Nicolas Logue Contributor |

The funniest piece of gaming humor I have ever read hands down. I was laughing out loud in Borders reading it.
This joins the ranks of Dungeon's "Devil's Box" in that special lonesome place in my soul where I store the only gaming publications that have made me totally lose it and guffaw out loud to no one in particular.
This article was absolutely splendid!

Jonathan Drain |

Chiming in to say that "Ecology of the Adventurer" is the funniest thing I've read all week. I don't think I've ever laughed so loudly at my Dragon magazine. Hilarious!
When I read the parts where the kobold author whines about all the sneaky tactics adventurers use, I laughed aloud because we did those. The sample character was absolutely spot-on in its details, and the picture made me laugh the most of anything in the article because I look at it and see every one of my player Jonny's characters ever.
They're all called Taren, they all walk around with more gear than one man can reasonably hold (including quite literally the entire Equipment section), they regularly use priceless magic items as the likes of pots, and if I'd let them, I have absolutely no doubt that he'd be wielding the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords in the Hand of Vecna.
Then I realised that Jonny wouldn't have settle for any less than dual-wielding the Sword of Kas in the Hand of Vecna the Mace of St. Cuthbert in the Arm of Nyr, and an animated Shield of Prator and none of his original eyes, and that made me laugh even more.

AtlasRaven |

Lol! Ecology of the Adventurer was pretty damn funny. Kinda made me think about the sad sad tale of Deekin from NWN. The "Advanced Adventurer" is listed as having like 10 diffrent classes??! Ha ha, he specializes in multi-classing.
Hmm...wouldn't it be funny to lead a party into a fake kobold cave as part of a small town's tourism bussiness? Not real of course but a theatrical performance allowing tourists and adventurers alike to "kill" the Evil Kobold King. The 'abandoned' cave could lead down into an actual kobold cave and merchants could swarm in droves to scrape together a living selling their wares to regular adventurers. Even in passing it might be fun for a campaign drop.

Tony M |

Mokumok the Shaman here.
Ah! So that's what happened to my "Ecology of the Adventurer" report--a sticky-fingered adventurer stole it from my desk and published it in Dragon Magazine!!
Um...I noticed my erotic novel was also missing. Please don't publish any of that, okay? It was never meant to be read by anyone.

Koga: The Ninja Trick |

Yes! As always Dragon does something super-cool! Only further encourages The Koga's desire to make a monster campaighn where adventurers are the villains..
It could work if the npc classes were tweaked, though frankly then they'd be sortof adventurers in themselves, but with a differant manuever and motivation then most..

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Yes! As always Dragon does something super-cool! Only further encourages The Koga's desire to make a monster campaighn where adventurers are the villains..
It could work if the npc classes were tweaked, though frankly then they'd be sortof adventurers in themselves, but with a differant manuever and motivation then most..
Alas I nolonger have a unique avatar. Oh well.
On topic, I agree. Brillian article!

Tiger Lily |

Alas, the funny folks at Paizo invented the hilarious Morgan Ironwolf, not I.
Well.....I'm assuming she was invented. She could be somebody's actual PC, I suppose. :)
Tony M
Morgan was a sample character in the Basic D&D rulebook. I about fell out of my chair laughing when I saw her name (and the fact that she seems to have picked up a girdle of femininity / masculinity somewhere along the way based on the illustration). She's come a long way since AC 3, Hpts 6, and "special abilities: none"! (I had to drag out the old book to show my husband when I started laughing as he didn't recognize the name).

khyron1144 |

It was very funny, but it would have been better if it was more like a regular ecology, such as including a sidebar that mentions the Adventurer's first appearance was in the AD&D Monster Manual by Gary Gygax as one of the entires under the very scary heading of Men (worse than Devils to a Kobold, Men are).
I read this about the same time I picked up a copy of the 2nd edtion Complete Book of Humanoids (you know, in 2e PC Kobolds got no ability score bonuses and some penalties). Together they made me decide that in my campaign world, one of the right hand beings of my Grandfather of Assassins will be a 14th level Kobold Assassin.

Filch |

Morgan was a sample character in the Basic D&D rulebook.
Which edition was she from? It's been a while since I flicked through the Red book, but I don't recall the name.
I loved the article though. Except that it could have done with being three or four times as long. Easily. I miss the silliness of the old April issues - this ecology was very welcome indeed.

Philotomy Jurament |
Tiger Lily wrote:Morgan was a sample character in the Basic D&D rulebook.Which edition was she from? It's been a while since I flicked through the Red book, but I don't recall the name.
She was from the Moldvay/Cook edition (the first "red book," so-called because it wasn't the Holmes "blue book" edition), not the Mentzer edition (with the Elmore art). The Mentzer edition's D&D babe was Aleena, who met her fate at the hands of Bargle the Infamous.