N1NJ4 |

We just started the STAP this evening, and already there has been a death!
Name: Raku
Race: Darfellan
Class: Urban barbarian 1.
Catalyst: The terrible pedipalp -> grapple -> nasty bite combo of the rhagodessa.
Raku (Ra-kOO) charged the hideous vermin lurking in the doorway to the Nixie's hold, which was perched above the slumped and unconscious body of his friend Drake (warblade 1), the rhagodessa's most recent victim (Vark's friend-with-benefits being the first).
Raku's ferocity just wore off after many long rounds of combat with Vark and his thugs (five PCs and an NPC cleric in this game, so the group fought four thugs, then three abruptly awakened thugs w/o armor, then Vark and three thugs), so when he charged with his halberd he managed to reduce the rhagodessa to 1 hp - if he wasn't sickened due to his ferocity ending he would have knocked the vermin out cold. Unfortnately the beast spasmed, near-death, and frantically lunged forward, snaring Raku with his pedipalps and pulling him close. His mandibles punched through Raku's chest and stabbed through his lungs and out his back, dropping him several points below -10.
As the death blow was about to be dealt, Drake was healed up by Lixton the spellscale bard. The first thing he saw when he regained consciousness was the two vicious mandibles that knocked him out punching through his best friend's back.

DMFTodd |

Character: Umbra, Human Rog 1
Adventure: There is No Honor
Location: Below Pirate Island
Catalyst: Fear and Honor
Making their way through Pirate Island, the PCs have made easy work of the ravenous zombies so far when they encounter the Heucuva and a zombie at the far eastern portion of the complex.
Umbra, the party cleric, the dragon shamn, and wizard all move forward to battle the nasties with the spirit shaman hanging back.
The dragon shaman, the character that has been dishing out the damage making easy work of the zombies so far, quickly falls to the heucuva's fear and runs away. The spirit shaman goes after the dragon shaman in case he gets into other trouble.
The zombie spends a few rounds attempting to grapple Umbra (I played the zombies as mindless - they attempt to grapple until they take damage in doing so, then they just bite), with Umbra not being able to hit in retaliation. The cleric and wizard end up taking care of the Heucuva.
In the meantime, two other zombie pirates appear from the south - blocking the hallway and seperating the party. The cleric moves away to deal with this threat living Umbra and the wizard to deal with the now injured - and no longer attempting to grapple - zombie.
The party wizard attempts to move past the zombie he and Umbra are fighting to give the rogue a flank. He fails, takes an AoO and goes down. Umbra bravely tumbles to position himself between the zombie and his helples fallen comrade. Sadly, the zombie bites and drops Umbra on the next round.
The cleric can't get to Umbra and the dragon shaman is also too far away. Next round, they gasp in horror when the ravenous zombie leaps onto Umbra and begins feasting.
My party really, really hates Vanthus at this point.

Rakshaka |

Character: August Simons VII, Dwarven (reincarnated) Factotem 13
Adventure: City of Broken Monsters (I jest)
Cause of Death: Shock and awe at the amazing Wastrilith body-swapping trick followed by two rounds of empowered magic missle barrages.
Well, Mr. Simons and crew were making their second assault into Taboo island against the entrenched tribe in the temple. We had already tangled with the Wastrilith while fighting the Abyssal Ghoul, the Chief, and the rest of his tribe in the first foray, nearly suffering TPK due to Wastrilith's projected Blasphemy coupled with everyone else hacking up our dazed butts (freedom of movement doesn't stop Dazed, and we're all teeming with goodness). We killed the chief, but barely escaped... Having purchased numerous metamagic rods of silent spell and prepping many spells of silence to counter the devesating effects of the Blasphemy, we felt good. The assault resumed predictably enough, with our protections nerfing the Acolyte's spell powers and the Skinwalkers proving ineffectual with their attacks mainly. Even Onailatu (Spelling?) almost died under a full attack in one round from our Dragon-Shaman, Demon-Hating Fighter, Darius, and things seemed good. Then the Wastrilith starts hurling spells from INSIDE one of the front statues. Pretty hard to hit a 38 AC, so a disintegration ensued followed by Dimensional Anchor. Then, the unthinkable happened. The creature suffered a full attack and then Dispelled itself, getting rid of the Anchor. It instantly swapped itself with Demongorgon (presumably) and proceeded to double-gaze, full attack and teleport away! In our haste to take out the Wastrilith, we forgot the Acolytes, who had been slowly picking away at August's health with the one spell that worked for them: Magic Missle. August had about 30 health before suddenly being taken to -20. A revivify ensued, but unfortunately the Acolytes finished the job the next round. I must say, I haven't had a butt-kicking like that in a long time. Awesome job, Mr. Leati!

Klamachpin |

Character: Jareth Del'Arctur, Human Rogue 1
Adventure: There Is No Honor
Location: Smuggling Chamber under Parrot Island
Catalyst: Poor luck by entire party (aka one slippery zombie)
Having been sealed into the tunnels of Parrot Island by Vanthus, the party began exploring the caves to find a way out. Upon entering the large room that was the smuggling chamber, the former city guard Tarmak whom had the primary light source decided to pick another swollen door and force it open. The rest of the party followed suit.
Opening the door revealed two obviously undead pirates with gaping maws. Tarmak stepped back and waited for one to charge him, bastard sword ready. Jareth took a position next to Tarmak and the party's Warlock and Ranger took positions to use ranged attacks on the probable spot where the zombie would stand if Tarmak failed to drop it. The first zombie charged Tarmak - and was cut down quite easily. The second zombie hungrily moved over its companion's body, but did not attack.
The party chopped away at the surprisingly tough undead, but it still was up when its initiative came around. It took one good bite out of Jareth, dropping him. Then the poor luck began.
The next few attacks the zombie could not be hit, even with touch attacks (nobody rolled above touch AC 10). The zombie got another turn, and proceeded to leap on the easy target Jareth made and feast, ignoring the other PCs. The party then tried to grapple the zombie to pull it away from Jareth. Again, no one could even grab the thing - it proceeded to rip a meal out of Jareth's stomach, killing him.
(Of note, the very next initiative the warlock was able to melt the zombie's head with an eldritch blast, but it was too late for Jareth.)

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The new update of obituaries' thread :
- 1st adventure (TINH) : 69 PCs / 9 NPCs-familiars-animals
- 2nd adventure (TBG) : 47 PCs
- sidetrek before 3rd adventure : 3 PCs
- 3rd adventure (SWW) : 54 PCs / 17 NPCs-familiars-animals (thanks to many kills by the blue slaad in DMfromplanetX's campaign)
- 4th adventure (HTBM) : 30 PCs / 9 NPCs-familiars-animals (not counting Avner's horse)
- 5th adventure (ToD) : 16 PCs / 2 NPCs-familiars-animals
- sidetrek before 6th adventure : 2 PCs
- 6th adventure (TLD) : 5 PCs / 1 NPC-familiar-animal
- sidetrek before 7th adventure : 1 PC
- 7th adventure (CoBI) : 3 PCs
- 8th adventure (SoS) :
- 9th adventure (ItM) :
Vega Moonshine, I assumed that your 3 PCs died during "Torrents of Dread" ...

YeuxAndI |

Character: Waldengast (m aquatic 1/2 elf ranger 5/rogue 3/ honorable dread pirate 1), Johan (m elf hexblade 5/fighter 5), Cambriella (f aventi cleric 8/ rainbow servant 2)
Adventure: Tides of Dread
Location: Vrock Lobsters!
Catalyst: The Dance of Ruin and some spores.
The party begins to close in on the vrocks as they begin they're dance while singing "Rock Lobster" by the B-52's. The party's wizard/bard/ ulitmate magus, Milo, took the yaun-ti's extended fireball wand and had been peppering them for a few round, just to soften them up. Wally, Johan, and Brie stick to a v formation as they run towards the demons, peppering them with missile weapons (at a range penalty) and spells as they go. Queequeg and Queenie, the clever halfling ranger and his dire ape friend, use their superior mobility to move around the flank of the demons.
And then the Dance of Ruin ended. Brie had Shield Other on Queequeg and took about 100pts of damage, sending her to -49. Johan was at 0. Wally, with his excellent reflex save and evasion ability, rolled a 1 on the save and was put to -3. Milo used his immdiate jaunt (from the PHBII) to get out of harms way. Queenie, the ape, was at 1 hp and Queequeg was at half. All seemed lost...
The vrocks jump around and squawk in joy. Queenie races to Brie and pours a couple shots of curative wine down her throat. (House rule: If a character is taken past -10 and can be brought back over before her next turn, she doesn't die. We don't like to kill PCs unless there's no way around it.) Milo moves up and ours more down her throat. She's at 1 hp. In a panic, the druid and cleric begin to heal the party as fast as they can.
One side effect of Ollie's Best (a jug of wine that is treated as a cure critical)is that the drinkers get drunk after two hits of the wine. The cleric's drunk.
Milo moves away from the party and starts to throw orbs of sound at the vrocks. He makes most of the SR checks and takes one out. By that time, the party was mostly healed and the vrocks had moved in to tear the wizard apart.
Through kind DMing on my part and sheer luck on the part of the party, they managed to pull that from a sure TPK to a decent battle.

Steve Greer Contributor |

...they begin they're dance while singing "Rock Lobster" by the B-52's.
Heh. Excellent. Another fun dance of ruin song is "The Chicken Dance". I had my group in stitches doing that crap the last time a ran a dance of ruin encounter. There's nothing more satisfying than making your players laugh while you're killing their characters >:-}

Rakshaka |

Character: August Simons the IXth, Goblin (Reincarnated) Factotem
Module: City of Broken Monsters
Location: Kala's Temple
Cause of Death: Heroic last stand against Xerkemat (Jerkamat) before death by Spiked clubs
We finally found our way to the hideous shrine beneath the ruined city where lurked Kala, his pets, Onailanti, Xerkemat, Skinwalkers, 2 Acolytes, Thogriff, a pack of Fiendish Apes, and a summoned Retriever. Melee ensued, and due to an earlier encounter, we knew we had to kill Xerkemat first. Fireballs, Chain Lightning, and a Planar Allied Aspect of Bahamut layed waste to the minions while we singled out the fiend. The water-demon teleported about the room, elluding the Hell-bred Paladin/ Hell Reaver (My cohort, Skurm Hellscream) and waylaying our main uber-buffed fighter, Darius, with Dispels. After numerous grievous hits from Skurm, the Demon teleported across the room to August, who had taken the brunt of Thogriff and the Skinwalker's attacks. Near death, August chose not to heal himself and instead burned all of his power to scorching ray the demon, killing it. Like a tide of Evil, all the monster's gazes washed over him and was attacked from every direction. Skinwalkers cut him down, (Critical Hit) putting him the negatives. My wizard Skelthane used a Limited Wish to cause the attack to be rerolled, and it bought August another round as he attempted to jockey away from the brutal demon-men. Unfortunately, blasts of magical energy from the Acolytes, Skinwalker blows, and an angry Retriever ensured his demise. We won the day, but at great cost. Fortunately, with all the treasure procured, we can afford a True-Ress for him. Still, it was a horrific fight and I fear what lurks in Scuttlecove...

lindemacil |
PC: Din, Halfling Cleric of Olidammara 10
Adventure: Tides of Dread
Location of Death: Farshore, about 50ft from Vanderboren Manor
Catalyst: finished off by his frenzied party companion
Din had already been injured by the vrocks and hadn't yet had time to heal himself when Vanthus showed up. Spells and Lavinia's longsword attacks (she was the only one to hit him with a melee weapon, and the PCs have a new respect for her now) took him down enough hit points to prompt him to pull out the black pearl. He'd just anointed it with his blood when Skullbasher frenzied on him and put an end to him. The berserker failed to catch the pearl, and it cracked on the ground and started to do what all savage pearls should do when split. The warmage gave Din his bag of holding, which Din used to scoop up the pearl. Skullbasher, still in a frenzy, turned and went after him with his falchion. Boom. Dead cleric.
The party decided to get rid of the pearl by feeding the bag of holding to an earth elemental. The warmage was a bit distraught, considering most of his stuff was still in the bag.
Din was later reincarnated into a gnome, which made the party's gnome warmage quite enthusiastic about inducting him into the ways of gnomehood (althought he'd really been wishing Din would return as a shocker lizard). Din insists he's really a halfling with a big nose.
I'm still working on how Skullbasher's punishment is going to play out.

Orcmonk220 |

Name: Lord Robert Cooper.
Class/Level: Pal 1.
Area: Deck of the Blue Nixie.
The party had lured the Rhagodessa onto the deck, and Lord Robert attempted to Bull Rush it back into the hold (sort of a 'keep it down' tactic). The Bull Rush failed, Lord Robert was grappled, and killed. The party Necromancer used a homebrew metamagic feat the next round to create a paladin zombie.
Now there's an oxymoron!

Bryon_Kershaw |

PC: Jan Itor, Gestalt Warblade/Fighter 1
Adventure: There is No Honour
Location: B9, Galley of the Blue Nixie
Catalyst: Four simultaneous coup d' grace
Description: The sadly named "Jan Itor" warrior of the arena, charged down into the galley after his cleric companion Drefan had cast Obscuring Mists and his Whisper Halfling ally Amshell had used his ability to create Silence centered on himself. Unable to discuss tactics or see anyone, he charged into the hold and was confronted by Vark and all his allies. After being knocked unconscious by Vark, the four pirates in range stepped forward and jabbed him with death.
Highlight: Jan's player taunting "Who fights with a rapier!?"
~ Bryon ~

Mystic Marauder |

PC: Machlor, 5th level human wizard
Adventure: Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location: Hold of the Sea Wyvern
Catalyst: Rowyn Kellani
Rowyn had attempted to poison a PC after springing the pickled mephits on them. The PCs used a zone of truth on every crew member and passenger to determine that none of them were the cause. They then decided to do an exhaustive search of the ship for stowaways.
Rowyn knew she was in trouble. She used disquise self to appear like Lavinia (who was onboard at the time at the PC's request) and came up from beind the searching PC's. Asking to speak with one, she used a diguise spell to cast 'suggestion' on Machlor, suggesting that another PC (a dwarf druid) was in fact the poisoner and he should be killed immediately. He lost his save and attacked the druid. The party's warmage then blasted her fellow arcanist to ash to save the druid.

Mystic Marauder |

PC: Fellipe Rose, 5th level human monk
Adventure: Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location: Tamoachan
Catalyst: Varrangoin
The varrangoin attacked without warning, bringing the monk to negative hit points. He was healed back to 1 hit point by a lesser vigor spell by the party druid. The party defeated the Varrangoin with ease (much more easily than the basilisk who turned most of them to stone), but when it exploded in its death throes, the monk failed his refled save and took 11 points of damage killing him instantly.

Wolfshead |

Character: Balderk, 3rd level dwarf fighter
Adventure: The Bullywug Gambit
Location: Kraken's Cove
The Killer: Ripclaw, savage deinonychus
Balderk, already wounded and suffering from savage fever, took two critical hits from Ripclaw. The second was enough to put him beyond -10 hit points, killing him instantly.
I had worried that we were going to end up with a TPK in Kraken's Cove, as of the remaining four party members, two were infected with savage fever. The cleric was down to an intelligence of 4 and out of spells. With some luck and some good tactics, they managed to pull themselves together and survive. Well, except for Balderk.

Anthony Law |

Character: Desta (Olman Cleric 11)
Adventure: The Lightless Depths
Cause of Death: Elder Black Pudding
In the room full of acid pools, the elder black pudding dropped from the ceiling as a player ran across the room. On her turn, the cleric cast flame strike on it and then ran within 15 feet of the pudding. This provoked an AoO and the cleric was grabbed. On its turn, the pudding finished her off.
I think the player was actually glad she was killed because the pudding had already destroyed 55000gp worth of equipment and it would have been very difficult for her to continue without her stuff.

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Adventure: Bullywug Gambit, Kraken's Cove
Character: Asvadius, 2 rogue/1 fighter grey elf
Catalyst: Bad Tumble Check + Death Throes + Acid
In the maze before the final part of the cavern, the party was jumped by the trio of savage pirates laying in wait. In an attempt to get to a flanking position, Asvadius attempted to tumble past one of the pirates, and failed - badly (1 on the die). Ending up prone next to the pirate, he was slashed the next round. At this point, the party fighter steps up and hacks down the pirate who lashes out at Asvadius in the death throes, putting our swashbuckling elf at -7 hp.
And then comes the acid. Which you can't save against while unconcious and prone. It did the full 6 points of damage... killing Asvadius.
And he was the only sailor in the party, which is going to make getting back to Sasserine in time -very- interesting. Ooo... I hadn't even realized. Oh dear. Heh. This'll be interesting.

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A brand new update of obituaries' thread :
- 1st adventure (TINH) : 71 PCs / 9 NPCs-familiars-animals
- 2nd adventure (TBG) : 49 PCs
- sidetrek before 3rd adventure : 3 PCs
- 3rd adventure (SWW) : 56 PCs / 17 NPCs-familiars-animals
- 4th adventure (HTBM) : 30 PCs / 10 NPCs-familiars-animals (I decided to take Avner's horse into account)
- 5th adventure (ToD) : 20 PCs / 2 NPCs-familiars-animals
- sidetrek before 6th adventure : 2 PCs
- 6th adventure (TLD) : 6 PCs / 1 NPC-familiar-animal
- sidetrek before 7th adventure : 1 PC
- 7th adventure (CoBI) : 4 PCs
- 8th adventure (SoS) :
- 9th adventure (ItM) :
Steve, it looks like TOD is getting MUCH better !

stonegod |

Adventure: There is No Honor, Blue Nixie
Character: Bin, Dwarf Fighter
Catalyst: Never fight a giant vermin with 1 hp
The fight on the Blue Nixie went bad, with our conjurer dropping to -9, our dwarf to -5, and the rogue to -3. After escaping in a rowboat with our unconscious bodies, our cleric was able to get back to dock where Lavinia was there to help nurse us back to consciousness. However, the dwarf was only brought back up to 1 hp, a fact must of us did not catch at the time.
Lavinia urged us to "take back her ship." Needless to say, the giant vermin crawling around on deck made quick work of the fighter as he climbed up the ladder. We quickly be a retreat at let the City Watch handle it.

stonegod |

Adventure: There is No Honor, Caves beneath Parrot Island
Character: Jared, Human Cleric
Catalyst: The anti-cleric doesn't like living clerics...
Having found ourselves trapped beneath Parrot Island, our intrepid band was soon set upon by ravenous pirate zombies at an unfortunate looking sap that once was a cleric. Having barely survived that encounter (our old coot of a conjurer fell into the negatives once again, but the cleric managed to turn the huecuva), we were able to barricade a safe position for the night. Rested and somewhat healed, we faced the horde of dead again. This time, the Jared the cleric was not so lucky---the huecuva seemed to have a bone to pick with him, and beat him down until a maximal death attack finished the job.
Our swashbucker/cleric and our fighter were finally able to wear the huecuva down after the conjurer once again ran out of spells. *Then* we find a silver weapon later on. Sigh.

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Carnage! Mayhem! Death and dismemberment! Recount your glorious victories over your players here on the DM Kill Board!!!!

Ben Brenneman 22 |
Adventure: The Horrible Caves of Death Beneath Parrot Island
Characters: Pierre LeChiffre, Human Swashbuckler 1, Josey the Outlaw Whaler, Fighter 1
Catalyst: Hungry Zombies, Everybody uses the rapier!
Taking the bait hook-line-and-sinker, the adventurers were trapped by Vanthus in the dank caves. As they rounded a corner, hungry zombies lurched from the shadows. They attacked, but found that their piercing weapons had little effect on the undead. Pierre tried to hold the left flank. He managed to fend off one with his rapier, but another grabbed him, and before he knew it he was grappled by both zombies and taken down.
Meanwhile Josey and his companion Beric Donderian had managed to slowly stab another zombie into sumbission. Josey turned to help Pierre, and was grappled and eaten as well.
Their sacrifice was not in vain. As the zombies were busy fighting over their corpses, Beric and Ulfgar the dwarven wizard were able to sneak by and make their escape.
The party's hate of Vanthus is strong. Beric was so traumatized by the even that he now screams "Where's Vanthus" before every thrust of his rapier.

Russell Jones |

Adventure - Sea Wyvern's Wake
Victim - Mr. Smite, minotaur fighter, ship's captain
Cause of Death - Will O' Wisp
Mr. Smite cheated death once in Bullywug Gambit, being laid low by the savage dinosaur and living only through a technicality (AP's) that let him stabilize at -9. So, death returning to collect it's due was not unforseen.
The crew was visiting the bat-ruins that Urol wanted to see, and Smite took the brunt of the damage going in. After nearly defeating the winged demon single-handedly, and suriving its death throe, he was felled by a 16-point shock to the chest from the Will O' Wisp, which had remained hidden until it could enjoy the sweet taste of defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.
But as Mr. Smite went toward the light, the sweet voice of Malcanthet purred (anonymously) into his ear that it didn't have to be this way... accept her help, and he could go on to the great destiny she had forseen. He, being afraid of death, agreed, and was granted her boon: a kiss to the back of the neck, giving him life and an invisible brand shaped like a pair of lips pierced by a spike... a decision that could have planes-shaking consequences in the future.

Bryon_Kershaw |

PC: Drefan of the Divine Wind, gestalt Cleric/Psychic Warrior
Adventure: The Bullywug Gambit
Location of Death: infamous K5, the Hall of Hanging Silks
Catalyst: Eaten alive by Ripclaw
Long Description: The party was exploring, confident after putting down both monkies, pirates and even a weird flying squirrel, but when Ripclaw charged they knew this was going to be bad. The rogue hid out of sight and the fighter braced for impact but Drefan was the one who took the brunt of the attack. He was badly injured after the first barrage, and his throat was torn free by the second.
His two allies managed to finish off Ripclaw the next round, but it was sadly too late for Drefan.
~ Bryon ~

Sir Kaikillah |

I got one.
Pc: Adonis Pramus male human bard2, fitness guru to the nobles of Sasserine.
Adventure: There is no honor.
Where:Lotus Dragon lair
what happened: After gleefully murdering Neimen, Adonis and the others stormed the lotus Dragon Lair. the party ddestroys the lotus dragons. Rowyn escapes with the potion of gaseous form. She lures them back, this time with some heavy hitting mercenaries. Adonis storms her sanctuary, leaving his party members behind. He is done in by axe, rapier and kukri strikes.
Moral of story wait for your bashers before storming a trap.

stonegod |

Adventure: There is No Honor, Lotus Dragon Lair
Character: Luthien, Human Swashbucker/Cleric
Catalyst: Didn't you learn the last time about going off alone?
The impatient swashbuckler had a tendency to jump out ahead, ignoring the pleas of our paranoid conjurer (and depriving him of a meatshield). The first time he did that, he walk down the waterline at the entrance of the Lotus lair, attracting the Ix's and nearly getting himself killed in the process (dropped to 1 hp). While we survived that, he convinced our other warrior/meatshield to swim with by themselves to this lip of land he could see. Long story short, two fighters are not enough for the three giant spider-ponies on the other side, and his head soon found itself separated from his body in less than 1.5 rounds.
The fighter was lucky enough to be able to retreat to the rest of us, where we barely managed to contain the vermin horde.

uzagi |

It was a bloody night....
PC: Eremon aka "Ezekiel, Angel of Fire"... Warmage 13th
Adventure: City of Broken Idols
Location of Death: the Pelorian Camp
Catalyst: licked by a dog, ahem the Julajimus
Long Description:
The group had entered the pelorian camp and pleasantly surprised, struck up a quick, easy going friendship with the residents, when "Nolus" and his companions returned from the central plateau area. Kudos and greetings were exchanged, and the Bloodhound sidled up to the Warmage (who's player has a things for dogs in the first place ), starting to lick his face.... Obviously the dog liked the taste of sweaty jungle-tendered warmage !
Then abruptly wickedness ensued and the Julajimus changed, immediately chewing of the face of poor flat-footed Eremon, as well as ramming his claws into the warmage's guts to take a closer look at the liver and spleen for "auguring purposes". Unfortunately, this was done in an extremely violent "maximum-invasive" way which led to immediate and complete organ-failuire.
The Warmage, finding himself at -16 HP, lacking his face and important organs, plus having been grabbed by the spine died without a further word, his last memory being that of the "bloodhound"s friendly licking tongue and playfully wagging tail =)
Someone called it a 'Species' moment

uzagi |

PC: Samuelson, Lightfoot Halfling Sorcerer/Rogue/Arcanetrickster 4/3/6
Adventure: City of Broken Idols
Location of Death: the Pelorian Camp
Catalyst: brained ("feebleminded") by the Skinwalker Acolyte, then punched and pummeled to pie-tenderness
Long Description:
Same situation as before, the Arcane Trickster who had flaunted his magical capabilities a tad too much to escape notice found himself at the receiving end of a "feeblemind" spell. Now possessing the vegetative mental state of his favourite snack, the Kiwi-fruit he pondered his fate for one imbecile round, then got pummeled with the Maurezhi demon's mace into "foie de gras" tenderness by said entities mace, who had approached him, still disguised, to "free him from his suffering state".... One full attack later (and each one scoring a hit) , there was hardly anything left that resembled the cheerful and wily Halfling...
Another deeply mortified player.

uzagi |

PC: Norian, cohort, Sun Elf Wizard/Loremaster/Geometer 5/5/1
Adventure: City of Broken Idols
Location of Death: the Pelorian Camp
Catalyst: Again the ferocious Julajimus
Long Description:
Standing close to unfortunate Eremon, Norian witnessed the fate of the Warmage in rapt horror. His immediate reaction of moving away and casting "mirror image" upon himself unfortunately marked him as more than just the "chronicler" he had been introduced as. Three skinwalkers surrounded him, blocking flight.
The next round the Julajimus charged him, taking a sizeable chunk out poor Norian's meagre HP-reserve ( he rolled lucky on the "pick the image" roll ), then proceeded to rip him apart the following turn. Norian got off one "Enervation" at the aberration before he got shredded (ending up at -20+ HP), the remaining "mirror images" having been shredded by the skinwalker's attacks.

uzagi |

PC: Larysinna, Cloistered Cleric of Selune/Paragnostic Acolyte 12/1
Adventure: City of Broken Idols
Location of Death: the Pelorian Camp
Catalyst: Barrage of spells by the Skinwalker Acolyte + the Maurezhu demon
Long Description:
Hapless Larysinna, again, found herself embroiled in a viscious melee which was nothing like a peaceful day spend poring over books.
Although she got off a Divine Power on herself and bolstered the ambushed groups moral with a timely "Recitation" this marked her as a price target for the demonic ambushers. The skinwalker acolyte failed with his feeblemind, but this made him a focus of Laryssinna's attention - who in turn overlooked the Maurezhu demon going invisible, then moving up to her and letting rip with a series of blows with his heavy mace. getting struck by a targeted Dispel Magic did not help, and though she choose to run (drawing another AoO with further damge), it was a fireball from the skinwalker that laid her low. To add insult to injury, Onailati picked her has the first recipent of his animate dead spell, which closed the door on possible Raise dead for the rest of the group's dispatched members.
Although the Julajimus and the Skinwalker Acolyte eventually died, Onailati escaped, leaving the group in broken shambles (the Warblade got "feebleminded" too in the bargain ).
Reincarnations are being debated atm, but the situation looks bleak. There has also been some cries of "foul" since the Julajimus should not have been able to assume the form of a bloodhound (which is neither "small-sized" nor "cuddly-harmless"), burt.... well, maybe the fates and the GM provide some miracle ?

Steve Greer Contributor |

{snip}There has also been some cries of "foul" since the Julajimus should not have been able to assume the form of a bloodhound (which is neither "small-sized" nor "cuddly-harmless") {snip}
LOL! So... the players are complaining because they think the julajimus should have looked even more harmless than it was? A smaller, cuter dog is what they wanted? He he.
C'mon. How can this dog be any cuter and cuddly? Also, I believe it is considered small (most breeds). The Medium sized dogs in the Monster Manual are the larger work dogs such as great daines, mastiffs, etc. But, whatever.
stingraylonnie |

I have had only two deaths in my game, but I have a large party.
PC: Yorn - Human Sor3/Clr1
Adventure: Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location of Death: The Village of Renkrue
Catalyst: Rowyn Kellani - (disguised as Lavinia)
After spending the day with Lavinia, trying to win her over, they both went their separate ways for the evening. Later that night, a knocking on the door to Yorn and Kayton's room, Lavinia asked Yorn if he wanted to go for a walk along the beach. Yorn thinking his long day of wooing had paid off, went with Lavinia. Walking out to the end of the pier, Rowyn cast her "disguised Hold Person" then did her coup de graces. Yorn did not make his save, and the body was not found till morning.
PC: Thelo - Human Bar7
Adventure: Here There Be Monsters
Location of Death: The Temple of Demogorgon
Catalyst: Lemorian Golem
After four tough fights, Olangru mates, the Spirit Naga, the Fiendish Mob of Baboons and Olangru himself. The party was low on spells and some were hurt very bad. The barbarian had spent most of the fight with the naga charmed and fighting the other PCs, till the bard was able to fasinate him. During the fight with Olangru, the demon used his "Spring Attack" and fast movement ability to hit various PCs and move away from the strong but slow dwarf. After killing Olangru, the party spread out looking for his horde of treasure. The barbarian was convinced the statue of Demogorgon had a secret compartment under it and was trying to locate it for the treasure. When the golem animated, it howled and attacked the barbarian, missing both times, but the wild-elf ranger, barbarian and dwarf fighter failed their saves and were shaken. Other PCs ran up to try to hit the golem, but most were too far away to make it in one round. On it's next turn, it grabed the barbarian and succeeded in its grapple check. The cleric removed fear from the ranger and the barbarian, but the fighter was too far away to benifit from the spell. The cleric having only a few more spells left, asked who needed healing, and was told the ranger was close to going down, and at this point, the monk, and rouge were already down and bleeding. When the 2nd head howled, the dwarf failed his save again, and ran away in terror. The barbarian was down to 9 hp and being grappled, the ranger was down to 20hp, but said the barbarian could not do anything to help the party, so insisted the cleric use his last cure crit. on him so as to allow him to kill the golem. The cleric has the feat Reach Spell, (what ever the feat is to allow healing spells to be cast as rays). The next roung the golem maxed out on damage to the barbarian putting him to -11hp dead. The cleric then ran up and joined the fight, and wound up taking down the golem before it could grapple anyone else. They took the body of the barbarian and chucked into the fire pit so as to give him a proper ceremony to honor his death. Tavey was totally devistated when the party emerged from the temple and his hero was missing.

lin_fusan |
NPC/Cohort: Oscar, human fighter 4
Adventure: Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location of Death: On the deck of the Sea Wyvern
Catalyst: The flotsom ooze
Oscar, a recently recruited cohort for Givrillian, the party tank, was too close to the flotsom ooze, despite being an archer. Forgetting to 5'-step back each round, a pseudopod smashed into the fighter, then was crushed to death under the sticky mass.
PC: Givrillian, human fighter 6
NPC/familiar: Lizzy, Lia the druid's animal companion
Adventure: Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location of Death: On the deck of the Thunderer
Catalyst: Vine horror and its assassin vine/kelp buddy
Lizzy, entangled by the animated kelp, was grappled and crushed to death, desperately clawing away at its attacked.
A few rounds later, Givrillian, non-worshipping follower of Fharlanghn, had his travels stopped in his tracks fighting the vine horrors on the deck of the Thunderer.
Grappled by an animated mass of kelp, the brave warrior struggled but was unable to break free of the grapple. His friends, separated on the other side of the Thunderer, could not get there in time to prevent the vine horror from crushing him.

uzagi |

uzagi wrote:{snip}There has also been some cries of "foul" since the Julajimus should not have been able to assume the form of a bloodhound (which is neither "small-sized" nor "cuddly-harmless") {snip}LOL! So... the players are complaining because they think the julajimus should have looked even more harmless than it was? A smaller, cuter dog is what they wanted? He he.
C'mon. How can this dog be any cuter and cuddly? Also, I believe it is considered small (most breeds). The Medium sized dogs in the Monster Manual are the larger work dogs such as great daines, mastiffs, etc. But, whatever.
The cry of "foul" went up because the Dog was described as a bloodhound, similar to the one Naltos was supposed to have taken along to his excursion. A "smaller" more cuddly dog would have - allegedly - raised some suspicions like "why did he take that mutt along ?"
Bolgun, the Dog of Noltus is supposed to be a "bloodhound" according to his tactical description. And a mastiff or riding dogs ( and I estimate bloodhounds to be of a similar size ) are described as "medium" sized.

Steve Greer Contributor |

Well, not worth arguing really. The dog in question could go both ways since there are smaller and larger breeds of bloodhounds. The description provided to them probably should have been for a small breed. Of course, this begs the question, what are the players doing sticking their noses in the Monster Manual II, anyway? Personally, I'd have to slap down any cry of foul as metagaming and let the players know that monster design isn't always "by the book" and just because a description in a book says one thing, the DM (or in this, the author) always has the right to customize as he sees fit.
Case in point, a lot of this is happening in present and future GameMastery and Pathfinder modules. There will be a lot of new faces on old critters. Should be interesting seeing how players react to old monsters they may not immediately recognize.

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Brrrrand new update of DEATH, DEATH, lots of death !! :
- 1st adventure (TINH) : 80 PCs / 9 NPCs-familiars-animals
- 2nd adventure (TBG) : 52 PCs
- sidetrek before 3rd adventure : 3 PCs
- 3rd adventure (SWW) : 63 PCs / 18 NPCs-familiars-animals
- 4th adventure (HTBM) : 31 PCs / 10 NPCs-familiars-animals (I decided to take Avner's horse into account)
- 5th adventure (ToD) : 20 PCs / 2 NPCs-familiars-animals
- sidetrek before 6th adventure : 2 PCs
- 6th adventure (TLD) : 6 PCs / 1 NPC-familiar-animal
- sidetrek before 7th adventure : 1 PC
- 7th adventure (CoBI) : 8 PCs
- 8th adventure (SoS) :
- 9th adventure (ItM) :

Tom Qadim RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 |

Two more to add:
The Bullywug Gambit - Yevin Twotrees (Human Male Druid 2 / Scout 2), decapitated by Drevoraz with a lucky critical strike.
The Sea Wyvern's Wake - Isilfarr (Half-drow Ranger 2 / Fighter 1 / Scout 6), grappled, drowned, and devoured by the aquatic hydra. He sacrificed himself so his comrades could swim to safety!

lindemacil |
Characters: Skullbasher, Lizardfolk Barbarian 8/Frenzied Berserker 4; Willaby Sparkowitz, Gnome Warmage 8/Elemental Savant 4; Din, Gnome (originally Halfling) Cleric 12
Adventure: The Lightless Depths
Location: Tlaloc's Crater
Catalyst: half the party split upon witnessing the wrath of a Neh-Thalggu Scion; said wrath was then focused on those who remained
Willaby opened by casting disintegrate on Tlaloc's Tear, and all were shocked when the brain collector reacted quite negatively. His use of Greater Invisibility prompted the ranger and the druid to retreat at full speed (neither of them had felt too keenly about Golismorga since encountering the devourer). The rogue remained but later withdrew as well when it became clear that the warmage didn't want to leave, even after being on the receiving end of a Bestow Curse and two Cone of Colds.
The three remaining party members put up a valiant struggle, but it was only a matter of time before Skullbasher came out of rage exhausted and unconscious. With the two spellcasters occupied by a confusion spell some 20 feet away (attempting but failing to do each other damage), the Neh-Thalggu decided to collect the brain to replenish its store. Skullbasher was no more.
Perhaps if the other two hadn't been confused, they might have realized how dangerous the situation had become. Din, with a new round of confusion, fled from the brain collector, leaving Willaby all by his lonesome. After another bite, he too was unconscious. His brain was extracted with great relish.
The brain collector, having finally devoured the source of its ire, was content to leave Din alone, until the cleric Sound Lanced him. Once again going invisible, the aberration turned all of its attention on him. Din's insanely high AC turned out to be no match for two True Strike bites, a Bestow Curse delivered through one bite, and a Magic Missile. His brain was also consumed.
Ironically, it was Willaby's player's last session with us before he leaves for Iraq. I was going to have Willaby retire in style (starting up a trade route to Sasserine for Lavinia on one of "his" ships), but instead, he went out as any good warmage should.

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Character: Demethicus 10th level Hadozee Monk
Adventure: City of Broken Idols
Location: Pelorian Camp
Catalyst: Onailati
After narrowly escaping attacks from skin-walkers and dodging fireballs from the flying acolyte, Demethicus fell bludgeoned to death by the heavy disruptive mace of the Maurezhi Demon. His companions morned his passing and honored his desire not to be resurrected.

P.H. Dungeon |

Character: Kratos, Goliath Fighter 1/Barbarian 5
Adventure: Here there be monsters
Cataylst: Kratos is warmly welcomed to Isle of Dread by the T-Rex, and chomped to bits.
Details: Kratos and his companion Czar wandered into the jungle to look for fire wood. They heard something big approaching and hid behind trees. The T-Rex wandered in between them and they jumped out, flanking it. He went into rage, which increased his size to large (Goliath mountain rage option), and caught it with a couple of solid blows. The T-Rex took around 60 damage from two hits, but then got him in his jaws. Kratos was too big to swallow, but the thing kept on biting him. It finally gave up trying to choke him down, and dropped Kratos. By this time Kratos was dead and came out of rage as he hit the ground- reducing him to the more munchable medium size. The T-Rex fell shortly after from the arrows being pumped into it by the archers.
Character: Covee, maned wolf animal companion
Adventure: Here there be monsters
Catalyst: a bad run in with the terror bird mother (nuff said).
Character: Theo Zimmer (NPC swashbuckler 4)
Adventure: Here there be monsters
Catalyst: Theo bravely sacrificed himself to the giant centipedes, buying other NPCs and party members time to escape through the doors on the far side of the chasm. He was quickly torn apart when both centipedes attacked him.

YeuxAndI |

PC: Johan I (elf hexblade 5/fighter 7)
Adventure: City of Broken Idols
Catalyst: Disbelief and impatience in the welcoming hall
Due to some clever planning, the part managed to slip my the giganto croc and Xercamet with only setting off the alarms. The party landed in the hall and was prompty attacked by the projected image of Xercamet. Johan was the first to realize that it was an illusion and called out the the party that it was a fake. The party then realized and began to regroup. Johan decided to scout ahead a little and BAM! Symbol of Death.
In his defense, the player is a newbie and has never played a higher level adventure. You live, you die, you learn. He's been reincarnated as an Olman.

ericthecleric |
Character: Mitch, 4th-level Human Barbarian
Adventure: The Bullywug Gambit
Location: Vanderboren Manor Basement
Catalyst: Bullywug Chief
Mitch had been lucky with initiative, and with his fast movement was the first opponent to engage the two visible bullywugs in melee. Unfortunately for him, none of us knew about the rust monster or bullywug chief. While the rest of us slower PCs (mostly 30-ft, and one 20-ft dwarf) tried to engage , Mitch’s armor was first destroyed by the rust monster, and he took a severe beating from the bullywugs. In Mitch’s next round of melee, the bullywug chief brought him down to -6 hp. Valos (the ranger/rogue) was the chief’s next target, and Valos was brought to 1 hp (whereupon he retreated 5-feet); in the same round, Kannes (the cleric) cast a cure light wounds on Mitch, returning him to 3 hp. Unfortunately, in the next round, the chief walloped Mitch again… for 20 hp, leading to our first STAP campaign death.
For Kannes’ eulogy about Mitch, and a fuller description of the battle, please read today’s entry from the campaign journal in “Paz and Ericthecleric’s STAP campaign”.
Lesson to be learned: Don't rush into melee when your allies haven't caught up with you- especially when you don't know there might be other foes present!