Ecology Suggestions

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I decided to start this thread to let people say what creatures they would like to see in Ecology but first I would like to say that usually the Ecology articles have been a little bland.

If the whole article is just a bunch of generic information that any DM would of wrote if given the chance then it can be a very boring read. I am just saying some of the ecology articles need some more 'That is interesting' factors to it. And for those factors not to brushed aside in one sentence but maybe elaborated maybe in a sidebar or something if it would mean making assumptions that the author did not want to make in his main article.

That said. Here is what I would like to see as topics of an Ecology article.

--Aquatic Elves
--Canomorph (FF)
--Chronotyryn (FF)
--Guardian Naga
--Maug (FF)
--Phoenix (MM II)

Just to name a few.

Ambro wrote:

That said. Here is what I would like to see as topics of an Ecology article.

--Aquatic Elves
--Canomorph (FF)
--Chronotyryn (FF)
--Guardian Naga
--Maug (FF)
--Phoenix (MM II)

Just to name a few.

Actually, that's kind of good to know as I have a Slaad ecology into Dragon that will hopefully see the light of day. As for some of the others, I think they would be kind of neat, but maybe a little difficult to do in the 2,500 word alotment, particularly the aquatic elves. But who knows, maybe someone has written it and it will appear soon.

Tracy Taylor wrote:
Actually, that's kind of good to know as I have a Slaad ecology into Dragon that will hopefully see the light of day. As for some of the others, I think they would be kind of neat, but maybe a little difficult to do in the 2,500 word alotment, particularly the aquatic elves. But who knows, maybe someone has written it and it will appear soon.

A Slaad article would rock. I have been curious about the slaad lords--Ssendam and Ygorl. They were only breifly mentioned in the Manual of the Planes. Not that they would be the topic of the article though, but any information would be cool.

I understand that some creatures would be harder to write for than others, but some of the hardest might make for some of the coolest articles.

Actually, it was the first ecology I wrote and was a tad difficult, but I really liked the end result. I thought the whole spawning stone and reproduction thing was kind of neat. I did include a short introductory fiction that I felt set the tone and mood, as well as giving an idea how/where the players/DM would use the monster.


I can never get enough Yuan-ti, and luckily there are several types of Yuan-ti to cover! But I realize that Dragon did a nice size Yuan-ti article in #305. It never hurts to ask for more.

Other than that, it is always good to see Ecology articles on mindless and low-intelligence critters so as to get a better understanding of their tactics and priorities.

I would love to see an ecology of the Pseudodragon.

I'd also love to see a Forgotten Realms creature called the Tressym get an ecology article.


Gallameed wrote:
I would love to see an ecology of the Pseudodragon.

Then you need to pick up a back issue of Dragon #269, where you'll find "The Ecology of the Pseudodragon." Granted, it was written in the AD&D 2nd Edition days, but the information should all still be relevant - you'll just need to mentally "convert" to 3E as you read through it.


Richards wrote:
Gallameed wrote:
I would love to see an ecology of the Pseudodragon.

Then you need to pick up a back issue of Dragon #269, where you'll find "The Ecology of the Pseudodragon." Granted, it was written in the AD&D 2nd Edition days, but the information should all still be relevant - you'll just need to mentally "convert" to 3E as you read through it.


cool, thanks mate, I'll check that out! :)

I think id like to see the ecologies add in Racial prestige classes that only creatures of that races may take (special items and feats would be nice to)...sort of like the Beholder mage. And i would like to see more interesting monsters, Last issue we had the Choker this month the Night hag, in my opinion boring monsters, but thats just my opinion.
Id like to see in no particular order the
Mind Flayer
Beholder-Kin (with info on overseers and lensman & other kin)
Phaerimm (thers not enough info on these beasties)
pretty much the major baddies of the world.

For future reference, here's a list of all of the Ecology articles that have been printed in Dragon over the years. "AnX" refers to "Dragon Annual X," where "X" is the annual number.

72 - Piercer
73 - Catoblepas
74 - Bulette
75 - Mimic
76 - Beholder
77 - Unicorn
78 - Mind Flayer
79 - Treant
80 - Doppleganger
81 - Basilisk
82 - Peryton
83 - Stirge
84 - Trapper
85 - Ixitxachitl
86 - Slithering Tracker
87 - Dryad
88 - Rust Monster
91 - Leucrotta
92 - Ettin
93 - Eye of the Deep
94 - Chimera/Gorgimera
95 - Cockatrice
96 - Gulguthra
97 - Gorgon/Gorgimera
99 - Will-o-wisp/Boggart
104 - Ochre Jelly
106 - Maedar/Medusa
107 - Sea Lion
109 - Displacer Beast
114 - Remorhaz
115 - Harpy
116 - Minotaur
117 - Anhkheg
119 - Korred
120 - Gas Spore
122 - Rot Grub
123 - Leech, Giant
124 - Gelatinous Cube
125 - Greenhag
126 - Shade
127 - Yeti
131 - Aboleth
131 - Hook Horror
132 - Aurumvorax
133 - Carnivorous Ape
134 - Red Dragon
135 - Cave Fisher
137 - Carnivorous Plants
139 - Spectator
146 - Dragons (2nd Ed.)
151 - Kappa
151 - Yuan-ti
152 - Umber Hulk
153 - Manticore
155 - Satyr
156 - Behir
157 - Wemic
160 - Gibbering Mouther
161 - Griffon
164 - Iron Cobra
167 - Su Monster
172 - Galeb Duhr
173 - Flind/Gnoll
187 - Dakon
190 - Actaeon
192 - Lamia
197 - Giant Scorpion
214 - Neogi
214 - Owlbear
215 - Amphisbaena
218 - Bird Maiden
219 - Black Pudding
221 - Crystal Spider
222 - Penanggalan
223 - Chitine
224 - Lammasu
227 - Osquip
232 - Roper
235 - Troglodyte
An1 - Wyvern
239 - Stirge
240 - Nymph
An2 - Shambling Mound
242 - Mongrelman
244 - Sphinx
245 - Steeder
246 - Flumph
251 - Wererat
252 - Ghoul
An3 - Steel Dragon
254 - Cyclopskin
257 - Firenewt/Giant Strider
258 - Flail Snail
260 - Aspis
261 - Dark Naga
262 - Jermlaine
An4 - Gray Ooze
266 - Xixchil
267 - Carrion Crawler
269 - Pseudodragon
270 - Gorbel
271 - Bag of Devouring
272 - Hydra
273 - Hippocampus
275 - Darkmantle
276 - Sheet Phantom
An5 - Feyr
282 - Purple Worm
300 - Mummy
301 - Troll
309 - Hobgoblin
312 - Drider
314 - Salamander
322 - Dark Ones
323 - Choker
324 - Night Hag

Everything before issue 146 was written under the AD&D 1st Edition rules. Everything from issue 146 through issue 272 was written under the AD&D 2nd Edition rules. Everything from issue 272 and on was written under the 3.0/3.5 rules. (Issue 272's "Ecology of the Hydra" was a transitional article, covering the rules from both systems.) I hope this helps those of you looking to try their hands at Ecology articles.


No hippogriff or blink dog ecologies yet? Hmm...


Wow, thanks Johnathan! That's awesome!

Dark Archive Contributor

Medesha wrote:
Wow, thanks Johnathan! That's awesome!

Yeah, what she said! :)

More Undead and Scary Monsters Preferably Liches, Ghosts, Vampires and the Semi-Intelligent Undead (Ghouls, Wights etc..)
Go Libris Mortis possibly my most anticipated book of all time

Liberty's Edge

Of all those on that list, the Sheet Phantom stands out as what an Ecology article should be. It took a silly monster and turned it into a serious undead threat.

I also would like to see Savage Species Monster levels. It helps me adjust the threat level of a theme monster.

I also like it when the Ecology article expands the monster. The Behir article added a few variant types and the Chimera article introduced us to the Gorgimera.

Imagine a Phoenix article that adds new breeds for Ice, Lightning, Magma, wait that's Pokeman.

I would like to see the intellect devourer written up. I've liked it since the original MM days but, to the best of my knowledge, have never actually used one in play. That may change in my next campaign, though....

Dark Lurker of Psionics wrote:
Of all those on that list, the Sheet Phantom stands out as what an Ecology article should be. It took a silly monster and turned it into a serious undead threat.

Hey, thanks! I was rather pleased with how that one turned out myself.

As a side note, the name of the old miser who became a sheet phantom in the story was originally called "Old Man Rickenbacher," but Dave Gross - then the editor of Dragon - said it sounded too much like the guitar, so I should name him something else. Oddly enough, he didn't like my next suggestion ("Old Man Stratocaster-With-A-Whammy-Bar") either, so "Old Man Scaumble" it was.


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've been working on an ecology of the Eyeball, you know those little beholder like animals that can also serve as familiars. Was wondering what the interest level would be on such an article.

I, for one, would be interested in an Ecology of the Eyeball. Have you sent in a proposal to the editors?


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think I sent in a query, unfortunately my email was having some problems, it may not have actually sent, gonna give them a week to reply before I resend the query.

I haven't actually written the entire article, but I do have an outline which includes the life cycle from birth to old age and a 'Hive Queen' stage, uses of the eyeball as ingredients in magic (whether spells or items), origins of the eyeball, and the physiology and so-called society of the Eyeball. I still need to work on a knowledge check chart and the benefits/drawbacks of having an eyeball as a familiar.

Calidore_Chase wrote:

I think I sent in a query, unfortunately my email was having some problems, it may not have actually sent, gonna give them a week to reply before I resend the query.

I haven't actually written the entire article, but I do have an outline which includes the life cycle from birth to old age and a 'Hive Queen' stage, uses of the eyeball as ingredients in magic (whether spells or items), origins of the eyeball, and the physiology and so-called society of the Eyeball. I still need to work on a knowledge check chart and the benefits/drawbacks of having an eyeball as a familiar.

Oh yes, I love this idea. Please maintain the original hermaphrodite reproductive cycle, that beholders should have, though. If you've already got it I'd suggest "I, Tyrant" as a good beholder - beholder-kin source.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Haven't read that one yet. I'll have to check and see if the library on base has a copy. Thanks for the suggestion.

There's definitely more to the article than what I've posted, but I do want to keep some mystery to the article....

Like I said on a thread recently on the EN World messageboards, I personally would like to see a return to the "old" format of Ecology articles. I love the "Monster Hunter Society" Ecology articles that Johnathan Richards (who is incidentally posting in this thread) wrote. By presenting the information within a story it made the articles informative as well as fun and entertaining to read. The style we currently have is a little too "encyclopedic" for my liking.

Just my thoughts,

Olaf the Stout

Liberty's Edge

I just spent a little time reviewing old Ecology articles. The one I just read in depth was from issue 218 - Bird Maiden. It was quite enjoyable - but it was more fiction than ecology. A happy balance needs to be reached. I would like to know several things from an ecology article.

1) What is the creature's normal environment and how does it interact with it.

This would include where it makes its home, what it does for food generally, and things like that. Whether intelligent or non-intelligent, these would be essential.

2) How does the creature normally respond to "people" entering its territory?

If the creature is very aggressive and likely to fight, I should know that. If typically it will avoid fights with more than a certain number of creatures, I'd like to know that. If it tends to run away if brought below 1/2 hit points, I'd like to know that.

3) How can this creature be interacted with on a role-playing level.

Does it make a good animal companion? Can it be made friendly? How can a fight be avoided? Will it accept treasure or food in exchange for a service or free passage?

4) How does this creature interact with others of its kind.

Is it tribal, or solitary? Things like that.

5) If the animal is killed, what items of use might I get from it? Can it's teeth make a dagger? Can its hide make a cloak? Are there any spell components?

I guess that is about it.

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