Lords of the Boards - ASSEMBLE!

Off-Topic Discussions

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Liberty's Edge

I am Darth Canis.
Lord of the Sith.

Canadian Bakka
Devil's Advocate

Pretty much neutral, like Sweden (or is it Switzerland?), only without the company of gorgeous tall blondes.

If I had to name something that I am a Lord of, it would be Good Taste, but then that would be rather misleading as I am neither British or French, :P

To quote a certain dog, whose name escapes me at the moment, from Conan Obrian's show, "I kid, I kid!"

CB out.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

What have you spawned Sebastian?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Daigle wrote:
What have you spawned Sebastian?

In addition to this thread:

one boy
one girl
countless arguments, insults, and nonesense
a large number of corporations and limited liability companies in Delaware, California, and the Cayman Islands
the internet

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

*shakes his head*

Too much info.

I think this thread is getting out of control. Too many chefs/chiefs. Good thing its just pretend.

Pooper of Parties
Holder of the Wet Blanket
Rainer of Parades



Seriously I turned it on like six times when
i wrote this

Eltanin - Forehead of Draco the Dragon (or is it Chin?)
Bearer of the Curse of Obsession
Worker of Decreased Productivity (due to previously mentioned curse and these messageboards)
Captain on the High Seas of Procrastination

Scarab Sages

Sexi Golem 01 wrote:



I just don't want to know...


The Render

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Hmmm...looks like you left off part of your title James. Let me see if I can fix it.

James Sutter wrote:
The Render of Lovely Water Colour Portraits

Much better!

Heathansson wrote:

I am Darth Canis.

Lord of the Sith.

Yeah well, I'm waiting for Darth Ept to show up.

He's funnier at parties.

The Doctor House of the RPG world,

I forgot to add a couple of mine:

Countess of Cookies!
Princess of Pie!
Czarina of the Crockpot!

(I was very domestic last night - peanut butter pies (two of 'em) and chocolate-white chocolate-caramel cookies. Work potlucks are fun!)

Nicolas Logue wrote:
High Marshall of all things Macademia . . .

Implying something about us nuts who make a living teaching college students? ;)

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Bard of Asia!

I'd challenge you to a musical duel for this title, except all I can do is sing old Deng Lijun songs at karaoke bars, and you'd surely win out with your theatrical performances of the Monkey King gobbling up Laozi's peaches of immortality. I'll have to recite a few lines of Li Bai and Su Dongpo and claim the title Poet Laureate of Asia instead.

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Fugitive from the Beijing Secret Police!

Ah! But can you claim the titles Grave Rubber of Slippery Rock Village, Missionary Witch-Doctor to the Black Bone Barbarians, Foreign Devil Evader of the Wande Township Police (all three of them), Eater of Insect Larvae, Drinker of Poisoned Baijiu, Interviewer of Dead Chieftains, Witness to Unspeakable Sacrifices, and Puller of Horseless Carriages up muddy slopes?

I didn't think so. :-P

(Guess I'll have to go to GenCon next year so we can swap China stories over a bottle of Erguotou. If I can find some.)

The Koga isn't really lord of anything, more of a powerful creature that awakens every once in awhile to post something random, like some kindof chaotic neutral Cthulhu.

Peruhain of Brithondy wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:
High Marshall of all things Macademia . . .

Implying something about us nuts who make a living teaching college students? ;)

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Bard of Asia!

I'd challenge you to a musical duel for this title, except all I can do is sing old Deng Lijun songs at karaoke bars, and you'd surely win out with your theatrical performances of the Monkey King gobbling up Laozi's peaches of immortality. I'll have to recite a few lines of Li Bai and Su Dongpo and claim the title Poet Laureate of Asia instead.

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Fugitive from the Beijing Secret Police!

Ah! But can you claim the titles Grave Rubber of Slippery Rock Village, Missionary Witch-Doctor to the Black Bone Barbarians, Foreign Devil Evader of the Wande Township Police (all three of them), Eater of Insect Larvae, Drinker of Poisoned Baijiu, Interviewer of Dead Chieftains, Witness to Unspeakable Sacrifices, and Puller of Horseless Carriages up muddy slopes?

I didn't think so. :-P

(Guess I'll have to go to GenCon next year so we can swap China stories over a bottle of Erguotou. If I can find some.)

I thought I had some interesting adventures in the Middle Kingom - makes experience pales - I bow to the wonder that is you.

Out of curiousity what do you teach and where?

Breaker of Faucet Handles.

(Yes, there's a story behind this one.)

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Peruhain of Brithondy wrote:

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Bard of Asia!
I'd challenge you to a musical duel for this title, except all I can do is sing old Deng Lijun songs at karaoke bars, and you'd surely win out with your theatrical performances of the Monkey King gobbling up Laozi's peaches of immortality. I'll have to recite a few lines of Li Bai and Su Dongpo and claim the title Poet Laureate of Asia instead.

I was thinking of a drunken karaoke version of "Heat of the Moment" as a qualifier for Bard of Asia.

Kyr wrote:

I thought I had some interesting adventures in the Middle Kingom - makes experience pales - I bow to the wonder that is you.

Out of curiousity what do you teach and where?

Kyr, if I ever run into you at GenCon I'll swap Persian Gulf stories with you--you'll probably have me beat, since most of mine are second hand stories about sailors getting social diseases or otherwise damaging their reproductive organs at Habib's House of Hummers in Dubai. That and nightmare stories about what the yardbirds at Dubai Drydocks did to our #2 Ship's Service Turbo Generator.

I have to admit that I'm playing the same game Bilbo played with Smaug in inventing those titles--there's some truth behind each, and a good yarn, but a bit of boastful exaggeration, too.

I'm teaching Chinese History at Hamilton College, so I guess I should add a couple more titles to my growing list:

Keeper of the Secret of the Emperor's Elixir of Immortality
Professor of Arcana Incognita Sinologica
and Peruser of the Sublime Rites of Ancestor Dumu

(If any of you figures out the meanings of all three of these titles, I'll share a shot of Erguotou with you at GenCon).

Daigle wrote:
Peruhain of Brithondy wrote:

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Bard of Asia!
I'd challenge you to a musical duel for this title, except all I can do is sing old Deng Lijun songs at karaoke bars, and you'd surely win out with your theatrical performances of the Monkey King gobbling up Laozi's peaches of immortality. I'll have to recite a few lines of Li Bai and Su Dongpo and claim the title Poet Laureate of Asia instead.
I was thinking of a drunken karaoke version of "Heat of the Moment" as a qualifier for Bard of Asia.

Ugh! Drunken karaoke! Reminds me of when my ex-girlfriend in Kunming had a couple of bachelors renting the apartment in the adjacent highrise--same floor but different building nearby. They had a karaoke machine in their apartment and serenaded the neighborhood nightly with their horrible drunken performances. My girlfriend dubbed the building Lu Jiao Lou, which translates as "Tower of Braying Donkeys."

I can still carry a tune when I'm drunk, so I think you'd be in third place, Daigle.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Peruhain of Brithondy wrote:

I can still carry a tune when I'm drunk, so I think you'd be in third place, Daigle.

I have no intention of claiming that title. I was just curious if he meant the continent or the 80's band.

Liberty's Edge


She will smoke any and all wannabe-bards of Asia like a cheap cigar.


Liberty's Edge

I AM The Eldritch Mr. Shiny the ALMOST!,
Scion of Yog-Sothoth,
I am a PARAGON of Chaotic Neutrality!

Lord of cheese-weiner dogs.
Driver of the elderly to mass.
Potentate of ball bearings.

Now that we're all kind of established, uh, when are we going to try and merge into some huge Voltron-like superbeing? Even though, with the internet connections and all, we may end up just melding into a football stadium sized technology baby like at the end of Akira.

James Keegan wrote:
Now that we're all kind of established, uh, when are we going to try and merge into some huge Voltron-like superbeing? Even though, with the internet connections and all, we may end up just melding into a football stadium sized technology baby like at the end of Akira.

And with the diversity of our skills, attributes and charm that would be bad exactly HOW?

I nominate F2K to be the Tech baby's hind end...;)

Massdriver wrote:

I nominate F2K to be the Tech baby's hind end...;)

Now, now, I don't know about that. I think Heathansson, FH and I would (rightly) end up as the grotesque monstrosity's snarky hind quarters, sharing real estate with the other wise-acres.

James Keegan wrote:
Massdriver wrote:

I nominate F2K to be the Tech baby's hind end...;)
Now, now, I don't know about that. I think Heathansson, FH and I would (rightly) end up as the grotesque monstrosity's snarky hind quarters, sharing real estate with the other wise-acres.

BUTT by his own earlier admission he is the best qualified.;)

I suppose I am being a bit Cheeky...

The Exchange

James Keegan wrote:
Massdriver wrote:

I nominate F2K to be the Tech baby's hind end...;)
Now, now, I don't know about that. I think Heathansson, FH and I would (rightly) end up as the grotesque monstrosity's snarky hind quarters, sharing real estate with the other wise-acres.

Watch it there, hippie! Everyone knows I would make a far better spleen or appendix! I'll leave "bringing up the rear" to those who are more qualified.

FH ;)

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:

Watch it there, hippie! Everyone knows I would make a far better spleen or appendix! I'll leave "bringing up the rear" to those who are more qualified.

FH ;)

Shyaa. 2 organs you can live without.

James Keegan wrote:
Now that we're all kind of established, uh, when are we going to try and merge into some huge Voltron-like superbeing?

Too late! It has already happened!!! And soon, very soon now, your player characters will be able to join this amalgam as well....


And here I shall paraphrase Tucker from Red vs Blue.

"Gamers are like Voltron. The more you can hook up, the better it gets."

Tremble before the might of Kahoolin the Reasonably Unorthodox

-Eschewer of Alignment
-Scorner of Prestige Classes
-He Who Thinks Paladins And Clerics Are Essentially The Same Thing Concept-Wise And Why Do They Need Two Holy Warriors Anyway?

Liberty's Edge


Dancer in Darkness;
Scourge of Wardrobes;
Bringer of Nightmares.

THE Rabid Cow
crasher of computers
ruiner of plot lines
dispenser of poorly timed jokes in bad taste

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Larry Lichman

Lord of Undeath
Champion of Home-Brewed Campaigns
Voice for More Frequent Use of Lycanthropes in Campaigns
Sworn Enemy of All Things Stupid
Master of My Domain

El Skootro
Late comer to all important threads
Molder of young minds
Handsomest of all devils

Me, too!
Dreaded Iconoclast,
Player of Mean, Drunken Paladins,
Master of Sinanju.

Liberty's Edge

Mr. Shiny!
He revels in his insanity!
And he is insane in his revelry!

Creator of all Things Stupid.
Denouncer of all Things Munchkin.
Debater of all Things Pointless.
Cooker of all Things Garlicky.

Scarab Sages

Behold the dreaded might of ABERZOMBIE!

Champion of the Dead-That-Walk!
Devourer of innocence and purity!
Purveyor of once respectable clothing lines that have now fallen victim to the trashy-is-chic theory of annoyingly young teens.

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:

Behold the dreaded might of ABERZOMBIE!

Champion of the Dead-That-Walk!
Devourer of innocence and purity!
Purveyor of once respectable clothing lines that have now fallen victim to the trashy-is-chic theory of annoyingly young teens.

Soon to be married! With a Groom's cake that looks like a brain!

Dead-that-walk indeed......;P
edit*you didn't already tie the knot yet, didya?*

Scarab Sages

Fake Healer wrote:

Soon to be married! With a Groom's cake that looks like a brain!

Dead-that-walk indeed......;P
edit*you didn't already tie the knot yet, didya?*

Not yet. 74 days unitl the end! I'm doomed. DOOMED I tell you!

Liberty's Edge

Thet zombie's a runnin' foo.

Player of all things Fantasy.
Jacker of all things Threaded?
The Nightlight of I'm Scared.

Liberty's Edge

secretturchinman wrote:

Player of all things Fantasy.

Jacker of all things Threaded?
The Nightlight of I'm Scared.

Train the boy I will not. Too old he is.

Baker of Baklava.
Eater of the Sammich.
Annoyed by Mr. Shiny Spellchecking Me.

J/K lol :p

Liberty's Edge

secretturchinman wrote:

Baker of Baklava.

Eater of the Sammich.
Annoyed by Mr. Shiny Spellchecking Me.

J/K lol :p

'Spellchecking' should be hyphenated.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

'Spellchecking' should be hyphenated.


Freehold DM
Devourer of PCs
Deflowerer of Virgins
Defiler of Good Taste!

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