Shifty |

Shifty wrote:Regular group of 5 here in Sydney.Kinda 9 of us ish - 5 core regulars (the other 4 part time) In Sydney, (inner west).
Go the Dragons btw...
Nice, where abouts you guys set up these days? I know one lot got together out in the greater west area.
Good job Dragons, nice to see they didn't choke on their meal for once.

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Brisbane north here, Strathpine area for those that know it.
I run a semi regular group of 4 or so, but we can get up to seven players if all the boys are free.
I also run a weekly 4th edition. Fills my time up I'm afraid, otherwise I'd be looking to get some Pathfinder Society stuff running with all these North siders around.

Shifty |

Yah we haven't gone down the PFS play, just rolling through two homebrew campaigns... enough difference between them to keep it all fun.
And we now have even bigger better appointed air conditioned offices to play in - Thanks Habib :p
We might do PFS one day - if we get a new player who wants to be the GM and feels like dedicating theor lives to our enjoyment :)

The 8th Dwarf |

The 8th Dwarf wrote:any further west than Parramatta is the country :-bI'd say any further West of Leichhardt...
Whens the next Paizonians in a pub?
Paizonians in a pub is a good idea - Mothman, Chubbs and I are all from Sydney... I am sure that a chat and beer or 2 would be a lot of fun.
Lets Pin down a date and location.

Shifty |

So as a run down, what shops/clubs are kicking about in Syd that run PF?
I know Tin Soldier does regular sessions, anywhere else?
Having a great time in my regular campaign, but every now and then it would be good to get out and see what others do with the 'material'...
Not much in the way of gaming stores north of the harbour bridge (one in Chatswood Westfields, but thats pretty 'mixed')
...and anyone know of any fantasy LARPS?

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We game to shoot at Dec just before Xmas?
Reckon around Central works, maybe a Sunday arvo - Dec 19 around 1ish?
Last one we did (18 months back or so) was at the Royal Exhibition hotel near Central, so yeah, somewhere around there is probably reasonably handy and central for people.
19th of December is out for me (friend’s wedding) but that whole period will be pretty dicey for me anyway, I can’t really commit 100% to anything as there is going to be a new addition to my family some time around that date – and new babies are nothing if not unpredictable. Long way of saying don’t work around me but I will make it if I can.
Whereabouts in Sydney are you Shifty?

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So as a run down, what shops/clubs are kicking about in Syd that run PF?
I know Tin Soldier does regular sessions, anywhere else?
Having a great time in my regular campaign, but every now and then it would be good to get out and see what others do with the 'material'...
Not much in the way of gaming stores north of the harbour bridge (one in Chatswood Westfields, but thats pretty 'mixed')
...and anyone know of any fantasy LARPS?
There is a regular PFS game playing at Tin Soldier city store on Saturdays from 9am to 2pm – I was going to check it out last weekend but got delayed and they had all packed up and left by the time I got there.
I think there’s another PFS game going somewhere around Penrith I think, that is a bit too far a hike for me. Neil Mansell does a game at ... Blacktown I think? Again, further than I like to travel for a game nowadays really.
The only stores I know in Chatswood are the GW store and that games shop which (last time I checked, which was a while back) had like 1 or 2 D&D products and a whole bunch on board games and stuff.
I don’t know, I used to see WoD type LARPers at some of the cons back in the day, but not really my thing.

Shifty |

OK well maybe Dec might not work, I was just chancing a shot at a date on the wild possibility it might work :p Can look at early next year or something.
I'm over next to Chatswood, but my group games in Rosebery (one of the guys has his business there, so we can steal the boardroom), about 5-10 mins drive from the Syd CBD.
Too bad TS is all Sats, I'm pretty much spoken for Sat days - which is why we game Sat arvo to evening, or Sunday noon to late arvo. Damn adult life and its obligations!
/sigh about the shops too... Northside gets no love.
The other reason why the shops etc would be of interest as I'd be curious to see how the PFS modules/canned modules play out, as both campaigns I am involved with are GM built. ( I hate the word homebrew)

Shifty |

That would be Rabbitoh's, but now I live in Bear Country.
I haven't accepted the Norths+Manly caper.
Haven't had much luck finding much northside still with regard shops, ditto with Larps generally in Sydney apart from sparkly vampires and emo kids.
Some guy was coming out around GenCon and was going to set up a LARP out West, but the GenCon canned their forums so I can't work out who/where the guy is.
Never mind...!

The 8th Dwarf |

Shifty wrote:Reckon its almost time for Paizonians at the pub for the Sydneysiders :pReckon.
I'd probably be up for a meetup at some point, now that my crazy December has passed.
I am up for one as well.....
We need
1. A date
2. A pub that is in a central location
3. A pub that is not expensive but has decent food
4. To let all the other Sydney Paizonians know its on.
6. There is no rule six

The 8th Dwarf |

Mothman wrote:Shifty wrote:Reckon its almost time for Paizonians at the pub for the Sydneysiders :pReckon.
I'd probably be up for a meetup at some point, now that my crazy December has passed.
I am up for one as well.....
We need
1. A date
2. A pub that is in a central location
3. A pub that is not expensive but has decent food
4. To let all the other Sydney Paizonians know its on.
6. There is no rule six

The 8th Dwarf |

I'm on the lower north shore. I have two groups with eight players in total. I also organised the PFS at Tin Soldier in the City, but that was just to play-test the modules prior to running them at PaizoConOz, which my group also helped to organise.
A Sydney Paizonian get-together would be good!
Should we start a separate thread to get everybodies attention?

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Yeah, the Royal Exhibition is central (and in the case of Central Station, literally) and is a decent pub. Our first meeting was there, so may be can start up a tradition or something. The Exhibition also has decent food and atmosphere! I have way too many blurry, nostalgic memories of that place... or was it the Gaelic Club... or both? Hmmm...
Anyway, I will be up for a Sydney meeting!

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How about February 26 at the Royal Exhibition Hotel around lunch time?
Hmmm... I'm out for the 26th, but I could make the 27th if that helps.

Shifty |

So, Saturday 26th or Sunday 27th February. Which one do people prefer? We will try to go with the date which is most covenient for everyone.
I have been called into work for that weekend, amazing, they picked the Sunday which is the same day as Soundwave, which I forked a pile of bucks for... why... just...why...!?
Dont mind me :)