Sebastian Bella Sara Charter Superscriber |
ericthecleric |
I got Book of Nine Swords last week. Yes, it's good, but you have to read the class descriptions and maneuver & stance descriptions so you can see how it properly works (a bit like Magic of Incarnum, in that respect, in that you can't tell at a glance how good it is).
It introduces three new base classes (crusader, swordsage, and warblade).
It's got a bit of an oriental/Final Fantasy feel to it. So if that's your thing, great.
What's really cool is that (thanks to the Martial Study and Martial Stance feats) you can gain access to these maneuvers, even if you don't have levels in the above three classes. You work out initiator level by adding half character level to the relevant levels in a martial adept class (the above 3). I've given the "Charismatic Rogue/Undead Hunter" (at CR 13 and 20, which should be approved soon) and the "Overlord of All Oceans"some of these abilities, so check out Lilith's stat block bank if you want to see some examples.
Sharoth |
Fakey! It is your turn to demolish Heathansson's SERIOUS thread!
On the other hand, I perused the book and it does look interesting. It was on the to buy list, but all major expenses have been put on hold for 3 months. Tell us what you think of it if you buy it? Also, the Demon Queen of Victuals will have it soon and she can also give us her opinion! ~bows down to the Great MacGilith~
Heathansson |
I got Book of Nine Swords last week. Yes, it's good, but you have to read the class descriptions and maneuver & stance descriptions so you can see how it properly works (a bit like Magic of Incarnum, in that respect, in that you can't tell at a glance how good it is).
It introduces three new base classes (crusader, swordsage, and warblade).
It's got a bit of an oriental/Final Fantasy feel to it. So if that's your thing, great.
What's really cool is that (thanks to the Martial Study and Martial Stance feats) you can gain access to these maneuvers, even if you don't have levels in the above three classes. You work out initiator level by adding half character level to the relevant levels in a martial adept class (the above 3). I've given the "Charismatic Rogue/Undead Hunter" (at CR 13 and 20, which should be approved soon) and the "Overlord of All Oceans"some of these abilities, so check out Lilith's stat block bank if you want to see some examples.
Cool. I'll check it out.
Also wondering...does it seem to evoke more of a Wu Xia "guys swordfighting on the tops of bamboo stalks" feel than swashbuckling on the high seas ?Heathansson |
Fakey! It is your turn to demolish Heathansson's SERIOUS thread!
I don't sweat that kid. See? Watch this.
I'm thinking about rolling up a ROUGE for Savage Tide.Brace up, By***h.
Gavgoyle |
I flipped through it at my FLGS, but it didn't strike me as 'gotta grab it'. I may sit down and look through it a little more in depth at the local Hastings where I can devote a good 20-30 minutes or so just to get a good taste of the flavor. Nothing struck me as being necessary, but it definitely didn't look like cat yarf.
Lilith |
Unfortunately, getting aforementioned Tome of Battle will be harder than before - the local FLGS has all but stopped getting new RPG books in his store and seems to be clearly focused on card and board games. Sad, really. The only thing on the shelves are d20 books - no non-WotC d20, no GURPS, no Palladium, only a little White Wolf. Really really sad.
I should just open up my own damn shop and call it good. :P
Gary Teter Senior Software Developer |
ericthecleric |
> Also wondering...does it seem to evoke more of a Wu Xia "guys swordfighting on the tops of bamboo stalks" feel than swashbuckling on the high seas ?
Well, there are 9 "disciplines", with names like "Desert Wind", "Iron Heart", "Tiger Claw", and "White Raven". Some of the Desert Wind abilities let you do the tree top thing and Tiger Claw is big on special jumps; actually both disciplines have some of my favourite abilities in the book. White Raven's good too, as its flavour is combat leadership; for example, have a bunch of giants each with the "Leading the Charge" maneuver charge the PCs and the latter are in a WORLD of pain. Thinking about it, I could keep giving examples, but you're better off reading the book yourself. There's lots of good stuff in there. I haven't realy thought about the swashbuckler feel, but if you like jumping, Tiger Claw's for you.
Sebastian Bella Sara Charter Superscriber |
Gary Teter Senior Software Developer |
It's a bit early for INTERNATIONAL CAPSLOCK DAY....
*edit* I just realized there's not-safe-for-work language on that page.
Heathansson |
It's a bit early for INTERNATIONAL CAPSLOCK DAY....
Jade!!!! There's a picture of a potato!
Sebastian Bella Sara Charter Superscriber |
I'm gonna go desert wind on all you by***s! You hear me? I'm comin' at you like a psycho spider monkey!
by***s? Can I buy a vowel? Profanity is not very effective when it's unidentifiable.
Oh wait...I meant to say:
I forgot about your hearing difficulties.
N'wah |
Thanks to this thread exclusively, I went out and bought Book of Nine Swords today. No amount of WoTC's monthly previews made me really want to get up and buy it, especially when they went and gave me a heart attack by announcing the Dark*Matter book. After seeing that, all the rest of the text on the screen became gibberish.
Sigh. But I digress.
I've only had it for about two hours now, and I've barely read through any of it. However, I accidentially stumbled onto the Ruby Knight Vindicator class, and since my AoW DMPC's prolly going to be a Jasian (is that term canonical?), I had to read the class.
Then this bit o' flavor text caught my eye:
"Shadow and steel! Cross the church, and you'll have to deal with them!"
--Jvesskah, a yuan-ti crimelord in Sasserine (OMGOMGWTFBB)
Emphasis (and shorthand AIM-gibberish) mine. Oh, and I hope no one sues me for reprinting that.
Gameplay-wise, yeah, it's pretty hardcore Wuxia-style stuff. Haven't read up on it yet, but there's a reference to standing on your opponent's weapon in there somewhere. However, I don't see any reason why it can't feel swashbucker-ish, too. I mean, people see all sorts of crazy stuff happen at sea.
Why can't someone jump off the side of their boat, run across the surface of the water, jump the 10-15 feet up the side of the enemy ship, land on deck, and kill a buttload of evil undead demon pirates? As long as he's not wearing a black ninja outfit, it shouldn't feel too out of place. Well, no more out of place than the undead demon pirates, and the ally wizard on the PC's boat flinging fireballs. Long story short, it's supernatural, wierd, and cool.
Alternatively, maybe with all this Wuxia-style action, we'll finally settle the old "undead demon pirates vs. eladrin-worshipping ninjas" debate once and for all.
The Jade |
Gary Teter wrote:It's a bit early for INTERNATIONAL CAPSLOCK DAY....Jade!!!! There's a picture of a potato!
It's... so... 'sniff'... perfect.
The Jade |
Why can't someone jump off the side of their boat, run across the surface of the water, jump the 10-15 feet up the side of the enemy ship, land on deck, and kill a buttload of evil undead demon pirates? As long as he's not wearing a black ninja outfit, it shouldn't feel too out of place. Well, no more out of place than the undead demon pirates, and the ally wizard on the PC's boat flinging fireballs. Long story short, it's supernatural, wierd, and cool.
Color me intrigued. Although I'm really going to be the last guy on Earth to understand where the whole pirates vs ninjas thing came from. What is all that about?
Heathansson |
Thanks to this thread exclusively, I went out and bought Book of Nine Swords today. No amount of WoTC's monthly previews made me really want to get up and buy it, especially when they went and gave me a heart attack by announcing the Dark*Matter book.
Anybody else want to question my marketing genius w.r.t. usage of allcap's?
Heathansson(smug in his vindication)Dang. Now I gotta buy it too.
The Jade |
The Jade wrote:
Color me intrigued. Although I'm really going to be the last guy on Earth to understand where the whole pirates vs ninjas thing came from. What is all that about?They've been fighting so long...not even they know anymore.
(but pirates rule)
Sho Kosugi is cool but it pays to look like Depp.
Abendigo |
Question: We've already generated characters for our STAP campaign, and I'm playing a half-aquatic elf warblade with several ranks of profession (sailor).
Have I violated the ultimate taboo? Is my character, in effect, a multiclassed pirate/ninja?!?
If so, please post advice on roleplaying with appropriate "pirate-ninja" flair. Should my character enjoy sea chanties or meditating under mountain waterfalls? the cutlass or the katana?? grog or sushi???
Ow, my head hurts! (or should that be, "ARRRR! Me head hurts?!?")
Heathansson |
Question: We've already generated characters for our STAP campaign, and I'm playing a half-aquatic elf warblade with several ranks of profession (sailor).
Have I violated the ultimate taboo? Is my character, in effect, a multiclassed pirate/ninja?!?
If so, please post advice on roleplaying with appropriate "pirate-ninja" flair.
My only suggestion: make sure he owns a parrot.
And never takes the parrot off of his shoulder.He'll be all right then.
Heathansson |
OK, Heathansson! Bring it on! I have gotten totally buffed up for this encounter, you pseudowerewolf! I am a 12th level Munchkin / 18th level Adventurer / 7th level Ninja-Pirate! You can never hope to defeate me! Ar! Ar! Are you ready?!?
Please. I haven't seen a build that puny since the PeeWee Herman lookalike wet t-shirt contest.
Better go get Dorothy, the Tin Woodsman, Toto and the Lollipop guild, because you're going DOWN, pseudodragon!Sharoth |
Sharoth wrote:OK, Heathansson! Bring it on! I have gotten totally buffed up for this encounter, you pseudowerewolf! I am a 12th level Munchkin / 18th level Adventurer / 7th level Ninja-Pirate! You can never hope to defeate me! Ar! Ar! Are you ready?!?Please. I haven't seen a build that puny since the PeeWee Herman lookalike wet t-shirt contest.
Better go get Dorothy, the Tin Woodsman, Toto and the Lollipop guild, because you're going DOWN, pseudodragon!
~pulls out my tome of pseodowerewolf destruction~ I am also a 33th level Divine DM! Top that you no talent hack! ~winks~ Plus, I have the Hordes of the Abyss and the Dwarven nations at my side! Unfortunatly, the Elves are taking a wait and see attitude while the halflings are too busy eating.