mwbeeler |

Dentists, dental work, and "insurance."
Amen on that one. I’m positive our last dentist was doing a doctorial thesis on pain. So much so that I had to work hard to convince my wife to go to the new dentist, who is not only unreal awesome, but also she actually overcharged us by accident, so she sent us a refund and apologized.
As for the home surgery bit, I’m sort of known for that. After about five minutes of gaffing the nerves go dead and the bleeding stops and you can cut away and stitch / glue at whatever’s bothering you (hooray OCD). This thing is out of my league though.
The stress of waiting for the test result is probably more dangerous than the growth.
Yeah, I had my little breakdown in the car today coming home, but I’m over it now. One of the oddest parts of doing the EMT thing is seeing the people who are the biggest ahole jerks in real life do a 180 when their stuff stops working right, and then they’re all sweet and crying for their moms and stuff, like they weren’t cussing you out 30 seconds ago. I don’t want to be that guy.
The good news is, I received a really thorough scan today because the imaging tech was absolutely enthralled by my ability to hear the ultrasound. I could hear it when they were looking for Drew too, I just hadn’t realized then I was the only one in the room hearing it. Whatever frequency the color scan is, that one is the loudest.
The bad news is, yeah, it’s a big growth, and it’s attached to the right wing of my thyroid. She can’t tell me more about it for liability, so I won’t know until Wednesday if it’s liquid, or fleshy, or whatever, but I got a pretty good look at it, and it’s a solid black mass, looks “cold” like it isn’t kicking off any hormone, which isn’t necessarily a dire sign. Anything I need to get done is getting done though; my son needs his daddy, so whatever. Appreciate the support though.

mwbeeler |

Is humour an okay response?
Oh hell yes. There's a Conan quote in here somewhere..."Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!"
It's like I told the Ultrasound tech, "Any other day you get covered in KY would be sweet, but man, you add the word, "tumor," and suddenly it’s not so sexy."
(that’s not true, by the way. I can’t stand having KY on me, but I’ll go as far as I have to for a laugh)

YeuxAndI |

I'll be thinking about you too, mwbeeler. Like Aubrey said, stay cheerful.
Now my silly boy problems don't seem so bad.
James' Unsolicited advice about women, based on an admittedly poor record:
It's funny how this advice can work both ways. I'm totally taking a level of ranger just to get favored enemy (headgames). Bastiges. I really don't want to turn into a bitter, cynical twenty something, but at this rate it seems inevitable.

Arctaris |

Today marks the first day in my life I have ever felt “old.”
So, I go to my new doctor today, because the old insurance company was bought out, and now we have better but significantly more expensive insurance. Decided to wipe the slate clean and go with a hospital I liked better (read: not located in a slum) and an office that was expectantly more organized. Needed new prescriptions for the trip to Ireland we have coming up; figured I’d do the meet and greet with the new guy, listen to lots of advice I’ve heard about 100 times before.
We do the listen thing, the chat thing (he does seem really nice and professional, very old school), the turn your head and cough thing (apparently I have a small hernia on the left side, beauty, that sucks, but whatever; so that’s what the pop / crunch noise was last week), when he says the equivalent of, “Jesus Christ what’s that?” in regards to my neck. Half an hour of jabbing his thumbs into my trachea later, and surprise, “You’ve got a tumor, baby!”
Sure enough, there’s a big cyst or tumor stuck to my thyroid. Wonderful! Of course, it’s seriously pissed from being poked at for a half hour, and is now huge and painful, so obviously my wife notices like instantly. Never saw it before, but after the prodding, it is like, holy hell how did I miss that? Coughed up phlegm and crap for about an hour, and my throat is raw and feels like hell, but whatever, it went back to being little finally, but of course I can see it and feel it now that I’m fixated on it. Being OCD, it is unacceptable that an aberrant growth is in there, and I’ve half a mind to go after it with an Xacto.
Supposedly, it’s rare for these to be cancerous, which is cool, but you know, hey, there it is, waving at me from the mirror, even if it is almost invisible to anyone else. The quirky part of me wants to glue yarn and googly-eyes on it. Going in for an ultrasound today so they can tell me how bad and if it’s fleshy or squirty and if they can drain it with a needle stabbed into my neck or...
Dude! That really sucks. If I were the praying type I would pray for you. As it is I'll just hope it doesn't get nastier and it can come to a good resolution.
And keep away from the Xacto knife.
James Keegan |

James Keegan wrote:James' Unsolicited advice about women, based on an admittedly poor record:It's funny how this advice can work both ways. I'm totally taking a level of ranger just to get favored enemy (headgames). Bastiges. I really don't want to turn into a bitter, cynical twenty something, but at this rate it seems inevitable.
But won't you take a 20% experience penalty? I mean, talk about s@+$ that sucks.
Edit- Complete non-sequitur:
Four hours each day spent traveling from my house, to the train station, to Grand Central then downtown to the office and back for a two day a week temp job (that just about manages to be pertinent enough to be worthwhile for job experience and to pay well enough to merit the effort) sucks. I can't really draw or write on the train (bumpy) and I'm not bringing my computer with me for fear of having it swiped, so each hour and a half trip to Manhattan is basically dead time.
I'm also not crazy about what they have me doing, just because it's really boring and I feel a little useless (correcting image links in InDesign, waiting for files to be ready to print, waiting for the printer to be done with the files, collating the files, repeat twelve times, start over) but it's only the first week. I'm going to need to either start getting more freelance illustration gigs (that pay), get a second job or find a real full time gig if I want to move back to the city soon. It's a start, at least.

Arctaris |

After spending an hour listning to an annoying California radio station while on hold I finally got through to tech support. After spending another half-hour or so unplugging and re-plugging stuff inside my f**@ed up desktop the tech support guy (who had a thick Indian so I could barely understand him and who seemed to think that I was an idiot) finally decided that I'd have to replace either my video card or my mother board. Yay. Neither one of those are going to be cheap and I can't do s&~% without whichever one is f%!%ed.

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The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:Posting with other cynicists (although I prefer the term realist)?YeuxAndI wrote:I really don't want to turn into a bitter, cynical twenty something, but at this rate it seems inevitable.Oh, It's already happened to me, and just look where I am now!
The glass isn't half full or half empty. It's twice as large as it needs to be.

YeuxAndI |

YeuxAndI wrote:But won't you take a 20% experience penalty? I mean, talk about s&@& that sucks.
James Keegan wrote:James' Unsolicited advice about women, based on an admittedly poor record:It's funny how this advice can work both ways. I'm totally taking a level of ranger just to get favored enemy (headgames). Bastiges. I really don't want to turn into a bitter, cynical twenty something, but at this rate it seems inevitable.
Its totally worth the xp penalty.
Is patron of the arts a valid career path? Because I seriously want to start doing that.

James Keegan |

Is patron of the arts a valid career path? Because I seriously want to start doing that.
Only if the artist you're patronizing ends up as a success. Even then, you'll likely need something else to fall back on while you wait for that to happen. It's like being a professional gambler, except with a veneer of respectability!

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There are three kinds of people:
Those who say that the glass is half empty,
Those who say that the glass is half full,
And those whp say "Hey, I ordered fries with that!"
Quoting something. I'll be damned if I know what it is though.
I vaguely remember Gary Larson saying something similar once.

Arctaris |

Arctaris wrote:I vaguely remember Gary Larson saying something similar once.There are three kinds of people:
Those who say that the glass is half empty,
Those who say that the glass is half full,
And those whp say "Hey, I ordered fries with that!"
Quoting something. I'll be damned if I know what it is though.
Probably. Sounds like something that might turn up in one of his things.

James Keegan |

Some idiot just drove their car into the trees at the front of my lawn. It took us a few minutes to figure out what was going on; just a loud crunch outside and then hazard lights. I went up there with a flash light, found a panicked woman and three guys a few years younger than me. The guys were passing motorists that did the right thing and stopped to make sure she was okay (gold stars for them; not even being sarcastic, that's a good thing to do). But this lady was pretty gone; not hurt, just a wreck worse than the car. Panic combined with swearing, saying she "had never done this" that "she only had a few" and then rambling about her back surgery, and declaring she's "not a pill popper, I didn't do any today". She called her husband, begged not to have the cops called. I didn't know what to do, neither did the guys that stopped. So the cops eventually showed up, keeping me from having to do anything, fortunately.
Cop dismissed the guys that stopped, I stood by, he got the woman handled, got her info for her and took my info down. It's freaking seven o'clock on a Monday; this lady parties a lot harder and a lot dumber than I do, obviously.

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Some idiot just drove their car into the trees at the front of my lawn. It took us a few minutes to figure out what was going on; just a loud crunch outside and then hazard lights. I went up there with a flash light, found a panicked woman and three guys a few years younger than me. The guys were passing motorists that did the right thing and stopped to make sure she was okay (gold stars for them; not even being sarcastic, that's a good thing to do). But this lady was pretty gone; not hurt, just a wreck worse than the car. Panic combined with swearing, saying she "had never done this" that "she only had a few" and then rambling about her back surgery, and declaring she's "not a pill popper, I didn't do any today". She called her husband, begged not to have the cops called. I didn't know what to do, neither did the guys that stopped. So the cops eventually showed up, keeping me from having to do anything, fortunately.
Cop dismissed the guys that stopped, I stood by, he got the woman handled, got her info for her and took my info down. It's freaking seven o'clock on a Monday; this lady parties a lot harder and a lot dumber than I do, obviously.
Wow. Damn, dude, that's worse than when the guy near where I live drove through the wall of a liquor store. At least that guy had a reason.

James Keegan |

Yeah, that's definitely the upside. My father jogs in the morning and I wouldn't want to think about that happening when he was setting out early in the AM. I'm not gonna say that I've never made a mistake or had a stupid car accident, but damn, I've never run head first into a stationary object either. Across another lane of traffic. At seven in the evening on a Monday.

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It’s sad, but the people who are most delusional are typically also the quickest to sue. Must prove it is someone else’s fault! Luckily most states have Good Samaritan laws, but still…
Been there too....not the sewing part, but if you can catch them delusional enough, you can turn it to your advantage. People actually believe their own bullcrap sometimes.

Arctaris |

James Keegan wrote:Wow. Damn, dude, that's worse than when the guy near where I live drove through the wall of a liquor store. At least that guy had a reason.Some idiot just drove their car into the trees at the front of my lawn. It took us a few minutes to figure out what was going on; just a loud crunch outside and then hazard lights. I went up there with a flash light, found a panicked woman and three guys a few years younger than me. The guys were passing motorists that did the right thing and stopped to make sure she was okay (gold stars for them; not even being sarcastic, that's a good thing to do). But this lady was pretty gone; not hurt, just a wreck worse than the car. Panic combined with swearing, saying she "had never done this" that "she only had a few" and then rambling about her back surgery, and declaring she's "not a pill popper, I didn't do any today". She called her husband, begged not to have the cops called. I didn't know what to do, neither did the guys that stopped. So the cops eventually showed up, keeping me from having to do anything, fortunately.
Cop dismissed the guys that stopped, I stood by, he got the woman handled, got her info for her and took my info down. It's freaking seven o'clock on a Monday; this lady parties a lot harder and a lot dumber than I do, obviously.
Hey, it could be worse. I think it was last year that someone got pissed off at the county (don't remember where he lived) so he plated a bulldozer (or maybe a tractor, my memory's a little fuzzy on the details) with steel, rampaged through town running over a few buildings(like the post office), and then shot himself inside his armored 'vehicle' outside of the city hall when the police tried to stop him.

Valegrim |

Well, this is a wierd post for me in the light of the last few years. Got my panties all in a bunch at the moment. Seems I been doing a little dating so I been going out with five different girls and they are all really great and we have fun and a good time, but now one of them whom I especially like wants to pursue a deeper relationship, which is cool, but now I have to tell the other four that I am no longer available and doing so is gonna suck; am not looking forward to it.

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Well, this is a wierd post for me in the light of the last few years. Got my panties all in a bunch at the moment. Seems I been doing a little dating so I been going out with five different girls and they are all really great and we have fun and a good time, but now one of them whom I especially like wants to pursue a deeper relationship, which is cool, but now I have to tell the other four that I am no longer available and doing so is gonna suck; am not looking forward to it.
Damn, homey. I was in the EXACT SAME SITUATION about a month ago. I guess it helps to be a heartless bastard. I dunno. I guess I just got lucky.
Good luck.

Kruelaid |

Well, OK, but it was in Asia. Sheesh...
That said, it is hard to eat noodles without slurping.
Lived in Japan, too. Noodle soups are the same in both countries. Although shouting over the dinner table with food in your mouth and chewing with mouth WIDE open is a uniquely Chinese thing as I remember it.

Kruelaid |

Well, this is a wierd post for me in the light of the last few years. Got my panties all in a bunch at the moment. Seems I been doing a little dating so I been going out with five different girls and they are all really great and we have fun and a good time, but now one of them whom I especially like wants to pursue a deeper relationship, which is cool, but now I have to tell the other four that I am no longer available and doing so is gonna suck; am not looking forward to it.
Pussy pile-up.
Always a bummer.

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Things that suck:
That it's been 3 years, 4 months and 14 days since I had a job.
That it's been 3 years, 4 months and 14 days since I got sick*
That I've been dealing with the State, local and Fed for 3 years, 4 months and 14 days for assistance and they say no!
That every day I wake up feeling like crap.
That my body constantly aches.
That I don't have a normal sleeping schedule anymore.
That up until 3 years, 4 months and 14 days I had been living on my own. Now I have to depend on others for the basics.
That I run an almost constant fever, but the good news in that I can walk out in the winter weather in shorts and not have to worry about being cold(summers suck though).
The fact that no one in this town wants to take a risk on hiring me.
Sorry if this was to long or too rant like, but I had to vent. Sorry again