The List of MUST SEE movies for gamers. . .


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Lilith wrote:
kikai13 wrote:
I just saw the second D&D movie for the first time last week. I was expecting it to be horrible, but it was actually much better than the first one. The effects were a little cheesy, but not a bad story. I would even watch it again.
The DVD has a bunch of cool features as well. :)

Please that movie sucked booty. The effects were lame, the story was lame and despite the reference to old D&D modules, the dialogue was lame. At least the first movie had some people who can act, because in the second movie the acting..,lame.

Please don't kid yourself, that movie sucked.

The bar is so low with epic fantasy films. Or should I call them flicks as films suggests actual craft? People will swallow and make excuses for the worst crap based on comparisons to other steaming heaps o' crap.

Stop supporting badly drawn characters, Atari 2600 SFX, and Stephen Baldwin in any capacity... and it might all actually improve. We need to storm offices and regurgitate upon the desks of executives who are clearly not fans of the genre. Regurgitate with me! Who's in!

::Charges out the door with his fingers stuffed down his gullet::

D&D is too beautiful a thing to see rendered so pitifully on-screen. It's been one damning misstep after another.

The Exchange

13th Warrior?

Sir Kaikillah wrote:

Please that movie sucked booty. The effects were lame, the story was lame and despite the reference to old D&D modules, the dialogue was lame. At least the first movie had some people who can act, because in the second movie the acting...lame.

Please don't kid yourself, that movie sucked.

Everybody's entitled to their own opinion.

Lilith wrote:
Sir Kaikillah wrote:

Please that movie sucked booty. The effects were lame, the story was lame and despite the reference to old D&D modules, the dialogue was lame. At least the first movie had some people who can act, because in the second movie the acting...lame.

Please don't kid yourself, that movie sucked.
Everybody's entitled to their own opinion.

Not me. I just take one anyway. >:) Arrr!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Fire and Ice. Its kinda dated and a little exploitive, but has some great barbaric battles to watch.

Luz wrote:
Fire and Ice. Its kinda dated and a little exploitive, but has some great barbaric battles to watch.

I did the plot summary for that one on

There was this one scene where there's a cutaway that looks like a blatant mistake in editing. Bakshi's made better, but Fire and Ice was a good enough time.

For creepy artistic sci-fi check out this amazing animated film: Fantastic Planet Okay, this one I'm outright recommending. I saw this in the theater when I was four and my mind was forever bent.

Heath, I'm working away from home. I'll mail the DVD this coming Friday.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Debbie Does Dallas.

Sometimes you need a break from gaming.

Orcwart wrote:

Debbie Does Dallas.

Sometimes you need a break from gaming.

Break? You mean you guys don't communally wax the fruit at the gaming table? Prudes. In the time it takes to get through a single high level druid's animal companions' attacks everyone else can usually get through two entire scenes in slo-mo zoom.

Liberty's Edge

The Jade wrote:
Luz wrote:
Fire and Ice. Its kinda dated and a little exploitive, but has some great barbaric battles to watch.

I did the plot summary for that one on

There was this one scene where there's a cutaway that looks like a blatant mistake in editing. Bakshi's made better, but Fire and Ice was a good enough time.

For creepy artistic sci-fi check out this amazing animated film: Fantastic Planet Okay, this one I'm outright recommending. I saw this in the theater when I was four and my mind was forever bent.

Heath, I'm working away from home. I'll mail the DVD this coming Friday.

Right on, dude.

Fire and Ice rocked.
"Don't go lookin' for death, boy. It'll find you soon enough as it is."

Two here with an explanation why....

The Mummy Returns. Pay attention to how the protagonists deal with the situations presented. This is what seasoned adventurers would sound and act like! It's really quite amusing.

Shaun of the Dead. This is how people would REALLY act in a time of supernatural crisis. Funny, funny stuff.

Heathansson wrote:
They were also 3 alien races in Star Wars.

Actually they are three distinct subspecies of the same race. Apologies if someone has already pointed this out.

Sir Kwailik wrote:

Please that movie sucked booty. The effects were lame, the story was lame and despite the reference to old D&D modules, the dialogue was lame. At least the first movie had some people who can act, because in the second movie the acting..,lame.

Please don't kid yourself, that movie sucked.

I too hated both of the D&D movies (although the second one was infinitely better). But, as Lilith said, we're all entitled to our own opinions.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Heathansson wrote:

Right on, dude.

Fire and Ice rocked.
"Don't go lookin' for death, boy. It'll find you soon enough as it is."

Heh..."that sounds about right."

13th Warrior is a must see--an excellent depiction of "there are enemies attacking our helpless kingdom, you must come to our rescue!"

I also recommend "The Seven Samurai" or "Magnificent Seven" (the former over the latter)

Stardust as well--superb depiction of how scary a high level spellcaster can be, really wonderful examples of how you can keep humor going in a serious storyline and make fantasy fun in spite of how many times some things have been done before.

the Gamers for Sure.

Kicks a$$

Kirk Douglas and Ernest Borgnine in The Vikings
Marc Singer in The Beastmaster
Bruce Campbell in Army of Darkness
Uma Thurman (er, Zoe Bell) in Kill Bill

With guns, but still inspirational:
Daniel Day-Lewis in The Last of the Mohicans
Clint Eastwood in Fistful of Dollars
Scott Glenn & Kevin Kline in Silverado

And essential if you play a lot of Nick Logue adventures:
Humphrey Bogart in The Maltese Falcon

Kirth Gersen wrote:

Kirk Douglas and Ernest Borgnine in The Vikings

Marc Singer in The Beastmaster
Bruce Campbell in Army of Darkness
Uma Thurman (er, Zoe Bell) in Kill Bill

With guns, but still inspirational:
Daniel Day-Lewis in The Last of the Mohicans
Clint Eastwood in Fistful of Dollars
Scott Glenn & Kevin Kline in Silverado

And essential if you play a lot of Nick Logue adventures:
Humphrey Bogart in The Maltese Falcon

If we are talking about Nick's Sharn trilogy, I'd also reccomend some Batman: The Animated Series from the 90's. Maybe its just me, but when I read Chimes at Midnight, that was totally the image I got.

On a sidenote, that issue of Dungeon rocked. As I recall, it had Chimes at Midnight AND the cool Viking/Greyhawk Adventure with the cursed Dragontooth.

Might've missed it, but I'm surprised no one's mentioned "The Wild Bunch". Albeit it's set in the wild west, the characters make for a surprisingly recognizable party dynamic, and each have motivations for "adventure".

MrFish wrote:
I also recommend "The Seven Samurai" or "Magnificent Seven" (the former over the latter)

Or any flick, really, that's modeled after Seven Samurai...Hawk the Slayer, Battle Beyond the Stars, etc. They're all based on the D&D conceit of "random collection of unique individuals gathered together to fight a big bad."

And to stretch this thread out to non-D&D gaming, Ronin (with Robert DeNiro) is the most Shadowrun movie I've ever seen.

Liberty's Edge

MrFish wrote:

I also recommend "The Seven Samurai" or "Magnificent Seven" (the former over the latter)

I think it's good to see both, to see how a revamp of a story works, for better and for worse.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Heathansson wrote:
MrFish wrote:

I also recommend "The Seven Samurai" or "Magnificent Seven" (the former over the latter)

I think it's good to see both, to see how a revamp of a story works, for better and for worse.

I've seen the former, but I've never even heard of the later. When was it made and is it actually a faithful attempt at reproduction or is it like... a Western or sci-fi movie with the same general theme? (Like Baz Luhrman's "Romeo & Juliet," which was still awesome.)

Fatespinner wrote:
MrFish wrote:

I also recommend "The Seven Samurai" or "Magnificent Seven"
I've seen the former, but I've never even heard of the later. When was it made and is it actually a faithful attempt at reproduction or is it like... a Western or sci-fi movie with the same general theme? (Like Baz Luhrman's "Romeo & Juliet," which was still awesome.)

Magnificent Seven is a timeless classic! Mostly for the cast: Yul Brynner ("Westworld"), Steve McQueen ("The Great Escape"), James Coburn ("Payback"), Charles Bronson ("Death Hunt"), Robert Vaughan ("The Man from UNCLE"), Eli Wallach ("The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly")... and for the classic one-liners ("We deal in lead, friend."). Yes, you could look at it as a Western remake of Seven Samurai, and it is, but it's a remake that has a lot going for it on its own. Much like Sergio Leone's Fistful of Dollars is a remake of Yojimbo, which in turn is an adaptation of Dashiell Hammett's novel Red Harvest. Some stories are good enough that the setting, time period, and specific details can be altered more or less at will while still keeping a great story.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
"Klaatu barada nikto," is the command given to the robot from the old black and white movie "When the Earth Stood Still" (I think - the one with Michael Rennie as the benevolent Martian chap and his considerably less benevolent robot). So a reference within a reference.

Klaatu and Nikto are also the names of alien species in the star wars universe...well they appear in rotj anyway.Not sure if barada is in there.Ofcourse, im sure he got the names from the day the earth stood still.

I just spent ages typing out a post for this and then something happened that wiped it completely. I was not best pleased, but I'll cut straight to the meat of what I was trying to say and recommend a film called Dog Soldiers. This was a fairly low-budget British film of 2002 and I don't know how widely it was distributed (although Fox did the distribution, so you may be able to find details on their website) and it did get very good reviews, so it shouldn't be entirely out of the public domain. Low budget and predictably shaky special effects aside (although it is presented in a way that keeps special effects to the bare minimum), this is an entertaining werewolf movie, containing a lot of action (and violence), character exposition, suspense and a generous helping of dark humour (not as much as Shaun of the Dead, but it does have more of a dangerous, potential TPK, 'pressure-cooker environment' feel to it).
Basically, it's about a small party (very D&D) of British soldiers on exercise in the Scottish Highlands. They stumble across the sole survivor of a special forces unit that has been, literally, torn apart and find themselves the prey in a nightmarish hunt. Only with the opportune assistance of a local woman do they find a defensible position in an old farmhouse, but things are never as they seem and the curse of lycanthropy does not rest easy. The film even manages to include a swordfight and a very enjoyable unarmed combat v. werewolf sequence. I would highly recommend it, if you can get hold of it at a reasonable price.

Sovereign Court

d13 wrote:

As a gamer, what movies do you consider "Must See" movies?


Even though it's quite cheesy (especially towards the end) it contains almost all of the genre elements of a fantasy, saving the princess quest, building up the party, fighter, rogue, wizard, multiple encounters, great death scenes along the way, showdown with the evil demon, etc., etc.

It is still one of my favorite beer and popcorn movies. Love the Cyclops. And of course Ergo...


"I am Ergo the Magnificent! Short in stature, tall in power, narrow of purpose and wide of vision!"

Felonstream wrote:
The film even manages to include a swordfight and a very enjoyable unarmed combat v. werewolf sequence. I would highly recommend it, if you can get hold of it at a reasonable price.

If it has CGI fights and/or sped-up film, I'll skip it (I'm boycotting both of them this year), but otherwise it sounds great! Can you advise me?

Liberty's Edge

BeneathTheEarth wrote:
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
"Klaatu barada nikto," is the command given to the robot from the old black and white movie "When the Earth Stood Still" (I think - the one with Michael Rennie as the benevolent Martian chap and his considerably less benevolent robot). So a reference within a reference.
Klaatu and Nikto are also the names of alien species in the star wars universe...well they appear in rotj anyway.Not sure if barada is in there.Ofcourse, im sure he got the names from the day the earth stood still.

There is a Klatooinian sail barge guard in RotJ named Barada.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Felonstream wrote:
The film even manages to include a swordfight and a very enjoyable unarmed combat v. werewolf sequence. I would highly recommend it, if you can get hold of it at a reasonable price.
If it has CGI fights and/or sped-up film, I'll skip it (I'm boycotting both of them this year), but otherwise it sounds great! Can you advise me?

I can honestly promise you that CGI and sped-up film do not feature in this film in any way. They make excellent use of a limited budget by keeping the need for special effects down to a minimum (werewolves only - and not overly-sophisticated at that) and relying on the reasonably ordinary human interplay to keep the narrative rolling along.

Actually, if anyone's interested in Dog Soldiers, there are a few videos on YouTube that should give you a reasonable taste. Someone does appear to have set some clips to country music for some reason or another, but I'm sure that they thought they were doing the right thing and you won't actually hold it against the film itself.

It's not that I have anything against country music, you understand, it's just that it isn't really appropriate in this instance....

Felonstream wrote:
I can honestly promise you that CGI and sped-up film do not feature in this film in any way.

Sweet! Just added it to my Netflix queueu. Thanks for the recommendation!

Well, I cannot believe nobody mentioned Big Trouble in Little China; that is classic D&D in a modern setting right there; great stuff

Cast a Deadly Spell; that is a classic must see also

Heck gamers should see anything monster about werewolves and vampires even if it is flippery you cant sink your teeth into :)

The Black Swan and Treasure Island; learn about pirates and ships for your campaign and learn the lingo to bring your campaign alive.

Ivanhoe; the classic; great stuff that brought us the tale of Robin Hood; his main group is a classic D&D party if we ever saw one.

Journey to the Center of the Earth; heh study for alternate world concepts. Need underdark campaign info; maybe it is not so dark.

Jurasic Park; research for your prehistory areas; every world needs one; might view Land that Time Forgot also.

Prophesy; useful for how planetars and solars might interact with various demons in devils in the world; help you keep the prespective that they all have their own agendas. If your going to run Modikainens's Fantastic Adventure; you might check out this series first; for more research on this like maybe bloodlines and halfbreed templets watch Fallen and get concepts of how such characters might interact with mortals and outsiders.

Zulu Dawn, and check out some things like maybe the Ten Commandments or Indiana Jones; look at the scenery and stuff to add flavor to those areas on your map; watch the costumes and architecture and look for cultural themes; the classics do it better like in Charge of the Light Brigade. If you have a asian setting you should really watch Shogun and even Circle of Iron.

Sovereign Court

My list for fantasy gamers, in order of importance:

The Princess Bride
The Labrinth
The 13th Warrior
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Dark Crystal (Jim Henson was a master)

And some for gamers in general, in no particular order:
Star Wars, the original trilogy not the prequel stuff
Master and Commander
Treasure Island (I actually enjoyed the Treasure Planet version too)
Enemy Mine
The Quick and the Dead
Reservoir Dogs
Phantom of the Opera ( a guy can like musicals, right?)
The Matrix

Liberty's Edge

Anything with Bruce Campbell is, in my book, worth watching.

The Thing, Krull, C.H.U.D.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
BeneathTheEarth wrote:
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
"Klaatu barada nikto," is the command given to the robot from the old black and white movie "When the Earth Stood Still" (I think - the one with Michael Rennie as the benevolent Martian chap and his considerably less benevolent robot). So a reference within a reference.
Klaatu and Nikto are also the names of alien species in the star wars universe...well they appear in rotj anyway.Not sure if barada is in there.Ofcourse, im sure he got the names from the day the earth stood still.
There is a Klatooinian sail barge guard in RotJ named Barada.

Klaatu is actually a character as well, I believe. A nikto.

I'm a mst3k nut and there are more examples there than I can count of movies that easily could have been bad dnd sessions on that show.

The Cave Dwellers:

If you ever wanted to play a dual katana wielding barbarian who can fly hang-gliders and have a silent vaguely oriental henchman, this is the film for you. The whole thing reads like someones 80s dnd adventure with a cheap budget to boot.

Deathstalker and the Warriors From Hell:

Perfect example of how to make your dashing swordsman a smug leering ass.

The Magic Sword:

Basil Rathbone, Gary Lockwood and some three headed dragon puppet, f!+* yeah!

Quest of the Delta Knights:

Straight up dnd complete with ren-fest rejects, garbled vaguely European history, an evil warlord and that dude from Mad About You.

Outlaw (aka Outlaw of Gor):

Typical 70s/80s 'guy gets sucked into fantasy world because he is a looser in real life and theoretically thats what all nerds want right?' movie complete with spears, slavers and such with a lovely appearance by Jack Palance.

And there are many more of course, all can be accessed by purchase/rental or orrent-tay if they have not been re-released.

God, nobody mentions "Excalibur" by John Boorman, or his other two masterpieces "The Emerald Forest" and "Deliverance"!!!

I was so impressed by these movies growing up, saw them each 100 times if not more. There is absolute magic and mysticism in there, something totally seminal, and great characters - great stories - great music.

"Excalibur" was such an influence on me that I know all the lines from this movie, and I still totally revere the character of Merlin, who is as funny and spicy as deep and philosophical. I would say it's really one of the few movies that captured that ancestral feel, and the spirit of paganism (relation of man to nature).

Brilliant. I want to see it again, quick my DVD player!!! :)))

Silver Crusade

alot of the movies listed here are indeed (some being better than careful when you say all of the Conan movies as the second one most definetly sucked, but then i also think Trigun sucks too, which proves that we all have our own idea as to what sucks and what doesn't.)

however, i'm surprised that no one here has mentioned Disney's Beauty and the Beast. if there ever was a movie that is a must see for gamers, it's definitely that one.

Lord of the Rings
Legend of Crystania
Conan movies
Rune Soldier (its an anime series and not a movie but it is a perfect recreation of an rpg)
The Village
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Bridge to Terebithia
Kingdom of Heaven
Lady in the Water
Indiana Jones movies (perfect adventures and trap-filled dungeons)

Hawk the Slayer.

Honestly, I can't believe no one has mentioned The Crow.

Dark Archive

Larry Lichman wrote:
Another "must see" to me is "Labyrinth." Very underrated gamer's film. It's got David Bowie as the Goblin King. What else do you need?

Awesome. I was waiting to see if someone got this one. Total gem.

The 1st D&D movie could have been decent, if they'd escorted the dudes who played Snails, the blue-lipped henchman (Damodred?) and the evil wizard (Porthios?) off the set and replaced them with fruit roll-ups with faces painted on them. Holy over-acting, Batman! (Especially the evil wizard. I *do not* need to see your tonsils every time you speak, dude. Dial it down. This isn't theatre.) Also, some atrocious dialogue, but the actors who played the main character, the wizardress, the dwarf and the princess at least made an effort to sell some clumsy lines, and the costumes and effects were good.

Willow had everything in it..Even an interesting spell-casting battle at the end(which a lot of films lack)

If we are to mention anime as well:

Record of Lodoss war WAS dnd..Especially the ovas where interestingly scripted,beautifully illustrated and gory enough for me

Rune soldier Luie(more comic relief) and Legend of crystania are all set in the same World(different continents)

Highlander (the first film) is also something my group likes to watch to get in character(the anime was good too if not ott)

What I recently found and watched is Dungeons and Dragons; Scourge of Worlds
Its an interactive adventure with three of the iconic 3.5 party
(Lidda,Regdar,Mialee) its not perfect but I found it interesting(for 2000)
and the voices matched what I had in mind for the characters(especially Lidda)
I hear they all return for a commentary on the second dnd film (what they would have done differently as a party etc) but I didn't find that in my dvd version

Epic Necro Thread is Epic.

WTF people! No "Big Trouble in Little China" ?!?! :P

Lilith wrote:
WTF people! No "Big Trouble in Little China" ?!?! :P

What is wrong with today's youth!

Shadow Lodge

If you play Call of Cthulhu, then John Carpenter's The Thing is mandatory viewing. I also wish more directors would watch it to learn that effects can be amazing without the overuse of CGI.

glares at Cameron

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