Massdriver's page

Goblin Squad Member. 18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Morrow Project, L5R 1st. edition (absolutely love this one), Dr.Who the RPG, and Twilight:2000, and I'll second Star Frontiers.

R.I.P. and godspeed Mr.Gygax.Thank you for giving my friends and I the opportunity to share in your world, and make worlds of our own.


Dire (or fiendish...this can be applied to many of the next few suggestions) sharks, dire baracuda,dire octopi,dragon turtle, sahuagin,sea hags,giant sea snakes,seawolves,mosasaur (dinosaur), ichthyosaur (another dinosaur),monstrous crabs,water naga, troll-scrag,ghoul-lacedon,Ixitxatchitl (killer sting rays),fiendish killer whales and pretty much anything else that is a hunter and lives in the sea.Plug in what you need to get the point across.

Heathansson wrote:
Massdriver wrote:

The giant octopi-squid thingy asleep in a dead city beneath the waves of the Atlantic...I figure he/it's just as worthy of my worship/adoration as any other god/idea.;)

"You have received a collect call from C'thulhu. Do you accept charges?"

Actually I was refering to Squidworth from Sponge Bob Squarepants, but that other squid guy will work too.;)

The Doom that came to Sarnath isn't bad either.

The giant octopi-squid thingy asleep in a dead city beneath the waves of the Atlantic...I figure he/it's just as worthy of my worship/adoration as any other god/idea.;)

My guess for #16 would be climbing gear...

James Keegan wrote:
Massdriver wrote:

I nominate F2K to be the Tech baby's hind end...;)
Now, now, I don't know about that. I think Heathansson, FH and I would (rightly) end up as the grotesque monstrosity's snarky hind quarters, sharing real estate with the other wise-acres.

BUTT by his own earlier admission he is the best qualified.;)

I suppose I am being a bit Cheeky...

I nominate F2K to be the Tech baby's hind end...;)

James Keegan wrote:
Now that we're all kind of established, uh, when are we going to try and merge into some huge Voltron-like superbeing? Even though, with the internet connections and all, we may end up just melding into a football stadium sized technology baby like at the end of Akira.

And with the diversity of our skills, attributes and charm that would be bad exactly HOW?

Lord of cheese-weiner dogs.
Driver of the elderly to mass.
Potentate of ball bearings.

The Knife Shop in most of the malls here in AZ. carry swords,crossbows,axes,maces...I've even seen a flail...all kinds of instruments with which to kill/maim,should one be so inclined.I have never seen or heard of anyone using one in a violent crime here...okay, maybe an ax every now and again,but most people still prefer in this modern day and age to kill each other civily...with guns.

For the record...I am NOT advocating violence in any way/shape or form...I just happen to be venomously sarcastic towards the human propensity to commit violent acts.

Tatterdemalion wrote:

So I checked out the Cold Steel website:

Cold Steel website wrote:
The Japanese swords of the Imperial Series have proven, since their initial introduction almost two years ago, to be quite popular with many of our customers. Still, we are aware that there are some people who want a battle ready sword but hope to find one at a more affordable price...

Why are people wanting battle-ready swords?!?

The world really scares me sometimes :/

Just in case you should suddenly feel the need to commit seppuku at a moments notice...after all,you'd need a sturdy blade for your second to lop off your head with...wouldn't want him mucking THAT up with a show blade now would we?:/

Heathansson wrote:
I hate ice man!!!!!

Why is it that everybody bags on that dude, I mean common! If it wasn't for him Tom Cruise would have had fewer cool fighter jockey scenes in Top Gun...not to mention baging Mcgillis...JUST LAY OFF!'t be talking about the superhero perchance would you?

Hello, I have just discovered that the Adventure Gear cards will not be available for another 3-4 weeks.I was wondering if there was any way I could have my order shipped now (with the exception of the Adventure Gear cards) and just pay for additional shipping on the Adventure Gear cards? Any help in this matter would be most appreciated.
Thank you,
Steven R. Bledsoe

Kyle Baird wrote:

You're probably best served by emailing customer service about your order.

For those of us too impatient to wait for the cards to come back from the printer, can you just tell us the printing company so we can visit and pick them up first hand? :D

Hmmm...I apparently failed my "check out the blatantly obvious" spot roll...thanks.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

We are currently expecting Adventure Gear in roughly 3-4 weeks. I do not believe we have an exact date from the printer, so that may vary a bit, but yes, we are getting very close. Dragon's Trove is still on schedule. As for what's beyond that, I am hoping to be able to share that news soon.

Jason Bulmahn
Item Card Lead Designer

NOOOOO...can I get my order shipped sooner even if I already picked the "wait until all items become available" option for shipping (paying the relavent shipping costs for the Adventure packs when they become available)? I can't bloody wait 3-4 weeks for the rest of my order...I need those spell templates now man(0_o)!Dang the luck!Last time I pick that blasted option...grumble...grumble...

I just simply hate. I am a ball of hate.I hate people who whine about their players, I hate people who whine about their DM's. I hate people who hate other campaign settings than the one(s)they like.I hate people who hate people who hate.I do like daisies though.I hate people who hate daisies.I don't care what other people hate.I hate that I don't care what other people hate.I Hate this thread.I ahte dislexia.I hate lima beans.I hate George Foreman and his flippin' grill.I hate the weinermobile.I hate cocktail olives.I could go on and on and I hate myself for it.I just simply hate.I hate that i'm ending my rant.End of rant.