Orcmonk220 |

Hi all
What's the funniest thing you've seen happen in your Savage Tide game?
For me, mine's easy, and all takes place aboard the Blue Nixie. At this point, a group including a Crusader, Paladin, Cleric, Bard, and NE Necromancer were fighting the Rhagodessa, who they're lured onto the deck. The Paladin, who had just left our game, was grappled in the maw of the Rhagodessa, and down to -8 HP. The NE Necromancer cast a new Metamagic feat - Sudden Fell Animate (I set the prerequisite to one metamagic), and aimed it at the Paladin. The paladin croacked it, and rose up as a zombie. The Rhagodessa lose the next grapple, the Zombie got free and, next chance it got, lashed out at the Rhagodessa. It crit, and dealt 16 dmg, killing the beast.
The rest of the party were stunned, myself included. The Necormancer simply renamed him Pablo...

Patrick Mousel |

The Paladin nat20ing his diplomacy with Churtle in TINH and gaining a kobold cook follower that fawned over him in a creepily motherish but still flirty way. Churtle's still alive in HTBM, and cooked all sorts of special kobold-cuisine things for him during the trip down. At some point he stopped asking what was in his meals because he didn't want to know.

Hierophantasm |

Following a failed attempt to infiltrate the Kellani Manor after Rowyn's defeat, the warlock escaped his bonds, and prepared to join his allies in a battle with Heldrath's Guards. Heldrath--with musket--and her mute half-elf monk/attendant, Vyth, prepared to lay an ambush on the rest of warlock's party, on a second-level balcony.
After the warlock alerted his allies to the presence of the ambush--thus making himself a target for the two ambushers--Heldrath, the old, wheelchair-bound biddy, looking like Estelle Getty, in classic "Tony Montana" fashion, shouted out at the warlock, "You die, mutha******!"
The warlock--who had just taken Vyth's foot to his face--just barely beat her to the draw with his eldritch blast (enhanced by gloves of eldritch energy, Magic Item Comp, p. 105), freezing her into pieces, as she crashed into a pile of ice cubes on the floor below.
Foul-mouthed old ladies always get what's coming...

ronin |

I would have to say when the party barbarian faced off against Lorb Lorb Tub in the Bullywug. He got her low on HPs and she surrendered. He accepted and told her she fought bravely. She then gave the party information on the rest of the tribe for which she was promised to be released once the party saved Lavinia. After watching the barbarian defeat the chief of the village in a later battle Lorb Lorb Tub was impressed. When the barbarian told her she could go free she asked him to accompany her back to her village.
The rest of the group was in tears.

ronin |

The other would have to involve Avner. I decided whenever he demanded something from anyone he would clap his hands together (as if implying for the person to "hurry up"). This turned out to be VERY annoying to the party, in particular the party's "face" character. During the second evening when Lavinia invited the PCs over for dinner I had Avener "accidentally" bump into this PC while he was taking a drink of wine causing him to spill it all over his nice clean shirt.
He was very annoyed with Avner, who apologized with the appropriate sarcasm. The other PCs were looking the other way trying to hide their faces so the offended character wouldn't see that they were laughing.
It was alot of fun.

Lord Alarik The Fool |

Wormfall Festival: I describe that they pass this rocking party in an open air tavern at the bottom on a hill. In typical swashbuckler fashion half the party thinks this sounds like fun and figure Lavinia can wait for "just one beer." The other two go up the hill.
The Rogue float comes barreling down toward the tavern. Only one character notices and he just stands in its path calmly until it almost runs him down. At this point he calmly drops his Quaal's Feather Token Tree at his feet and the float come to a tremendous crashing halt. The cheers from the bar now make _that_ character go to the bar for "just one beer"... (Leaving just one character going to the mansion... SIGH)
The real funny part was the party picturing the post-festival clean up crew in the morning trying to figure out what to do with new full grown oak tree in the middle of the avenue... (Nail a plaque on it commemorating the new city heroes and call it done?)

Czar |

OH yea-
1) The face PC, swashbuckler decides he needs to find a bard the night before the expedition leaves sasserine, to chronicle the journey and his deeds! He manages to find "bridget" A singing trollop in an house of ill repute. Swashbuckler decides - "perfect just the tool to make Lavina jealous and pry her away from tolin". He then stabs her pimp and whisks her off onto the Sea Wyvren.
2) During the dinner aboard the blue nixie, avener makes some super diplomacy checks and begins to woo bridget. The swashbuckler had enough and decides to fire a dart from his sleeve-concealed dart shooter (underdark book, a la taxi driver) at the table before Avner to scare him. He rolls a nat 1 and I rule the dart goes thru Avners hand, pinning him to the table. The whole table was in tears.
3) The party druid, a Yoda-esque 1/2 orc, convinces avner that he can care for Thunderstrike in the ships hold better than anyone; then begins to wage psychological warfare on the horse, casting speak with animals and rolling diplomacy checks alongside comments such as "if Avner loves you as you say, why does he pen you like this" and " how long had it been since he set you out to pasture with a young mare"
The horse was hard to break, as Avner spoiled it immensely, ( I RP'ed the horse as being a spoiled kid who loves hid daddy cause he never says no, a cross between the kids in talledga nights and Kuzco from emperors new groove) But when the durid began summoning mares it was to much. Thunderstrke is now a wreck. He needs the horse whisperer now. Badly.

Dag Hammarskjold |

SPOILERS... (funniest thing yet to happen)
Background: Malancathet (or however its spelled) went to great lenghts to get Urol Furroll the map of the Tamochan ruins so that the PCs would get the Tooth of Azuth.
There were some statues outside the basilisk lair in those ruins, mainly as a warning to the PCs that something was up.
I had arbitrarily decided that these statues were the remainder of the party of the guy that sold the map to Urol, and so they were Malancathet worshipers. I figured that way I could feed the PCs some information if they decided to "be noble" and rescue them.
The PCs carted them away to Farshore, where they are still waiting for someone to figure out how to "undue" the whole turned-to-stone-thing.
The group leader is even eyeing them as potential henchmen, since they will be SO GRATEFUL for being saved.

Bryon_Kershaw |

3) The party druid, a Yoda-esque 1/2 orc, convinces avner that he can care for Thunderstrike in the ships hold better than anyone; then begins to wage psychological warfare on the horse, casting speak with animals and rolling diplomacy checks alongside comments such as "if Avner loves you as you say, why does he pen you like this" and " how long had it been since he set you out to pasture with a young mare"
The horse was hard to break, as Avner spoiled it immensely, ( I RP'ed the horse as being a spoiled kid who loves hid daddy cause he never says no, a cross between the kids in talledga nights and Kuzco from emperors new groove) But when the durid began summoning mares it was to much. Thunderstrke is now a wreck. He needs the horse whisperer now. Badly.
Oh. My. God. That's amazing.the best moment in one of my Savage Tide campaigns took place when the rogue Marcus was searching the docks and came across an unmarked cask being smuggled. Within was the second edition monster the "Monkey Spider." Hundreds of 'em that were a swarm. So he's carting this large box around and wanders into the "Unexpected Monkey Tavern."
A Half-Orc threatens him and he hurls the cask. It breaks on the Half-Orc who is swarmed with monkies as Marcus flees. He was banned for life from that tavern forever.
~ Bryon ~

Black Moria |
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My new group is only in TINH but the funniest thing so far is the party rogue doing the Jackie Chan thing with a door under Parrot Island.
The rogue had removed the door off the hinges of the first door (no idea why but that is what he stated he was doing).
During the first zombie attack, the rogue realized he was totally ineffective (he was only armed with piercing weapons against the zombies' DR) against the zombies and pulled back to the party rear.
That is when a second group of three zombies came into the hallway from the rear, trapping the party in the middle.
The rogue grabbed up the door and bullrushed the zombies and though lucky rolls, pushed all three zombie back into the next room. For the next three rounds, while the party dealt with the first group of zombies, the rogue spun and whirled the door around, knocking back zombies and blocking them from attacking the party until help arrived.
When the party was dealing with the second to last zombie, the rogue got a lucky bullrush knockdown on the last zombie, dropped the door on the prone zombie and proceeded to monkey stomp the zombie beneath the door until the party warblade finished it off.

![]() |

My party decided to split up during the Blue Nixie encounter, after they were chased off by the crossbow wielding guards after the botched sneaked attempt. 1 by land 2 by sea...they commandeer a dinghy, the warlock and rogue attempt to get close enough to the ship to climb on board, alas they are spotted...
"Oi, who goes there?" guard
"What are you doing on my boat?!" in a drunken voice
much comedy ensues
Characters bought a launch (stormwrack) to get to Parrot Island (my Parrot Island was 2 miles away, not 200 yards). The Fighter (who has 3 ranks of sailor, fails spectacularly on her landing attempt at the beach, and causes some minor damage to the Launch...but ends up with the nick-name, CAPTAIN CRUNCH!

Chris P |

Having been swallowed by a T-rex when they landing on this god-forsaken island, the Cleric/Stormlord decided he would never let it happen again. When they reached the tar pits and the biggest T-rex they have every seen comes charging out he knew exactly what to do. He casts a spell charging his body with electricty and charges forward. The T-rex had been uselessly flailing at the Minotaur barbarian (I was rolling poorly that night) and was badly wounded. Seeing a smaller target (one that it could actually swallow) it seizes the chance to nab him up. He hits dealing a terrible blow to the Stormlord and prepares to swallow him. The first jolt of electricity takes him by surprise, but he fails to let go in time. He gives one last chop before trying to spit out the Stormlord but it was too late. The T-rex crushes to the ground dead as the Stormlord crawls away nearly dead.

Wyatt Schlaufman |

After things began going awry on the Sea Wyvern in TSWW, my party decided to collect everyone who seemed suspicious (which was mostly named NPCS) and question them under the affect of a Zone of Truth spell.
They were all trying to pin it on Avner or Skald, but poor Father Feres was one of two (the other being Amella) to fail their will save. The questioning begins...
Catfolk Warmage/Wizard: Okay, well let's see if the spell worked and ask some obvious questions. Father Feres, do you worship Heironeous?
Father Feres: Well, see... The thing is about that... It's not really that I don't worship Heironeous! You know, there are just a lot of gods, and to say any one is the true god to worship is a bit hasty and I like to keep my options open and you should really, really ask someone else a question!
Party: *Stunned silence*
Role playing that interrogation was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.