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148 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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I'd like to cancel my Pathfinder subscription please. Thanks in advance!

I think I'm gonna pick this up. I love Mr. Baur's work, and that new beastie posted in the blog is too cool to resist!

Wow, great write-up! Sounds like the final battle was as climactic as it should be - congrats!

I really like the idea of Big D's powers draining round after round instead of having him appear already weakened. My players have almost every splatbook at their disposal and a few house rules to boot, so I need to buff up certain encounters so that they remain suitably challenging. This is definitely one trick I'm likely to yoink. >: )

That's awesome!

So did they fight him yet?

I see my card was charged today. Can't wait for access to that PDF!

I absolutely love the look of Golarion dragons. Whites actually look threatening now!

*anxiously awaits PDF*

Steve Greer wrote:

Pure lulz! Pirate Surf, hang 10!

Par-a-dox wrote:
Thought of that... unfortunatly...(quoted from the spells description)"Magical stone is not affected by the spell".

Hmmm, what spell are they using to create this stone?

Good idea on the spy too (love crystal balls). Was going to suggest something like that.

Let those stone columns have a taste of rock to mud!

Turin the Mad wrote:
Well, if they think the V-Rex was a nasty critter, your poor players are in for such a rude, rude awakening down the road ...

Quoting an old but currently relevant post, since there have been rough times recently.

PC: Drake, human warblade 12
Adventure: The Lightless Depths
Location: The lair of the Bilewretch
Catalyst: Ulioth & the Bilewretch

The PCs had a hard time with the advanced brain stealer, and after retreating from the first encounter returned to defeat the beast who managed to escape death using a contingency dimension door (the big nasty had a customized spell list). The destruction of Tlaloc's Tear did little to satisfy the PCs.

After resting they set off toward the pyramid. Evading a kopru patrol they used a reflective disguise spell to make themselves appear as their foes, allowing them to take the behemoths completely by surprise. Inside the pyramid Drake and Ridley (the Adamantine Chef) dove into Ulioth's flooded chamber, the former protected by freedom of movement and the other by a crystal of aquatic action. Combat ensued instantly with Drake delivering a Rabid Bear Strike as the opener. Ulioth recoiled in pain, only to retort with a pair of full attack actions that left Drake at 0 hp. Ridley managed a hit with his cleaver while Drake used his healing belt - Ulioth, badly wounded by only two of his foe's attacks, decided to retreat to the Bilewretch's chamber for a last stand.

Ridley pursued the kopru, while Drake stayed back to get as much healing as possible from whoever could dole some out. Ridley was greeted by the Bilewretch of Holashner, being grappled and nearly pulled apart by numerous appendages. The chef quickly escaped with a use of his teleporting anklets (an item from the MIC), just as the rest of the party came flying down into the chamber to back him up. The Bilewretch decided now was good time for its breath weapon, and when the flaming bile cleared, it was apparent that Drake had not received enough healing. At this point Ulioth reappeared, and the combined forces of the two monsters sent the PCs packing for a second time since their initial visit to Golismorga.

Drake's resurrection is expected, so all is not lost. However, spirits are down and little time remains until the alien city floods and the Lords of Dread pack up and move into the next adventure, making it all the more difficult...

I must chime in here! I got my issue last night and the card was great! High-quality, and a real keeper unlike most cards I receive on special occasions. It left me feeling all warm and fuzz- oh wait, no, I'm just on fire.

Happy (Goblin) Holiday Paizo! We love the work you do. ; )

And the award for most threatening otyugh goes tooooo.... *drum roll* WAR!

Oh man, and a Hellknight in the background... sweet teasers for the next AP!

I imagine them as the creepy inhabitants of some crumbling demesne, statues given life through magic, and not like a construct - more like a real boy Pinocchio kinda thing going on. Beyond an isolated mansion to perch on, cemeteries are a good place for gargoyles to hang out. How about a cliff face, rock quarry, or abandoned mine where the gargoyles have carved dozens of similar statues to hide amongst? Perhaps they delight in patrolling their territory for victims to kidnap, who they then release into their maze of gargoyles for a painfully drawn-out game of hide and seek? >: )

The PCs befriended Churtle and she accompanied them on their trek to the Isle of Dread. Unfortunately she kind of fell between the cracks, as most of the time and attention was being spent on other NPCs. She thusly drowned when the Sea Wyvern met her temporary fate at the end of Sea Wyvern's Wake.

After reading about Kyuss in the preview I was suddenly excited for the release of this book. I'm looking forward to picking it up tomorrow!

One man's disgusting is another man's HAWT!

Ouch, that's quite a spoiler right there in the topic title. : /

I noticed this difference myself. Good explanations for why Big D doesn't get the max summoning power. Dungeon gives plenty of room to summon up some absolutely horrific foe, Belcheresk for one. >: )

^^^ Ouch, that's harsh. Sad to hear that your PCs may not get to finish the STAP - if I was on the business end of that flash attack I'd probably feel the same way they do right now. I'm gonna have to go and retool that guy so I don't run into the same trouble.

The huge save is a result of massively advanced aberration hit die, isn't it? That's what happens when aberrations increase 1 CR for every 4 HD they gain - their supernatural ability save DCs scale up every 2 HD... the saves get to be overwhelming.

Kobold Lord wrote:
As long as gamers like staring at skimpily clothed and suggestively posed females

I'm doing my part.

Mike McArtor is doing his part, too.


Just curious, where did your PCs find the Sea Wyvern if they have not yet played The Bullywug Gambit?

I run a group of 5 players and 1 NPC cleric. Thus, my encounters need a bit of buffing up here and there - I've left a lot of the game intact, but I just can't help myself sometimes.

The bullywug cleric in BG got a bit of a buff in terms of remaining spells, and he might have gained a level or two more in cleric. He cast control water to flood the second floor of the manor, and it took a few rounds for all the water to rush down the stairs. In the meantime he summoned some fiendish sharks to aid him. Made for a cool encounter, with the PCs having to split attentions between wounded NPCs tied to chairs and a toad cleric trying to drown everyone and feed them to Dagon's sharks.

The bullywug chieftan got his levels switched out for ex-monk/barbarian/drunken master. When the PCs finished off the rust monster the chieftan snatched up a keg nearby and just chugged, then smashed the keg over his head as he raged. The PCs knew what was up. ; )

As for undead, a feat exists in one of the monster supplements I purchased (Creature Collection II I think?) called Death's Blessing that is Unholy Toughness through and through. I usually make sure important undead take it if they don't already have the quality.

Also, Gromsfed has Leadership and Rod of Rulership. I can't remember what the Rod does, but what about Leadership? What would Gromsfed's cohort be? Might have to work on that one...

St. Kargoth is gonna get a sweet mount too, and a bigger room to brawl in. I'm thinking one of those obyrith from Demogorgon's Demonomicon would make a fine choice...

Delfedd wrote:

Why not just put it into "Into the Gaping maw"

Instead of the fire drake, use the Demodragon.


( '~')

('~' )


"No nothing"? Untrue. You get new spells related to the gods in Core Beliefs, as well as a creature you can call on with the Planar Ally spells. Many of the Core Beliefs also contain new items related to the faith. That's a good amount of "crunch."

I honestly think it is more important to present information useful to roleplaying a member of the faith in the CB articles than it is to provide stats for the god, its aspect, and a prestige class.

I believe the first few issues of Dragon and Dungeon are free.

gaborg wrote:
I have an angry mob of advanced elite fiendish players with 80 HD in total... They possess all the nasty special attacks and the qualities as well so I am quite under pressure here :)


I know, I'd love to have them too. ^_^

A fiery-looking demon is being summoned in one of the pictures in Demogorgon's entry in the Demonomicon. Is this just an alternate appearance the Big D might use when answering summons? An aspect, perhaps? Was the art ordered this way? It's a fine piece but it seems out of place to me, so I'm curious...

Didn't anybody see all the topics created about this? Word is we'll be getting them by the end of August. Patience is key.

Another death tonight, second time for this character. : (

Name: Skrit
Race: Xeph
Class: Lurk 7
Catalyst: A hungry V-Rex (using the World of Kong artbook for the encounters in HTBM, so they're V-rexes instead!)

Having just scuttled themselves off the shore of the Isle of Dread, the PCs were collecting their scattered belongings. A hungry V-Rex stepped on top of a sand dune near Skrit and the warblade Drake, scenting them out before bellowing a challenge. Skrit, almost foolishly, approached the beast and flung a hidden blade at it, dripping with poison. It skipped harmlessly off his snout, and now the V-Rex knew who to attack. Up in his jaws Skrit went, and then down it's throat the next round. The rest of the group quickly finished the V-rex off, but by the time they gutted it Skrit was long gone.

First Ripclaw, now this. Bad luck with dinosaurs.


A bunch of posts here were eaten. By the mods, maybe?

Anyway, midget fetish, bro. Midget fetish. @_@

^^^ Most excellent. Advanced Bestiary is one of my favorite resources as a DM, despite the sometimes sketchy rules.

The Nixie is a caravel, right?

Well the nice thing about readying an action is it moves your initiative. Bargle could ready a big spell for the first person to act, and get his initiative up to the top (unless he rolled high already). That way his escape might be easier to machinate.

Could he ready an action in the surprise round (if he got one)?

I'm so torn now - do I run a Kill Bargle/Return of Bargle/Expedition to Ruins of Greyhawk/Bargle's Back?!/Maure Castle/Bargle 4: This Time It's Personal campaign, or start the new Pathfinder AP? After d/ling the PDF it's a hard decision... I might have to do both.

I have to say, I love the art throughout. Warren Mahy is a new favorite of mine thanks to Dungeon and his opening piece is awesome! Also, whoever did the art for Aldern Foxglove and Shalelu is great - I hope that individual stays on for a good long while!

We believe, Gary, we believe! *claps three times*

Oh my. That's brutal! A perfect subject for Big D to summon in the final battle.

Amazing! Now that's a death! From one DM to another, good job! >: )

Once you have contracted a disease I do not believe you can contract it again. Until you recover from the disease, that is.

"I got mummy rot AGAIN?!"

The klurichir's full attack as seen in Dungeon #150 is:

Battleaxe +X/+X/+X/+X and 2 pincers +X OR

Slam +X and 2 pincers +X.

He can also start a grapple for free when he hits with a pincer attack. If he wins he establishes a hold and can make vorpal pincer attacks in the next round. He can hold victims in his maw while taking none of the standard grappling penalties.

The klurichir can rend instead of grappling if he hits with both pincers.

He can fire his spines as a standard action. He has a TON of spells and SLAs though, so its a desperate move.

Turin the Mad wrote:

Inaugural campaign session, resulted in 6 character deaths due to overconfidence and getting in a hurry on the players' collective part, There is No Honor, Chapter 2: The Blue Nixie.

Rhagodessa are some seriously nasty critters - I wonder if the Conjurer will think to find a way to incorporate those beasties into his Summon Monster spells down the road... that was the first thing I thought of (to myself) after today's glorious bloodbath...

A fiendish rhagodessa might fit somewhere on the summon monster list... or how about an advanced pseudonatural rhagodessa called using planar binding? >: )

The froghemoth got stats for 3.5 in Dungeon #128.

If the warblade is unable to take a standard action then he cannot use Iron Heart Surge, so you were right about stunning and paralysis.

I would not allow a warblade to use Iron Heart Surge if he was dominated, since he is not in control of his actions.

I would be hesitant about letting it wipe away charm spells as well. If you pass a save against a spell targeting you, you get a Spellcraft check to identify it. If you fail a save against a spell you get no such check. In my games when someone fails a save against a charm spell they won't suspect anything is wrong until the spell ends. Therefore I'd probably not allow Iron Heart Surge to remove the effect, since the warblade can't effectively identify that he's being affected by a charm until it ends. If I'm in the wrong here someone let me know. : P

If the warblade was possessed but in control of his actions I would allow him to use Iron Heart Surge to boot the creature out of his body.

I would not allow Iron Heart Surge to end the effect of Magic Jar. I wouldn't allow anyone trapped inside a magic jar actions of any kind, so that rules out Iron Heart Surge.

About the rot - I could see it as a disease. Remove disease also kills parasites, so perhaps Demo's scaly hide crawls with microscopic Abyssal skin mites? Or perhaps he merely overflows with entropic death energy? I think that's stretching it, and would lump it in with diseases myself.

Slow session tonight, but entertaining nonetheless.

The PCs fought a shambling mound on their way through the jungle to Tamoachan, just for kicks. They also came across a greenvise from the MMII (giant venus flytrap), snacking on a dire boar. They wisely kept their distance. The basilisk turned two people to stone, which was great. >: ) Nobody expected the gibbering mouther either, as I had the statue to the north decorated with a pair of sparkling gemstone eyes just begging to be pried off - everyone stood around while one of them did so, and the mouther erupted from the well, confusing two people into running and another into a gibbering mess like itself. A blast from the trusty wand o' ray of enfeeblement helped to deflate the beast just in time for everyone to snap out of it and mount a successful counter-attack. Can't wait to finish the temple!

I think slavemind's points are valid. I'm just gonna make some room in O's stats for ranks in Concentration.

I would have had some savage PCs running around except that the NPC cleric with the party had three scrolls of remove disease on hand. When the PCs left Kraken's Cove one was still afflicted, but he recieved daily healing from another NPC cleric (one of the crew of the Sissy, the ship the PCs hired to sail them to Blood Bay). He was on death's door with a single point of Int remaining on the morning the PCs returned to Sasserine! Lucky I say...

My PCs are entering Tamoachan tonight! I can't wait... >: )

Falling damage ignores DR.

Also, to cast a spell while grappled you must succeed on a Concentration check, DC 20 + spell level. Pages 70, 156, and 170 of the PHB contain all the relevant info.

BTW Tom, those are some awesome ideas! I like the abduction of Thunderstrike, and the backpack TK shenanigans. I might yoink a few of these gems for when my own PCs reach this point. >: )

Yup! Every Demonomicon contains an appropriate Thrall PrC.

Perhaps these images could be construed as manga-inspired:

Angry dwarf

Hot wounded chick w/weird arm

That's about it in my honest opinion, after glancing through the covers and remembering what I can from the blog. WAR's work reminds me more of American comics than anything else. If the tired comparison to manga must be made, I'd make it between his work and Masamune Shirow's. The level of detail in both their art is astounding.

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