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Liberty's Edge


Iz feeling like a dandylion weed in da grasslands o life; bout ta git plucked; mayhap will end up in a salad

yep; same ol same ol

hold on a sec...
hey you kids!!! Get the hell out of my yard!!! Yeah you!
okay, I'm back.

naw looky har; dem kids juz bored; why dontcha juz go talk at em; here givem deez firecrackers n tellem ta go play down by dar river near dem hippies; maybe go fishin

<hands the kobold a large crate of full sticks of dynamite and a box of matches>

dis here is heap good clean fun.

when you come back; we'll have us a beer r few n sit back n watch da fun.

This is gonna be fun...
'Hmm. What does this big box do when lit? Let's see...
'AAAAAH!!! Mercy, kobold, mercy! Help! Help!!!'
*Kobold animates the corpses of dead kids*

Liberty's Edge

ayyyyyyyup. good hooch.

Scarab Sages

Wahl fellers, ah'm back. Ayup.

Aberzombie wrote:
Wahl fellers, ah'm back. Ayup.

So' am I

cheers fellers!


Liberty's Edge

You know, DI is not integral to playing 4e.

nah, got you interested eh; well nah; I gots me some sweat off dat dy no mite; shore its a bit unstable, but i kin be used ta halp dem heart patients; er like ya kin have o lot o fun wit it; tink dayz callin it Nytroglissenen or sam such; here's be a bottle; have a go at it :)

*Looks up*
Groan. Not this accent again...

*Looks up again*

I hate this thread.

Scarab Sages

Ya shor does soun lahk uh hippeh lizerd boah.

Silence, you hypocritical sahugin.

Cease and desist, you abysmal grammerical fault.
EDIT: *Looks up* Har har har. Very funny.

Quick; Zannybodyround dat knows dat Hime lick manuever; dat kobold is a chokin on suppin cause he spoutin only gibbrish n iza turnin blue.

Lickity Split; somebody put da squeeze on him ifn youse kin.

Liberty's Edge


You be quiet, you ridiculous lamp imp, before I am to punish you for hypocrisy.

This is horrible. 'F--O--R--C--E--D' is apparently no the equivalent to 'S--M--E--R--P--H. This thread is evil...

'Be quiet, you ridicoulous lamp imp, before I am forced to punish you for hypocrisy.'
See? This thread is going to the frogs.
EDIT: What?! How come this alias can say 'forced' and not me?!

I did 'edit', but my previous post ('Be quiet, you ridiculous lamp imp, before I am forced to punish you for hypocrisy.' )made me into a S--M--E--R--P--H, and changed 'forced' into the dread word.

ROFL; hehehehe dat lil lizard boy is stuck in reruns LOL

Silence, you infernal lump of lamp oil!

Scarab Sages

Sum lizerd folk shor does lahk ta heer theyselves tawk. Ayyup.

I'm back!!!!...as if anyone cared.... [crys in a corner]

No, we didn't. Naaaaa naaaaaa!

Scarab Sages

Good ta see ya Clavos. Quit yer cryin, take uh load off'n sit uh spell.Ah'm shor sumbodies got sum BBQ round heer sumwhar. Don't mind thet Lizerd feller, he's jus cranky cuz evybuddy nose he's uh hippeh.

Liberty's Edge


Scarab Sages


Aberzombie wrote:
Good ta see ya Clavos. Quit yer cryin, take uh load off'n sit uh spell.Ah'm shor sumbodies got sum BBQ round heer sumwhar. Don't mind thet Lizerd feller, he's jus cranky cuz evybuddy nose he's uh hippeh.

Silence, you intolerable mindless horror!

Liberty's Edge


Scarab Sages

Whut smatter lizerd boah? Don't ya want nobody ta knowed ya is uh hippeh?

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Ah think the Kobalt is sum kinda mutashun. Who evah herd of a hippeh-lizerd??

Summun otta put him outta his misery.

<cracks open PBR>
<passes around>

Liberty's Edge


Aberzombie wrote:
Whut smatter lizerd boah? Don't ya want nobody ta knowed ya is uh hippeh?

Silence, you abysmal madman! Zombies can't talk and are unintelligent, anyways, so be quiet!

Scarab Sages

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Whut smatter lizerd boah? Don't ya want nobody ta knowed ya is uh hippeh?
Silence, you abysmal madman! Zombies can't talk and are unintelligent, anyways, so be quiet!

Wahl, ah shur ken tawk, n'ah shur am uh zombeh, so I'm thinkin ya gotta be smokin sum o'yur hippeh wacky weed. Poor litall lizerd boah, ain't ya havin fun no more?

Aberzombie wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Whut smatter lizerd boah? Don't ya want nobody ta knowed ya is uh hippeh?
Silence, you abysmal madman! Zombies can't talk and are unintelligent, anyways, so be quiet!
Wahl, ah shur ken tawk, n'ah shur am uh zombeh, so I'm thinkin ya gotta be smokin sum o'yur hippeh wacky weed. Poor litall lizerd boah, ain't ya havin fun no more?

Silence, you...uh...stupid guy!(seriously, will you guys just give me a little time to come up with more insults?!)

Scarab Sages

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Silence, you...uh...stupid guy!(seriously, will you guys just give me a little time to come up with more insults?!)

Ah tell you whut Lizerd Boah, ah'm startin ta think ya might wunna be layin off smokin that hippeh wacky weed. Its startin ta mess wit yer mentil fakwalltees.

Pfah... Dem cans a moose whiz yunz're drinkin' 're fer nancy-boys an' Free City froots. Gimme sumadat ol' Pennsyltucky whiskey 'ere boy...

Scarab Sages

Are ya shur ya ain't uh hippeh, Mr. Rowbot Goblin? Ya shur does soun lahk one, comin round insultin ahnest workin folk lahk ourselfs. Them hippehs do stuff lahk thet alla time, jus lahk thet lizerd boah.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Ah buhleeve we bin invaded bah hippehs!

More n more of 'em seem ta be showin' up in these parts. Whut shud we do 'bout it? Do Ah need to git muh shootin' irons?

Lissen here yunz buncha jagoffs, I ain't no hippy, I's a mill-hunky pollok. An' dere ain't no cans o' Ir'n City in 'at bukkit, so what d'yunz 'spect me t' think, huh? An' if yunz ain't got Ir'n, den how inna hell d'yunz 'spect t'make a boilermaker? What's next, yunz gunna tell me dere ain't no jumbo an' chipped ham an'at for a Primanti's sammich?

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Ah had Ir'n Citeh once. Weren't bad a'tall. Ah'll see if'n Ah kin dig sum up fer yuh.

Muh Ma lives in McKeesport. Yuh evuh bin thar, Robot?

'Keesport? Heck, I'm over in Turtle Crick! For those a yunz 'at don't know, 'Keesport an' Turtle Crick is abou' whizzin' distance apart. My ol' lady-t'be works down in 'ere at da welfare office an'at. I'll tell ya, I'm glad t'see anudder Pittsburgher on here an'at. Watchew think dem Stillers're gonna do 'is Sunday?

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Ah dun found sum Ir'n Citeh.

<passes around>

Ah gots ta tell yuh, Ah'm not a Pittsburgher - Muh Ma moved thar when muh step-pa got transferred thar back in the 80s.

Ah live in thuh Cleveland area, <braces for backlash from Stiller fan> but will be a'pullin' hard fer the Stillers this weekend. Gotta fight fer the pride a' the AFC North!

Yuh think Davenport kin carreh the load?

Aberzombie wrote:
Good ta see ya Clavos. Quit yer cryin, take uh load off'n sit uh spell.Ah'm shor sumbodies got sum BBQ round heer sumwhar. Don't mind thet Lizerd feller, he's jus cranky cuz evybuddy nose he's uh hippeh.

Thanks man. I luvs teh Bar 'b' Que!!!!!

I friggin' hope so Larry. I'm sick a seein' a Burgh team go fer a decent stretch den falls on 'eir face. *cough* Buccos *cough* As fer th' Cleveland thin', well, nobody's perfect I suppose... I gots some cousints o'er in Toledo an' a good friend o'ours lives o'er in Columbus.

Clavos, yinz talkin' 'bout ham barbecue? Cuz if 'at's da case, show me where t'get some an'at.

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