Crust |

I'm hoping to have the following in the group:
~elf scout (eventually going either dread commando or order of the bow)
~human ranger (eventually going dervish and dread commando)
~human druid (eventually going war shaper)
~human sorcerer (eventually going war weaver)I want to steer away from the brawn in my current epic campaign and start out with some stealthy woodsman.
The above is what I was hoping for. This is what I have to work with:
~male half-orc ranger (building toward dread commando)
~male elf scout (possibly going straight scout)
~male aaisamar monk (building toward the fochlucan lyrist)
~male lizardfolk druid (building toward war shaper)

GreenGrunt |

Elf monk
Half-elf rogue
Half-orc barbarian
NPC: human- Cleric of Fharlanghn
The last three party members are all brothers or half brothers.. Ahem.. Their father really, really, got around!! Alustan has kind of adopted them as they've grown up. He's hinted to them that he knows of their father but won't really say. The mage gave them the location of the Cairn; he wanted the party to let him know what was in the cairn in weekly progress reports.


Episode 6 was playtested with:
Huckabee Leafbitter Male Dwarf Fighter 5/Bard 6
Shelly Villerns Female Gnoll (reincarnated human) Commoner1/Fighter 1/Cleric 10 (Madness & Random domain rolled at midnight through the adventure she went through Mystisim, Family and Pain domains)
Sarah Marholdt Female Human Commoner1/Warmage 11
“Raven” Male Human Ninja (Legend of the Samurai version) 11
Marcus Bowman Male Human Warrior 1/Fighter 4/Order of the Bow Initiate 7
ASEO out

Wayland Smith |

More gnomish parties...
1 Human Barbarian
1 Elven Rogue
1 Gnome Cleric
1 Gnome Druid
I'm hoping they won't get completely slaughtered in the first encounter like when my old group started the City of the Spider Queen campaign...
"You are dimension dooring into the sealed tomb? You do know that only you can go in, right..."
It was only when the screaming stopped when the wizard remembered he had a Knock spell memorized.

DungeonMaster76 |

Hmmnn... I've got a newly expanded group under my care *sly grin*. A veteran, a novice, two newbies, and a floater/drifter.
The group is:
Gribbledorf (Male gnome Bard): Plans on multiclassing w/ Illusionist
Waylan (Male human Cleric of Pelor)
Prilgar (Female human Fighter)
Carster (Male human Wizard)
Cometfoot (Male human Monk)

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I am judging a party of six player characters through Age of Worms. There were more that wanted to play, and I felt badly limiting the party to six, but it will be better this way - as six makes a great RPGA table, it's the maximum I'll judge. I told the others that I will run Age of Worms for them when the hardcover comes out, lol.
We've had one game session, as I wanted to hold out as long as possible to look at and use Age of Worms Overload. But we got tired of waiting, and have started the campaign, in Greyhawk. We'll play every Thursday night. The characters are only now tinkering with the lamps in Area 7.
CG male gnome cleric (gnomish pantheon)
NG male gray elf fighter
CG halfling monk
NG female human ranger
NG male human cleric (Pelor)
CG male human bard
Happy gaming
Don Kenneth Brown
Salt Lake City, Utah

Brian Engel |

Running this campaign in Eberron (best campaign setting ever!)
Amber Vadalis: Amber is a Thranish born member of House Vadalis. She is a preist for the Host of the Faithful.
Sapphire: Dwarven Rogue who is a Cyran refugee with an unknown past.
Elle d'Cannith: Human Artificer who is dragonmarked
Grind: Male Personality Warforged guardian of Elle.

First Prime |

Just played our first session last Saturday. Everyone had a blast.
All lvl 1's
Halfling Rogue
Dwarven Rogue
(I know, two rogues... but ones the talker and ones all about traps.)
Human Paladin of Heironeous
Human Cleric of St Cuthbert
(These guys bicker non-stop, even through battles. It's great)
Human Warlock
Halfling Monk
They survived their first encounter with the face and the swarm, but barely. They are currently licking their wounds back in town. We continue on this Saturday...can't wait...

Pariah |

Startign Sunday, if I can find time I'll do a campaign journal, but we are doing Greyhawk.
Kira - 1/2 Drow 1/2 Grey elf Rogue, from the Bandit Kingdoms (I tried to gently push her to be from Red Hand, but she decided Stoink, and I didn't want to pressure her or make her think there was a reason I wanted Red Hand).
Mortilal - Aasimar Cleric of Pelor, thinks he's just a human, but doesn't look much like his sister.
Horus - 1/2 Drow 1/2 High Elf Warlock, (no relation to Kira, and neither one of them have any clue that they both wanted to play a 1/2 breed drow. I thought about disallowing one or the other so they weren't treading on each others character concepts, but how fair would it be if I let one and not the other).
Yet to be Named Monk - Practically average in every way, until just recently when Izenfen the Occluded had a vision of worms and this charater being at the center of it. Figuring that he was either the cause or the savior, Izenfen removed him from the monastary figuring either he needs to be out saving, or he needs to be out of the monastary to keep them safe.
Yer to be named Ranger - Still working on a history, but is planning on going Ascetic Hunter route and multi-classing monk.

Flava |

It's cool to see all the different gaming groups... it really shows alot of different play styles, too.
I'm setting the AoW in m homebrew, specifically, in a nation called Amerland. It's a very arabic-mediteranean kinda setting, totally based on a capitalist-republic and a roundtable of the wealthiest merchants rule the nation. Anyways, I like a smaller group of players in my games, and I focus more on the character "concept" rather than a character dictated by their class. So, my preliminary group seems to be....
A human Samurai - in disguise as a miner investigating the disappearance of his lord's nephew. And, trust me, a disguised samurai will be a HUGE challenge to play! And, the class is based on a mix of samurai classes that have been published.
A human unfettered - An employee of the freakshow at the Emporium as their knife-thrower. He takes on a masked identity for swashbuckling and adventure. He had grown up in a travelling circus in an area like the carribbean isles during the pirate eras.
A half-elf unfettered - He's like a martyr waiting to happen. His family was slaughtered by bandits (most likely members of the Ebon Triad)and he has wound up in Diamond Lake to begin his quest for vengeance. I kinda picture him like Frank Castle, but with slightly pointy ears, bisht, shmaagh and agaal.
A human fighter (maybe) - A surly miner in Smenk's mines. Focused on unarmed combat, he's become skilled through bar fights at the Feral Dog. A GIANT of a man at a bout 7 feet tall, he's sick of Diamond Lake and is considering entering the Arena in Liberopolis, the Free City.
I'd like to add an NPC to the group that could offer some arcane or divine support magic, but I hate running an NPC as part of the adventure group. They always see it as the "voice of the DM" leading them down a linear path. That's a hard assumption to avoid.

Bram Blackfeather |

I've only rounded up two players so far for the AoW adventure path, since we're only at "Zenith Trajectory" in the SC adventure path... But next time I'm also going to play an NPC with the group, with the notion that my fiance and I can take turns DMing, and revert our character to tag-along NPC (or even miss the session, as since we live here together, we've noticed that his character never misses a session, and therefore is always a little ahead XP wise).
He's going to play a Human Male Rogue - aiming for Rogue/Fighter/Dervish (starting as an exotic dancer at the Emporium).
I'm going to play a Human Male Druid - aiming for Druid/Conjurer/Arcane Hierophant (starting with the Green Lodge).
and the other player so far want's to be a one-time bodyguard to a failed (and now gone) miner, but he hasn't decided yet if he wants to do so as a plain ol' fighter or as a barbarian.

TPK Jay |

My group has recreated an incredibly clichéd, but beloved, group we’ve played a number of times (originally in 2E), but never managed to get past 6th or 7th level. The entire group is really in to the characters, and a fair amount of the average session is spent just acting out common scenes at the inn or the campsite (the most recent was a trip to the Emporium… hilarity ensued). Everyone is really excited about the prospect of going the distance with these characters at last.
Eldegrautis “Graut” Servantes (LN Human Fighter): The burly and incredibly stupid son of a successful merchant. Graut wields his grandfather’s greatsword, and prefers to go bare-chested whenever possible, and is known to oil himself up before entering any tavern (where he always compares himself to the biggest guy there). When entering combat, Graut usually hums his theme song—which sounds a bit like the Conan theme.
Malcolm Merryweather (LG Human Wizard): Malcolm and Graut have known each other for years, and have become boon companions since setting down the road to adventure. Malcolm spends most non-adventuring moments with his nose in a book, stroking his weasel, Mr. Buckles. He has a passion for history and the relics of ages long past. Unfortunately he is often lost when it comes to the present; Malcolm is notoriously bad at dealing with people… particularly the ladies.
Brother Thadius (NG Human Cleric of Pelor): When the party stops by the tavern and Thadius steps in, folks assume he is the party’s warrior—until Graut walks in. Thadius is a big, beefy, plate-clad man with powerful slabs-like arms and two left feet, bearing a huge golden Flavor Flav-style holy symbol of Pelor. Always quick with a kind word or good deed for the common man, Thadius is the team’s moral center.
Osgood Rainfellow (CG Halfling Rogue): Osgood is the wise-cracking, often vicious, never cautious, party troublemaker. In the dungeon, Osgood is aggressive, adventurous, and more than a little greedy. At the tavern, he’s the life of the party who usually leaves with a wench or two at his side. Osgood is almost as skilled at getting out of trouble, as he is at getting in to it, but he remains the heart and soul of the team—despite his on-going feuds with Graut over who is the better lover and fighter.
Temeridhiel (CG Elf Ranger): Flighty, deadly, and mysterious on many levels, Temer is a crack archer skilled in wood lore, but naïve to the ways of civilization. Though they are too polite to ask, many a fireside conversation has been speculation about whether Temer is a man or a woman. Between adventures, Temer prefers to commune with nature, frolicking and picking flowers or making friendship bracelets for the rest of the group.

RPace |

Running in Greyhawk:
Human Cleric of Wee Jas
Human Cleric of Hieroneous (planning on Inquisitor)
Dwarf Cleric of Haela Brightaxe (male)
Human Barbarian
Human Rogue (1/2 brother to the Cleric of Hieroneous)
Human Warlock
At one point, the rogue player was also interested in playing a cleric, which would have made things really strange, I think.
Even though all three clerics are planning to skimp on the healing(C of WJ took rebuke and can only swap for inflicts), I think between the three of them they'll have more curatives than the average party.

Tor Libram |

We'll be kicking off WC in a few weeks, I'm planning to sort out backgrounds and do some initial, individual, RP work with my players by email, to set up their chars and get them rolling before they meet each other.
So far, we have:
Female human sorceror (going for PB shot, precise shot and Truestrike) who works in the Gallery of Science at the Emporium.
Changeling rogue (I'm not setting it in Eberron, and I'm still working on details here, but I figured that (s)he is a half-blood doppelganger from the Free City, who drifted into town through having nowhere else to go.)
Human fighter (ex miner, it's the player's first time so he's going for a classic.)
Human druid (travelling through the area, became appalled by the harm being done to nature and stopped at the Bronzewood Lodge in order to learn how he could help save the world one tree at a time.)

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Finally have had a game so I can at least attest to three of the four PCs:
Graum, half-orc Wiz1
Miö, dwarven Clr1
Akabane, human Soulknife1
The fourth PC is a rogue but I'm still waiting on details of race, etc.
I'm running a version of the Culvert prelude scenario (thank you to the author!; look for it on this board) before Whispering Cairn. This has been a great way to get the aloof PCs to work together which makes the start of Whispering Cairn simple.

Royster |

Our group, which will begin play a week from this Sunday, in the world of Greyhawk, consists of the following:
Female ½ elf fighter NG niece of Merris Sandovar
Male Human Monk LN from the Twilight Monastery
Male Human Cleric of Wee Jas LN
Male Human Cleric of Heironeous NG from the garrison
Male Human Wizard NG apprentice to Allustan
Male Wood Elf Druid NG member of the Bronzewood Lodge
Male Halfling Rogue NG from Elmshire

Cyril Lokner |

Running the campaign in Forgotten Realms.
Cade Greenbottle: Lightfoot Halfling Rogue (N)
Lip Cronan: Half-Giant Barbarian (CN)
Rurik Brightblade: Shield Dwarf Fighter (CG)
Tyrian: Aasimar Cleric of Tyr (LG)
They have made it up to the False Tomb with Cade dropping twice, once from a bite from a wolf and another from a slash from the mad slasher. They skipped going down the yellow elevator and climbed down the green elevator shaft. Tyrian fell to his death and his player is coming back as a Moon Elf Cleric of Angharradh.

Eruvaer |

Tomorrow, I'll start with this group:
- human male hexblade
- human male red wizard
- catfolk male spellthief
- human male fighter
The fighter originally wanted to play a sorcerer but changed it to a fighter after I told him what the others play. That might have been interesting with all characters being some kind of spell casters...

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Large party - 7 players:
1 Halfling Rogue
1 Human Warmage (Complete Arcane - quite powerful)
1 Human Wizard
1 Human Scout (Complete Adventurer)
1 Human Cleric of Pellor
1 Human Fighter
1 Human Psychic Warrior (Exp Psionic Handbook)
All are currently 1st level.

Ozyr |

Been running AoW in Eberron with 7 characters now... (I've had to bump up most of the encounters now to compensate for the extra fire power the group has).
Cleric- Halfling
Rogue - Changling
Warlock - Human
Fighter - Elf
Artificer - Gnome
Sorcerer - Gnome
Barbarian - Warforged
They've been doing pretty good so far - with an almost fatal exception with the first encounter with the 'swarm'.

Malachias Invictus |

We are playing with Iron Heroes-style characters (using the Elements of Magic magic system), in an alternate Greyhawk (there is no specifically clerical magic, and the population in most areas is overwhlemingly human). The characters are:
Barracus, Human (Touv) Male Weapon Master (Twin Bastard Swords). A giant by Touv standards (6'), Barracus won his freedom from the slave pits through gladiatorial combat. However, some problems with a moneylender ended with him working the mines for Balabar Smenk as an indentured servant.
Thalestris, Human (Oeridian) Female "Man"-at-Arms. A mercenary of amazonian stature, she is seeking glory and riches. She took pity on Barracus, and bought his contract from Balabar Smenk, in return for service.
Rogar, Human (Flan) Male Archer. A local ranger and outdoorsman, Rogar seeks to escape the tedium of Diamond Lake. Little does he know the consequences of his decision...
Allsaran Telrün, Grey Elven Male Arcanist. A scholar and specialist in the magics of ice and wind, he is in Diamond Lake to visit his friend and colleague, Allustan. His curiosity draws him into the mysteries surrounding Diamond Lake.
We may have more later, but this is the group for now.

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Playing in Greyhawk, starting tonight and these are the characters.
1st Level Paladin (human)
1st Level Scout aspiring to be a Horizon Walker (human)
1st Level Cleric of Olidammara aspiring to be a Contemplative (human)
1st Level Rogue aspiring to be a druid then Fochlucan Lyrist (half-elf)
1st Level Barbarian aspiring to Bard to Dragon Disciple (half-orc, I know, crazy)
1st Level Wizard aspiring to be Archmage (human)

Got Ooze? |

We started with the "Three Faces of Evil" and are playing FR with:
Male Human Cleric of Deneir 3 (gimpy but has nice AC)
Male Human Sorcerer 3 (spellcaster)
Male Human Fighter 3 (damage dealer)
Male Star Elf Bard 3 (does nothing)
I was going to run a Rogue, but decided against it once the star elf joined ;)

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Partying in Eberron and we just finisheg up tWC-Pcs are now 3rd level (and one 2nd)
Half-elf Artificer of House Lyrander (3rd level)
Warforged Fighter (3rd level-2 sub. levels from RoE)
Changeling Rogue (3rd level)
Shifter (Wild Hunt) Ranger (2nd level)
They got their butts handed to them by Filge and co. because of the lack of a cleric. They got the help of Hinton Gorr-I made him the priest in charge of the Boneyard(5th level-the Keeper). We had such a great time with him, the artificer almost began worshipping the Keeper! :) Wait until they hit the 3FoE and get a different perspective of the Keeper...

Aethan |

My group consists of...
Braggi Thum: Female Half-Orc Bard. The daughter of Aria, a now-deceased prostitute from the Midnight Salute and of Cullen, the albino half-orc who works for Smenk. She loathes Cullen, who's never admitted to having sired her, so it should be good fun when they find out they need to go after him...
Bazlond Duerbek: Male Dwarven Ranger. Employed by the Greysmere Covenant as something of a rat-catcher and very much seeking to escape this lowly existance. Although he's been in town longer than anyone but Braggi, he's something of an outsider, due to his position and life as a dwarf. He's made friends with Gwen, though, as they both had discovered the old mining office and use it as a place to escape to.
Gwen Henry: Female Human Barbarian. Her secluded family was killed by bandit raiders when she was young, but she protected herself with her father's huge warhammer. How she found her way to Diamond Lake is still unknown, but she was sponsored by Smenk with the priests of St. Cuthbert. Recently, Smenk has been suggesting she could find another way to work off her debt to him, so she's looking for escape.
Brother Michael O'Malley: Male Human Cleric of St. Cuthbert. Brother Michael was a little too over-zealous in the pursuit of corruption in his home temple. He found himself "rewarded" by being sent to study with the head priest of one of the fastest-growing churches of St. Cuthbert in the region...Father Jierian Wierus. Wierus thinks Michael is a soft city-boy, and Michael thinks Wierus is insane. He seeks funds to make an appropriately large donation to his home church in order to be re-assigned to a better temple.
Rosco Readhand, a.k.a. Padfoot: Male Halfling Rogue. Never one to let an opportunity for profit go by, Rosco was wondering where some of his old friends had gone for a week, until he spotted Braggi in town with a big bag of gold. He basically attached himself to her until she grudgingly admitted that someone versed in trap-finding might well make everyone's life a little easier... (Rosco's player joined at the second session.)
This intrepid little group has just struck their bargain with Alastor Land's ghost, and they are taking his bones back to town with them...

bshugg |

I'm just wondering what some of the parties look like that have started the AoW.
My group is fairly large, but suprisingly undiverse:
We are starting with 3 faces of evil and have:
Elven Ranger 3
Elven Ranger 4
Human Fighter 3
Human Fighter 2/Rogue 1
Human Paladin 3
Human Monk 4/ Cleric 1 (only remaining PC from the first TPK)
Elven Sorceror 3
Elven Sorceror 4
Yeup thats 1 level of rogue and 1 level of cleric for the whole gang. Also we rarely have both spellcasters show up on the same day. So far theres been some bickering over treasure as theres not enough weapons/armor for the fighters, and way too much goodies for the rest. Something interesting that comes up later on is you usually have 5 times more magic weapons/armor than other items available. This may work out for the groups advantage. Im considering killing off one of the fighter types soon in the hopes that they switch to something else. :)


Just formed a small group of players through a local hobby store. I am setting the AOW adventrue path in the Silver Marches.
I started the players with 1,000 xp and let them choose races from the players handbook and the Forgotten Realms Campagin guide.
Party looked like this when we started.
Female Air Genasi Ranger 1st
Female Moon Elf Cleric of Solonor Thendria 2nd
Human Fighter 2nd
Human Druid 2nd


Only have 3 reliable players ATM so I added in an NPC. BTW this is a FR campaign
Wood Elf Ranger (multiclassing as a druid later) This character also has an air elemental ancestor (planning on running Thicker Than Blood from WoTC). She is focusing on ranged combat.
Xeph Mindblade (multiclassing as a fighter or rogue) He uses his mindblade abilities as one of the shows at the Emporium
Drow Ninja (taking the Assasin PrC) He is one of the trained killers from the monastery but is also a member of the Shadow Thieves sent to negotiate a trade deal between the Shadow Thieves and the Monks for Kalamanthis. They also sent him to find a nice place for a safe house, so i started the campaign by having him look for sutable sites (old mine). He neede to see if anyone still laid claim to it so he tried breaking into the Garrison to take a look and met the last member.
Sun Elf Warmage (will multi as Cleric and Mystic Theurge) This character is attached to the Garrison, but is helping the Drow because he felt bad about how the soldiers were treating this Drow who had done nothing wrong. Good story to explain this.

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Got a group of six working their way through the Whispering Cairn (in the Forgotten Realms):
- Brannock Longarm, male shield dwarf barbarian 1/fighter 1
- Riven, venerable female human druid 2
- Smite, female pixie (2nd "level" as per Savage Species)
- Zendo, male human monk 2
- Arya, female fighter 1/cleric of Tyr 1
- Hot Pie, male human wizard 2
(Yes, we have some George R. R. Martin fans among us)

bshugg |

My group is fairly large, but suprisingly undiverse:
We are starting with 3 faces of evil and have:
Elven Ranger 3
Elven Ranger 4
Human Fighter 3
Human Fighter 2/Rogue 1
Human Paladin 3
Human Monk 4/ Cleric 1 (only remaining PC from the first TPK)
Elven Sorceror 3
Elven Sorceror 4
Elven Ranger 3, Fighter 3 and Monk 4/cleric 1 all died this week. Im getting for replacements:
Elven Ranger 3 (wants to use the same name, uggh!)
Dwarven Cleric/Psi warrior 2/1
Human Cleric 4
Helps balance things a bit.

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Graum, half-orc Wiz1
Miö, dwarven Clr1
Akabane, human Soulknife1
The fourth PC is a rogue but I'm still waiting on details of race, etc.
After running the Teenaged Drinking Can Kill prelude scenario, Miö and Akabane are second level. The fourth PC is Gerzin (aka Gerzy from the prelude scenario), Suloise human Rog1. At the mining office the group found a runaway from the banal attentions of Cubbin's gang -- err, law enforcement officials. She's Mekayla, Sor1, Rhennee and will provide my voice to the roleplaying and act as my NPC tool for advancing the plotline when the game stalls.

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The party is a motly group.. the first death has already occured..
Rex, Male Elf Warlock (Deceased)
Grath, Male Human Cleric of Heironeus
Faywin, Female Whisper Gnome Psychic Warrior
and finally,
Sam, Male Catfolk Bard
A forth will probably show up at some point... hopefully.

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Well so far I' had a ton of new players ask to join right before the game tonight (Im pretty lucky, I'm playing 5 hours of Shackeled City as a player, before DM'ing 4 hours of AOW...what the heck, gotta be home in time to watch 'Rome').
So far I've got a 1/2 orc barbarian, Human Fighter, Halfling Rogue, Human Wizard, elf Ninja (lol....he's visiting the monistary as a exchange-type student), Half Elf Druid and a Human Monk. Thank god for the Overload starting suggestions. I Did have a bit of a time getting them NOT to sell info for the Whispering Cairn location to the 3 greyhawk adventurers....they wanted anything to get money to leave the slimey town. They just discovered the elevator down when we quit for the night....they slapped the wolves around in two rounds. Might ahve to adjust Kellan's band by adding a level to half of them.....

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Finally started last night, the group consists of:
Touak - Male Half-Elf - Ranger
Danika - Female Half-Elf - Ranger
Those two are a married pair (both in RL and in the campaign). Why they both are playing Rangers I don't know although Touak has interests in becoming an Arcane Archer.
Burrg - Male Half-Orc - Barbarian
Alara - Female Human - Paladin
Airianna - Female Air Genesai - Cleric
No arcane spellcasters though the Cleric is considering going Mystic Theurge. But if she does she thinks she will do so by taking levels of Bard *sigh* :)

airwalkrr |

Out of sheer boredom (and a procrastinating desire not to study) I decided to see what the distribution of classes and races are for players in the AoW campaign. The results were somewhat disturbing, but gauge for yourself. I have only included PCs, not DM NPCs. I also threw out anyone who sounded completely unsure of what they were going to play or references to players who were maybes for the campaign. Subraces that fall under the standard race in the PH were simply reported as the based race (i.e. I made no distinction between high elves and moon elves). Multi-class characters were counted as their multi-class, I didn't count classes twice. Here's a brief summary.
- 43% of all AoW adventurers are human.
- Halflings are the most popular non-human race (8% of total).
- Warforged and Changelings tied as the most popular Eberron races (each 2.4% of total).
- My campaign is the only campaign that had a raptoran.
- Aasimar was the most popular non-setting specific non-core race (2.2% of total).
- The four most popular classes are Cleric (14%), Rogue (11%), Fighter (10%), and Ranger (8%).
- Paladin was the least popular PH class (2.9% of total).
- Warlock was the most popular non-core class (2.1% of total).
- 48% of multi-class characters had one or more levels in Fighter, the most popular multi-classing choice.
- Apparently I made some mistakes because I counted more classes than races, but then again the totals are ~400 so I maintain the errors are insignificant.
Presented below is raw data.
Aasimar 9
Catfolk 3
Celestial Tainted
Changeling 10
Drow 3
Dwarf 22
Dwarf, Mineralized Warrior
Elf 30
Elf, Copper
Elf, Gray 3
Elf, Star 2
Elf, Sun
Elf, Valenar
Elf, Wild
Elf, Wood 3
Genasi, Air 3
Genasi, Fire
Gnome 13
Gnome, Chaos
Gnome, Whisper
Gnoll (reincarnated human)
Goliath 4
Halfling 32
Halfling, Ghostwise
Halfling, Stout
Half-Celestial, Human
Half-Drow/Half-Gray Elf
Half-Drow/Half-High Elf
Half-Drow/Half-Wood Elf
Half-Elf 23
Half-Orc 20
Human 175
Human, Feral
Lizardfolk, Poison Dusk
Shadow Walker
Shifter 6
Warforged 10
Xeph 2
Total = 403
Artificer 6
Barbarian 25
Bard 20
Bard/Fighter 2
Bard/Rogue 2
Cleric 56
Cleric, Keeper of the Past
Cleric/Fighter 3
Cleric/Psychic Warrior
Druid 19
Favored Soul 3
Fighter 40
Fighter/Rogue 3
Healer 2
Hexblade 2
Mindblade/Fighter or Rogue
Monk 17
Monk/Ranger 2
Ninja 5
Paladin 12
Psychic Warrior 3
Ranger 32
Rogue 44
Rogue, Psychic
Rogue, UA Variant
Samurai 2
Scout 7
Sorcerer 18
Soulknife 2
Spellthief 4
Spirit Shaman
Unfettered 2
Unknown 3
Warlock 9
Warmage 5
Weapon Master
Wizard 26
Total = 412
Human 4
Barbarian 4
Bard 4
Cleric 8
Commoner 2
Druid 2
Fighter 14 or 15
Hexblade 1
Monk 4
Ninja 1
Psychic Warrior 1
Ranger 6
Rogue 11 or 12
Warlock 1
Warmage 2
Warrior 1
Wizard 2
Total = 29

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Out of sheer boredom (and a procrastinating desire not to study)
Airwalkrr, I bow to your superior skills of procrastination as they are at least productive in some element. I had wondered the race count myself and had contemplated doing this at work a couple times before my work ethic slapped me upside the head. Thank you for your efforts.

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I'm running AoW in a world of my own creation, and the PC's are going to start Blackwall Keep tomorrow. All the players are also using races that I created. The party currently consists of:
Zira Zumarr- Female Nomadic Human, Scout
Borgash Ryl- Male Therion (a winged race), Warlock
Lafthal- Male Star Elf, Evangelist (Cleric variant from Dragon)
Zale- Female Seafaring Human, Swashbuckler
So far the players (and I) are loving the campaign, and I think they'll like the Blackwall Keep encouter as well.
To give the players something to do on the road to Blackwall Keep, I'm having Allustan challenge them with riddles. I plan on giving the winner of the group a small prize.