Shag Solomon

Lautlos's page

23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.



I am from Munich, Germany and I am also missing the issue 359...

Seems a bit long now, even for all the way to europe.

Clear skies,

Still nothing in Munich, Germany.

Hmm, I am usually quite annoyed when the Deutsche Post (German Postal Service) takes more than three or four days to deliver something...

Vic, I do not understand why you have any loyalties left with the involved parties that give you so much headache, though it is a nice character trait.

Perhaps an idea for 350. Just pack all the issues for Europe, take a plane and mail them from here. ;-)

I have some problems with the yahoo group. At work I can't log in and I am only at home during the weekend. Next week I will look for a hotel with wireless lan...

I think the interviewer was a little ironic with that 5 to 10 remark.

Theses 14 million unique visitors made me laugh. There is no technologie on earth that can give you this number. I think they mean vists, what is a totally different matter. It is like counting how often someone is reading any magazine.

14 million vists is quite good though, even if you propably have to split it for all the products of WotC.

It does not make me confident in their plans, how they think the internet works.

A good number is the active members in their forums and that is about the number of sold Dragons alone. Again this is active members for all their products. (Numbers are both about 40.000, go and research them yourselve ;-))

So they plan to get sme of their 14 million visitors (that they do not have) to use their DI. Even 1% would be 140.000 people and be great. Hey give me some of the stuff they are smoking, should dull the sense of loss.

Btw. go and checkout the great and wonderful generator of treasure they have, it is a great preview for their quality content.

We will need patience indeed until they have a DI worth noting.

Sorry I am a little frustrated with business decision makers...

I just remembered why it is good not to understand everything in a foreign language?

Just an idea:

I read somewhere, that we can download the (english) PDFs (for free), if we are subscribers to pathfinder. Hmm, as I read what I wrote again it seems to good to be true. But I definitly think there was something about handouts and maps and stuff. So why not adding a link to a german or spanish or french version of the text.

It does not even have to be a full translation. Translating the names of NSCs, places, maps and handouts would be a real time saver.

All the legal and copyright issues would be solved, as it would be your material on your site.

You could even integrate this as a community effort, further cutting costs by paying with some small pdf downloads and getting us to translate for you.

I think this would be unique and make your products more attractive for foreign markets.

Doug, Lawgiver,

thank you for making me feel young at age 30... ;-)

My favorite sign to tell if you are the oldest piece of stuff left:

You actually make a extensive set of rules (complete with levels) to determine if you are an old player.


Btw. how does LARP enter the equation?

It arrived today in Munich, Germany. :-)

I will now go and look for a nice sunny place with a little shadow from a tree and enjoy my magazine.

Hi Jason and Stebehil,

please discuss this issue per email of even better per telephon. A webboard is the wrong media.

Jason, that is no way to address someone in writing. Please edit away the profanity (right word?).

There are indeed several good arguments as not to relative anything concerning murder in that proportion.

Clear skies,

I would say: Pick one. ;-)

I think it was without information due to the simple fact, that they do not have any. Like they said much is still in the flux, they even asked AGAIN, what they wanted the users to see.

I programm (Intra-)Net applications, if they are not already deep in developing they will have a mayor problem come September. ;-)

Have you read the question:

"Will the large quantity of regularly updated, excellent free content on the official website be affected by all this?"

Was this intended to be an ironic question? When I first looked at the WotC Site I kept serching for an hour before realising I had already seen their High-quality content.

Rambling Scribe wrote:


His name is Klinktak. He's a trickster. He's chaotic good. The other kobolds admire and fear his cleverness.

This is a great idea, it gives the tribe different factions competing and makes them less one-dimensional evil.

Really? Just a dump of the webpage? This is so lame... especially considering they want to launch a huge new internet "thing" that replaces the magazines.

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Gavgoyle wrote:
There has got to be a specialty market for that kind of thing...
Oh, there is.

Err, excuse me, is there still time to tell you, that we do not want to know?

Hmm, don't fear, help paizo collect money for the rights on DnD.

After the horrible, screaming, blazing, burning end...


Oh, yes of course, I confused this with another messageboard...

Lautlos (at) gmx (punkt auch) de

Rivendale... hmm, I can't remember the german word... :-) funny...

Of course the easy way isn't the best and I think in a different group it would not work. To mask it a little we pronounce everything in German, sounds very strange. ;-)

I would help with the translation, seems to be fun. Do you have a link?

Hmm, when I use an AP or something from the Forgotten Realms I usually don't translate the names.

My idea was to add a mystic language of the even more mystic old race (well english) and the habbit to name everything in this old language.

Ok, I know I am a litte lazy, but it works wonderful in my adventure group and we can use the english maps and material. I often use english or french to make communication with elfs or orcs difficult, but this get's complicated, if one of the players is actually better than you in this language.

Nevertheless I would be really interested in the email, that describes the voyage of the sea wyvern... Could you please send it to me Aureos.

Look at the bottom of this page. WotC have also the trademark for polyhedron... ;-)

Please do stop, I am getting hungry... mmmmh cabbage...

None in Munich, Germany. But I am hopeful, eight hours till the postman comes. :-)

Sorry, but I do not think 4e will sell many books, most of my friends stayed with 2e for they had so many of the old books and I wil definitly stay at 3e.

Hi everyone, I have just read the email announcement and I have to confess words fail my english vocabulary and I don't think many will understand if I rant in german.

So I will write instead, why I returned to Dungeons an Dragons after five years and did not select one of the many other good systems available in Europe. It was mainly two things, first the wish to return to Greyhawk where I took my first steps in roleplaying more than 10 years ago and second the huge amount of resources available for DnD.

Greyhawk turned out to be a little difficult, for WotC discontinued it and Living Greyhawk may work great in the USA, but where I life it just lacks the community. But I told myselve no problem, there are other worlds, let's just play.

As for the resources, I always was a fan of Dungeons and Dragons magazine and was finally able to afford a subscription. The quality of the online stuff is (as described above) in no way adequate to our magazines.

At the moment I am more than a little annoyed with WotC, there politics concerning licensing and products has in my eyes no aim beyond making money. So yes, let's stop giving them money, DnD won't die with WotC, perhaps Paizo can buy the rights for all of DnD in the end. ;-)