Do you carry dice in your pocket?

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Blast from the past necro, there.

I never carried them around in my pockets, but back when I lived in AZ always took my laptop to work in my backpack - long bus rides made for having lots of downtime to play with the computer - and I almost always had a set in the backpack for one reason or another.

Nowadays no, I typically don't. But I also do all my gaming via computer and MapTool and Skype, so there's not much reason for the dice to leave my desk.

Silver Crusade

No, never have.

I always keep my dice bag in my book bag. It's useful if gaming pops up or if I need to make impartial decisions. Also, the looks from pulling out a d4 in class are priceless.

I've got all my dice (a set of the usual die for PF/D&D and a slew of d6s for Shadowrun dice pool tests) crammed into two plastic cases that came free with 10-packs of 3.5" Dyson HD diskettes. Last month, my younger nephew was looking at the cases and asked me what a "diskette" was. I'm saving the 5-1/4" disk notcher to really blow his mind some day.

Years ago I found these miniature die sets that came in tubes about the size of a felt marker. I got 4 of them and pack'em in my book bag with the tablet. Pretty much set for any gaming I might fall into while out wandering in the wilderness of the Fraser Valley.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I tried it for a week once. Wasn't a big thing.

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I'm down to a single d10.

I'm a decisive person, and would not entrust my volition to dice.

That said, I do have a fun story about an unexpected use for a die: in my social psych class, the professor liked to randomly pick a table to answer questions for the session, and there were five tables. I was ordering a bundle of d5 at the time to use for a new stat rolling method, so I gifted one to the professor. Amusingly her husband had played D&D, so she had seen polyhedral dice, but had never thought to use even a regular d10 for the table assignment.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I tried it for a week once. Wasn't a big thing.

Amazingly both of OPs links still work.

And yes. Yes I do.

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No, I'm just glad to see you.

Nah. I'm not sure I ever did, honestly.

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