Anyone received this issue yet?
TPFG list it as due in the UK on 11th April - but they haven't actually updated this page of their website for nearly 3 weeks now.
Anybody at Paizo able to advise?
crazy_cat wrote: Anyone received this issue yet? Not here (Cheshire, UK).
Nope, nothing here either. It's out in the shops (Tony got a copy, crazy_cat) but the subscriber copies don't seem to have arrived yet...
crazy_cat wrote: Anyone received this issue yet?
TPFG list it as due in the UK on 11th April - but they haven't actually updated this page of their website for nearly 3 weeks now.
Anybody at Paizo able to advise?
Not here either, in the meantime picked up a copy last week from Orcs Nest.
No sign of it here yet either.
Me neither (Lancashire). Mine subscription is with TPFG too. Pathfinder is with Paizo, I'll still probably get those quicker :)
Got my copy from the local games store (Swindon, Wiltshire) last Thursday, 19th April.
None in Munich, Germany. But I am hopeful, eight hours till the postman comes. :-)
Anyone at Paizo able to comment?
Are we going back to the good old days of TPFG regularly letting down subscribers all over Europe?
I purchased mine from Leisure Games in London (via Internet) and hopefully I'll have it in my hands today.
My FLGS had it on Saturday, but my copy hasn't arrived yet (Falkirk).
My copy arrived from Leisure Games last Saturday, but my friend subscribes and hasn't had his copy yet.
Well, no Dragon here today either. I will say, though, that I've had subscription issues of Dragon arrive as late as this before - just not very often and not recently either. Hopefully this is just a blip and it will show up in the next couple of days. The fact that no subscribers are reporting receipt of the magazine would suggest that this is the case.
Mine did not show up as well. But TPFG just updated their website stating now that they sent it out yesterday, so it should be here friday or saturday.
Dragon #355 just dropped through my letterbox :-)
It just dropped through my letter box now.
Nothing yet. Berlin, Germany.
Still nothing here in Germany. I guess tomorrow will be the day.
Still nothing here in Scotland, Im getting kina twichy now. Should I be worried?
Mine arrived today in Budapest, Hungary...
It arrived today in Munich, Germany. :-)
I will now go and look for a nice sunny place with a little shadow from a tree and enjoy my magazine.
Got mine as well, and did already as Lautlos said :-)
Arrived today - Cambridge, UK.
My copy arrived on Saturday.
Berlin got it on Saturday as well. ;-)
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