm James Sutter, and I approved this message.

(...and how the heck did folks know I have a girlfriend, anyhow?)

Liberty's Edge

James Sutter wrote:

HAHA! Take that, F. Wesley!

And now, a prepaid campagin message:

Friends, Wes is 26. I'm only 23. Everyone knows that in homosexual beauty pageants, as with gymnastics and other professional sports, once you hit a certain age, it's all over. Please vote responsibly.

I'm James Sutter, and I approved this message.

(...and how the heck did folks know I have a girlfriend, anyhow?)

Ahh man, in gay terms I am ancient. Thanks for reminding me! Luckily I don't compete in these mysterious and apparently disfiguring gay pageants anymore.

You very clearly call for ecology jobs on behalf of your girlfriend at That's the only reason I know. Not stalking or anything. Nope. Not me. :) Actually, I went to your band's site because you mentioned it the Who's Who thread and under the band bios you list a link to the neighbor boy site.

Sovereign Court

James Sutter wrote:
Friends, Wes is 26. I'm only 23. Everyone knows that in homosexual beauty pageants, as with gymnastics and other professional sports, once you hit a certain age, it's all over. Please vote responsibly.

Gymnastics you say? I'll withhold my vote until the talent segment. Warm up those toe-touches gentlemen.

I think this thread is faaaaaaaabulouuuusss!!!

-The Gneech

James Jacobs wrote:

All you have to do, Wes, is hit Sutter in the face with some acid. He'll grab a mask and a cape and move down into the crawlspace below the building and brood. You'll have MONTHS of no competition. After which Sutter's long and compelx plan for vengeance will, of course, see you to a horrific and ironic end, but it's worth it, isn't it?

Wow, I'm not sure the HR department where I work would approve that I suggest the folks reporting to me throw acid at each other...but I guess I work in a boring industry. I guess when you work for Paizo, you better bring some serious CR or just stay home and telecommute.

James, I am assuming that the crawlspace is wired into your network and that you expect Sutter to continue work full time for you while he licks his wounds and plots his revenge. Is anyone else we know currently working down there?

Sutter should just get one of those zippered bondage masks. I'm sure he'll still get some votes.

Coridan wrote:

I also like that Sandpoint is a bit more 'forward-thinking' than the standard D&D type town (I liked that the populace was rather accepting of the homosexual couple with the exception of the jerks nobody likes anyway). I thought the 'abortion-clinic' was a tad surprising and don't really see its use too much in the overall scheme of the game and world, but no complaints.

Late on the draw, could care less if this has already been addressed...netiquette snobs can go stuff it...

I read Pathfinder #1 while I was in the hospital over Labor Day weekend here in the US with my wife as she was going through labor.....

For those that care, a girl, Flynn Jr, 21 inches long...7pnds, 4ounces...freakishly long fingers and toes...only 2.5 hrs hard labor...(thank you, Candy :).....

Admittedly, I may have glazed over a bit...but a gay couple in Sandpoint? An abortion clinic? Are there religious zealots who throw firebombs too, or is that strictly limited to the gobbos? :)

Wow, guess I just need to go back and re-read a bit...although it's not something I didn't think I'd have to do anyways :)

Flynn -dedicated Paizo customer


alleynbard wrote:

That's the only reason I know. Not stalking or anything. Nope. Not me. :) Actually, I went to your band's site because you mentioned it the Who's Who thread and under the band bios you list a link to the neighbor boy site.

Oooh, okay - that makes sense. I have a tendency to plaster myself all over the interwebs with my various projects, but it's still always a little surprising when somebody actually notices. :)

Okay, okay. I just got through reading the Sandpoint section from Pathfinder 1, and I've got to say, folks, I'm disappointed.

Why? Not. Gay. Enough.

There. I said it.

You blew it. Maybe you'll try harder next time.

Sheesh! And after reading this thread I thought the place would be like a medieval West Hollywood. Well...Not. Even. Close.

Tsk. Tsk.

It was worse than that time my buddy Quagmire and I went to see that movie about the two cowboys...

Peter Griffin wrote:
Not. Gay. Enough.

Diet gay?

Sovereign Court

flynnster wrote:
Coridan wrote:

I also like that Sandpoint is a bit more 'forward-thinking' than the standard D&D type town (I liked that the populace was rather accepting of the homosexual couple with the exception of the jerks nobody likes anyway). I thought the 'abortion-clinic' was a tad surprising and don't really see its use too much in the overall scheme of the game and world, but no complaints.

Late on the draw, could care less if this has already been addressed...netiquette snobs can go stuff it...

I read Pathfinder #1 while I was in the hospital over Labor Day weekend here in the US with my wife as she was going through labor.....

For those that care, a girl, Flynn Jr, 21 inches long...7pnds, 4ounces...freakishly long fingers and toes...only 2.5 hrs hard labor...(thank you, Candy :).....

Admittedly, I may have glazed over a bit...but a gay couple in Sandpoint? An abortion clinic? Are there religious zealots who throw firebombs too, or is that strictly limited to the gobbos? :)

Wow, guess I just need to go back and re-read a bit...although it's not something I didn't think I'd have to do anyways :)

Flynn -dedicated Paizo customer

Yeah, about that herbalist, I think the citizenry's general acceptance would depend largely upon two things: how discreet she is (since the service is ubiquitous in every society where pregnancy is possible -- openly or not) and whether Erastil, the god of families, has any opinion on abortion. If he does, it's not a damning one, considering it's a short stroll from his temple to the herbalist. Oh, and he's the god of plants too. Hmm.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Wow! I can't believe I read the whole post.

I really think that some of you are arguing for argument's sake. Which can be fun, but that's not terribly transparent. There are other threads and other sections for this.

All I've gotta say is that one of the wonderful things about being a gamer is that we are all geeks. One of the brilliant things about geeks, nerds, outcasts, freaks...whatever, is that we stick together and support underdogs.

You can't have a Booger without a Lamar. You can't have a Takashi without a Gilbert. You can't have Poindexter without a Wormser.

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