Explain Your Avatar Title

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The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I was Farouk in Asheron's Call, Anarchy Online, a few other mmorpgs and plenty of forums until Asherons Call 2 came along and you could play a Lugian. I needed a good rock name and all the obvious ones were taken or too clichéd. I ended up picking Carb since I'd known the word for years but never really knew what it was. Hurrah for wikipedia :) It's a trade name for silicon carbide, which also sounds like great stuff - and is!

Anyhoo, it sounded good and to save typing in conversations, it shortened nicely to carb. And the chances that it's not taken are reasonable - always a problem these days!

"Takasi! Oh, excuse my Elven."
-Linu La'neral, Neverwinter Nights

Liberty's Edge

*cast threadomancy*



But srsly, I've wondered about some of the usernames. Mine's pretty self-explanatory...

Scarab Sages

In the original Hunter: The Reckoning core book, there is a picture (forget where offhand) of a crazy looking guy with a crowbar or lead pipe or something similar knocking the head off of a zombie. His shirt says "face pollution".

I figured, since the guy looked kinda crazy and the text seemed to emphasize the word 'face' rather than 'pollution', that Face Pollution was some sort of punk or grunge band, and the name referred to some sort of pollution of the face. The rest of my gaming group, full of normally intelligent and astute college students, were all under the same misconception.

It wasn't until years later that it occurred to me that "face pollution" was obviously an environmentalist slogan. I thought our combined common sense fail was so funny that I decided to immortalize it as my internet handle.

My common title out amongst the real world is Katfish, mantled upon me buy a friend I lost when he was way too young, and it has become a handle I use everywhere in my online persona's. The reason it has become shortened to the KTfish7 would be because of AOL (remember when they ruled the internet?), when I tried to register my name of Katfish it was too close to their Catwatch members that monitored their chat rooms, so KTFish7 was the closest I could get to it, and it just kind of stuck.

And for the record, I wasn't named for a love of the fish or fishing, trust me, the story is a lot more detailed than anything that simple, lol.

My first ranger in 3E went by Thorn, and I'm pretty bitter.

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Jack Vance is one of my top five all-time favorite authors. Kirth Gersen is the protagonist in Vance's Demon Princes novels, which are more or less James Bond in space. That matches exactly the kind of games I most enjoy running and playing in (in those cases, James Bond meets D&D).

In the novels, Gersen frequently travels beyond the edges of civilization, where he is paranoid he'll be recognized as an agent and "de-weaseled" (killed). I've done work in the third world, and am currently living and working in Texas, a place I consider to be beyond the edges of civilization, and where I'm paranoid I'll be recognized as an atheist and blackballed.

P.S. I miss a lot of the people who posted up-thread. The boards just aren't the same without them.

Years ago, the group I was playing in blew apart in a pretty ridiculous and dramatic way. One of the other players killed my character, and then one of his friends irl killed his character and blah blah blah.

The next week I was the only one who showed up at the DM's house, so for the next 2 years the game was my DM, my DM's wife and me. The DM's wife made a halfling fighter, so I decided I was going to make a goblin rogue. From the Anklebiter clan, yeah, that's cool! And his name, will be...Cricket.

Cricket Anklebiter lasted half a session before a gnoll with a crossbow noticed him sneaking about and shot him through the chest. I was unhappy about this development, so I quickly rolled up his brother, Grasshopper.

Grasshopper Anklebiter made to the next session at least, but not much longer. An ogre smashed his brains in. :(

But the third one's the charm, and this time I decided that the next youngest brother had been in charge of guarding the tribe's prisoner: a proud knight who even in the face of all of the insidious tortures the Anklebiters inflicted upon him maintained his presence, grace and dignity. He taught the youngest Anklebiter to read from the one book he had with him, The Way of the Paladin and thus was born Doodlebug Anklebiter, Goblin Paladin.

Doodlebug Anklebiter lasted for a long while and I've convinced myself that he never died (that game was totally out of continuity!) but I do recall that he kept saving the DM's wife's character from impending doom and I dilligently insisted and kept track of the pluses I was accruing to seducing her character. Nuthin' says luvin' like nobbin' on a goblin!

Years later I was flipping through some book about Korvosa (I think) and saw that Paizo has appropriated the term "anklebiter" as sexy slang for medium-size humanoids who like to do it with small-size humanoids. My Paizo messageboards avatar name decision became clear after that.

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Twigs was my cowardly cockney bandit and probably my most beloved character. He played the comic relief in an age of DMNPCs and overbearing wizards, and he was my first foray into one of my favourite archetypes: The coward.

Naturally, I chose the ugliest avatar I could for him. Shortly afterwards, I decided green was more stylish.

Ordinarily I go by "Shag Grenade" (that's thanks to my mane of hair for you mods at home!) but I couldn't find a "bomb" avatar so canned it.

My avatar name was given to me by one of my gaming groups because of my grayish/silver hair. They used to ask the "Oh great silverhaired one" for mercy during the game so it stuck.

The Fenris wolf, my favorite character from mythology.

Every variation of it is usually taken on any geek related message board Sooooo

Darwyn was the name of the dolphin in seaQuest, a short lived scifi series that I freaking loved. Yes. I'm that old.

Isn't it obvious?

I am the terror that flaps in the night!

Oh, and also I'm trying to get a meme going on the Internet to stir up talk of DD. TV producers have brought back the Thundercats, the Smurfs, etc. It's time they brought back Darkwing.

Lathiira was an NPC I created at one point after reading through the Arcane Age materials on Cormanthyr. She was meant eventually to serve as a chronicler of events in the Realms, but never got put to use. Her full name is "Lathiira, the Wanderer". In stories, she usually appeared as something other than a drow, due to the normal problems drow face on the surface. So I change avatars from time to time, just as she changed identities from time to time :)

I like the webcomic Atland. Sissyl is a character there.

From E.T.: The Extraterrestrial:

Tyler: [sarcastically] Hey, Elliot, where's your goblin?
Michael: Shut up.
Steve: Did he come back?
Pretty Young Girl: Hi, Elliot.
Greg: Well, did he?
Elliot: Yeah, he came back, but he's not a goblin. He's a spaceman.
Steve: Ooh, as in extra-terrestrial!
Tyler: Where is he from, Uranus? Get it? Your anus?
Greg: He doesn't get it, Ty.
Tyler: Get it, your anus?
Greg: He doesn't get it.
Elliot: You're so immature!
Greg: And you're such a Sino-Supremist!
Elliot: Zero charisma!
Greg: Sino-Supremist!
Elliot: Zero charisma!
Greg: Sino-Supremist!
Elliot: Shut up, Greg!
Greg: Sino-Supremist!
Elliot: [yells as he rides off on his bike] Zero charisma!
Greg: You wimp!

I played far too much Resident Evil during college. I had an online avatar of itchytasty, lifted from the last page of a diary in the first RE game. Everyone at theforce.net called me Itchy, so I shortened it for this forum.


Growing up I had a plaque on my wall talking about the derevation of my name, Kevin. Its based off of Kenneth, which is the Anglicanized version of the Gaelic Caineach

I have been using it for at least 10 years, and so far 3 people have identified it.

Darkwing Duck wrote:

Isn't it obvious?

I am the terror that flaps in the night!

Oh, and also I'm trying to get a meme going on the Internet to stir up talk of DD. TV producers have brought back the Thundercats, the Smurfs, etc. It's time they brought back Darkwing.

hey DD, thatll never happen. Disney own's the rights for darkwing duck, and unless they can make over $200 million for rereleasing it/remake it, itll never happen. Sorry buddy.

But for me, Dewn Mou'tain came to life as a traveling stroytelling thief in the world of warhammer, 5 years ago. right before i deployed, he had made master theif cleric of Ulric, and traveling the northern wastes to take on the Chaos Gods.
Now, i use him as my catch all NPC for anything the PC's need help with, almost TPK, Dewn shows up and cures some wounds, Cannot figure out the way, Bardic knowledge to the rescue.
As for the name itself, i was looking at a bottle of Mountain Dew...lol.

...what the heck???

Saw the avatar before I made the name.


It's my middle name.

Our youngest baby girl (though she was 19 at the time) drew a caricature of me, nicknaming me "Good ol' Chet, the Mormon YoYoMan." The title was based on two of my hobbies: Church history and yoyology.

...what the heck???

Any time you include the S word it changes your avatar. You quoted someone who used it. Also, it detects some common, intentional mispellings.


Mine is from a song
Doctor wu by steely dan.

Are you crazy, are you high?
Are you just an ordinary guy?

Are you with me, Dr. Wu?

None of your business. >.> <.< >.>

But seriously, it has something to do with my name and birthdate.

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loimprevisto = lo imprevisto = Spanish for "the unexpected". I stumbled across this poem while I was studying Spanish in school and liked it quite a bit. I went with loimprevisto when I needed a new handle for internet stuff and have stuck with it ever since.


Lo Imprevisto

Señor, nunca me des lo que te pida.
Me encanta lo imprevisto, lo que baja
de tus rubias estrellas, que la vida
me presente de golpe la baraja
contra la que he de jugar.

Quiero el asombro
de ir silencioso por mi calle oscura,
sentir que me golpean en el hombro,
volverme, y ver la faz de la aventura.

Quiero ignorar en dónde y de qué modo
encontraré la muerte. Sorprendida,
sepa el alma, a la vuelta de un recodo,
que un paso atrás se le quedo la vida.

~Conrado Nale Roxlo


That can't be comfortable. ;)

Bitter Thorn wrote:
That can't be comfortable. ;)


Bitter Thorn wrote:
That can't be comfortable. ;)

ummmm the sticks?

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
That can't be comfortable. ;)
ummmm the sticks?


Mine came about from my first 3.0 character (also the first character who made it past 5th level and was able to find and use better than +1 weapons), a bard who became known for his use of a frost rapier known as the Whiteknife. It got to the point at high levels that I would find better gear and would refuse to use it as I was known for wielding the Whiteknife.

'Twilight' in Quenya (Elvish), as far as I could find. Might be Sindarin, actually. Use it for a lot of internet aliases. Twilight because it's my favorite time of day/night, and my choice has absolutely nothing to do with the series of the same name. Which I strongly dislike.

The Exchange

Its a parody of my last name and symbolic of how I played hockey (absolutely no graceful skating here). And as soon as it left the team player's lips, it stuck. How could I argue with truth?

Well when registering for my first MMO my brother miss heard me when i said to name my superhero TalonedHawk and thus ever since i've been stuck with my online friends as TalonHawke and use it often so they know its me most of the time.

Liberty's Edge

Actually, now that I reminisce a little, mine really isn't all that self-explanatory...

When I first started playing WoW, I made it a point to make characters with the most borderline inappropriate names I could think of. I went from Urmomzmymnt to Prisonsex to a few others before I decided Xpltvdeleted (the only way I could get it to fit) was probably the most appropriate. :D

Liberty's Edge

Goblins are cool.

Scarab Sages

Arazyr was the name of an ancient wizard in a 2nd Edition AD&D campaign/story I was writing, set in my homebrew campaign world. At one point, I decided to "consolidate" my online identity, and figured it would probably be available everywhere... 8^)

The Exchange

Back when Unreal Tournament was the game to play online, I tried to come up with a nonsensical name mashing two unrelated words together, thus Fangdelicious was born.

Grand Lodge

Back when I was in high school, I just used my real name. I began to think that wasn't the brightest idea, with all the identity theft headlines. So I grabbed random things I thought sounded cool and mashed them together.

The Tri-force.
The last letter of the Greek alphabet.
The cool Reploid in Mega Man X.

It's stuck since then, and is unique enough that if you see it anywhere on the net, it's probably me.


Shadow Lodge

*ponders wildly inappropriate explanations of Treppa's screen name*

Join the Treppa-nation! I already got I HAVE STICKS THROUGH MY HEAD!

My mother's mother's maiden name was Waldrop. Back in the early days of 3.5, I was trying to come up with a good name for a local Duke. This would be a guy who would give most of the party's missions to them (if they chose to accept them - cue theme).

I was feeling some kinship to this Duke, so I tried to base his name on Waldrop. In the end, after much noodling around, the only thing left that was close to the original name was the "wald" part. Anyway, Bruunwald was what I came up with.

The NPC turned out to be a memorable guy, and a fave of some of the players, so I kept it as a screen name. It's the same one I use on countless websites.





Silver Crusade

When I was dating my now wife I was also getting close to a colleague at work, kind of had the opportunity to descend into all kinds of hell, so I broke it off. Anyway, she gave me the name 'Chubbs McGee' and I have kept it ever since.

Chubbs McGee wrote:
When I was dating my now wife I was also getting close to a colleague at work, kind of had the opportunity to descend into all kinds of hell, so I broke it off. Anyway, she gave me the name 'Chubbs McGee' and I have kept it ever since.

My, what a cute little Teddy B...AAArrrGGG...help meeeeee...it's RIPPING OFF MY FACE!!!

Frogboy is the only nickname I've ever had so I've used it as my online handle everywhere I could. I've never thought of anything better.

The image was chosen because only 2 other people had it at the time and it's easily identifiable. Most people choose a knight, dragon or demon. No one wants a goofy-looking ooze (or whatever this thing is supposed to be) as their avatar.

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