Bonemash's page

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My players are all using a 28 point buy system and only one fatality so far, ( though there have been a few close calls). I would consider using 32 points if you are playing with a group that are inexperienced or are wanting to play characters with multiple classes.

Medusa was the name of one famous Gorgon, and I think that they (Gorgons) where all female. From memory they where sisters that had a curse from the gods, the most famous of the three being Medusa ..... and so the name stuck.

I think that any mating would be a dangerous sport and as such may be encouraged in some of the more hedonistic societies while others wager on the outcome.....
No offspring (due to petrification)
Offspring (due to use of big paper bag)
Bad Medusa ( Offspring and petrification, due to medusa being a bad girl and removing bag after consumation).


I ran The Whispering Cairn using DMGenie and boy where they impressed when I showed them the various pictures etc that paizo had included. This converted my group into DMGenie fans, before they thought that I was playing on my own...but now with me showing them scenes as they develop they love it.
I am so enamoured that at present I am inputing data like a coffee crazed monkey so that I can use it better in our Living Greyhawk campaign.
I take my hat off to Piazo and DMGenie for making my life as a DM feel more rewarding, the look on their faces as I swiveled the screen and they could see pictures of rooms, creatures or items as they encountered them.....and all at the same time. I used to pass round pictures, printouts etc, but now the effect is far more dramatic because they all view at the same time. They see as one and panic.....
I must also say that I found AOW a perfect vehicle to try out this integration because of the well thought out internet extras provided.
I also found a few errors in the modules, but these minor irritants where fixed in seconds. I discovered most whilst inputing and rectified them there and then.

You must be Lawful to determine in what direction the next larger section lies. A successful Concentration check DC 20 is required and it will only work to find sections larger than the section you possess.

Arms and Equipment Guide page 154

I have never thought about running an Ebberron Campaign, I do like some of the ideas presented in this setting but I will keep my feet firmly in the Greyhawk camp until something really good drags me away from it. (If ever)
I will continue to add to my home campaign (based in Greyhawk)any creature or location that is too good to miss out on, but I will never run an Ebberron campaign as none of my players have shown any interest except to try and pick out prestige classes that would be beneficial to them.