Gobbo's Savage Tide


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Male Human Fighter 3

Ok, now that's just cool :)

Totally shocked at what he is seeing, Tyndal stands totally surprised.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

"He disappeared and now all the animals rise up....I think this is an illusion!"
Disbelieve(if applicable)=1d20+5=18

Male Human Rogue 2/Swashbuckler 1

Rolling his eyes at the subtle question, Ardan pulls a dagger and prepares to throw it at any doors that suddenly open themselves, muttering "Smooth, really smooth... And they thought I couldn't be trusted!"

Initiative 1d20+3=14
If/when, 50% miss chance; 1d20+4=14, 1d4+1=5
Edit: Animals rising up? Did I miss something, or is he listening to the voices again?

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)

I think everyone missed the retraction of Seann's statement. It's about five posts up on the last page.

You can hate me for all of this charlie foxtrot. It's my fault for having a "Mr. Shiny has a lower wisdom than his character" moment.

Seann Eoghan wrote:

I think everyone missed the retraction of Seann's statement. It's about five posts up on the last page.

You can hate me for all of this charlie foxtrot. It's my fault for having a "Mr. Shiny has a lower wisdom than his character" moment.

Ah … now I get why you reposted the same thing in blue text. I guess that’s what I get for having a lower intelligence than my character…

I guess either Beeler is one of those ‘once it’s said, it’s said’ DMs, or it kinda went over his head too.

Init: 5+1 = 6

Ardan wrote:

Rolling his eyes at the subtle question, Ardan pulls a dagger and prepares to throw it at any doors that suddenly open themselves, muttering "Smooth, really smooth... And they thought I couldn't be trusted!"

Initiative 1d20+3=14
If/when, 50% miss chance; 1d20+4=14, 1d4+1=5
Edit: Animals rising up? Did I miss something, or is he listening to the voices again?

DM's last post, bottom of the previous page.

Eldin Farstrider wrote:

I guess either Beeler is one of those ‘once it’s said, it’s said’ DMs, or it kinda went over his head too.[/ooc]

Oh shoot. No, the second post was invisible to me at the time (probably screw with the story continuity to roll it back too). I blame the fact I’m full of ..whatever it was in the needle today. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Male Human Rogue 2/Swashbuckler 1
Eldin Farstrider wrote:

DM's last post, bottom of the previous page.

Yeah, it finally appeared for me... I wondered what Tyndal was responding to also! Ignore my last post.

"What the..?!" Hearing Terin's yell, Ardan draws and takes an experimental swing at the nearest animated creature.

1d20+4=13, 1d6+1=5 If needed, Will save 1d20+1=21!

Terin detects a hint of a double image as the stuffed creatures begin to animate, and recognizing the betraying signs of illusion magic, tips off his comrades. Knocking the arm from a stuffed bear with his cutlass, Ardan concurs with Terin’s assessment of the situation.

“I knew they were fakes all along. Hmm, maybe not those though…,” adds Penkus as crossbow bolts spray into the room, striking the wood paneling and narrowly missing the party.

Lotus Guild Members Init = 26

As you search for the source of the missiles, Nemien reappears, leaps over the counter while screaming something unintelligible, and runs out the front door. In his wake, the little bell over the door jangles restlessly.

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)


"Why did I say that? Gotta lay off that hobgob pipeweed..."

Lotus Dragons: 26
Terin: 21
Ardan: 14
Eldin: 6
Tynal: surprised round 1
Anders: ?
Seann: ?

Eldin is caught somewhat by surprise by the rapid turn of events, things quickly going very differently to how he had it figured in his head. Between the illusionary animals, the near miss by a crossbow bolt, and Nemien’s sudden reappearance, he reacts far to slowly to grab the fleeing taxidermist as he runs past out the door.

“Terin,” yells the cleric, “I think the Beast needs to be after him!” He has a sudden absurd image of a stuffed panther attacking the taxidermist. “Somewhat fitting really,” he thinks, “assuming it’s not another illusion that just ran out the door…?”

Just fyi, I used the crossbow bolt volley as their move for this round, so go ahead and continue as if they'd already completed their turn (results were not particularly encouraging, so I just made it more thematic).

Male Human Rogue 2/Swashbuckler 1

Think we're waiting on Terin (and those with ? Init) - Are we able to see where the volley came from? Any other exits from the room?

There is another door leading into the interior of the building, and the bolts came from the general direction of the preserved animals (from within / behind the displays).

Male Human Sorcerer 2


Anders' Initiative: (1d20+6=7)

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid/4

Terin squints to see where the bolts came from--spot 1d20+7=20
and moves to get closer to the source, shifting into beast-form as he moves.

The Beast -Terin wrote:
Terin squints to see where the bolts came from--spot=20[/url]

You spy hand crossbows extended out from behind three separate preserved creatures. The rogues are hiding within the displays.

Male Human Rogue 2/Swashbuckler 1

Spot 1d20+5=10
Not seeing what Terin is looking at, Ardan heads for the door that looks like it goes deeper into the building (opening it if possible), hoping to find a way to get to the shooters.

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)

Initiative: 9 + 2 = 11. Seann is officially one louder.


Male Human Sorcerer 2

[ooc]How much more black? None more. None more black.[ooc]

Seann's turn?

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)


Seann digs into his upper arm with two fingers, causing the now familiar energy discs to appear in the air before him.

Casts mage armor.

Terin angles closer to the crossbows, in an effort to prevent another volley. Rounding an overstuffed bear, he finds himself facing one of the thieves (a hard-bitten man with a unibrow), with another to his right, ducked behind a bobcat. On the other side of the room, the final guild member uses a monstrous centipede for cover.

Passing through the back of the showroom, Ardan finds himself at the end of a short L-shaped hallway with a door to the left, and two doors ahead and a step or two to the right. The hallway bends at a ninety-degree angle, making a sharp right in the direction of the showroom (behind you) and preventing you from seeing what may lie around the corner.

Want to let Anders resolve his move first before acting.

Male Human Sorcerer 2

I too will cast mage armor. And perhaps find some cover.

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)
Anders Delymbir wrote:
I too will cast mage armor. And perhaps find some cover.

Hide behind me. I deserve it.

Eldin darts back out through the front door of the shop, looking around for Nemien.

Spot: 17+4 = 21 if required.

If he sees him, he gives chase, yelling “Stop that man! Stop thief!” as he goes, hoping that someone in the street may act in his favour.

Move as far as possible towards Nemien.

Male Human Fighter 3

If we're on round 2, my initiative roll: 1d20 2=3

Round 2 Init:
Lotus Dragons: 26
Terin: 21
Ardan: 14
Seann: 11
Anders: 7
Eldin: 6
Tyndal: 3

Seeing their escape route cut off by Ardan, the rogue farthest from Terin bolts out the front door, ostensibly after Eldin. Dropping their hand crossbows, the two remaining rogues draw rough looking cutlasses and close on the nearest adversary (no sneak attack damage because the second thief can’t flank from behind the bobcat).

1d20+2=21, 1d20+2=14

Second one is a hit, but I don't have the cutlass stats with me at the laundrymat, will update shortly).

Male Human Rogue 2/Swashbuckler 1

1d6 19-20/x2, light martial slashing, if you still need em - basically a shortsword clone.

Much obliged :) Must be Terin's lucky day. I tried to roll the crit confirm and IC came back with "Error," so we'll call it unconfirmed.

Distracted by the guild member directly before him, Terin receives a wicked stab just below his right armpit as the second thief jabs overtop the stuffed cat (Damage (1d6+1=6)). Fortunately, the obstacle prevents the Lotus Rogue from penetrating too deeply, though the wound is still serious.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid/4

The Beast releases a roar of anger and pain, then lunges for his attacker's throat with his large fangs.
1d20+6=19, 1d6+5=7

Male Human Rogue 2/Swashbuckler 1

Ardan continues to guard the doors, glancing down the hall for any reinforcements.
Ready action to attack if they try to rush past him deeper into the guild. If so, 1d20+4=21, 1d6+1=6

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)

Seeing the Beast take the hit, Seann rushes over, not knowing exactly what to do. His discs of energy spin frenetically as he raises his hands. Not sure what to expect, he closes his eyes.

As he concentrates, green and blue fire pours from Seann's fingertips into Terin's wound.

Casts CLW spontaneously: 1d8 + 1 = 5 HP healed

Terin’s attack is a hit. The thief wound is grievous, but he still stands for the moment. Realized earlier that it might help if I told Eldin what is outside so he can decide what to do next…

Darting outside, Eldin whips his head back and forth down the lane, and manages to catch a glimpse of Nemien rounding the corner of the Taxidermists (to your right). As you step forward in pursuit, one of the thieves bursts from the shop door behind you.

G'mork wrote:

Darting outside, Eldin whips his head back and forth down the lane, and manages to catch a glimpse of Nemien rounding the corner of the Taxidermists (to your right). As you step forward in pursuit, one of the thieves bursts from the shop door behind you.

Is he close enough that he could aoo me if Eldin keeps running after the stuffer man?

Eldin Farstrider wrote:
Is he close enough that he could aoo me if Eldin keeps running after the stuffer man?

No. I wondered as I was typing it if I shouldn't have made that clearer (now I know ;) ).

G'mork wrote:
Eldin Farstrider wrote:
Is he close enough that he could aoo me if Eldin keeps running after the stuffer man?
No. I wondered as I was typing it if I shouldn't have made that clearer (now I know ;) ).

All clear now! Just waiting on Anders...

Male Human Sorcerer 2

A bolt of magical energy, black with red streaks, flies through the air and strikes one of the thugs. It burns its way deep into his body.

Magic missile on one of the jerks with the cutlasses.

Magic Missile damage: (1d4 1=5)

Is it your preference to kill the first or wound the second?

Male Human Sorcerer 2

One less mouth to feed is one less mouth to feed. I do the world a favor and reduce its population of scumbag losers by one.

Eldin has prepared Longstrider for the past few days and not used it … today he decided not to prepare it … and could really use it now. Why is Fharlanghn so fickle?

Eldin races around the corner after the taxidermist, trying to gain on the man, silently praying to Fharlanghn to give his legs strength and speed.

Male Human Fighter 3

Tyndal looks wistfully at the jackalope and says, "I'll be back for you in a second, little bunny. Some killing to do here."

His flail appears in his hand and he begins flailing at the nearest Dragon.

2 pt PA (1d20 4, 1d8 5=[5, 4], [6, 5])

That came out wierd, I believe it was supposed to be 9 to hit, with 11 damage

Male Human Sorcerer 2
Tyndal Maelglum wrote:

Tyndal looks wistfully at the jackalope and says, "I'll be back for you in a second, little bunny. Some killing to do here."

His flail appears in his hand and he begins flailing at the nearest Dragon.

2 pt PA (1d20 4, 1d8 5=[5, 4], [6, 5])

That came out wierd, I believe it was supposed to be 9 to hit, with 11 damage

I checked out the roll results page, and it looks like the funky display of results was because it got confused over your comma. I think you're supposed to separate different rolls with a semi-colon. Then the result would have come out like this:

Test of Blackotter's roll: (1d20 4=23, 1d8 5=12)

Male Human Fighter 3

Ahhh...that's what I did wrong. Thanks!

"Anders Delymbir wrote:
Test of Blackotter's roll: (1d20 4=23, 1d8 5=12)

Ironic how the test roll always comes up awesome, when you "don't" want it to.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid/4

Lotus dragons are up.

Male Human Sorcerer 2

It'll be a long, busy day today. If I need to take a move at some point, it'll be to magic missile somebody. A bad guy if one is still up when my turn comes around. Otherwise...

::looks around at the other party members::


Someone feel free to run outside, Eldin's getting lonely.

Male Human Sorcerer 2

Now how is our illustrious DM ever going to kill one of us if we don't let each other separate from the group, Eldin?

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