TheTravis |

Isn't Pathfinder miniatures pack one called "Clerics of Golarion" featuring characters with all the main deities favoured weapons?
Okay, I'm making it up, but it's a good starting place for a miniatures line.
Of course, I have several awesome minis with glaives, halberds and other pole arms. I've even painted a few of them.
I want you to understand how excited I just got reading this post, followed by how sad I became. You are toying with my emotions!

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Sarenrae's not a lawful god because she's more interested in promoting good than Law or Chaos. Many of her followers are lawful or chaotic, by her being neutral good, she can have clerics of all of the good alignments and thus she's a better paragon of good than a lawful deity can ever hope to be. She can even have paladins (and does, in fact have some paladin orders worshiping her). She's not necessarilly a goddess of truth, though. Her portfolio includes the sun, redemption, honesty, and healing. Honesty is similar to truth, I guess.
The blog post about our iconic cleric Kyra gives out a few more hints about Sarenrae as well, which also shows her clerics as being less interested with law (or chaos) as much as they are interested in good.
Sarenrae's one of the deities from my home campaign; I've a lot of information about her awaiting the transformation into print. For now, though, the bet bet is to think of her (to use the Forgotten Realms as a source) as a combination of Chaotic Good Eilistraee and Neutral Good Lathander.
ANYway... the point is, she's neutral good so that the most possible good clerics can worship her.

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I have been unable to locate any information on holy symbols for any but the six gods commonly worshiped in Varisia. Are they listed anywhere?
They aren't. Not yet, at least.
Might be a good idea for a blog post, though.
There certainly won't be art for the remaining 14 anytime soon. I suspect not until the Pathfinder Chronicles gazetteer, if even then.

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Ungoded wrote:I have been unable to locate any information on holy symbols for any but the six gods commonly worshiped in Varisia. Are they listed anywhere?They aren't. Not yet, at least.
Might be a good idea for a blog post, though.
It would be good to have if a player decides to play a cleric of one of those gods.
There certainly won't be art for the remaining 14 anytime soon. I suspect not until the Pathfinder Chronicles gazetteer, if even then.
Unless someone likes the idea I suggested in this thread.

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It would be good to have if a player decides to play a cleric of one of those gods.
True. Which is why we picked a good spread of 6 deities to focus on with Rise of the Runelords. Hopefully among those six varied deities most players will find a deity to suit their clerics. We'll hopefully be able to do six or so more with Curse of the Crimson Throne... we might even be able to do ALL of the remaining 14 deities... but that's still several months away.

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True. Which is why we picked a good spread of 6 deities to focus on with Rise of the Runelords. Hopefully among those six varied deities most players will find a deity to suit their clerics.
I have to admit, I am mostly asking because I want to know what Norgorber's symbol is. I find his name quite strange, but my favorite god in most pantheons tends to be the god of murder.
I do not know why.

GentleGiant |

Ungoded wrote:Atrocious wrote:The sun is likely the most reliable thing we have, it sets and rises and precise times every day, more reliable than clockwork.Actually, the time that the sun 'rises' and 'sets' is different every day, and entirely dependent on your location and the time of year.Don't ruin my arguments with facts and logic...
Actually, what I meant was the fact that it rises every morning and sets every night... (and don't you dare point out that the sun itself is actually the cause of those events... that is not neccessarily the case in fantasy...)
I'll then point out that the sun doesn't always rise every morning and set every night, again depending on the time of year and location (e.g. 3 months of sunlight and 3 months of darkness in Greenland). :-D

Edwin White |
I'm really interested in learning some basic information about Urgathoa. What does she look like? How are her clerics trained? Since she is the goddess of gluttony, are her followers encouraged to overeat? Also, since she is the goddess of disease as well, do her followers refuse to treat illnesses? What are some of her follower's basic beliefs?
I think clerics of Urgathoa would make great villains. A group of her worshipers could easily make money by infecting important people with diseases and sending in their own doctors to charge for the cure (that is, if they are comfortable with curing diseases). They could hoard food and cause diseases in remaining crops to start famines. A famine spirit created by Urgathoa's worshipers would be a deadly threat!

tbug |

Sarenrae's not a lawful god because she's more interested in promoting good than Law or Chaos. Many of her followers are lawful or chaotic, by her being neutral good, she can have clerics of all of the good alignments and thus she's a better paragon of good than a lawful deity can ever hope to be. She can even have paladins (and does, in fact have some paladin orders worshiping her).
If you're using the Dungeons & Dragons rules, then neutral good deities can grant paladin spells. It says so right in the Player's Handbook. If you're using the SRD though, then only gods who actually have levels in paladin can grant paladin spells. It's one of those annoying little differences (up there with elves needing eight hours of sleep at night).
It sounds like Paizo is opting for D&D rules instead of SRD rules (which makes sense as they're probably more familiar to people anyway).

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If you're using the Dungeons & Dragons rules, then neutral good deities can grant paladin spells. It says so right in the Player's Handbook. If you're using the SRD though, then only gods who actually have levels in paladin can grant paladin spells. It's one of those annoying little differences (up there with elves needing eight hours of sleep at night).
It sounds like Paizo is opting for D&D rules instead of SRD rules (which makes sense as they're probably more familiar to people anyway).
Since we'll probably never have stat blocks for our gods (we certainly don't now), that version won't work for us at all. What I suspect we'll do eventually is just say which of our gods have paladin orders and leave it at that. For now, though, if you have a paladin, there's no reason why you can't worship a lawful good, lawful neutral, or neutral good deity.
I suspect that those minor differences in the SRD are accidental, in any case; holdovers from the early version or just errors introduced in its creation.

DarkArt |

Sean Achterman wrote:Given that James Jacobs has implied the Asmodeus is going to be one of the divine powers moving about in the world, I -really- wouldn't stress this one overmuch at all.
The Tyrant of all Tyrants isn't about to let some upstart demiplane splinter off any of -his- power and control.
The Asmodeus of our campaign world will be different than the Asmodeus you see in the Book of Vile Darkness or Fiendish Codex II. They'll both draw from the same myths for background, but they'll certainly be different stat-wise.
Our Asmodeus is one of our core evil deities, for starters.
In that case, I would be eager for more info on Asmodeus (I feel so ashamed for assuming the same entity as the one used by wizards). I'd still want to know more about Saranrae and Lamashtu first, though.
I also enjoy having just a few but colorful bunch of gods rather than dealing with multiple pantheons all jammed into one campaign setting. I will be glad not to have to deal with a notion of a great wheel with plane after plane.

Kruelaid |

So everyone seems cool on the different theologies among a god's worshipers, which is great. But I have another question:
Are we going to see different gods in places like Tian Xia and Minkai, or are they the same gods with different names?
Does anyone know or did I miss it? This thread is monstrous, and I think I missed a few pages back there.

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Are we going to see different gods in places like Tian Xia and Minkai, or are they the same gods with different names?
Minkai is IN Tian Xia. Minkai = country. Tian Xia = continent.
And to answer your question fully: I don't know yet.
Okay, so that doesn't answer your question fully. Or at all.
Um... Hey look, a unicorn!
*ninja smoke*

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But rest assured, our setting's outer planes will be pretty similar, especially in drawing upon mythological regions like Hades and the like.
Please say Demons will be Demons and Devils will be Devils.. regardless of what some crazy person at Wizards thinks? :)

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No, really, look - A Unicorn!
Uh... WTH?
I can't decide if that's cool beyond belief or mentally deficient beyond belief.

Yasha0006 |

Mike McArtor wrote:No, really, look - A Unicorn!
Um... Hey look, a unicorn!
You know this makes me think a post by...Ojio...I think, in the STAP party makeup thread. There is an Aboleth Ninja...
Makes me think after seeing that....CE male Dolphin Rogue
LE ???? Aboleth Ninja
CN female? Unicorn...Barbarian??

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Will a differenciaton be made between the Deities and the churches that represent them?
Gods tend to be culturally porus, so the idea of variations of Dogma, of Heresies and of Schisms as well as regions overlapping of faiths makes for a more colorful and rich setting.
Dark Ages Europe alone has an abundance of churches religious wars and crusades. Gods in a setting shouldn't be window dressing, they should be a central core of a characters life, offering meaning and a philosophical compass for the follower.
Yeah, but in the middle ages, there was only one God, who people claimed hated all other gods, and also hated anyone who worshiped Him in the wrong way (the "wrong way" being defined as "Not the way I worship Him"), and never spoke up or made his will actually known in any even slightly tangible manner. So, really, all the conflict comes from stupid humans making up imaginary reasons to kill eachother.
In a world in which a given god accepts the existance of other gods, perhaps even respect them, and can make their divine will fairly clear to their worshipers, there is far less heresy and conflict than we, in the real world, are used to.
Thats why I like ebberon. Silent gods=much more fun. You dont have to deal with them as characters, and it makes their churches much less monolithic and prone to infighting, holy wars, crusades, courruption, schisms, and all the other kick-ass things that make for a good, cynical, kick-ass story.
(when I say I like eberron, I mean, as a change. It's cool in small doses, but I wouldnt want it to become the default state of the game)

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Yeah, but in the middle ages, there was only one God, who people claimed hated all other gods, and also hated anyone who worshiped Him in the wrong way (the "wrong way" being defined as "Not the way I worship Him"), and never spoke up or made his will actually known in any even slightly tangible manner. So, really, all the conflict comes from stupid humans making up imaginary reasons to kill eachother.
In Europe, perhaps, There were still plenty of pantheons operating in other parts of the world.
And comparing D&D to the "middle ages" is kind of an error anyway. Classic D&D, in my opinion, has more roots in the ancient world (Rome and Greece and Babylon and Sumeria and Egypt and even back to mythical times like Atlantis or Hyperborea) than it does in the middle ages. It's CERTAINLY been more of an inspiration for Golarion and the world of Pathfinder. And in a world where deities aren't silent (like they are in most D&D games), you can certainly still have heretics: See the Ebon Triad from Age of Worms as an example of D&D heretics in a world where the gods are active.