Meanders about his basement muttering inane curses at his computer screen and polishing d20's and dusting off miniatures of Mordenkainen,Lareth the Beautiful and Orcus while dressed in a Gygax is God T shirt. The smell of cheese is overwhelming.
Perpetuation of useless thread by the OP, who insists that the thread is not useless and attempts to make relevant points pertaining to it's perceived value.
Poster who has not viewed thread in weeks wanders in mentioning how convoluted the thread has gotten and leaves useless remark vaguely related to the OP.
Tobus Neth wrote: Kruelaid wrote: Poster beats dead horse. I join said poster and also beat on dead horse! New poster spontaneously grows Nietzsche mustache, runs out to save dead horse, but dies of syphillis halfway there.
Dirk Gently wrote: New poster spontaneously grows Nietzsche mustache, runs out to save dead horse, but dies of syphillis halfway there. Wonders how one saves a dead horse if it is already dead. Goes off on an unrelated rant about succubi in 4e.
Despairing lament upon witnessing the seeming second-demise of this thread.
Whimsy Chris wrote: Dirk Gently wrote: New poster spontaneously grows Nietzsche mustache, runs out to save dead horse, but dies of syphillis halfway there. Wonders how one saves a dead horse if it is already dead. Goes off on an unrelated rant about succubi in 4e. Wonders how a man whom died of syphillis manages to attempt to save a dead horse that is clearly dead, as is this thread. Snarky bastards.
Makes completely random OT post quoting old movie saying something about "locking the barn door after the horses have eaten the children."
Test post in an attempt to trigger a bug.
Poster despairs over the direction pen and paper gaming is going. Rants angrily for a while, then kills his goldfish by smashing it with his keyboard.
Seemingly on-topic post quickly veering into a discussion of why certain religious icons want the United States to win certain ongoing military operations and how all Americans need guns to assist in the process.
Makes woggly eyes. (O_o)
Expresses surprise at survivability of this thread.
Makes dazed eyes. (@_@)
Pithy comment attempting to be funny.
Not funny at all.
Mocks Cosmo's failed humor.
Another test post in attempt to trigger bug.
When I poke you like this it means BUG!
Barely used sock puppet attempts to help the PostMonster General.
*stabs the thread in an attempt to appease the Great Eye*
Post lamenting fact that bug is remarkably difficult to trigger deliberately.
It's nice to know that as long as there are messageboard glitches this thread will stay alive! :P
Post which demonstrates bug but is unfortunately completely useless in fixing.
Posts amusement at the fact that this thread has become the All-Seeing Eye's proving ground for messageboard bugs.
Wonders what he can do to assist the eye.
*Taunts the All Seeing Eye*
Post expressing amusement at the idea of a sock puppet with a messageboard title.
Once more into the blah blah blah.
Fatespinner wrote: Posts amusement at the fact that this thread has become the All-Seeing Eye's proving ground for messageboard bugs. The all-seeing eye threadjacked this topicless thread.
Neoconservative Judgmental Philosophy rebutted with Atheistic broad based catagorization
Sm0rf Gently wrote: Annoying parady alias makes fun of previous poster. Statement concerning validity of identity.
Non-denominational, bipartisan, unprejudiced post.
Poster ignore's syntax and speeling. Overuses emoticons :( and punctuation!!!!!!!!!
Invokes blue demons! SMURF! Ah ha ha.
Celestial Healer wrote: Fatespinner wrote: Posts amusement at the fact that this thread has become the All-Seeing Eye's proving ground for messageboard bugs. The all-seeing eye threadjacked this topicless thread. Just keeping an eye out for us
Poster opens door, yells "Surprise!", and quickly realizes he is in the wrong thread. The fact that he is naked never becomes an issue........................
Poster comes out of hiding after a month of work-induced board inactivity to find that thread has fallen dormant and posts a lenghty sorrow-filled eulogy to the apparently dead thread, which includes a rambling explanation of why he was gone so long and various curses aimed toward his boss, his secretary, his career, and various ancient Babylonian gods.
Garjen Soulhammer wrote: Poster comes out of hiding after a month of work-induced board inactivity to find that thread has fallen dormant and posts a lenghty sorrow-filled eulogy to the apparently dead thread, which includes a rambling explanation of why he was gone so long and various curses aimed toward his boss, his secretary, his career, and various ancient Babylonian gods. Consolations and commiserations for the above.
Poster makes vague reference to being off boards for a week. Poster hides the word "smurf" in post to make his avatar small and blue.
Poster uses the word "smurf" as adjective, adverb, verb, and noun.
Garjen Soulhammer wrote: Poster comes out of hiding after a month of work-induced board inactivity to find that thread has fallen dormant and posts a lenghty sorrow-filled eulogy to the apparently dead thread, which includes a rambling explanation of why he was gone so long and various curses aimed toward his boss, his secretary, his career, and various ancient Babylonian gods. Poster helpfully (or annoyingly) posts Wikipedia link in regards to Babylonian Gods
Poster makes outrageous claim about said Babylonion gods and then proceeds to edit the Wikipedia entry under an assumed name to corroborate his story.
Poster expresses that such mistreatment of Wikipedia is "smurfed up."
kahoolin wrote: Poster makes outrageous claim about said Babylonion gods and then proceeds to edit the Wikipedia entry under an assumed name to corroborate his story. It is pointed out that the newly edited information on Wikipedia has been copied directly from the first edition Deities and Demigods.
Recriminations and reminiscing ensue.
Mothman wrote: kahoolin wrote: Poster makes outrageous claim about said Babylonion gods and then proceeds to edit the Wikipedia entry under an assumed name to corroborate his story. It is pointed out that the newly edited information on Wikipedia has been copied directly from the first edition Deities and Demigods.
Recriminations and reminiscing ensue. A tangent version is offered instead babylonian gods
Poster expresses curiosity at why some people’s avatars have changed to smurfs?
EDIT: And why indeed his own has also?
EDIT 2: … and figures it out.

Ракетнl 6;-бомбов&# 1099;й удар по Ирану без поддерk 8;ки сухопуm 0;ных войск не имеет смысла, к такому выводу пришел известl 5;ый америкk 2;нский дипломk 2;т Лоуренl 9; Уилкинl 9;он, соsmurf;обща&am p;#1077;т РИА «Новост
Look, I got a present!
previous poster's smurfiness is uncalled for and should merit some form of punishment.