The Rod of Seven Parts Book and Boxed Set

Age of Worms Adventure Path

I've read the book and the boxed set both entitled "Rod of Seven Parts" and wondered if anyone else is using information from these to add to the Age of Worms. Comment as you see fit. Thanks.

What are each's powers & what's the statistics of when it's complete??

Liberty's Edge

I'm using the boxset for additional information for the PCs with Knowledge (history/planes/arcana) checks on such matters. Also having the boxset visible in my resource materials helps for some misdirection for the players who are suspecting this will be a Rod of Seven Parts campaign.

Liberty's Edge

Anyone got the spider wolf demons wrote up for 3.5?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

BOZ's Creature Catalogue "" had the wolf spiders written up for 3.0; should be much trouble to update them.

Liberty's Edge

Fury wrote:
What are each's powers & what's the statistics of when it's complete??

g+&+&#n it I spent 20 mins writting out its powers from the boxed set but hit the page back and lost it...not doing that again, sorry

Liberty's Edge

I feel your pain, Achilles. Wordpad is my friend.

All this is from a 2E source, so adjust accordingly.
Part One: 4" piece, cure light wounds, 5/day.
Part Two: 5" piece, slow, 1/day, duration of 23 rounds.
Part Three: 6" piece, haste, 1/day, duration of 23 rounds.
Part Four: 8" piece, gust of wind, 5/day, Area of Effect is 10' x 600'.
Part Five: 10" piece, true seeing, 1/day, 20 round duration.
Part Six: 12" piece, hold monster, 1/day, 20 round duration.
Part Seven: 15" piece, heal, 1/day.

I intentially ommitted the command words for each item for those lurking players out there. ::wink:: When put together, they have other powers but I have to run to work now. ::smirk::

The 3.0e stats can be found in the Arms and Equipment Guide. The powers for each segment are the same as above, but at CL 20 with a save DC of 17 + spell level. Joining segments gives these additional powers:

Two segments: fly at will.
Three segments: SR 15 and acts as +1 light mace
Four segments: control winds 2/day, +2 heavy mace
Five segments: shapechange 1/day, +3/+3 quarterstaff
Six segments: wind walk 1/day, +4/+4 quarterstaff
All seven: control weather, whirlwind, greater restoration, each 1/day; +5/+5 lawful bane (chaotic outsiders) quarterstaff; can use true resurrection, but this casuses the rod to shatter into seven pieces which become scattered throughout the planes.

Also, having 6 or 7 segments gives the wielder Two-Weapon Fighting (and Ambidexterity).

I remember reading somewhere that each piece can locate the next larger piece and something about spells/abilities used to divine their locations didn't work/were extremly vague.
Is this true?

You must be Lawful to determine in what direction the next larger section lies. A successful Concentration check DC 20 is required and it will only work to find sections larger than the section you possess.

Arms and Equipment Guide page 154

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