Three Word Game, Anybody?

Forum Games

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at the rogue's

Odiferous orifice and

his amazing chocolate

figurine of wonderous

Hershey Bar power

dangled dangerously, decending

down dark, dingly

polymorphing into a

biodegradable polymer scaffold

dripping with acidic

spongecake. All of

which tasted like

a run-on sentence.

The Wesley clone

and Asmodeus skipped

that whole section

by plane-shifting

to Asgard. Once

there, Odin shoved

Frigga's fancifully fiendish

fondue at them.

dang rogues spake

in thieve's cant

"I Should have"

read the manual

then we'd know

thieves can not

filch fiendish fondue

from Frigga. Fortunately,

Frigga foretold that

Freya would frantically


yank on Odin's

rod of LORDLY

Grecian Formula, producing

a sickening blast

and deafening roar

as it reinvigorated

the halfling's original

recipe chicken platter.

Meanwhile, somewhere over

Berlin the Luftwaffe

unrelated to this

Grand Lodge

stories plot line

stood, burped and

hugged his teadybear

Then Frigga said

"They killed Kenny!!!!!"

and fried Asmodeus

Grand Lodge

then sauted them

inviting everyone to

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