Things in Life That Suck

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Aaron Bitman wrote:
messy wrote:

a couple of weeks ago i found out my (long-term, temporary) job may be ending in the spring.

i've been here almost two years, and it's been great -- this job saved me from financial disaster.

now i'm really, really scared. just like i was two years ago.

I'm with you.

I've had a permanent position for the last 15 years, and will lose it in a few months.

I have to give my company credit; I got many months of notice. However, my recent experiences going to job interviews have not made me optimistic; most of my skills are out of date.

And I reluctantly decided that until my wife and I make some difficult financial decisions, I'd better stop buying certain luxury items. Like Paizo books. And other RPG equipment. :(

good that they gave you lots of notice. my boss did the same.

i haven't bought a paizo book (or anything else that wasn't a necessity) in a couple of years. i hope things aren't this way forever...

Scarab Sages

When messagboard trolls start controversial topics here in the OTD, seemingly just to piss people off and ruin it for others.

Edit: and then other people enable them by responding instead of flagging and moving on.

Flags Aberzombie and moves on

Bill Lumberg wrote:
Flags Aberzombie and moves on

Flags Bill flagging Aberzombie and moves on.

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Bill Lumberg wrote:
Flags Aberzombie and moves on
Flags Bill flagging Aberzombie and moves on.

I'll see your flag and raise you a banner.

Bill Lumberg wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Bill Lumberg wrote:
Flags Aberzombie and moves on
Flags Bill flagging Aberzombie and moves on.
I'll see your flag and raise you a banner.

I'll call your banner with a billboard....bill

Starts erecting giant "Hollywood" style letters.

Bill Lumberg wrote:
Starts erecting giant "Hollywood" style letters.

~begins to write on the Moon~ C... H... A...


The many things that suck this holiday season:

  • One daughter who is no longer living with us and won't be spending Thanksgiving at home.
  • One daughter who is gravely ill with a bacterial infection and won't be spending Thanksgiving at home.
  • Having to consider ditching my two cats, as they are the vector of the infection
  • Having in-laws who have managed to get themselves jammed into a bad place financially
  • Not being in a fit-enough financial place to render any reasonable aid to in-laws
  • A father with heart problems
  • Watching my friends flee this overtaxed state for the South en masse

Liberty's Edge

Patrick Curtin wrote:


The many things that suck this holiday season:

  • One daughter who is no longer living with us and won't be spending Thanksgiving at home.
  • One daughter who is gravely ill with a bacterial infection and won't be spending Thanksgiving at home.
  • Having to consider ditching my two cats, as they are the vector of the infection
  • Having in-laws who have managed to get themselves jammed into a bad place financially
  • Not being in a fit-enough financial place to render any reasonable aid to in-laws
  • A father with heart problems
  • Watching my friends flee this overtaxed state for the South en masse

Sorry to hear it Patrick. I hope things start to look up for you soon.

Hope things turn around for you, Patrick.

James Keegan wrote:
Hope things turn around for you, Patrick.

+1 to that my friend. May things get better sooner than later for you.

Scarab Sages

Sharoth wrote:
James Keegan wrote:
Hope things turn around for you, Patrick.
+1 to that my friend. May things get better sooner than later for you.

+ again.

I beat my GF at Monopoly Sunday.

*See Good Things thread*

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Sharoth wrote:

I beat my GF at Monopoly Sunday.

*See Good Things thread*


RPG Superstar 2012

Aberzombie wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
James Keegan wrote:
Hope things turn around for you, Patrick.
+1 to that my friend. May things get better sooner than later for you.
+ again.

+ some more

Scarab Sages

Patrick Curtin wrote:


The many things that suck this holiday season:

  • One daughter who is no longer living with us and won't be spending Thanksgiving at home.
  • One daughter who is gravely ill with a bacterial infection and won't be spending Thanksgiving at home.
  • Having to consider ditching my two cats, as they are the vector of the infection
  • Having in-laws who have managed to get themselves jammed into a bad place financially
  • Not being in a fit-enough financial place to render any reasonable aid to in-laws
  • A father with heart problems
  • Watching my friends flee this overtaxed state for the South en masse

Wow...only the best for you and the family. I hope all turns out well.

RPG Superstar 2012


I went to visit my dad's family over the Thanksgiving weekend, which was nice in the sense that I got to see a lot of relatives I haven't seen in almost 10 years. It really sucked because I got to see how much Alzheimer's has taken away from my grandmother. She knows who her children are but doesn't really know who her grandchildren are anymore. I spent a lot of the weekend with someone who objectively knew I was her son's son, except I was a complete stranger to her.

I hate a condition/disease/what-have-you that robs a person of their memories, their history, their essential being.

My sympathies Taig.

As an update from here, I've grumbled about the business which failed to observe the armistice silence to my local jobcentre, but don't have much energy for taking things any further at this point.
And on the subject of energy (of a different kind) the power in our house went off on Wednesday night. We were able to get the lights and kitchen circuit back on (fortunately, as the central heating is on the latter) but the others were distinctly tempermental, tripping if you tried to run much more than a radio off them. Then Thursday morning we had an electrician out to look at things, and he couldn't find anything wrong... the best he could suggest was too many appliances running at the same time, or maybe the freezer in the garage or heater in the loft overdid things with the current cold spell.

Scarab Sages

feytharn wrote:

Someone broke into some lockers at the university, unfortunatly including mine. Since I only needed to copy some work in the library, needing perhaps 15 minutes time, I was stupid enough to leave my purse in my jacket in said locker.

Not only did I lose all my papers and a bit of money, I also lost my student ticket which is never ever replaced, so I will have to pay about €400 for bus tickets untill the semester ends.

I love this year. My harddrive crashed about mid march, my bike in May and again in September, I was sick for almost four month because of a healing resistant wound at my foot, my TV broke two month ago, my Computer Screen two weeks ago. I still haven't given back my brother the money he gave me to pay for last semester (which I didn't have due to these incidetnts) and I don't know where I will get the money to pay for the next.

Looks like i will be some time 'till I buy any more pathfinder stuff...

Quoting myself - I love this year. I just had to say goodbye to my cooktop - the ceranium field cracked while nobody was looking. My stove does't work to well anyway, so I guess I will have to do the cooking using only my electric party pan for a while.

I guess this is more annoying than anything serious, but I was really looking forward to getting my copy of "The King In Yellow and other stories" by Robert Chambers and though the usps says it was delivered to the office yesterday, no one has seen hide nor hair of it. I'm hoping someone either took it by mistake and will give it back or the website is wrong and it'll be here another day.

Liberty's Edge

James Keegan wrote:
I guess this is more annoying than anything serious, but I was really looking forward to getting my copy of "The King In Yellow and other stories" by Robert Chambers and though the usps says it was delivered to the office yesterday, no one has seen hide nor hair of it. I'm hoping someone either took it by mistake and will give it back or the website is wrong and it'll be here another day.

If it doesn't show up, I'll mail you my copy.

Thanks, man. I think I may have to make a complaint, since if someone took the package by mistake I would likely have it back already. It's lame, because work is the only place I can actually get packages since no one is home at my apartment but the cat. And he won't sign for packages because he's a jerk.

Scarab Sages

Reading a series of posts and having them force upon me a mental image of 2 trolls doing nasty oral things to each other.



Liberty's Edge

Somehow, the entire window (frame and all) in my room has been dislodged from its place in the wall. I woke up a few days ago to find ice all over most of the stuff within a few feet of the window. I tried calling the maintenance office, but to no avail. Finally, I cracked the ice off, went to the hardware store, and patched it up with gap filler and duct tape.

Now, I'm finding out that I might get fined for tampering with university property. What the f~*!?

The Exchange

James Keegan wrote:
Thanks, man. I think I may have to make a complaint, since if someone took the package by mistake I would likely have it back already. It's lame, because work is the only place I can actually get packages since no one is home at my apartment but the cat. And he won't sign for packages because he's a jerk.

F*@!ing cats.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Somehow, the entire window (frame and all) in my room has been dislodged from its place in the wall. I woke up a few days ago to find ice all over most of the stuff within a few feet of the window. I tried calling the maintenance office, but to no avail. Finally, I cracked the ice off, went to the hardware store, and patched it up with gap filler and duct tape.

Now, I'm finding out that I might get fined for tampering with university property. What the f~%%?

[dark humour] Oh the joy of dealing with bureaucracies... [/dark humour]

Oh well, time to start rounding up evidence of chains of events (pictures of window with damage before fix sent to friends/posted online, anything which might show when you tried to contact the maintenance office (phone records if you used a personal phone?), hardware store receipt showing time of purchase, etc, etc) and to call in Sebastian or one of his friends.
Seriously though, best wishes trying to sort this out.


I just got a text that a friend of mine I shoot pool with died.

I hope it's wrong, but he had a lot of serious health issues, but I just saw him a couple of weeks ago, and he seemed fine.


I hate this time of year!

I'm so tired of this!!!

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Somehow, the entire window (frame and all) in my room has been dislodged from its place in the wall. I woke up a few days ago to find ice all over most of the stuff within a few feet of the window. I tried calling the maintenance office, but to no avail. Finally, I cracked the ice off, went to the hardware store, and patched it up with gap filler and duct tape.

Now, I'm finding out that I might get fined for tampering with university property. What the f!%!?

I'd imagine you were within your rights to protect yourself and your possessions from the elements as best you could when their own maintennance office was non-responsive. A little gap filler and duct tape isn't some kind of marring permanent fix. Take a few minutes to clear that stuff out of there.

I'd be curious to hear a lawyer's take, but if they plan to fine you, perhaps you could threaten to sue them for not taking care of the problem in a timely manner. No?

Bitter Thorn wrote:


I just got a text that a friend of mine I shoot pool with died.

I hope it's wrong, but he had a lot of serious health issues, but I just saw him a couple of weeks ago, and he seemed fine.


I hate this time of year!

I'm so tired of this!!!

That's horrible, BT.


The Jade wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:


I just got a text that a friend of mine I shoot pool with died.

I hope it's wrong, but he had a lot of serious health issues, but I just saw him a couple of weeks ago, and he seemed fine.


I hate this time of year!

I'm so tired of this!!!

That's horrible, BT.


Thanks Jade!

I wish I knew more.

I just.........I don't know.........Ggrrr.....


What the hell?

Really sorry, BT.

Liberty's Edge

My condolences, BT. That really sucks.

The fact that I've been calling a contact person the local Board of Education gave me. I've been calling that contact person for several weeks to ask about volunteering at the local school. And they will -not- return my call.

Scarab Sages

Bitter Thorn wrote:
The Jade wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:


I just got a text that a friend of mine I shoot pool with died.

I hope it's wrong, but he had a lot of serious health issues, but I just saw him a couple of weeks ago, and he seemed fine.


I hate this time of year!

I'm so tired of this!!!

That's horrible, BT.


Thanks Jade!

I wish I knew more.

I just.........I don't know.........Ggrrr.....


Sorry to hear that man!

Dark Archive


Sorry BT. I hope you get answers soon.

Bitter Thorn wrote:
The Jade wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:


I just got a text that a friend of mine I shoot pool with died.

I hope it's wrong, but he had a lot of serious health issues, but I just saw him a couple of weeks ago, and he seemed fine.


I hate this time of year!

I'm so tired of this!!!

That's horrible, BT.


Thanks Jade!

I wish I knew more.

I just.........I don't know.........Ggrrr.....


I'm sorry man. +1 on finding out what happened to your friend.

RIP Bonz

Sorry for your loss, BT :(

Me too Bitter Thorn. My condolences.

Sovereign Court

My Grandfather is in the hospital and might not be getting out. He's dieing and right now the doctors don't know why. His liver is shutting down, his kidneys are shutting down, and he just seems to get weaker and weaker. There's still the hope that they might find out what's wrong and he'll pull through but I confess there's not much hope right now.

This is a tough time of year to be in the hospital. This is a tough time of year to be dieing.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My condolences, BT.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Guy Humual wrote:

My Grandfather is in the hospital and might not be getting out. He's dieing and right now the doctors don't know why. His liver is shutting down, his kidneys are shutting down, and he just seems to get weaker and weaker. There's still the hope that they might find out what's wrong and he'll pull through but I confess there's not much hope right now.

This is a tough time of year to be in the hospital. This is a tough time of year to be dieing.

Guy, I hope he pulls through.

Justin Franklin wrote:
Guy Humual wrote:

My Grandfather is in the hospital and might not be getting out. He's dieing and right now the doctors don't know why. His liver is shutting down, his kidneys are shutting down, and he just seems to get weaker and weaker. There's still the hope that they might find out what's wrong and he'll pull through but I confess there's not much hope right now.

This is a tough time of year to be in the hospital. This is a tough time of year to be dieing.

Guy, I hope he pulls through.


Justin Franklin wrote:
Guy Humual wrote:

My Grandfather is in the hospital and might not be getting out. He's dieing and right now the doctors don't know why. His liver is shutting down, his kidneys are shutting down, and he just seems to get weaker and weaker. There's still the hope that they might find out what's wrong and he'll pull through but I confess there's not much hope right now.

This is a tough time of year to be in the hospital. This is a tough time of year to be dieing.

Guy, I hope he pulls through.

+1. I too hope that your Grandfather pulls through.

Thanks for the kind words guys.

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Guy Humual wrote:

My Grandfather is in the hospital and might not be getting out. He's dieing and right now the doctors don't know why. His liver is shutting down, his kidneys are shutting down, and he just seems to get weaker and weaker. There's still the hope that they might find out what's wrong and he'll pull through but I confess there's not much hope right now.

This is a tough time of year to be in the hospital. This is a tough time of year to be dieing.

Guy, I hope he pulls through.


Guy Humual wrote:

My Grandfather is in the hospital and might not be getting out. He's dieing and right now the doctors don't know why. His liver is shutting down, his kidneys are shutting down, and he just seems to get weaker and weaker. There's still the hope that they might find out what's wrong and he'll pull through but I confess there's not much hope right now.

This is a tough time of year to be in the hospital. This is a tough time of year to be dieing.

I'm really sorry, Guy.

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