scorpionkiss |
Hi all!
Starting the savage tide adventure path tonight, but have been getting ready for it for a while.
I am a teacher of Art and Graphics and one of my projects i set my 11 and 12 year olds is to make pirates ships for a game based on Wiz Kids pirates game. I love that game and its been mentioned before they make great props for the game but check these out:
My kids made them from balsa wood with card sails and masts made from cocktail sticks.
So now I have a fleet for my adventures - I am going to love dmimg their sea faring parts of the adventure now!
scorpionkiss |
I also got some of the kids to help me with the islands, made from polystyrene painted black
drybrushed grey and white then flock and vegatation which you can get really cheap a couple of pounds or dollars i guess from model shops that sell stuff for model railways.
Really quick andc easy to make and light weight too!
scorpionkiss |
Is that a flinstones mobile? :)
Ha Ha HA!
yes you could say so!The photos on Flickr are just a recent batch of my pupils work.
the mobiles are a project where they have to design and make their own mobile phone proto type and lets say with 11 year olds some of them have more artistic talent than others...
But hey these kids grow up with the playstation now and have lost a lot of skills to make 3d objects
gone are the days of meccano , lego plasticene , play dough and stickle bricks
If you can remember any of those you really are showing your age!
scorpionkiss |
Wait, you put your students to work building props for your home game? What kind of sweat shop you got running there?
You ain't seen nothing yet,If you go lower than the pirate ships you see some model houses.
Wait till i get them on my build a model medieval town project!Or better still make a scale model castle! or better 3d dungeon terrain!:)
R-type |
If you can remember any of those you really are showing your age!
Remember them all! I hated when stickle bricks got hair, grime and fluff stuck in them and it messed them all up.
I was more into lego than the other things you mentioned, my transformers had some great battles among my lego city! ;)
I think if I ever am lucky enough to have kids I might ban (or at least restrict) computers and video game systems. Imagination should be allowed to blossom first! :)
Curaigh |
Fletch wrote:Wait, you put your students to work building props for your home game? What kind of sweat shop you got running there?You ain't seen nothing yet,If you go lower than the pirate ships you see some model houses.
Wait till i get them on my build a model medieval town project!
Or better still make a scale model castle! or better 3d dungeon terrain!:)
Why stop at scale MODEL? May as well do the scale at 1:1. Use the whole gym, have some fun!
scorpionkiss |
This is great. I will have to see if I cannot come up with a similar idea for my students, as I teach Drawing, Printmaking, and photography at a high school. Maybe my drawing classes can take a side trip down 3-D design road.....
Hi Sol to a fellow art teacher,
well the big deal at my school is kenaesthetic learning,(Hope i spelt it right) the idea that pupils don't need to read it from a book or be told what what to do, they discover by hands on playing with materials. 3d stuff fills all those tactile skills, start with a 2d design drawing then take it where you will with 3d materialsBalsa wood
papier mache
It does not matter just be prepared for the mess.Kids love making mess!
Sol |
Yah, kinesthetic learning is a big thing all over, although my school's big new push is SLCs (Small Learning COmmunities), PLTs, PLCs, ELDs, ah it drives you mad, MAD I say!!
Anyhow, sounds cool. I have sometimes tried to think of ways to bring my geekdom, subtly into the classroom, and this is one such way.
How long have you been teaching Art? This is my second year teaching. It has been a crazy couple of years, what with learning new media (they asked me if I could teach photography when they hired me in June, I said sure, no problem, then the Summer before I started I took my first photography class....craziness eh?), meeting new teachers, getting to know the building, and just generally trying to ride the awesome wave of energy that my students bring to the classroom.
I had one student last year, who I am still working with, who I think will be getting into Cooper Union this year or next, he is so strong with his art, and has produced something in the area of 1,500-2,000 artworks since he graduated in late Spring of 06.
Anyhow good luck with them pirate ships!!
scorpionkiss |
Scorpy now all you need to do is introduce them to the game and you will have an batch of new D&D converts!
And just wait until they hit thier teens and start painting minis! These kids are gonna rock!
Oh yeah Jib, don't worry about that I got plenty of projects in the pipeline to get them into it.
scorpionkiss |
Fletch wrote:Wait, you put your students to work building props for your home game? What kind of sweat shop you got running there?"If you don’t make the ships, you can’t have role playing. How can you have any role playing if you don’t make the ships?"
Pink Floyd
Well i hope i'm not the kind of teacher who sticks them in a meatgrinder and grinds them into worms (well maybe just the naughty ones)