Things in Life That Suck

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James Keegan wrote:
Thanks, guys. It's mostly friends and family and people I've known and trusted for a while with conflicting ideas and advice. Which makes it hard to tell them to leave me alone. I've been floundering lately and after a point I have to sit down and realize that I'm twenty two, just out of college and maybe falling down face first and not being sure what I really want to do is just something that needs to happen. Not everyone can figure out exactly what they want to do with their lives immediately and not every art school student goes out immediately to start working. It's better if I mess up now when I'm twenty two and I don't have to support any kind of family/mortgage/what have you than when I'm thirty two and (maybe) have those things.

read post above. Only you can define you.


I'm getting older. I've injured my shoulder 3 times in the last week surfing. This evening I can't lift right arm above my head. It just isn;t going there. When I was young I used to find pain exhilerating, probably why I enjoyed playing football (Football players are masochistic). Now I find that pain just hurts and really slows me down.
It take me much longer to recover, which is why i think I keep reinjuring my shoulder. I just don't have the patience to wait. Heck when I was younger such an injury would take a day or two for healing. I think I should rest the thing for a week plus. Damn!

Sir Kaikillah wrote:
Only you can define you.

On a side note: I've actually had a lot of trouble in this area recently. That's the "big" advice you get from society these days, but it only helps in-context like the posts above. None of those were directed at me, but thank you anyway.

Maybe this post doesn't belong in the "suck" thread...

It has been my experience that only those in isolation chambers define themselves. Once you interact with your environment, the perceptions of those around you will irrevocably alter how you look, think, and act. You can choose to conform to those perceptions or not, thus creating entirely new perceptions good and bad, but even in infinitesimally indiscernible ways, perception really does shape reality.

mwbeeler wrote:
You can choose to conform to those perceptions or not, ...

That is my point about "you define you." This outlook may not work for some but, it has worked for me. In my youth, I lived the perceptions others had of me. I let others define who I was, violent, ignorant, criminal. Years ago I decided to take responsability fro who I was. I decided to define me.

It may seem impossible to break from the perceptions of others. It may be self centered, but I define others perception of me not the other way arround. If I let others define me then I would be in prison or dead.

Things that suck:

Dick in zipper.

Oh ouch. I've been told it's equally horrifying regardless of genital persuasion.

My newphew (only like five or something at the time) once had the toilet seat slam down on his erm... 'winkle'. How he screamed! Makes me feel the agony now just thinking about it. OUCH! :O

Liberty's Edge

R-type wrote:
My newphew (only like five or something at the time) once had the toilet seat slam down on his erm... 'winkle'. How he screamed! Makes me feel the agony now just thinking about it. OUCH! :O

Just like Home Alone 3.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
R-type wrote:
My newphew (only like five or something at the time) once had the toilet seat slam down on his erm... 'winkle'. How he screamed! Makes me feel the agony now just thinking about it. OUCH! :O
Just like Home Alone 3.

Theres a home alone 3? I thought that childstar found drugs and dissapeared? Then again he was in that Sonic Youth vid... and Party Monster...


and when the hell is WipEout going to hurry up and come out?!

R-type wrote:

It looks like your wish will be granted. Also, for old school Street Fighter Fans, they're releasing a full high definition version of Street Fighter for the XBox 360.

Lilith wrote:
R-type wrote:
It looks like your wish will be granted. Also, for old school Street Fighter Fans, they're releasing a full high definition version of Street Fighter for the XBox 360.


R-type wrote:
*squees mightily*

You should probably post something in the "Good Things" thread to balance it all out. :D

Lilith wrote:
R-type wrote:
*squees mightily*
You should probably post something in the "Good Things" thread to balance it all out. :D

Yup, thanks Oh harbinger of fighty goodness! Streetfighter series is only like my fave beat em up ever! :) So cool.

Today, issue 150 of Dungeon arrived. I took it from the envelope, and felt sad that it’s the last printed issue. I wasn’t sure whether to open it, or just have a quick flick through it. Well, I opened it. Chris West’s map is awesome, and I thought it’s really cool that he linked in his previous Maps of Mystery too. BTW, Greg, congrats on the birth of your son!

Good news: My co-DM for the STAP game I’m part of became a father last week. This is great for him and his wife, but, it also means that STAP is now on hold (hopefully not forever!).

On to the suckiness. Over the last few months, many forms of entertainment for me have ceased to be and/or temporarily put on hold.

It sucks that Dragon and Dungeon magazines will no longer be printed.
It sucks that Dragon and Dungeon magazines are no longer handled by Paizo.
It sucks that the STAP game has been delayed (let’s hope the delay isn’t too long!).
It sucks that my local video/DVD rental shop has closed (to be replaced by a kitchen shop!).

It also sucks the way the Final Fantasy series has gone down hill after FF9. Better graphics does not overcome exceptionally tedious gameplay, especially when the tediousness is built-in.

Maybe the following is more of a rant. Oh well.
It sucks that WotC treats it’s customers like ****, especially the long-standing ones. In fact thay have gone OUT OF THEIR WAY to alienate the long-standing customers. Given the truism that 80% of a company’s sales comes from 20% of its customers, this is stupid. Aside from pulling all the licenses (magazines and settings), scrapping/changing much of the canon (surely needed in a few cases), and just saying “Trust us. We know more than you. Now give us your money and **** off”, the thing that annoys me just as much as pulling the magazines from Paizo is the licensing of PDFs for old products (and the lack of action regarding the libellous market-manipulators of people on a certain website). This has killed off a secondary stream for many FLGS’s (perhaps leading to the closure of some) and made it harder for those individuals to sell their old products as well. This core setting idea (as spelled out in another thread), along with the D&D Insider, the random miniatures packs do not appeal to me in any way whatsoever.
I used to spend a fair bit of RPG stuff. The last two books I bought were the Hell one and Complete Scoundrel- I wasn’t a fan of them (sorry, Mike!), and as for MM4, ugh. Amount spend on RPG stuff since Spring- £0.
(I’ve not subscribed to Pathfinder arc 1 because I know that should STAP be completed, that’s what will be run next, but by someone else, not me. So I don’t want to look at it and spoil the fun. But, I wish Paizo all the best with the products, and I’ll possibly pick up some of them along the way.)
So, WotC, I’m done with you. I won’t be purchasing 4.0 (Sebastian needn’t stand by with his humble pie; it can stay on the shelf. That’s not a criticism of you, Seb!).

Kruelaid wrote:

Things that suck:

Dick in zipper.

You win Kruelaid. That sucks!

thats why I go 501 button fly jeans

Loving someone who may never return your love; sigh; sucks very very much

....though not as bad as the suckieness of loving someone who says they love you and a few years later having them betray you and dig your heart out with a dull spoon then dragging out the death of the relationship for a year or so...

on a less sucky scale; having too many friends kinda sucks; I got invited last night for dinner and whatnot and had to tell two groups no and told one yes, man that sucks, luckily they dont know each other so I dont have to go through the even suckier thing of a friend thinking that they are less valuable cause I went over to someone else's house instead of theirs.

man, this post is pathetic; you would think I was 15 instead of 40+; hehe my life is really not this grim, well, it is but I am not grim about it.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Getting a stomach virus that sends you to the ER. My belly was all puffed out, hurt so bad I could hardly walk. Doctor said I was bloated like a toad. Got an IV for fluids, and some kick-ass pain relief, and got sent home. I just started eating solids today after 2 days of Gatorade and broth.


Valegrim wrote:
Loving someone who may never return your love; sigh; sucks very very much.

Unrequited love sucks. There really are no words to describe its suckage - they all seem so inept at summing up how you feel when that happens.

Valegrim wrote:
...though not as bad as the suckiness of loving someone who says they love you and a few years later having them betray you and dig your heart out with a dull spoon then dragging out the death of the relationship for a year or so...

Or being dumped on the phone while you're 3000 miles away. >.>

Lilith wrote:
Valegrim wrote:
Loving someone who may never return your love; sigh; sucks very very much.

Unrequited love sucks. There really are no words to describe its suckage - they all seem so inept at summing up how you feel when that happens.

Valegrim wrote:
...though not as bad as the suckiness of loving someone who says they love you and a few years later having them betray you and dig your heart out with a dull spoon then dragging out the death of the relationship for a year or so...
Or being dumped on the phone while you're 3000 miles away. >.>

Or getting the "I can't handle a relationship right now" speech from 3000 miles away...over the instant messaging program...when you had been talking to them on the phone not twenty minutes prior. Not that I'm bitter.

Hope things start getting better for you, Valegrim.

The Exchange

I liked a girl at work, asked her out, and this really sweet, nice girl turned into the harridan from hell. Funny, the signs were there when I look back (though I was blinded by a fog of desire and admiration - jeez, what a schmuck) but it was a nasty (and quite frightening - this was my job, what I did for money) time, though fortunately management were sympathetic (turned out they thought she was raving mad too, though a very diligent worker - maybe I should have asked them first}.

You would think I would learn better, but then I asked out another one at work. But we got married, so that worked out OK. It is and old saw that you should never go out with anyone at work, but apparently a very high percentage of couples meet there (50% +). Ah well, I'm just a statistic, I guess.

On dumping... I once dumped a girl by text message. She didn't take it well either.

Ah; things arent so bad; hope she calls; if she doesnt that will suck, but their is always D&D; my friends are fearing suckage reprisals as I am gming two games this week. Sucks to be them :) {not really, they will bribe me with beer as usual and we will all have a great time}

seems about 1/3 of the couple hundred people I work with have other family members that work here; brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles; lot of wives and husband teams; is weird never worked in a place with these demographics before.

So I had two jobs, felt like s@%% for about a month and a half, and am quitting one of the two jobs today. The sucky part is having to tell everyone.

~sighs~ Ok. Time to add to the "Why me?" thread...

1. My new roommate who has been there for a month and a half and has not paid a penny, (Actually, I have lent him money.) is in the hospital tonight. He had a seizure today (which he said he gets) and while examining him, they found out that he was bleeding inside his head. ~sighs~ My first thought was "Are you ok?" And "Is there anything that I can do to help?" (I did actually say those things). But my second thought was "OMFG!!! I need the rent! I have bills due, extra paycheck or no extra paycheck! WTF am I going to do? I was counting on getting some money from him!" ~shakes my head~ Well, any thought on not getting a weekend job just went out the window. Darn it! ~sighs~ I feel like such a heel thinking those things, but I have bills due. Darn it again! I want to get out of debt so money troubles do not affect me as much.

2. My computer's internet is on the fritz and I am not exactly sure what the trouble is. I am getting a new modem next week, however I want to make sure it is not the software, so I am reformatting and reinstalling. There goes some more time out of my life. ~sighs~

3. This 4 PM to Midnight shift is really getting to me. Unfortunatly, if I want the job, I am stuck with the crap shift. I hate it. I am starting to become more and more bitter. I despise the shift and the effect it has on me. And to make matters worse, I remember how well things started to go while I was on the day shift. ~grumbles~ Darn it!

~gets off my soap box~ Thanks for listening. You can put the gag back on me to shut me up.

Liberty's Edge

2 questions: how well do you know this dude, and do you have 100% knowledge that he's in the actual hospital?
I feel bad if the guy's really bleeding in his head, but I've also been around enough freeloaders to know what b%$@!#@+ smells like.

Liberty's Edge

Hell maybe I spoke out of turn. It's just I felt my Spidey sense tingling.

Heathansson wrote:

2 questions: how well do you know this dude, and do you have 100% knowledge that he's in the actual hospital?

I feel bad if the guy's really bleeding in his head, but I've also been around enough freeloaders to know what b#&~%&@@ smells like.

~shrugs~ He is a friend of a friend. I am 85% sure that he is telling the truth. He was at one time my friend's room mate and my friend vouches for him. ~sighs~ Unfortunatly, I too have had those kind of month(s) before where nothing goes right. I am giving him a 10 day grace period before I lower the boom. Only time will tell.

So far my BS detector has not gone off, but that is because of what I have seen of him in the past month and a half. I think he is on the up and up. I just hope that I don't have sucker written on my forehead.

P.S. - Thanks for caring, Heathy. I am just tired of being this strapped for cash. ~wry smile~ Especially since I am partially to blame for my situation.

Heathansson wrote:
Hell maybe I spoke out of turn. It's just I felt my Spidey sense tingling.

You might be right. the next 10 days will tell.

The Exchange

Sharoth, while I might be teaching you to suck eggs, you seriously need to reassess your employment. Why with the duff jobs? Surely there is something 9-5 and well-paid out there for a talented guy? I apologise because I don't know your circumstances, but you need to have a serious rethink.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Sharoth, while I might be teaching you to suck eggs, you seriously need to reassess your employment. Why with the duff jobs? Surely there is something 9-5 and well-paid out there for a talented guy? I apologise because I don't know your circumstances, but you need to have a serious rethink.

~shrugs~ Well, I work for AT & T and I make over $26 / hr. Second, I have over 7 years with the company. ~grimaces~ And third, I do not have a college degree or even my MCSE or the sorts. If I had my debt ($50 k) cleared out and my MCSE, I would leave in a heartbeat. But...

However, I have seriously thought about leaving just because of the damn 4 pm to midnight shift. What sucks is that I like my job. ~shrugs~ It sucks being the low man on the totem pole.

The next 4 years will tell on what my future holds. it will take a year and a half to get to the point where I can breath again on the debt. I am going to try for finacial aid to get into school and get my associates degree and then work towards my MCSE. I would still like to stay at my job, since I will have 10 to 12 years put in there by that time. But having those options would alow me to choose if I want to leave and not worry too much. ~sighs~ Unfortunatly, it still means a hard 4 years. Luckly, the money situation is not quite as bad as I make it seem. Once I get through tax time, 2 of the 6 major bills will be paid off and I could live without a room mate. or a part time job. The trick is getting to that point without wonderign what bill to juggle. ~shrugs~ I can handle a part time job for a year or two. I just want a room mate with a bit less problems.

Heathansson wrote:

2 questions: how well do you know this dude, and do you have 100% knowledge that he's in the actual hospital?

I feel bad if the guy's really bleeding in his head, but I've also been around enough freeloaders to know what b%&&%~&! smells like.

~grim look~ Nope. It wasn't BS. They moved him from the Neuro ICU earlier today. Unfortunatly, he looks like crap. Poor guy.

Liberty's Edge

Wow. Sorry to talk crap then, just most times I've been burned there was a dubious sob story involved.

~shrugs~ He may be a redneck, but he is also a good guy. ~sighs~ It just seems that he can't get a good break these past few months. Thanks for covering my back, Heathy. I do appreciate it.

Heathansson wrote:
Wow. Sorry to talk crap then, just most times I've been burned there was a dubious sob story involved.

Besides, you were just saying outloud what I was thinking deep down inside. There is no offense taken, oh were-mutt! ~grins~

Liberty's Edge

Right on, man.

Not to pry too much, but did you draw up a rental agreement? It’s an ugly thought, but brain bleeds are serious, and if he doesn’t live, you’re going to be “Sharoth’s Storage” for a very long time, especially if he doesn’t have a will.

Leeches and mosquitoes.

The Exchange

That logic in inescapable.

The Exchange

Sharoth wrote:
However, I have seriously thought about leaving just because of the damn 4 pm to midnight shift. What sucks is that I like my job. ~shrugs~ It sucks being the low man on the totem pole.

Having a job you don't like sucks more - but the shift is a killer. But I suspect what sucks the most is the debt.

I'd think about looking, though. At least your shift time means it will be easy to attend interviews. What do you do for AT&T? (Aubrey's Career Advisory Service springs into action, not that I'm remotely qualified.)

waking up at 2am for no bloody reason and staying awake till about 4am and dozing off right before you have to get up at 5am; that sucks and it keeps happening to me; sheesh

mwbeeler wrote:
Not to pry too much, but did you draw up a rental agreement? It’s an ugly thought, but brain bleeds are serious, and if he doesn’t live, you’re going to be “Sharoth’s Storage” for a very long time, especially if he doesn’t have a will.

Yes, we did draw up an agreement. He is also out of the hospital and seeming to do better.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
However, I have seriously thought about leaving just because of the damn 4 pm to midnight shift. What sucks is that I like my job. ~shrugs~ It sucks being the low man on the totem pole.

Having a job you don't like sucks more - but the shift is a killer. But I suspect what sucks the most is the debt.

I'd think about looking, though. At least your shift time means it will be easy to attend interviews. What do you do for AT&T? (Aubrey's Career Advisory Service springs into action, not that I'm remotely qualified.)

Electronics Technician in the Central office. I install, repair, and removed the equipment from the DS0 level on up to the high end fiber optics. ~shrugs~ That is the "fancy" explination of what I do.

On the plus side, in May or June, I should start to be in some better shape with the debt. Hopefully.

Valegrim wrote:
waking up at 2am for no bloody reason and staying awake till about 4am and dozing off right before you have to get up at 5am; that sucks and it keeps happening to me; sheesh

Yes, that does suck. I wish you the best on your sleep troubles. Not getting enough sleep can be a real pain in the a..!

Liberty's Edge

Valegrim wrote:
waking up at 2am for no bloody reason and staying awake till about 4am and dozing off right before you have to get up at 5am; that sucks and it keeps happening to me; sheesh

Me too; new kid and all...

Heathansson wrote:
Valegrim wrote:
waking up at 2am for no bloody reason and staying awake till about 4am and dozing off right before you have to get up at 5am; that sucks and it keeps happening to me; sheesh
Me too; new kid and all...

Well, you have a valid reason, Were-Poodle!

Valegrim wrote:
waking up at 2am for no bloody reason and staying awake till about 4am and dozing off right before you have to get up at 5am; that sucks and it keeps happening to me; sheesh

V: Try a cup of hot chocolate 30 minutes to an hour before going to bed. I guess it's that whole "warm milk" thing but hot cocoa is the only way I can stand warm milk.

Other things that suck... being on-call, broken dish washers and ceiling fans that decide to quit working.

Valegrim wrote:
waking up at 2am for no bloody reason and staying awake till about 4am

Are you kidding? That's prime message board time!

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